Jessie shifted in my arms, raising her head from my chest and looking blurrily at me. “Hey you,” I said.
She yawned wide and groaned and set her head back down on my pecs. “What… What time is it?”
I looked over at the clock. “Almost six.”
“I feel like I’ve slept for a week.”
“You were pretty out of it…”
The pale, naked woman stretched against me. “You fucked me out, daddy.”
I smiled. “Yes, yes I did.” I gathered her in my arms and gently rolled us over, separating her legs with my knees. The head of my morning wood brushed against her lower lips and she shifted, smiled self-consciously.
“Not right now?”
That was surprising. “What’s up?”
“I need to pee.”
I lifted off of her, sat down on the bed, and Jessie rose quietly to her hands and knees beside me. “Walk me?”
I stroked her smooth, milk-white back, and she damn near purred. “Sure.”
After our fun last night, she’d allowed me to remove the heavy, metal plugI’d stuffed up her butt at the beginning of our play, but had refused to let me take off her collar and lean. Since she slept very still on my chest, and by necessity I slept very still beneath her, there was little risk of anyone getting tangled up, so I’d allowed her to wear it to bed.
Now I slid off the bed and gave the chain a steady tug, and Jessie rose to her hands and knees and slipped to the floor with feline grace, moving softly in the thick carpet towards the bathroom. I watched her ass shift delightfully as she very deliberately lifted each leg, and she tugged at the leash when she reached the end of it, looking back with a slightly bemused smile. “Meow?”
I followed behind her to the bathroom, stood and held the leash as she saved herself and then returned to a crawling position on the floor. Slowly she arched her back and opened her thighs, gave me another – more feral smile – and another “Meow?”
I knelt and freed my penis from my boxes, stroked the swholen head up and down her open slit. “Is this what my girl wants?”
Jessie bit her lip and nodded earnestly. “Meow.”
I sank in slowly, enjoying the snug construction around my achingly straining hard-on. I put my hands on her hips and rocked her body back and forth on my rod, a chorus of grunts emmanating from her with every roll of her ass back into my groin.
Leaning forward, pulled her up to her fingertips, wrapping one arm around her chest to play with her small breasts, one hand sliding down between her legs to frig her clip. Jessie cried out when I rolled her firm nipple between my fingers, turning her head to try to catch my eye in her peripheral vision. “I don’t care if I cum here daddy, but after, could you give my tits some attention, please? They really, really, REALLY want to be sucked this morning…”
“I can do that.”
Picking up the pace, I began aggressively seeking to orgasm, pounding against her pale backside, straightening and pushing her face to the tile floor before pulling her upright again by her leash.
Jessie may not have cared if she came there, but she did almost on accident, shrinking and jerking and clenching around me when I gave her butt a hard slap. It was so beautifully arched into my crotch by my grip on her leash that I HAD to spank it, and that set her off.
Which set me off, a mind-numbing series of pleasure throbs as I pulled my lover tightly back into me, filling her already wet channel with my hot liquid as deep as I could.
I pulled out and we both stood on shaky legs. “That was fun,” Jessie said, her voice tired.
“Yeah, but I’m not done.” I led her by the hand back into the bedroom and gently pushed her back on the bed, then lowered myself to recline next to her. “I hear these perfect tits need my mouth, is that right?”
Another vigorous nod, and I lowered my head, took the hard little nub of nipple into my mouth and began to gently suck, laving it with my tongue, pulling it against my teeth, occasionally biting tenderly on it. Jessie shifted in the bed, groaning at my oral ministers, gasping loudly when I moved from one breast to the other, leaving dark, wet, erect, sensitive flesh in my wake.
The hand that wasn’t cradling her head slid down her taut abdomen, teasing in between her lower lips, two fingers dipping into her vagina to collect up the liquid I found there. I offered her my fingers and she suckled our combined juices from them, over and over as I pleasured her tits. When she finally came, it was as she bit down on my fingers, arching her back to press her breast to my mouth, a squeal rising from her filled mouth.
Breakfast was continuous and served in a desert-themed dining room, and we were finishing up our stacks of pancakes when McKenna sat down. Usually looking like a glamorous teenage doll, the brunette looked bedraggled. Jeans and a t-shirt and a baseball hat over untied hair that wasn’t quite combined out from sleep,and her eyes had tired bags under them.
“You ok?” Jessie asked, a note of concern in her voice.
“Tired,” McKenna grunted, grimacing and digging into her cereal.
“Hungover, or you stay up a little too late with that tablet?” I let a smile creep into my voice.
She flipped me the bird. “Both. Stayed up too late, couldn’t get myself wound down enough to sleep, tried drinking myself to sleep and all I got was a fuckin’ headache.”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart.” There was real sympathy in Jessie’s voice. “Can I do anything for you?”
“Yeah, you can – nevermind.”
“Nothing. I said nevermind.”
My lover gave me a weird look and shrugged.
It was not a good day for McKenna.
The Grand Tetons were infinitely more accessible than Yellowstone, and there was simply more to see and do. Beaches, forests, fantastic views of majestic snow-and-cloud covered, heavily forested mountains to photograph from across serene lakes. The tiny programmer actually slept in the back seat during several of our stops.
It was actually kind of nice, getting out to walk with just Jessie hand in hand across a pebbled beach, snapping pictures of her posing on driftwood, or just enjoying the feel of the warm breeze and the bright sunshine.
The park was much more linear, and by the time we arrived at Jenny Lake, it felt like the whole park had been directing us there. We toured the little cabinets explaining the park, and poked around the busy gift shop, debating on snacks and souvenirs while listening to the multiplicative of accents and languages being spoken.
“Wanna go on a boat ride?” I asked the girls as we wolfed down ice cream cones in the shade of the souvenir shop. The sun was baking down today, glaring hot and pulling sweat from every pore. This close to the lake the temperature should’ve been a bit lower, but the only relief we’d found from the heat was cold food and air conditioning.
“No.” McKenna said it like it was the final word on the subject. “I’m tired, I’m hot, I’m hungover, and I’m crane. No.”
“So aside from tired, hot, and hungover, how is that like any other day?” I snarked back.
“Fuck you, Gary.”
“Cmon, it’ll be fun,” Jessie coated, a sympathetic, mothering air coming over her. “It’ll be fun. The boat ride will cool you down, and walking around in the woods will probably be cooler than out here in the sun.
“No.” The bratty woman crossed her arms over her chest and came perilously close to wearing an ice cream cone like a Katy Perry bra.
“Oh cmon, please?” Jessie stuck her lower lip out and turned up the pout in her voice almost to McKenna’s level.
The boat ride was beautiful, a moderately slow pontoon crossing of the small lake. The captain talked randomly about his personal and work life in the background, and I tuned out all sound, tilting my head back on the seat and watching the green and gray and white mountain grow closer.
What a gorgeous day.
We and the rest of the crowd were let off on a disaster dock and informed that the boost would be returning every forty-five minutes, and then the captain motored away, leaving us to the trails into the forest.
We hiked in silence, weighed down by the presence of McKenna. Neither of us wanted to say anything that would provoke some whining or anger.
The trail was close and hot and humid, steps cut or placed into the winding dirt path any time the elevation changed even slightly. The greenery around us was full of chirping birds and insects, but fortunately no mosquitoes, so aside from the now-dripping sweat, the walk was a pleasant one. As the elevation rose, bridges crisiscrossed the same creek, a tumbling, crashing torrent of white spraying off brown rock, curling around and dropping over features in the geography. Several times the trees broke for the raging current, and we could look out over the lake from the bridge we are standing on, marveling at the vasness and beauty of nature that we found ourselves in.
We took the short trail branch to the featured falls and got doubled with spray from the two hundred foot crash of water into the rocks below. McKenna just leaned against a tree and closed her eyes, while Jessie and I stood hand in hand by the shore.
Further on, we took the trail up to Inspiration Point, a series of switchbacks up the side of the mountain to a cliff’s edge overlooking, well, everything. It was disconcerting to look down and see the colored dots of peoples hats moving seemingly a few inches from the edge of my foot. It made me very conscious of where I placed my shoes on the dusty rock path. The view from the top was magnificent, what seemed like all the park spread out before us, water and plains and forest and little dots of buildings.
I corralled the girls into several pictures, selfies of the three of us or just Jessie and I, and then snapped pics of the two friends, then let my lover go to work. She photographed the wild natural beauty of the park with a practiced eye, somehow lining up perfect shots that contained no people despite the crowds, every shot just space and greenery.
Descent was easier, but took longer due to edging past the hords climbing up, and we had a decision to make at the trailhead. “Hike around the lake, or take the boat back?” I asked.
“Hike!” Jessie exclaimed.
“Boat,” McKenna moaned. “I’m so fucking tired.”
“Oh c’mon,” her friend begged. “It’ll be fun, and the forest is so pretty, I’ll be able to get tons of shots for the commercials…”
The tiny brunette glared at me. “When we get back, you’re buying me all the ice cream and soda I want.”
“There’s a way to beat your exhaustion,” I said with false Cheeriness. “Sugar and caffeine crashes!”
There were fewer people on the path around the lake, and I found it nice to just commune with nature. Ever since selling my property in northern Minnesota, I hadn’t spenttoo much time in the woods, and I had to admit, I missed it. Jessie seemed to enjoy it too, running ahead to check out some unique stone or tree or view, then sprinting back to us with an ability – much less attitude – that believed her thirty-one years.
McKenna kept pace just behind me, every once in a while singing theatrically or panting like a dog until I slowed down my place to something more glacial.
“Can I ask you something, Gary?” she asked during one of Jessie’s trips far afield.
“Sure. Might not answer though.”
“You and Jessie use all that stuff?”
I looked back. “What stuff?”
“All that shit you guys had spread out on the bed last night.”
I rolled my eyes at her line of inquiry. “Are you really asking if we use all our sex toys?”
She put on a burst of speed and moved up next to me. “Well…yeah.”
I shrugged. “Not all at once.”
That earned me an elbow on the ribs. “But youguys have used all of that? I mean…why?”
“Cuz it’s fun? Fun for me, fun for her, fun for us both, depends what it is? Don’t you have something ‘pink and rumbly?’”
“Just a vibrator. It gets me off. You guys had weird shit though.”
“Hey guys! How’s it hangin’?” Jessie jogged back to us, motioned a pause and bent double to suck in humid air.
“I’m giving your boyfriend the third degree about your sex life. Do you guys really use all those weird sex toys?”
“First,” Jessie said when she could breathe again “He’s a lot of things, but Gary is definitely not my boyfriend. Second, there isn’t anything wrong about how a person gets off, as long as they get consent and they’re not violent someone else’s rights. Third, fuck yeah.” She smiled at both of us.
We slowed to let a group of fast-walking hikers speed past us on the forest trail, and used the time to take a breath, take a few pictures, bask in the heat of the humid forest around us. “So all that stuff I saw on your bed last night, you like using? You think that’s fun?” McKenna spoke back up once the group was out of earshot.
Jessie’s shoulders climbed towards her ears in a big shrug. “Yeah, yeah I do. But more than fun, it’s…” she gestured like she could pull her thoughts from the air and weave them into a sign. “It’s fulfilling. It’s satisfying. Even if it’s not something I like, if it’s something Gary likes, I want to do it.”
“So you’re the driver of the insanity train?” McKenna directed the rather insulting question to me, and I took a moment to remind myself that she was dead tired and hungover. “You like walking your girlfriend around on a lean like a dog, hitting her with stuff?”
My lover jumped in before I could speak. “I actually like being collared and walked around on my lean more than he likes walking me.” She snickered, and my mind flashed back to this morning.
“It gets us both off. I enjoy doing it, she enjoys it being done to her, partlyBecause I enjoy it. There are times when it seems one-sided and times when it is, but we’re both doing things for each other. That’s a healthy sex life, the stuff we layer onto that is just window dressing, enhancement. I don’t need any toys or chains or paddles to make the woman I love enjoy what I do to and with her.” I reached out and squeezed Jessie’s hand, and she gave me an open, innocent smile.
“Y’all are weird,” McKenna said grumpily.
“And you’re hungover, exhausted, and cumstarved,” Jessie said teasingly. “That’ll make things look just a hair different. You should try and hook up with someone when we get to the hotel, it’d do you good.”
“Fuck no! I’d probably fall asleep riding him or something. No, I’m going to take a back and try to zonk out until tomorrow.”
I couldn’t help picturing the little brunette bouncing up and down on some guys lap and then tipping over snoring. It was…arousing…and amusing all at once.
We were smoking like crazy when we got back to the souvenir shop we’d left from, and I bought everyone ice cream bars. The treatments tasted wonderful after the sweaty hike, and we gulped down enough rehydration from the Jenny Lake water fountains to probably lower the water level at least a few inches. Then it was back into the Suburban, back into the air conditioning, and back up the trail the way we’d come to get to the in-park hotel we’d be staying in tonight.
Jessie and I stood and divided at the lobby for a moment, while McKenna headed right to the check-in counter to get access to her room. The main room of the brown stone and glass hotel was done up in the same kitschy split log as most buildings around here, but the size and view were stunning. The room was massive, several stories tall, and the back of it was all windows looking out onto water and forest. Doors led off from each side, and I thought I spotted a bar through one of them.
Our room was nothing spectacular, more wooden décor and two beds. It was nice but not overly so. Jessie immediately stripped down to naked in the cool of the air conditioning, gave me quite a show while picking out her running clothes. And she gave me quite a surprise when she pulled the baton and Skean Dhu from her pursuit and made eyes at me. “Practice with me, daddy?”
We spent about half an hour working through the various strikes and responses with the two weapons Before Jessie clipped the little leaf-shaped folder inside her running shorts and we headed out, her to run distance, me to find a weight room.
I spent forty-five minutes grunting a barbell up and down in various positions, showed in the room, dressed in my usual jeans, band-shirt, and overshirt, and headed down to the bar. It was decently late enough in the day that I could have a few drinks, decently Early enough that I could lean my elbows on the railing next to a crowd of people and watch the sun go down. I sipped on something called Stranahans Diamond and enjoyed thecrowd and the scenery.
I went back inside after a half hour, and wandered aimlessly through the lobby, checking out the menus of the bar and restaurant, looking at the paintings. It was nice just to relax with a drink. Jessie would be joining me soon, and we’d have a nice dinner, and that would be the perfect end to the day.
The gift shop was surprisingly full of serious-use climbing equipment unlike the off-brand chinesium crap sold in the other parks. I meandered over to the folding knife display and smiled when I saw the black leather vest and its Legion insignia on the back of a woman croouched down by the display. I knew the sign from handgun grips, but given the foreign printing in the top and bottom rockers, I doubted this woman had ever held a Sig before.
“Nice vest,” I said, croouching down next to her and looking through the Plexiglas at the VERY expensive knives.
She looked over at me. “Thank you.” Her voice was thickly accented. Dammit, she was pretty.I’d assumed she was Asian from her fine black hair and the prevalence of Asian tourists in the parks, but her skin was a milk chocolate color. Her eyes were wide and dark, features aquiline. Her eyes reminded me of a woman I’d known named Nina, back in my old life.
“Whatcha looking at?” I asked.
She pointed at a few in the case. “I need to get one for a class I’m taking, but they’re so expensive!”
I looked at the price tags. They started off expensive, and the park layered a premium on top of that. I’d lost after a few of these models myself, but could never justify the cost. “Climbing or bushcraft?”
“The class. Woods survive or mountain climbing?”
Her eyes narrowed. “Neither. In Alabama, self-defense. Fighting.”
“Nice.” I pulled the ring knife from my own pocket and handed it to her. “This is what I carry every day. Take a look.”
She turned out over and over in her hands, eyes widening as she studied it. “Wow. That is very nice.”
I took it back from her and crouched again by the glass, looking at the expensive, hard-use models. “What’s your price range? Maybe I can recommend something.”
The woman surprised, knelt next to me to scan the blades. “Twenty dollars? Fifty dollars is the most.”
I snorted, caught myself, turned it into a cought. “Yeah, you’re not buying anything here.”
The woman swore under her breath in a foreign language.
“You’re looking to take a knife fighting class on the east coast? That’s a long haul.”
She pointed at her vest. “I go to college in California. My chapter back home wants us to get trained so we can teach the rest of them.”
“And you’re really gonna get one of these enormous knives back to… overseas… without getting it Confiscated?”
That got me a different smile. “There are ways.” The smile turned to a grim line. “I will never let what happened to my sister happen to me.”
Slowly I connected the dots. Fuck. I surprised. “Tell you what. Pick one out. It’s on me.”
“What?” Her head jerked back towards me, eyes wide.
“You heard me. Pick one, and I’ll buy it for you.”
“Because I want to.”
“What is the…catch?”
“None. I like Martial arts, like to see people, especially women, learn how to defend themselves.”
“You’re going to buy a…” she pointed to the cabinet “four hundreds dollar knife for me? You don’t even know my name.”
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