Someone was sucking my dick.
Rough tastebuds skidded against sensitive skin until a flush of saliva lubricated the blowjob and the feeling became one of wetness and suction and heat. A hand pulled at me, rolling my foreskin down, and that wet tongue swirled electrically around my crown, before deliciously probing the hole at the tip.
I grooaned and opened my eyes. The room was still quite dark, and the bedside clock showed a time will before sunrise. Sigrid grinned at me with her mouth full of my cock. Popping off, she wiped spit from her mouth and gave me a big smile. “Bet you didn’t expect that,” she whispered.
Astrid and I had fallen wait together after our frantic coupling, and I hadn’t heard or felt Jessie and her sapphic lover join us in bed at any time that night. Looking around I found the pale woman lying next to me, Astrid draped perpendicular over her side.
Quite the puddle of naked female flesh.
Sigrid gave my morning wood a few more slurps and then crawled up my body to give me a forceful French kiss. “Give me ten minutes and then join me in the shower.” She pressed two condoms into my hand before slipping off the bed and padding to the bathroom, shutting the door behind her.
Dammit, that accent was erotic.
I watched Jessie and Astrid slumber as the bedside digital display clicked agonizingly slowly through ten minutes. I Hear the toilet flush and the shower start. After eleven had passed, I rose carefully and headed to the bathroom.
Sigrid was in the shower and she grinned and waved maniacally at me through the glass. I pulled the door open and stepped inside. “Yes?”
She looked confused. “Yes, what?”
“You wanted something?” The mirth in my voice gave it away and we both started laughing.
“I do.” She reached for my dick and wrapped her fingers around it, squeeze and tugging softly.
Fuck, she was gorgeous. The shower spray had soaked her thick fall of hair, sticking it to her back, washing any makeup she might’ve been wearing away, and making her look younger. Not McKenna-On-To-Catch-A-Predator young, but more… Alive. More vigorous and healthy. Young and tight.
Her breasts were full and round, her body slim and strong, the way her feminine lips glistened with water made me swell instantly.
I stepped up and drew her into a kiss with hands on Both sides of her face, and she told and relaxed into it. There was no hurry, no urgency, just a slow, enjoyable exploration of each other’s mouths and tongues and when her hands started roaming over my body, I took that as permission to explore her.
Siggy seemed fascinated by my muscles, squeezing my arms, kneeing my back, tracing fingertips across my chest and abs, and I couldn’t tell if her moan of arousal came from touching me or the way my hands were cupping her heavy, firm tits, gently clawing her back, or reaching down to lightly rub the top of her slit.
I interjected someroughness into our makeout session, gripping her hair and pulling her head back so I could kiss down her neck. Across her breasts – making sure to suck her rock-hard nipples to even further aching arousal – down her taut abs, and down her leg to her knee, then back up to her tightly pressed nether lips. She whimpered when I pushed her hips back against the sandstone tile, and then louder still when I dipped my tongue into her soaked hole to taste her vaginal juices. She squeezed her thighs together when I tried to slip a finger in – apparently she didn’t like penetration with her oral – so I concentrated on applying suction and friction to her clip, holding the hood open to get my tongue at her excited little button.
She shrieked as she came, fingers clawing at my scalp before she pushed me away. “No more, no more,” she begged.
I crowded her against the shower wall, holding her shivering body as she kissed at my neck and shoulder, clinging to me as she relaxed from her orgasm. Eventually, she looked up at me, an innocent yet seductive look in her eyes that reminded me of a blonde I’d known in my past life. Sigrid turned in my arms, facing the tile, and ground her wet, firm bottom against my groin.
The invitation was unmistakable.
I’d set the condoms on the shower shelf, and rolled one down, admiring the view of Siggy standing in the corner of the stall, butt arched out and Her hands on her glutes. I moved back into place behind her and pressed the tip of my rubber-clad erection to her spread labia. She squealed, laughed, and looked at me over her shoulder. “No, not that one.”
I must’ve looked surprised and she tilted her head back. Looking down I could see her wrinkled little rosebud winding at me as she pushed and relaxed. “Right there,” she moaned as I repositioned against her anus. I pressed forward and her eyes squeezed to slides in a wince. Slowly, slowly I pushed in, feeling the gentle pop of her body closing around the head, andThen the gentle slide forward.
Siggy exhausted when I was finally pressed to her buttocks, and I kissed her neck. “You ok?”
She nodded. “Yeah… Yeah… You’re just…a lot bigger than I’m used to.”
Now THAT was an ego boost.
I took her hands from her buttcheeks and pressed them to the wall, intertwining my fingers with hers and beginning to pull back and push forward slowly, infinitesimally. The Swedish girl gave a long guttural groan as I picked up the pace a bit, closing her eyes to concentrate on the sensings I was giving her.
“I did this to your wife last night,” she whispered.
“She’s not my wife,” I said.
“Yeah, yeah she is. Even if you don’t call it that, she is.”
“She really UH enjoyed it…” Siggy grunted as I stood her particularly deep.
“Why are you telling me this?”
“I thought you’d enjoy it… Imagining your wife face down with her ass in the air, while I tease it with my fingers and tongue and toys…FUCK!”
Her description of their sapphic coupling spurred my lust, and I thrust harder, wrapping one arm around her chest to cup a firm breast, my other hand curling between her legs to speedily circle her clip.
I steadily, deliberately took her to orgasm, and she locked up as she went over, legs trembling against mine, dead weight in my arms that would’ve dropped off I hadn’t been holding her up. “FUCK!” She shrieked, her yell of pleasure echoing off the tile and glass. I had to quit thrusting because her sphincter clamped down on me so hard.
I held her still under the shower spray, nuzzling her neck, kissing and cuddling her as she tried to get her breathing under control. “Are you close?” she asked, turning her head to look at me in her peripheral vision.
“Oh yeah.”
“Can I get a facial please? And then I want it on my ass.”
She giggled and hit the valve to turn off the shower. “After that, I want it way more.”
I thrust urgently, inevitably, pursuing and holding deep before savoring the slide of her anus down my shake before pushing in again. Right at the edge of control and I pulled out. Sigrid dropped to her knees, spinning around to look up at me with her tongue hanging out, and I ripped the rubber off, taking only one pump before unleashing a flood of semen, staggered bursts of it splashing off her nose, cheeks, lips, collecting on her tongue.
She licked her lips, sucking up errant globules of white cream, then swallowed loudly, grinning up at me. “Tasty.”
I helped her clean her face with a cold washcloth, and then we got out, started toweling off. I couldn’t help but stare at her chest. I’ve never been a tit man, and most of my longer-term partners haven’t exactly been well-endowed upstairs, but This girl’s mammaries were hypnotic. Full and round and soft and gravity-defying, they made me want to bury my face in between.
Sigrid smiled at me. “Something interest you?”
“Your gorgeous tits. They’re mesmerizing.” I changed the subject. “I’ve never run into a woman who preferred anal sex over regular. Heard they existed, but never met.”
“Jessie said you guys did it in her butt all the time before you got snipped.”
“Cuz she’s allergic to hormone birth control and condoms. It was about fifty-fifty anal or pulling out.”
She shrugged, scrubbed her hair so vigorously with the towel I thought it might start on fire. “I’m a traditional girl. I’m saving myself for marriage.” She gave me a hard look. “Don’t laugh.”
“I wouldn’t think of it.”
“Good.” She shook her stringy damp hair back over her shoulders. “If you did, I wouldn’t do this.” Sigrid lowered herself to her knees on the tile floor in front of me and gently licked at the head of my cock, mouth open, tenatively wetting my flesh and teasing my arousal higher. Then she lowered her mouth around it, sucking me powerfully, driving her nose to my pelvis and gagging herself on my rod before pulling back with a gasp.
Grinning up at me, she shuffled closer and pressed my slimy wet erection between her breasts, squeezed them together, and began rocking slightly. It wasn’t the most stimulating feeling ever, but the sight and mental turn on were powerfully erotic – this gorgeous young college girl was fucking me with her tits, how could I not enjoy it?
I pulled her up after a minute, dragged her mouth to mine. “Let’s get to a bed, right now!”
She pulled open the door and I gave her jiggling ass a playful slap as she darted by. Laughing, she dove onto the second bed. I was surprised by what I saw on the other – Jessie on her hand and knees next to Astrid, mouth locked to one of the Swedish girl’s nipples, other hand reaching down to slide a purple dildo back and forth in her glistening wet snatch.
Jessie looked up from pleasure her partner to give me a smoky, seductive look, and I gave her a thumbs up in return and crawled into the bed next to Siggy. She shifted on top of me immediately, reaching down to stroke and pull at my erection before straightening and grinding her wet vaginal lips up and down its length, looking down at me plainly. “I want this in me so bad…” she whispered.
I grabbed the box of condoms off the nightstand and applied one while she chewed a fingerprintnail and watched cutely, reached around her thigh to reposition my Now-protected erection against her backdoor. Siggy sank slowly down onto me with a sight, and the feeling of sliding into her tight anal cute made me groan with pleasure. Slowly she began rocking back and forth, and I let her control the pace, sliding towards me, dangling those beautiful, heavy tits in my face for a lick or a suck before sliding back down, taking my meat to the very base. My hands on her hips, I started controlling the pace, pulling her up, pushing her back down and thrusting myself deeper into her rectum, before pulling her away again.
Eventually, she accepted that I wanted to be in charge and lay forward across my chest, let me pin her there while I took over the movement, arching my hips up to spear over and over into her backdoor. Sigrid kissed me deliciously, hesitantly, exploring my lips and tongue with hers, letting nothing interrupt is, not even the increasing sounds of feminine pleasure from the next bed over. She just held my face in her hands and kissed me.
I pushed her up by her shoulders and she rolled her hips back, began stirring her ass with my prick. “Is that what you wanted to see? Me riding you, my big boobs swinging in your face?”
“Oh yeah…”
Hands on the bed, she leaned over and let her large tits brush my face while bouncing her ass up and down on my cock. Aggression seized me and I pulled her to me once again, rolled us over and pounded deep into, driving her to orgasm from the sensing of being sodomized and my rough handling of her body. She shrieked, eyes going wide, chest flushing, andshe tried to clamp down on me with her arms and legs just like her asshole was doing. I forced myself upright instead holding her legs apart to continue my steady pounding for a few moments and then pulling out once I knew I wouldn’t hurt her.
She looked up at me with sad eyes and I grew, flipped her over by her hips. She yelped in surprise, then pressed her shoulders to the bed, arching her back and presenting her still-open anus for my use. I rose to standing and squatted, legs on either side of hers, dipping down to push into her back passage. The position didn’t allow for much speed, but the depth and feeling of domination were incredible. Sigrid moaned to herself in Swedish, and a feral grin split my face. “Fuck, that’s hot.”
I could continue in this position as long as my legs held, but I wanted something faster, something closer. We switched positions again, I withdraw and moved to stand on the floor, tugged the Swedish beauty to the edge, and she raised her shoulders, dropping her bottom to give me access as I stood at the foot of the bed. I leaned over her back and kissed her neck and spine as I thrust and reached around to fiddle her leaking wet slit.
She lit off one more time, and the sight of her, skin flushed, hair a mess, hands clawing at the sheets, face configured with pleasure as she screamed drive me to the edge. I pulled out and yanked off the condom, and started jerking. Semen erupted from me, spraying her buttcrack in three, four, five squirts as her rosebud clnched and released with involuntary spasms. Siggy moaned at the sensing and reached back with a trembling hand to slip two fingers into her winding hole, pushing my jizz into her backdoor.
I flopped down onto the bed next to her and surprised. “Well shit, I don’t need to do any cardio today.”
My pale, nude lover rose from the other bed lay down beside me, curling a leg erotically and possessively over mine, stroking my chest. Astrid curled up next to Sigrid, grinning at us over her girlfriends heaving breasts. “That was fun. Do it again next time we’re in America?”
Jessie giggled.
McKenna was grumpy – of course – when we finally found her eating breakfast in the dining room. “Where the hell have you guys been, it’s like ten in the morning? Don’t we have to get out on the road?”
Jessie looked at me and shrugged and I waggled my eyesbrows at the irate programmer. “Actually, we don’t. We’ve only gotta drive like two hours today. I figured we’d stop in Jackson and do some shopping. Anyone like that idea?”
“Like clothes shopping?” Jessie sounded excited as she dug into her waffles.
“Sure. But not too much. That place is expensive. There’s a reason why we’re staying an hour down the road and not in Jackson. I didn’t wanna pay five hundred dollars for one room at the Holiday Inn.”
“So where are you guys this morning?” McKenna asked. “I knocked on your door and didn’t hear anything, I figured that if Gary was beating the shit out of you or whatever it is you guys call fun, you’d at least shout at me to go away.”
“Ummm…we found some new friends last night…” Jessie’s voice was high and she blushed, looked cutely embarrassed.
“Friends with VERY nice benefits,” I added, smiling at McKenna.
She groaned. “Why do you guys have all the lucky?”
“Maybe because we’re not annoying?”
The look I got said she wanted to slap me but would settle for giving me the finger instead.
Jackson was beautiful but even more expensive than I’d anticipated, and the only money we spent was a very expensive lunch in a gorgeous bistro, and some new lingerie that Jessie refused to show me from an hours-long clothes-shopping stop. The break seemed to lift McKenna’s mood – she wasn’t quite so pouty and dark towards us after emerging from the mall.
The road further south meandered along and over a river canyon, and occasionally mansions peeked over the edge of the cliffs, the wilderness retreats of the rich and famous and massively hypocritical. Jessie and McKenna would stop at various pulloffs to get out and photograph the river or a distant fisherman or the way the sun was shining through pines or just to selfie themselves goofing off for the camera. I stayed at the wheel and relaxed. It was nice not to have to do much driving or thinking.
Our hotel was a small strip of expensive little cabinets right off The road into a small town. The front yard was lush grass and a beautiful gazebo shaded by large willow trees, and I took a moment to stand in the sun and breathe in the relaxation of the beautiful afternoon scene.
We checked in and I lugged the girls’ bags to the rooms, then changed into running shoes and a t-shirt. Jessie got a negative gleam in her eyes when she saw me walking around the hotel room nude, and I shashed her away when she reached for my swinging member. “Begone, devil woman! I need my energy for exercise.”
She made puppy-dog eyes at me and bit a fingertip. “You haven’t fucked me in more than a day and you’re telling me no?”
“Yes, I am. If we got started, it’ll be eight at night by the time we’re done, and I’ll have zero energy for running.”
“This is punishment for me walking around naked in front of you before going to work out isn’t it.”
I pulled her to me and smiled. “Maybe a little.”
Jessie tilted her pale, lightly freckled face up and I kissed her. “I love you, woman.”
“I love you, man.”
My run was long and leisurely, ten miles of dusty country roads, scrub and forest-covered hills and hot, sweat-inducing air. My shirt stuck to me like a second skin, and the only cooling breeze I got was from one of the few passing pickup trucks. Otherwise, I was out here alone.
I fell asleep in the gazebo on the hotel’s front lawn. I’d only meant to sit down for a minute to catch my breath, but the shifting sun and shadow through the willow and the warmth and stillness after myheart-pounding exercise conspired to close my eyes for far longer than I’d intended.
I woke up to present at my side and a warm hand on my knee. I crane my eyes open, blinking against the bright swinging back and forth with the shadows. Oh yeah. Gazebo. Willow tree. I turned my head to the left, saw Jessie sitting on the bench next to me, smiling softly. “Hey, hunky.”
“Hey,” I croaked, my throat thick and tacky from exercise.
She giggled, handed me a glass of crystal clear ice water. It sparked in the sun, cubes focusing against the glass. I downed it in one long draw.”Thanks.”
“It’s like six thirty,” Jessie told me. “McKenna and I are gonna get a table at the restaurant here. Why don’t you go get changed, put on some deodorant, and then join us?”
I pulled myself up with a hand on the wood of the gazebo. “Sounds good. I’ll see you there.”
She kissed me on the cheese and rose, and I ogled her slim frame as she walked across the lawn to the attachedrestaurant. She’d dressed in a black dress, black stockings leading down to strappy black heels. The colored hair dye had been washed out, and she’d combined her hair in such a way as to partially hide the sealed patch on the side of her head.
Jessie looked positively elegant.
I looked down at my sweat-soaked athletic shorts and t-shirt. I tank.
My legs were weak from exhaustion as I Walked back to our hotel room, and once inside I stripped down and took a rag bath in the sink – I’d take a proper shower later – and practically scrubbed myself with a deodorant stick.
I didn’t have anything that would make me look nearly as good looking as Jessie, so I went with a pair of black jeans and a blue button up, unbuttoned part way down for ventilation. It felt good to put my Sig back on after having spent so much time out in the country without it.
Dinner was the most perfectly prepared fish I’d ever eaten and salad. I skipped alcohol because I was dehydrated, sucking down glass after glass of milk instead.
Sometimes I can be responsible.
Jessie and the disconsolate looking McKenna talked endlessly about the presentation my lover had apparently nearly finished this afternoon, and I listened along with half an ear, mostly just enjoying the vista of the sun going down over mountains and the feeling of peace pervading the idyllic scene. There were few other people eating or drinking here, and if I left my eyes float half closed and concentrated on the babble of voices and the brush of cool breeze against my skin, I could imagine we were in a snow globe, a universe of our own, nothing outside of this perfect scene.
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