Thursday to Saturday Ch. 01


After work, I met him at the pub.

I was wearing a nice matching skirt/blouse outfit patterned with flowers with pink, white, and olive green accents, a black cardigan sweater, and 3″ open-toed sandals…my panties were a lacy black boy-cut thong, and I had on a black bra. My hair was down, and my make-up was light. I looked pretty good, which, to some I’m sure would have been a criminal understanding…

I arrived first.

I immediately noticed the glances and looks from some of the men seated at tables near and at the bar. It was just as nervous-wracking as it had been the first time I met him there. It seemed every other man was hoping I was there for him! I was too nervous to repay any of the glances and just set my sights for the bar.

As I stood there waiting to be served (how ironic), from behind me I could hear someone enter the establishment. I did not turn around because my intuition told me it was him. The bar back had some mirrors on it, but not enough to give full reflection of the entire pub, but what I could make out of this newcomer’s reflection was a hand – a single hand, a man’s hand. The way he just stood there – the hand remained motionless for many seconds – I couldn’t take my eyes off that hand. Perhaps he was looking left, or right, looking for me, maybe he even noticed me and was waiting for me to turn around. Judging by how hard my heart suddenly Begin to beat, I didn’t question for a second that it was his hand’s reflection.

I had to pull my star from the mirror to the bartender as he served my beer. As I was waiting for change, I felt two hands gently taking hold of my wait and a body leaning into me.

I stood there for a moment. Do you know how, in so short a period of time, so many thoughts can race through your mind? I had countless thoughts at that moment, but I think the main thought I had was, “Oh my! Are other people seeing this?” So, I turned around, we locked eyes for a moment, then to save my “embarrassment” of being watched by the other patrons, I kissed him gently on the lips and put my arms around him and hugged him. This was not previously discussed and I instantly wondered if my impulsive action would warrant some kind of punishment.

When we pulled away, the conversation was brief. I asked him if he would like a beer, then I ordered and paid for it.

At that moment, we were off to find a seat. This pub is quite large – 2 general seating areas – the bar and the dining area. The dining area is its own separate room, but it’s very open, and rounded with lots of windows. He chose a seat farthest from anyone else in the room, though the few who were there were seated far enough from each other that we only had 1 empty table between us and the guy eating alone.

Our spot was nice, Though – sort of around the corner, some private.

Of course, my first question was, “Where’s jennifer?” He said that she was not being properly and that theyhad spent some time in the car across the street trying to talk things through before coming to meet me. But he had decided that she needed some time alone to think and get ready for the evening, and when she felt she was ready to join us, she was to phone him (via text message) and apologize, and state that she was in a better frame of mind.

For the next few minutes, we did our usual gazing hard into each other’s eyes…He has a very piercing gaze, and apparently I do, too! He says my eyes are the most beautiful brown eyes he’s ever seen, and that he has never experienced anyone looking so deeply into him as I have. I believe this, too. He does not tell stories.

Initially, we just visited as friends. No role-playing. I needed this, but I did notice that I was MUCH less nervous meeting him this third time than I was the other two.

As we sat there, my hand in his, smiling wryly and getting more and more turned on with every passing second, his phone buzzed. It was jennifer.

She apologized for her behavior and said that she was ready to join us now. She asked, “May I join you and melanie now?”

He showed me his phone with this message, and then he said to me, “You know, I don’t know if I’M ready for her to join us just yet…I think I’ll keep her waiting for a few more minutes…”

(that riled me in a way i can only describe as “worthy of a squirm or two”!)

So, we ordered another beer. When the waitress brought it, he messaged her and said that she may join us.

This was the moment I became nervous all over again. I had met her once, but it was brief…during that brief interlude, she had licked my pussy as i was on all fours while he spanked my ass. We kissed then, too, but it was so brief…There was so much More than the acts we engaged in that was not physical, but emotional and mental, and I knew I liked her very much. However, I knew that I now had the rest of this evening as well as the entire NEXT evening to be with her, andthe excitement was more than I could bear!

I could see her crossing the street, then she vanished behind a large cement cylinder beam (to compose herself, she admitted later) and as soon as I saw her step from behind the beam, I turned back around to him. He could sense my excitement, and stated so. “You’re excited to see Jennifer, aren’t you! I can tell! She’s excited to see you, too, melanie.” I was practically soaking straight through my skirt by this time.

He instructed me to greet her and show her to our table, but as soon as I got up and walked a few steps, there she was. It was a brief moment of shock – but then we hugged tightly and we walked to the table. She sat next to me; we sat across from him.

When we were seated and comfortable, all she and I could do was look at each Other with curious, hungry, wanting eyes. He just sat there, admiring all of this…He knew how lucky he was, and how lucky we all were…How we all managed to get along so well with each otherr was just pure lucky – plain and simple!

Some time passed, conversation was had. Then, out of nowhere, he blurted out (not loudly, but loud enough for US to hear), “I would like to taste melanie…” My eyes opened wide, and I thought for a moment he was going to have her reach up my skirt from under the table and finger my pussy then put her fingers in his mouth! But that was not his plan. He sent us to the restroom together. From there we were on our own.

We went to the restroom, which has only 2 stalls, one larger one for the disabled and the other was typically small. We entered the larger stall and immediately kissed each other. She is much more “frail” than I am; she’s gentle and very soft; I guess I’m a bit more aggressive and hard when it comes to kissing, but we touched lips, and oh my. SO SOFT ARE HERS. They are thin; they are beautiful. We touched tongues for a few minutes, too, but we did not let ourselves get carried away. We were not there for ourselves, after all!

She bent at the knee, lifted my skirt some, and just the touch of her hands on my thighs was enough to send shivers throughout my body. She was worried about the roughness of her nails but I assured her she could not hurt me. She put her face to my pussy, over my panties and breathed in deep…This was just too much for me! She gently took the lacy material and slide it to the side and let her fingers find out just how excited I was.

(Now, if you’ve ever read my story on called “Chance Meeting”, you would understand just how crazy-wild this is to me. Before either of these two people ever existed in my world, I wrote a story about a fantasy of mine…I will say no more about it and just leave it up to you to read it or not. Suffice to say, my fantasy became a reality right there in that stall.)

When she touched my pussy, and felt my wetness, she got obviously excited – giddy almost, and stole a sweet kiss from my nether lips…I rolled my head back, closedmy eyes, and a soft “mmmmmm” came from my mouth. I didn’t care one single iota about anyone else in that restroom but us. I had been dreaming about being in a stall with another woman for so long, that personal appearances meant NOTHING to me. She did not dally, but instead motioned for me to spread my legs a bit farther apart and then her finger was deep inside me. She moved it around, and wriggled it a bit, and Then, slowly, she pulled it out.

As I composed myself, I had to pee, so she waited there, standing directly across from me, watching, as she deliberately held her hand away from her person so as not to wipe any of my juices off her finger!

We returned to the table, and I quickly sat, but she stood next to him and put her finger in his mouth. All the while, he looked at me as he sucked her finger and I almost died…His gaze is so intense! Have I mentioned that before?

This little bathroom rendezvous occurred twice that evening…

After some time, an older lady sat next to us, so our play had to die down just a bit, but then we just got kind of tired of her…She was obviously waiting for a friend and I think our lude behavior was beginning to make her uncomfortable. It was i’m sure a sight to see me kiss Jennifer on the lips, as minutes before, she stood next to him and they kissed for several seconds…

There was a point when the three of us were all sitting next to each other, their arms were around each other and me, too. Jennifer was putting her hand down the back of my skirt while he put his hand up the back of my blouse. He had sat on our side of the booth (booth-seating on our side, chair on his) because she was having trouble deciding what to order and he had come to get a better look at the menu to help her decision, not to mention, cop a little feel here or there…I could see his hands were reaching between her legs.

Food came, they ate it, we had another beer, then a glass of wine, then we were out of there. I think wespent about 3 hours there.

For a few steps, we walked as a threesome to the crosswalk, he in the middle and we flanking him. His hands wandered, and it felt WONDERFUL to be there at that moment. We walked singly across the street to the garage where his vehicle was parked…

Little did i know, there was yet another “first” awaiting me that night…We got things rolling by Jennifer and myself sucking his cock. She had several things to teach me, as he is not an easy man to make come. He likes to be sucked VERY hard, and VERY fast, and with certain attention spent to the head and crown of his cock…Jennifer and I shared him…one suck after the other…it was nothing short of pure heaven.

Then, he had the urge to make love to her, and he wanted to be on top. I lay beside them and watched. Within about 5 minutes, he was ready to Come, but he wanted to come in my mouth. I was ready, let me tell you! He pulled out of her and my open mouth was waiting…As I took him in, I could tasteher pussy on his cock and she was exhaust…if not a little strong, too. He came hard into my mouth and before I could swallow him down, he wanted me first to show it to him and then to share it with jennifer. I did as instructed, of course.

Other activities are kind of foggy now…there was spanking and caning – jennifer got several canes for her behavior earlier, and I got some because I had let so much time pass between seeing him.

As the evening came to a close and we were getting dressed again, jennifer helped me put on my sandals. She wanted to unbuckle them before I put them on, but I told her not to, that they just slide on quite easily. I should have taken her lead. I put one shoe on, no problem. The second shoe broke as I tried to stretch it around my heel. (These were my favorite shoes…sexy AND comfortable – SO hard to find!)

Me and my flippity-floppity shoe made our way back across the parking lot to my car. I sat there for a moment, gathered my composure, and drive down to pay. I should have really taken at least another moment on my appearance because I must have looked like a WRECK to the elderly female attendant! (I wonder if there are cameras placed around the parking garage?)

I made it home safely, but I felt quite drunk. 3 beers and a glass of wine over a 5 ½-hour period is not enough to make me drunk. I have a fairly high tolerance for alcohol to begin with. I was euphoric from having been with the two of them. Master/sub play is nearly all-consuming once you are in the thick of it. Coming back to “reality” takes some time, after all! And I must mention – I have long desired to be submissive to a kind, gentle, loving master…I never had the pleasure of really experiencing it before, but if there were a way to make this a way of life, I would do it in an instant. But there isn’t…yet? I am still a novel and have much to learn, but I’m told that I am a natural and that it is obvious my desire to please and serve. Someone so wonderful and experienced as he deserves someone like jennifer, or myself, if not both! because we also are truly gentle, loving, and kind…

No, I did not have an orgasm that night with them. It was not all about me, nor was it all about the orgasm. It was about being together and having a very, VERY good time, which we did. But bigger and better things shone just over the horizon…My first night to serve him properly, without time or privacy constrictions, would follow on Friday. And I would be so lucky as to have jennifer there as my mentor, my guide, my friend…


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