I exited the front doors of the bank, leaving behind the cool of the conditioned interior for yet another hot Milwaukee evening. I’d texted Jessie to tell her I’d be home a little later, that I had reports to review, and I was anxious to get home. My stomach was rumbling with hunger. Just a sandwich and some veggies in the last ten hours.
Jessie rose from the concrete table on the bank’s lawn between the doors and the street, and sprinted over, gave me a huge hug.
“What are you doing here?”
“Thought I’d pick up my hunky man for dinner. It ok if Mike joins us?”
Mickey was sitting at the table too, waved when she saw me look her way. “Sure. Where did you have in mind?”
“You know the place.”
I grinned. “I do indeed.”
The bar where we’d first eaten together was a few blocks away, and I envied the girls their warm weather clothing. Both were wearing black denim skirts, McKenna a white tank top, Jessie one of my old black and gray striped dress vests.
Dammit, they looked hot.
Dressed in a gray suit, I FELT hot.
They quizzed me about my day – still learning the ropes – and we chatted about office politics and dumb customers until we were seated at the back of the dim, rustic bar. “So what brings you out to see me this evening?” I asked McKenna.
She looked from Jessie to me to Jessie, glee ill-disguised on her face. “You tell him.”
My raven-haired lover tapped through some menus on her phone. “We got paid today. Well, the process got started, moving that kind of money is a little more difficult than direct deposit.”
My heart stopped for a second. “How much?”
She showed me the email on her phone and my heart started beating again just to stop for a few seconds longer. “Dammit.”
“Harper was a very good negotiator.”
“Yes he was,” McKenna said, beaming. “That’s after taxes, and its still ‘fuck-you money.’”
“Yes, yes it is.”
“So we’re celebrating,” Jessietold me.
The waitress came over and I ordered drinks for the table, and Jessie cancelled mine, told her to bring me a soda. “What? I can’t have a celebrator drink with my girl?”
“You’re the designed. You’ll drink when we get home,” McKenna replied.
Burgers and fries were consumed and I had to laugh at how fast Jessie tore into hers, Constantly having to wipe meat juice off her chin. Dessert was a piece of chocolate cake split between the three of us, small bites of decade, cold bittersweet and I took a sip of Jessie’s bourbon to accent the flavor. Damn good.
The girls had Ubered into town so we walked back to my SUV, stored across the street from the bank in one of the many downtown parking garages. Jessie raced giggling to block me from the driver’s side door.”
What?” I asked, standing in front of her. “I’ve got the keys, I’m the designed.”
“You never try to feel me up,” she stated in a girly pout.
“Oh, that’s what this is about?” I leaned in, a hand on the glass beside her head, kissed her lightly, my other half sliding between her thighs and up under her skirt. Fleshy vaginal lips were heated and wet to my touch, and Jessie arched her breasts forward and groaned as my finger found its way inside. I stroked, pumping slowly inside her hot little twat for a few moments, and my finger was coated in glistening girlcum when I hold it up in front of her face. “Look what you did.”
Jessie tilted her head forward and sucked my finger clean of her own juices. ” Please take us home…Master.”
The door to the kitchen had barely shut before Jessie pushed McKenna against a cabinet to kiss her roughly. Her hands roamed over her girlfriend’s body, lifting and cupping and squeezing her breasts, lips sliding from lips to Cheek to neck to chest. I watched apparently as she slowly knelt, pushing the tank top up to lick over abs and navel. Her hands slip up under McKenna’s skirt and tugged down herpanties far enough that the other girl could kick them off, then pushed the skirt up far enough that she could kiss her friends bare public shaft. I walked over and pulled Jessie up with a hand in her hair, dragged her mouth to mine and invaded her mouth with my tongue.
Jessie kissed me back fiercely, and then I turned away to pull McKenna into the makeout session as well. My lover stepped away, giggling, and Pulled up the front of her skirt to flash me while I kissed her friend. “Happy Birthday, daddy.”
I pushed McKenna away, saw the lust flashing in her eyes, chest heaving. “Go bend over the dining room table.”
The two girls moved through the dimly lit house and as I poured myself a drink I watched through the kitchen entrance as they bent over the table side by side. I flipped on the light so I could admit them in better detail, and they simply reached back to pull up their skirts, showing me pump pushes already glistening wet, round asscheeks begging for my hand, and the gemstone heads of buttplugs hiding their cute little rosebuds.
“This is a pleasant surprise.”
“Thought you might like it,” Jessie said with a shiver as I glided my hand over her bare bottom.
“So what’s the plan for tonight?” I asked.
“That’s on you.” McKenna turned her head to look up at me. “Two girls with six holes to fuck, and all weekend to do it. Whatever you want. We decided we had so much fun doing this on the road, we wanted some more when we DIDN’T have to check out and drive away at ten in the morning…”
I reached down and cupped her swollen sex, dragged a finger up wet lips, made her sight from my touch. “Whatever I want?”
“Whatever you want,” Jessie confirmed, her voice going to that excited girlish squeal.
I pushed my pants down and sank into McKenna slowly, pushing her completely flat on the table. She groaned and arched her head up as I very deliberately thrust, and then I repeated the action with Jessie. She turned her head to look back at me with that feral grin and I just about lost control. I backed away, my prick slipping out of my woman with a wet slurp. “I think we should take this to the third floor.”
Jessie’s eyes flashed with excitement and McKenna rose from the table, looking confused. “Third floor?”
“That’s where all the fun stuff is,” her friend explained.
I reached over and ticked Jessie under her vest, and she explored into laughter. “Ok, ok, daddy! I’m going!”
I chased the girls upstairs, pausing only at the door for the second floor living quarters for Jessie to run into our bedroom and get her restraints. At the third floor I opened the door onto a small bedroom. We used it as a guest room, and unless the The guest was one of our kinky friends, they’d never guess what was beyond it.
The bedroom was at the back of the house, and a door ahead of the bed opened onto a small kitchen. To the right of the bed was a full – but small – bathroom. There was a second door in the bathroom, and that was locked. “Jessie, why don’t you go get a second set of collar and cuffs for Mickey here?” I phrased it as a question, but it wasn’t.
“Yes sir.”
As soon as I heard the door in the bathroom open, I pushed McKenna back to the bed, lowering myself down beside her so I could kiss her as my left hand wandered south. We kissed softly, gently, at odds with the forceful movements of my fingers, thrusting up into her tight snatch, drawing out wetness to rubb forcefully at the apex of her slit. As soon as her breathing picked up pace, as soon as I felt she might begin to approach the edge, I slid my hand away to cup her hip, pull her to me.
We broke apart as soon as Jessie returned with the restraints, and I told both women to strip. They did so hurriedly, then stood in place nude while I walked around them. They were beautiful in different ways – Jessie lean and pale, McKenna shorter and softer. I let my hand drift over curves as I passed, hips, asses, a flat stomach, the fleshy hardness of an erect nipple, brushing hair off a shoulder. “Very nice.”
I propelled them towards the bed with a small push to the back, then knelt to buckle restraints around their ankles and wrists – Jessie’s black leather, McKenna’s black nylon and neoprene. “Kneel,” I commanded as I rose, and they slid off the bed to settle onto the wood floor on folded knees. My gothic girl looked serenely, contentedly up at me as I dragged the collar around her neck and fastened it, and I leaned down to whisper “I love you,” in her ear.
McKenna had to hold her thick cascade of cocoa locks up for her collar, and her grin was impatient, excited, almost a bratty sneer.
“Follow me.” I led them through the bathroom and into the wide open space on the other side of the second door.
“Fuck!” McKenna swore when I illuminated the room with the light switch. The floor was easily cleaned sandstone-colored tile, the walls a wound red-and-white brick. Recessed can lights shed bright white light down onto the furniture scattered around the floor, structures that were unmistakable in intent. I’d brought all of Tori’s old sex furniture from our attic when I moved, and more McKenna wandered among the wood and metal, fingers brushing over each piece. “What do they all do?”
Jessie followed her. “Seriously, Mike? You get tied down and fucked on them.”
A bed studied with attachment points was set against one wall, a glass-enclosed shower stall and toilet against another. No privacy here. Dressers were built into other walls, holding our variety of toys and tools. Columns set with metal loops and hooks were built around the structural elements holding up the ceiling and roof. I’d built this space myself and tried to disguise as much of the architecture as possible. I wanted the room to appear rough-hewn at times, intimidating and hard, cozy and inviting at others, whatever my and my partner’s moods dictated.
“What does this one do?” McKenna drifted her fingers over a dark wood hulk, and I had a sudden vision of a tall, slim blonde putting up a false protest to manipulate me into tying her to something very similar.
“It’s a benchmark, horse thingy,” Jessie responded. “You can be tied to it like you’re riding a motorcycle, or there are these pole things that spread you open when you’re on your back.”
“And this one?” she competed at a short platform set with an upside-down U of cast iron pipe
“That one is for tying you to in doggy. Makes you arch your back. Puts all your holes at the perfect height. I REALLY like that one.” Jessie explained the kneeing bench to her friend, then moved on to a low table. “This one is like a padded mass table, but different sections of it lift up or can be removed.”
“And this is just like a normal Saint Andrews Cross, except it rotates and tilts. Have you ever had an orgasm upside down?”
“Uh…no. Can’t say that I have.”
“The blood goes to your head and its… Intense.”
I let them explore a little more, then walked over to Jessie, hooked a finger through the ring on her collar, and pulled her lips to mine for a brief kiss. “This way, darling.”
She smiled and waggled her eyesbrows at McKenna, and followed my lead to one of the wood columns. Crowding her against it, I lifted her arms and secured her cuffs to the attachment points at the top. “Now your turn,” I said to her friend.
McKenna started to approach, and I motioned her away, snagged the ring in her collar and led her to the Saint Andrews Cross. I helped her up onto the footrests and snap-hooked the cuffs to the frame, top and bottom. She arched her pelvis out, gave me a saucy little smile when I finished and stood in front of her. “Now what?”
I seized her neck and gently but firmly tilted her head down. “Now you watch.”
Her eyes tracked me around the room as I picked out the implements I’d need. Silicone paddle, flogger, vibrator, lube…
I returned to Jessie, secured to the post a few feet away from her girlfriend, and stroked her back.”How are you doing?”
I set the items I’d collected on the floor between the two women, returned to my lover. “This is gonna hurt,” I whispered in her ear. “And you’re gonna look beautiful while I hurt you.”
Jessie sent and shifted her legs together.
I brought the paddle down on her ass and she yelped, hissed as the sting diffused through her skin. Again, and she lifted herself up onto her toes, grinning and gritting her teeth. “Uhhhhhhnnnnnn”
I keep going, sometimes laying the silicane fall and holding it there, other times pulling the hit to create almost a whipping effect. Her tight, flat bottom turned pink, then red quickly, Jessie letting out yelps or grunts with every impact. Moving around the column, I turned Jessie side-on to it, holding her in place with a fist clinched in her hair tight to the scalp.
AndThen I started to bring the paddle down on her breasts, flat slapses across the front, down-strikes to the tops and sides. Her yelps turned into shrieks, and I forcedly turned her head so McKenna could watch.
I gave Jessie a breather, letting her tremble and suck in air, then leaned in to nibble on her ear. She giggled and shifted against me trying to draw closer. “I’m gonna use this on your cunt now. Are You going to be a good girl for me?”
She gasped, eyes going wide, then she bit her lip and nodded, sliding her feet apart.
I could tell she was trying to keep her legs from coming together after the first strike to her vulva. Her knees bent and she twisted her hips, groaning through clenched teeth. She held firm the next the slapses, then closed her legs a moment. Her head twisted in my grapsp, and her eyes were sad. “Sorry, daddy.”
“It’s ok.”
Jessie shuffled her feet apart again, and I resumed.
Six more hits with the singing paddle, six more cries of pain, and I turned Jessie back to face the pillar. I set the paddle down on the floor, turned at McKenna as I picked up the flogger.
I stepped back to some distance behind my lover, twirled the handle and made the leather tails flip through the air, moved a little closer. I started out with figure-eights, shoulder to hip, shoulder to hip, and Jessie witnessed and relaxed, the impact of leather against skin feeling More like a massage than punishment. Once I ramped up the speed and strength though, those sights turned into little cries mixed with the occasional giggle. And once the tails were snapping against skin, leaving red streaks down her pale, lightly freckled back, the giggles stopped. I moved the impacts around, curling to strike her sides, across her ass and tighs, a few swung up to also across her already sensitive twat.
Jessie was breathing hard, sweat slicking her body, eyes half closed. I stepped up close and kissed her shoulder, let my land glide down her hot,reddened back. She barely registered my presence, just turning her head slightly.
I walked over to the pile of equipment, exchanged the flogged for the vibrator, squeezing lube out onto it, rubbing it around until it glistened wetly.
“Did that look fun, Mickey?”
“Nuh uh.”
“That’s too bad.” I knelt before her and slowly parted her vaginal lips, slipped the vibrator inside, the exterior arm curling up over her clip. I pulled my phone from my pocket, pulled up the app for this toy, and turned it on low intensity. McKenna bucked and laughed at the sudden burst of sensing. “Because you don’t get anything, you don’t get sex, you don’t get to cum, not until you say two simple words. ‘Flog me.’”
“Nope. Won’t do it.”
“Then I guess Jessie gets to have all the fun.”
I moved over to croouch behind my girl, slowly pushed my thin between slick, heated folds into her boiling hot channel. I pressed against the ridges of her g-spot, moving slowly but firmly back and forth.
“Uhhhhh…” Jessie came out of her stimulated her, and she jerked, giggled as I slowly eased out her black-jeweled buttplug and pressed my face between her asscheeks, tickling around and barely within the cutely-opened little slit of her anus with my tongue. I flicked harder and faster against the crinkled tissue as my thumb increased its pressure and tempo as well, and Jessie’s giggles turned into a laugh like I was tickling her, then a loud, happy shriek as she came, pelvis bucking forward and back, either trying to escape the stimulation or trying to get more of me inside her sensitive orifices.
I didn’t let up, even when she started begging me to stop. “Please daddy, please stop please please please. Too much, your gonna make me cum again, oh fuck daddy, please, oh my FUCK! SHIT!”
Her wetness was leaking down my hand and wrist, and she bucked and danced against me as I forced her through climax after climax. I heard a whine and looked over at McKenna, watched her fighting with her cuffs, trying to squeeze her legs together despite the way they were restrained apart.
I stood, my finger slipping from Jessie’s twat as I kissed my way up her sweaty spine. She nuzzled her head against mine, and I liked over at McKenna. “If you want that, all you gotta do is say two syllables.”
I reached down and undid my belt, freed my achingly hard erection. There was a moments adjustment and I slowly tuned up into Jessie, enjoying the feeling of her walls stretching around me, hot and insanely slippery. She moaned as I entered her turned her head so I could kiss her cheek. “I love your cunt,” I whispered, tilting her head back with a hand on her chin. “I love being inside you.”
I pumped her slowly, deliberately, keeping Her neck arched back, one hand on her hip to keep her pressed against the column. After so long with no stimulation of my own, penetrating her feeling her body grip me, the slide of it against my overheated, rock-hard prick was heavenly. In and out, in and out, I’d ground my hips against her ass and press for another centerter of depth, then withdraw until just the mushroom head was inside her, push up in again, the whole time she was whining and whimpering, her body probably confused as fuck about the constant changes in sensing.
She came once, violently, her body jerking and her pussy seizing tightly around me as I pressed her to the column. Nowadays to go, all she could do was grind against the objects she was sandwiched between, twitching as synapses of pleasure fired throughout her brain.
I looked over at McKenna, twisting and fighting her bonds, breathing hard, sweat accumulating on her skin from the constant, low-level victory emanating up from her groin. “Flog me,” I mouthed to her, and she shook her head.
Jessie snuggled back against me when I kissed the joining of her neck and shoulder, and I lifted my lips to her ear. “I’m gonna take your ass now, and McKenna’s gonna watch.”
She shook her head. “No, please. Not like that, no.”
“Yes, Jessie.” I withdraw and slide a hand down, pushing a finger between her cheeks, seeking her backdoor. She clenched up slightly as I breached her, and the passage within was greasy slick, thoroughly lubed up. I adjusted her hips slightly, then slide the crown of my erection to her anus. “Push back for me.”
Her butt arched out, and when I pushed into her, I could tell she was straining to open up for me. Jessie moaned at my intrusion, and I kissed her hair. “Good girl, good girl.”
“I am your good girl,” she said softly.
“You are. Right now you’re my personal who, and I’m using you the way I want. In front of your best friend.” I stroked slowly back and forth, forcing Jessie to feel every center of my slide, the depth to which I pushed inside her. “How does that feel, Jessie? Feel good? Does it feel even better knowing Mickey’s watching you take my dick up your ass?
“Please, daddy…” Jessie tugged at her cuffs, rattling the hardware.
“Please what?”
I held her hips, picking up the pace, and Jessie arched her back, forcing her bottom out even further for me. I gave the reddened skin a modern slap. “Good girl.”
“I know my place,” she whimpered. “Please can I cum? Please?”
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