Through the Flames of Degradation…

Through The Flames of Degradation;

So It Begins.

It was like a passionate spirit had finally broken through the pain and torture she had inflicted upon me and now finally it was my turn to bring that bitch to her knees and have her fear me, respect me and learn to never fuck with me ever again. For I have always known from deep within that no one can cause as much torque and inflict as much brutality from what now lingers in my being.

Revenge would be utter delight, she had no idea what I had in-store for her…

I had grabbed her when Linda finally left her gaggle of friends. Linda was the ring leader and they; her sheep. They would do whatever she wanted. Now I would make her feel more vulnerable then ever before.

I dragged her, already tying her wrists before she could Even gasp at what I was doing and dragged her to an abandoned house I had prepared. My haven to go to where I could release those inner demonstrations she had finally pushed to the surface…

To stop her screaming for help I gagged her, breaking her little finger for her to finally open up her mouth and accept it, loving the fear in her eyes. I’m a woman of my word, I told her I would do it if she refused to do as I said. Another little bonus for me.

Once arrives I was explaining to Linda what I had in-store for her and every word, everything I grew in her ear and looked her in the eye caused More fear then I ever hoped.. “Be patient, savour this..”- I had to remind myself. Still, already feeling enthusiastic that everything was going beautifully, better than I had hoped and I hadn’t even gotten to the best bits…

I told her, reminded her sour being, of all the nasty things she had done to me and how she was never going to be allowed to forget, for as long as I lived, this place, that small cage in This house would be her bed. At least I was a kind host and offered her a drink upon arrival…

“Drink it or I’ll give you your first mark.” I commanded as I ripped the ball gag off of her face and throw it across the floor.

Confused, scared and rather curious; the look she was unable to hide all rolled into one.. She refused, “Go fuck yourself, you freak!” and then tried to spit on me. This stupid little cunt had a thing about spitting, I caught her spit in my hand and I stroked her face with it.

“Now, now, that’s no way to speak to your host, I have laid a lovely beverage out for you, now be a good… guest.. and fucking drink it or it won’t be your spit you’ll have to worry about being put on that pathetic little face of yours, with that, I gave her three hard slapses, the last I let my nails graze across her face, leaving beautifully uniformed scratches, they were not going to heal fast anytime soon.

“I told you I would mark you, now drink!” As I pointed to it this time.

It was a water bowl, like you buy for dogs, in the bowl was a fresh and delicious batch of my cum, this cum was special though, it was made thinking of this entire plan..

Linda, rather shocked at herself for giving in quite easily, I believe. Knelt down and began to drink, I didn’t make it easy though and kept her bound, every time she looked too comfortable, I kicked her over.

“Drink it bitch”, She would get up faster than lightning and began drinking again, how delightful she was already looking, sweat from fear already seeing out of her pores, again and again she would drink but this time, I placed my foot on her back and pushed hard, then on her face, forcing her entire face to be smelled with my wonderful juices.

“Now don’t you feel more replenished,” I said smiling at her.

Afterwards I grabbed her throat and forced her to Linda’s knees, dragging her over to the wall where there were hoops in place to tie. I tied her in a starfish position, the most vulnerable look that can be given.

“Who am I?” I asked her.

“A fucking weirdo, let me go!” She screamed into my face.

“Wrong.” I smiled. Went over to one of the biggest dildo’s I could find and shoved it down her throat while fingering her ass, ignoring her disappoint.

“Seems a better use for your mouth, such shit you spew, so repulsive, just think, this huge cock will go into your tightest hole..” I gave one more hard pound with the dildo in her mouth and left it, too big for her to spit out, her jaw would ache for awhile.

“Who am I?” I laughed as she tried to speak and that’s when I got the whip. I began straight away over her breasts and she began to moan, not her original moans but more sexual. The little bitch was beginning to enjoy the sensing.

I took the dildo from her mouth, “I told you I’m a woman of my word” and forced it hard into her anus, the screams were bliss and while she screamed, mouth gaping open, I continued to spit all over her, letting it hang and drip from her nipples, letting it fill her mouth and seeing her trying not to swallow. While the dildo was in, I whippedHer some more, making the pain worse from the impact on wet skin.

Linda finally started to understand..

“Who am I?”

“Mmmistress??!” She said, finally looking at me with awe, starting to begin needing the beating from what her eyes began to whimper and beg.

“That’s right you stupid fucking whore and very soon you will beg for mistress’s cunt, you will need it, it will be Your life force to now and forever serve me, no matter the pain you receive, until then the only drink you will get is having to drink me from a bowl like a disgusting animal you are, you will be in agoy needing to taste those juices off of my hot pussy… Not yet, now you’re going to stay like that for the rest of the night, even when you need the toilet, you will stay there till I decide otherwise, there is a webcam in here too I have made especially for you. Unable to be located, a link sent to your friends and family will now see how you turn into my fucking sexual cunt.

How you degrade yourself and how it will please me, I can’t wait to watch it over and over again, it makes the fire inside of me burn with delight and this is just the beginning…


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