Author’s note:
Aside from the beginning of the chapter, there isn’t much in the way of sexual activity. If you are reading for that, feel free to close out as soon as the characters start driving.
The rest of the chapter is plot advancement and conversation. There is one conversation at the end that may disturb readers – one man threatens another with injury, and is threatened in return. If such dialog Bothers you, you’re going to want to skip the next several chapters.
As always, thank you for reading. Your votes and your comments – public and private – are much appreciated.
Sometime in the dark of early morning, Jessie awoke and rose from my lap, kissed my chest and neck until I came half awake, and pulled me stumbling to bed. I passed out as soon as I was sandwiched between her and the mattress, and I slept dark and dreamless until a crowding rooster woke me as the sun started illuminating the shades.
I took a look aroundnd at the dusky room, another look at the top of Jessie’s head, closed my eyes and fell back wait.
I was awakened next by movement, and by the time the shower started, I was conscious enough to realize it was McKenna who had risen from the bed. Jessie has rolled away sometimes before the sun had fully illuminated the curtains, and she sat against the headboard, phone in hand, doing her morning email. I scooted up to lay next to her. “How’d you sleep?
She gave me a soft smile. “Ok. You?”
“My back feels like shit.”
“I’m sorry.”
“What was last night about? The last time we fell asleep in the bathroom it was because you were drunk on the floor.”
The gothic woman shut her phone off, set it on the end table, and slide down to lay next to me. The look on her face was embarrassment and vulnerability and a hint of fear. “Nothing. Just some stuff I have to deal with. I’m ok.”
“You know you can bring anything to me, right? I’m always here for you.”
“I know.”
I shifted over, settled on top of her, looked down at her beautiful, strong face. Fuck I loved this woman. Every time I looked at her I saw something new, something surprising.
Her arms and legs closed around me, and I lifted one hand from the bed, pressed two fingers to her mouth. She held my eyes as she sucked slowly, powerfully, painting every square million of skin deliberately with her tongue before arching her neck slightly as she pushed a large quantity of saliva forward. I withdraw my fingers and reached down between us, using her spit to further wet her already damp entrance. I guided my erection to her and pushed in slowly, revealing in the heat, the constriction, the slick arousal coating her tunnel.
Fuck, she felt amazing to be inside.
But right now, what feel best was the closeness. My woman had me inside her, filling her. Our bodies were as close as could be, fit together perfectly, and we enjoyed the coupling for so many different reasons. The physical pleasure, the physical proximity, the psychological aspects of domination and submission…but nothing could beat the emotion, spiritual bond of being so close to the woman I loved.
I sat up straight, looked down at the slim pale girl below. She grinned at me, sucked in breath in a gasp when I reached down to play with her tits, kneeing and squeezing her tiny breasts until she rolled her head back with an expression of ecstasy.
Then I stopped moving.
Jessie realized what I was doing and stuck her lower lip out at me, gave me a sad expression. I shifted my hips slowly, filling her completely, withdrawing slightly, teasing her with my barely-there movements. She arched up once again as I reached down to press and rub at her clip, and I picked up my back-and-forth rocking.
“Oh fuck,” the gothic girl breathed. “You’re gonna make me cum, I’m gonna cum, oh – “
She went rigid, eyes locked on mine and her mouth wide open, her face and chest flushed red from its usual milk-white. I grabbed the back of her black mop of hair and kissed her violently, penetrating her mouth like I was penetrating her pussy, forcing my tongue against hers as I drove her back down to the bed and picked up my thrusting. Fingernails tore at my back as she raked me seemingly in time with her orgasmic contractions, and I let go of her hair, reached back to grab and pin her arms above her head one at a time as I rolled my hips faster and faster.
“Cum for me, daddy,” Jessie moaned. “Cum in my cunt, give it to me, please…”
I thrust harder and deeper and buried my face in her neck, in her black hair, pursued the sensings that would bring this act to completion as I listened to Jessie groan and yelp.
I held as far into my lover’s wet tunnel as I could, my cock twitching painfully hard, seemingly recoiling as I hosted down her vagina walls with spunk. My breath was so hard and hot I felt like I had run a marathon, exhaustionns slamming out of me at half the speed of my thundering heart.
It felt good to rest atop my woman, close and sweaty, listening to her breath in my ear, listening to the machinery of our bodies slowly chugging down to normal after our strong excitement. I lifted my head from Jessie’s hair and kissed her slowly, gently.
“You good?” I asked when I pulled away.
She curled languidly, gave me one of her trademark feral predator grinins. “I am now. I think I just needed to be held down and fucked.”
“Always happy to help.”
Her giggle sounded like music. “McKenna’s got to be almost done. Go shower and I’ll take the third.”
“Yes ma’am.”
She laughed and rolled to the nightstand for her phone.
The bathroom was steamed up and McKenna waved to clear the fog in front of her face when she peeked around the shower curve. “Oh. You. Hey, Gary.”
“Hey, Mickey.” I lifted the lid on the toilet. “Do you mind?”
There was a creak as the water shutoff. “Can I watch?”
“Uh, sure.”
It took a moment for the floodgates to open due to my recent activities with Jessie, and McKenna reached out to take my member in her hand. She smiled lopsidedly as she felt the stickiness of my cum and Jessie’s pussyjuice still on my skin. “Fucked your girl already this morning?”
“Yeah.” I was trying hard not to get excited by her small wet hand on my length, but it was really hard. Difficult. Shit.
She played the splash of urine around the water, snickering. “You’re weird,” I said as I flushed.
“What? I like penises. I don’t usually get to see them in this environment.”
I stepped into the shower and she twisted the knob, started water jetting down again.”You prefer to see them standing tall and proud, don’t you?” I asked humorously.
McKenna gave me a naughty smile. “I prefer to look down and see them sliding in and out of me… But that was pretty hot. You should pee on me sometimes.”
I looked at her her disbelievingly. “You’re into that?”
“It’s like a more physical version of being called a bitch or whatever. It’s hot and degrading and it doesn’t hurt.”
We soaped up and rinsed off, and McKenna leaned back against the shower wall, rubbing her hand slowly and sensitively over her body while looking me up and down. Her hand found her slick, bald, public mound and she started rubbing the top of the slit. Fingers slipped between lips and she gave an exaggerated moan as she half-closed her eyes. “Wanna fuck me, Gary?”
I gave her a smile. “I bet I could.”
“Did you like fucking me last night? All tied up?”
“I liked pushing your face into the bed and telling you to speak up. I liked making you fight me for it.”
The rubbing grow faster. “That was so hot…”
I pushed McKenna up against the tile with a hand on her throat, eyes boring into her so hard I was almost glaring at her. This was a weird relationship. Intense, but weird. I wondered what it was gonna look like back in Milwaukee. I hitched her leg up on the crook of one arm, bent my knees, guided the crown of my erection to her entrance. Her eyes widened and then she arched her head back against the wall as I pushed up and in. “Fuck…” she moaned.
“Yeah, that’s what I’m doing to ya.”
I thrust upward slow and deep, filling her to the brim every time, relishing the sounds she made, the way she seemed to surge back against the wall, a muscle ripple through her body with every push up into her wet box. “I’m close, Gary,” she whispered. “Harder, please, oh fuck, fuck me harder!”
Her firm, round butt slapped the wall with each stroke, and she went over the edge with a loud “AHHHHHH!” before pressing her face to my chest. McKenna sagged in my arms, limp except for the constant squeeze of her pussy around my shake, ripples of muscle constantly rolling through her body as she gently bucked her pelvis against mine. I held her close as her flushed chest heaved and her pulse raced, and eventually she shifted against me and I let her leg down, stepping back to slip from the hot configurations of her vagina.
The little programmer looked at me with hunger and what seemed to be a little embarrassment on her face, and then Jessie stuck her head around the shower curve to scold us. “I’m not gonna have any hot water, am I?”
“Sorry. Got caught up,” I apologized. I kissed her and stepped out, and McKenna followed me out, stopping only to give her friend a kiss as well, though much rougher. She toweled off violently, scrubbing her skin like she thought she could sand it off, then tousling get hair until the limp wet strands went every which way in a messy fall. “You done, or do you got some left?”
“What do you think?”
McKenna maneuvered between me and the vanity, arching her back and bending forward to put her hands on the sink, before reaching back to grip my still-firm meat and drag the head up and down her asscrack from thecleft of her plump, wet public shaft to her asshole, back down again. Taking my dick in hand, I angled up and into her, holding her by the hips as I slowly filled her little tunnel. The tiny brunette groaned luxuriously, lifting up to her tiptoes as I slowly thrust, arching her back like a bow and revealing in the sensings of being stretched open.
I picked up speed, hips slapping against ass, reaching up to grip her Shoulders and arch her even further, then choking with one hand. I watched her face in the mirror as she turned pink, then flushed deeper, and right before I let up briefly, I used my other hand to deliver a singing slap to her vulva. McKenna had been making little grunting and whimpering noises the whole time I was fucking her, but now she shrieked loudly, and I cut off further noise by squeezing her throat again. Already cumming, her eyes bugged out even further and she understood against me, grinding her ass back against my crotch to drive my cock further into spasming twat.
I held her like that, shifting and grinding against me, feeling the muscle contractions in her body ebb, watching her relax as she came down from her climax. When she seemed capable of standing again, I pushed her flat on the vanity, leaned over to cup and tweak her full breasts, and went to work.
It didn’t take long for the boiling in my balls to reach its peak, and Jessie gave me an appreciated look up and down as she exited the shower – dripping wet and naked – to find me crushing her best friend into the counter as I unloaded my spunk deep up into her. I’d already cum once this morning, but the aggressive release of manhandling the little programmer got me off hard, and I felt like I was pumping out about a quart of jizz.
I held myself above McKenna, breathing hard, coming down from the tightening exercise and the mind-blowing sexual pleasure of release, and she waved brightly at Jessie. “Wanna taste?”
After the morning’s couples, I didn’t thnk anything could get me hard again, but after staggering backward, the sight of my beloved pulling her friend’s cheats apart and sucking up my leaking cum from a red, swollen pussy got me more than half chubbed.
We dressed and wandered downtown for breakfast. The weather was already hot, and the air was muggy after last night’s rain. I could tell the town was poor from the ill-maintained houses, and water puddling deep in the cracked and shattered street reinforced my opinion. This place was dying, slowly. Nobody was doing maintenance anymore, on private or public property.
We ate breakfast burritos at a Mexican restaurant downtown, the girls checking their phones obviously. Now that we were closing in on the business reason for our trip, the low conversations back and forth sounded more strained, the taps on the screens were faster and harder.
I think they were coming to terms with the fact that – essentially – their adult life’s work was coming to fruition.
We meandered through the town a bit more, peeking in the windows of the still-closed stores on Main Street, McKenna buying chocolate at the small grocery store, the girls taking pictures and selfies everywhere, just enjoying being out of the truck and in the gentle, warm breeze of the mountains. Leaves rustled in trees illuminated bright green by the early morning sun, and somewhere nearby, water flowed over rock, a comfortable background burble. It felt SO GOOD to stretch our legs for a bit, to take in the morning air, to reveal in the comfortable warmth.
I could live here, happy. Did they need a banker?
Packing up the hotel room was frantic. Two women trying to jam a month on the road into bags and boxes usually is. I just followed along behind and made sure they didn’t leave phone chargers, headphones, or makeup behind. Dishes got washed and dried and put away, and then we were locking the door behind us with a final slam and dropping the keys off in the main office.
The drive out of town was just as desolate as the drive in had been, grinding poverty and desolate landscapes on both sides of the road. Occasionally a normal looking farm would crop up, but most of the houses looked like they were slowly sliding into the ground, the rust of neglect and poor maintenance and no money corroding away at them like the wind and rain and years had done to the paint and shingles.
“What do you think, Gary?”
“Huh?” I pulled myself back to reality. The scene was desolate but beautiful woodland now that we were away from most human habitation, and I had been musing on how fun it would be to go hunting here. I could easily see myself tromping through the woods in the winter, rifle in hand, listening to the rustle of bare branches in cold wind.
“I was saying we should stay at a different hotel.” McKenna caught my eyes in the rearview. “Harper reserved rooms for all of us at the Westin… But I kinda don’t want everyone else to know that we all have… That we are…”
“Fucking?” Jessie leaned around the seat to give her friend an amused smile.
“Yeah, I mean, I’m not embarrassed by you guys or anything…I just…”
“You don’t want your boss knowing your sex life. No big deal to me, no worries. Get on your phone and find us a new hotel,” I told her.
“I mean, if you guys want to save the money and stay in the Westin, I’ll get another room, I just didn’t know how long you want to, uh, keep doing this.”
“Find us something nice elsewhere. Tell your boss we all wanted nicer than the Westin, and got a deal online. I’m guessing by what he pays you both… The Westin ain’t the nicest there is.”
McKenna snickered and Jessie mock-glared at me.
“You can Say that again,” the little programmer in the back seat replied.
I met her eyes once more in the rear view .”You start googling.” I turned towards my lover. “How about some road head.”
Her smile was wicked as she turned in her seat and bent over to undo my fly. ” Anything you wish, daddy.”
Better than the Westin was a squat, chic, modern building around the corner and down the street from the Convention Center. The lobby was multilevel, stainless steel and concrete, and crewed by some of the most beautiful women I’d ever seen. If I wasn’t traveling with the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen, I would’ve immediately started planning how I could hook up with at least one of them. The smile flashed at me by one heavily tattooed and pierced young woman made me wish and wonder if maybe we COULDN’T find a third woman in our bed in the next few days…
We grabbed a cart for our luck and wheeled it to the elevator, rode that stainless steel box up to the top floor. The halls were dark, brown walls and heavy orange and blue carpeting, Some sort of techno-jazz playing softly through hidden speakers. McKenna ran ahead to look for our room number, and Jessie ran after her, sshing her and making just as much noise.
Those two were so cute.
“Here we are,” I said, standing in front of our door. “Home sweet home.”
I dipped the card in the lock, pushed open the door, and both girls just about tipped the cart over in their haste to get in.
To the right was a short halfway set with sink and close space, a short ironing board and hair dryer, darkly tiled bathroom with stainless steel appliances at the end. On the other side of the wall was a massive bed and end tables, a full-length desk running the entire length of the wall under the two windows.
Simple, but richly appointed. Designer tags on the furniture and bedclothes, expensive name-brands on the fixtures. We dropped our bags on the floor and Jessie flopped onto the bed to stare up at the ceiling, then cast and pulled out her phone, started dialing.
I tuned her out and concentrated on securing our valuables. I scoured each bag, making several trips back to the in-room safe to lock stuff up. McKenna followsed and watched, curious. “I get all the cash, but why are you locking up all your guns? Don’t you guys have permits?”
I snorted. “Yeah, in Wisconsin. Colorado definitely ain’t like home, and it really ain’t like Utah or Wyoming.”
Jessie leaned on the hallway wall, interrupted us. “Hey, Harper wants to get everybody together at the building to do a quick once over, and then there’s a dinner. Leave in ten?”
“Sounds good.” I shut and locked the safe.
The downtown Denver area sprung up from the surrounding flat landscape like a tall patch of weds in the middle of a yard, and walking through the concrete canyons definitely made me feel small as a bug. Buildings towered above us, stone and glass of all different colors, some so tall that I felt the only way to take all of them in would be to lay down on the pavement. The sidewalks bustled with pedestrians moving in and out of ground-level stores, the restaurant patios filling up already as the afternoon wound down towards evening and the heat of the day cooled fractionally. We’d driven through a brief squall on our way in and the pavement was quickly drying, omnipresent puddles overpowering the scents of garbage and marijuana smoke with the clean smell of rain.
Jessie was like a kid in a candy store. The biggest city she’d seen was Minneapolis, and the look of wonder and joy on her face as she gazed around the downtown brought warmth to my heart. I was glad I could do this for her, do this with her, show her a world outside the one we inhabited daily.
The building Jessie’s company was meeting in was a tall, black, spraying monster that looked like a mechanical spider dropped on the downtown to gobble up smaller, weaker buildings. It sat on a block all by itself, fronted by a park, kittycorner from a very-out of-place clocktower. Shops and restaurants lined the broad ornately tiled street leading to it, and skyscrapers stretched on down both sides. It was an absolutely beautiful trophy of human achievement, that such a place existed. Simply seeing the construction, the knowledge that billions upon billions of dollars and hours of thought and effort had been poured into remaking this landscape made me proud to be a part of my species.
The people around this building did not.
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