Three Years of Longing Fulfilled

I had arrived the day before and you had thoughtfully made arrangements for me to be driven to the small cottage we had rented. The driver had the key to the cottage, a sealed envelope from you and a box of groceries for our stay. The driver carried my bag and the box of food and other essentials into the cottage for me. When I attempted to pay him, he advised me that had been taken care of already.

The tranquilizer I had taken to survive the flight without a heart attack, was beginning to wear off and between that and the long flight, and the drive here were taking their toll. I took a quick shower, slipped into a black nightgown, and walked into the small efficient kitchen and proceeded to unpack the box of groceries and fix myself a light dinner.

I opened the note from you, and it was a warmly written welcome and a list of Things you wanted me to do prior to your arrival tomorrow. The sun was barely setting as I made my way to the bedroom of the cottage. I cracked openThe bedroom window and was rewarded with the sound of the ocean’s waves crashing against the shore. The room was quaint and the furnishings although not elaborate were quite comfortable and well appointed. Within minutes, I fell soundly wait in a surprisingly large king- sized bed in the small bedroom.

The next morning, I awoke refreshed but slowly just enjoying the sound of the surf and the scent of the salty ocean. I walked through the small cottage, glancing through the windows and discovering that if there were any neighbors, they were not nearby. I didn’t expect a signal on my cell phone but was pleasantly surprised that I did indeed have reception.

I made my way into the tiny kitchen that still managed to provide all the equipment to make our stay here comfortable. I smiled as I moved around the kitchen and made myself some breakfast as I also tossed a salad for tonight’s dinner. After putting the salad in the refrigerator, I cleaned the dishes I had used and mademy way to the bathroom. I glanced at the clock on the wall and saw that I had about three more hours before your tenatively scheduled arrival.

The bathroom although small was fourteen arranged with all the necessary fixtures. I noticed a door on the far wall and opened it to glance out. I was surprised to find a hot tub on a small enclosed porch. I shut the door and locked it before sliding my nightgown off and stepping into the hot shower. After bathing, shaving, and washing my hair, I stepped out, dried off and made my way to the adjoining bedroom. I slid my nightgown on again along with my body lotion and cologne before returning to the kitchen to pull one of the chairs into the small parlor.

Through the opened windows, I heard an approaching truck. I flew to the bedroom, donned a robe, and returned to the front door just as a loud knock sounded. I opened the door and there stood a postman. He smiled kindly. “I have a delivery. Please sign here.”

I saw the returnaddress from Arizona. It was the package I had shipped with my toys. There was also a small package with just your name in the return address label. I opened my and removed each item and placed them on the table which sat against the wall below one of the windows in the small living room. Per your instructions, I left the package you had sent where it sat, unopened.

I glanced at the clock again. Only thirty minutes or so and you were due to arrive. I placed the chair in the center of the parlor before returning to the bedroom and undressing completely. Nude I returned to the chair in the middle of the parlor. I removed the ankle and wrist restraints and the blindfold from the table before moving to the chair. Sitting down on the chair, I bent over and attached each of my ankles to the legs of the chair. I had a clear view of the door and knew that the minute you opened the front door you would see me, opened wide and available to you. I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself with the knowledge that if someone else found the door unlocked, they would be surprised when they walk in. The thought made my heart beat rapidly, my breathing increase, my nipples harden, and my juices start to dampen my nether regions. The faith of my arousal combined with my cologne scented the small living room and I wondered if you would notice that when you arrived.

Taking a deep, steadying breath, I tied the blindfold around my eyes. Unable to see what I was doing, it took me a few minutes to manage to close the restraint around my right wrist. My left hand was free but resting on the arm of the chair. I tried to calm my breathing by listening to the sounds of the surf and the gulls flying overhead.

Soon I heard the sound of tires crunching over the gravel covered driveway. My heart began to thumb soundly against my chest. All the desires and fans of submitting to you over our long distance and online plans were about to come to fruition. I was nervousbut not frightened. I heard the front door open and I struggled to keep from giving into my fear. Realizing this, you let me know immediately that it was you. “It’s your Master, slut. I am pleased that you did exactly as I requested.”

I felt the warmth of your hand on my left freed wrist you placed a restraint around it. I feel your lips against my ear, goosebumps racing down my neck, making my nipples hard while I squirmed in the chair as my clip began to throb. I could only roll my hips as my restrained ankles made exerting pressure on my hungry clip impossible. “What a randy slut you are. I could smell your arousal as soon as I entered the room. Combined with the sweet fraud of your perfume, it is quite arousing. I have waited a long time to claim you as mine.”

You hand came against the back of my head as your fingers entwined some of my hair and pulled my head back and gave me a kiss that made me groan with desire as your kiss deepened. While you continued to kiss me, your other hand caresed my neck as I had so often fantasized about, until you cupped one of my breasts. You released my head and knelt in front of me, so that you could use your freed hand to cup my other breast. “Your girls are as beautiful and soft as I knew they would be.” Then, while with one hand you squeezed one of my nipples while you slipped my other nipple into your mouth. A jolt of electric pleasure coursed through my entire being and set my clip on fire. I felt the delicate folds of my womanhood grow flush with my juices as my moan of unadulterated pleasure reverberated between us. The hand that had been pleasing my nipple slide down my stomach and abdomen to my swollen pussy lips that were glistening with the dew of desire you were creating.

Even restrained, I tried to drive my aching, throbbing pleasure bud against your hand as the rest of my body shivered with the need to cum. I heard you chuckle. “Patience, sweet slut. We are just getting to know each other.”

You slide your finger into me and withdraw it before circling my nipple with my own juices which were quite warm. My nipple responded by growing even more taut as the throb in my nipples beat in time with the accelerating throb between my legs. Again, I feel your finger enter me and collect some more of my juices and encircle my other nipple. I was panting in desire.

The next sensing was Your tongue teasing my nipple as you sucked it hard. You moved to my other nipple as I whimpered in absolute need. I heard to say, “Delicious. I can’t wait until I feast on your delicious pussy. “

When you began to suck hard on my other nipple, a minor orgasm passed through my body and I whispered out your name as I succumbed to the orgasm. “Was that an orgasm, my pet?” you asked. I nodded while responding, “Yes, Sir.”

“Good.” You stated before moving away from me.

I could barely catch my breath as you had me so on edge, so desperate to cum. I felt you slide a leather strap beneath my thigh, bringing it around and buckling it in place. Within minutes, my second thigh was leather wrapped. The next sensing was metallic tieth biting into my labia, not painful but intense enough for me to catch my breath. I felt you attached the other end to the straw around my thigh. You then attached a clip to the other side. If I thought I had been wide open to you before, now there was no one inch of me was not displayed to you.

Your warm hand cupped my pussy and then stroked the smooth skin of my freshly shacked pussy. My body began to tremble as you started to give light kisses to my mons and a moan escaped my lips.

The first time your tongue dragged across my throbbing and engorged clip, I cried out in ecstasy. Your fingers were lightly tickling the sensitive skin of my labia while your tongue slid into me before again lapping my clip. Within moments, my orgasm crashed over me and I screamed out your name. You never paused but continue to lash my clipwith your tongue. My pleasure bud was so sensitive that your tongue lashing was becoming almost painful. I began to plead with you to stop.

I heard you laughing softly. “Do you want to use your safe word?” you asked. “All I want to do is finish drinking your juices. Then I will release you.”

You continued to feast on me as a thousand sensings bombarded my body, leaving me quaking beneath your touch.

I was still shaking as you began removing the labia spreader, the leather strraps from my thighs. You removed the restraints from my ankles and wrists, taking care to gently mass each joint. Taking my hand, you assisted me to a standing position. You were standing behind me, your lips kissing the back of my neck, sending shifts of intense pleasure charging down my back. Your hands reached around me and caresed my breasts. The kisses continued down my back as your hands slide down the front of my body. You nipped at one of my ass cheeses, you used your hands to spread my ass cheeks. “Very soon, I will claim your ass too.”

You turned me around and gently pressed me down to my knees. I heard you unzip your trousers and though I couldn’t see you, I heard you sat down on the chair. You reached out and wrapped your hands in my hair and drew my mouth to your hard cock. When the tip touched my lips, my tongue began to lick the head. My freed hands moved, one to the shake of your wonderfully hard cock and the other to cup your balls.

I began to slide your delicious cock slowly millionaires by millionaires until your length lay across the length of my tongue. I paused to savor the feel of you stuffing my mouth before I began to suck your cock hungrily. It did not take long before you exploded in my mouth, filling it as I swallowed hungrily. I sucked until there was not a drop of your essence left to suck out of you.

You bent over and kissed me passwordately as you removed my blindfold. I gazed up at you and was rewarded to see the pleasure in youre eyes and the smile on your lips. Your voice was smoke and your lips were against my ear and you whispered, “I have looked for you such a long time. Even after we began chatting, I couldn’t believe that you truly existed. As I drove here, I kept trying to prepare myself to not to expect too much.

When I walked in here and saw you sitting there, completely exposed, showing all of you in spite of your fear, I know my long quest was over. I have claimed your mouth as mine. I will claim your cunt and your ass as mine in the days to come. But I cannot claim your heart. That you must give to me. “

You raised your hand and caressed my cheek. “But, sweet slut, I will not claim your heart. That you must give to me freely. But once, you give it to me, you are mine completely.

I promise that we will never do anything without completely discussing every aspect. If you give me with your love and your trust, I will move heaven and earth to keep you safe from harm, especially fromme but because I am only human, you will always have your safe word to protect you. As we have discussed, the minute you say your safe word, all play will stop immediately.”

You pulled me against you hard and encircled me in your arms. “I will always struggle to make sure you never have to use your safe word with me.”

Your hand entwined in my hair and pulled my head back and held it tight as your mouth came down on me and gave me a crushing kiss. This was not a kiss of desire but rather a commanding kiss, your effort to claim my soul.”

You were being so careful with me, but I had long ago made up my mind that there was no other Dominant for me. For three years we had emailed, chatted online, and played on camera. In the beginning you had been in the midst of a nasty marriage. The marriage wasn’t just sexless, but she was a cruel selfish woman and you lived in a war zone. Still there was family to be considered and I knew you were hesitant to go from strained relationshipsto out and out war that requesting a dividend would entail. This was not a problem for me. I was not interested in being married but I was desperately interested is fulfilling my desire to submit to a man worthy of my gift of submission. Married or not, I would become yours. I was prepared to be your lover for as long as you wanted me. I had told you this numerous times, but you commanded that I not make that Decision until we had had this special time together. So, although I wanted to knee before you and take that pledge now, you had made me promise under penalty of not meeting me to wait until you demanded my answer.

The kiss ended. You smiled down at me before stay=ting, “I know I had dessert first but I really do need something more substantial to sustain me for what I have planned for you This evening.”

“There’s a salad in the refrigerator and two filet mignons I was going to throw on the grill.” I offered.

“You go throw on something short and sexy and set the table on the deck while I throw the steaks on the grill”. I turned to leave, “My Pet, no panties please. I never want anything between your sweet cunt and me from now on. Is that understand?” you asked.

My breath caught but I still managed to reply, “Yes, Sir.” As I nodded and watched you walk out to the deck and light the grill. I hurried to the bedroom and put on a short nightie that came with a gstring but left the skimpy piece of material in my suitcase. I paused in front of the full length mirror and saw that the sheer black nightie made my skin look pale and glowing, the light in the room dance over my shoulder length blond hair and my deep blue eyes standing staring back at me. My mind went back to the sensing of your feasting on my pussy and a warm flush began rising from the smooth skin of my pussy until I felt the blush and saw it pink my cheeks. Involuntarily, my hand slide beneath the nightie which just barely covered the slick folds of my womanhood. I wasn’t surprised to discover that my pussy lips were already slick with the dew of desire.

“Did I give you permission to play with my pussy?” you barked from the doorway. Startled, I jumped and felt the pink flush I had noticed in the mirror change almost immediately to a bright red.

Gazing at your reflection in the mirror, where I had been admiring myself, I was unable to discern whether the question was rhetorical of if you were upset at a translation without being aware of it. I turned slowly to face you; my eyes cast down with my face burning with embarrassment. I stood quietly awaiting your direction.

You motioned me over to you and I began walking immediately. My eyes never left yours as you stared back into mine. When I reached you, you took my wrists into one of your strong hands and Pulled me closer before slapping my pussy hard with your other hand. The sting of the slap was starting and panful enough to cause me to gasp. You did not withdraw your hand but rather slid yourfinger between the lips of my pussy. When you withdraw your fingers, they were glistening with my juices.

“You are such a slut, aren’t you? How many times a day do you make yourself cum, Slut?” you asked.

If it was at all possible, I felt my face grow hotter as you stared down at me and was surprised that I could not find my voice which was a rarity for me. Your hand began to squeeze my pussy hard, moving very close to becoming painful. Your face drew closer to me, “I warned you that I would be a strict Master. When I ask you a question, I expect an answer immediately even If it is, I don’t know. So, again I ask; are you a slut and how many times a day do you play with yourself?”

I lowered my eyes and spoke barely over a whisper, “I am a slut. I have hoped for a very long time to be your slut. I bring myself to orgasm at least twice a day but truly, as often as I get the chance and am fantasizing about you.”

Your hand stopped squeezing my full mons but I kepit my eyes unwavering on yours. I feel your left hand move to the small of my back. “Close your eyes, Slut” you commanded. I did so immediately and cried out in surprise and pain as you slapped my pussy hard with your hand five times, the sound of your hand meeting my tender skin ricocheting around the quiet room.

Your other hand hold me in place with each strike of your hand. “Crying out while I paid you have earned you further punishment. When you are receiving punishment I expect you to take it as quietly as possible. Is that understand?” Your hand moved to my chin where you raised my face until I was looking into your hazel eyes as they began to shine and a small smile raised the corners of your full mouth. “Good. I have had a wife and it has not been a pleasant experience. I want a slut, one who will do whatever I ask to please me because it pleases you. However, from this point forward, you will only play with my toys when I give you permission. And make no mistake, your mouth, your cunt and your ass are my toys.”

Then you pulled me into another soul searing kiss that left me breathless. With a voice husky with arousal you asked, “Do you know when I knew that I wanted to claim you as my own?”

I shook my head and answered breathlessly, “No, Sir.”

“The first time you played for me in front of the camera. I was pleased When you stripped before me, I was excited as I watched you fuck yourself with your dildo, but it was when you were cumming and cried out my name. At that moment, I knew that I never wanted another man’s name to pass your lips as the cries of ecstasy filled the air around you. It was at that moment that I knew that I had to claim you, to possess all of you, every part of your body where I can enter you, touch you, kiss you. I don’t just want your body, my sweet slut but I want your mind, your heart and your soul. I can claim your body, use it for my pleasure and yours. But when I ask you to be mine, to wear my collar, only then will you relinquish your control to me. So, this time together, I will push you hard.” You paused and smiled down at me as your voice softened. “But, my sweet slut, with time and practice, we will move from being two to being one.

For now, let’s go down to the deck and eat our dinner. After we finish, we will return to this room and I will give you some punishment for having touched my pussy without my permission. After that, I want to hear you call my name at least three more times as you cum.”

You took my hand as we returned to the small kitchen. You removed the steaks from the refrigerator and made your way out to the deck. I scrubbed two baking potatoes and placed them in the microwave to bake. I took two plates and the utesils out to the small table on the deck. I returned to the kitchen and took the salad, a cruel of fresh- made Italian dressing and tow bowls and napkins and returned to the deck and began setting the table. Through the opened door, I heard the microwave ding and returned to turn the potatoes over and reset the timer on the microwave.

The smell of the meat on the grill was heavenly and I realized that I was hungry when my stomach grew. While I was still a little nervous but that was minor to the sense of happiness and contentment that I was feeling with you after a few short hours. Our time together on the phone, camera and through emails had made our actual first meeting as comfortable and natural as if we had made love hundreds of times.


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