Three Weeks on the Road Ch. 09

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping as early morning light shone in through the open patio door. Just a dim glow, but those little criteria were going nuts. I groaned and rolled off the bed, padded over and shut the blinds, muffling the sound and cutting the incoming light.

The covers on the bed shifted, and I climbed back in to cuddle up next to a very warm, very naked Jessie.

She gazed at me with that innocent, girl look that had drawn me in, and then rolled over so I could spoon behind her. One arm under her neck and wrapped across her chest to grip her shoulder, the other wrapped around her belly she snuggled that slim body back against me, and I held her tight.

“I love you, Gary,” she whispered. “I’m so glad we found each other.”

I raised my head from her hair, and she turned to look at me out of the corner of her eye, and I kissed her cheek. “I love you too.”

And then I just held her.

Nothing sexual about it at all. I just held her.I enjoyed the feeling of her smooth skin, her weight, her heat, her heat, her cent, her heartbeat against me. I kept her wrapped in my arms as tight as I could, just being with her.

“Dammit, I love you,” I whispered.

I could tell by the way her cheek raised that she was smiling, even though she was turned away from me.

Morning came, the room lightening despite the blinds, the occasional car in the parking lot below growing to life.

“We should get up,” Jessie said quietly.”Get something to eat. Get dressed. Start the day. Though maybe in a different order.” She giggled.

“Yeah… But I want something first.”

And just like that, just like flipping a switch, her attitude became sexual. A slow mistake of her back against me, a grind of her ass into my crotch. “What do you want, master?”

“You. Always you.”

“And what do you want me to do for you…or what do you want to do to me?”

I pulled her tighter, nibbling and kissing her freckled shoulder, teasing her ear with my tongue until her giggles turned to laughter. “I want to cum in you this morning.”

Jessie stretched sensitively in my arms, gave me another grind of the hips. “Where, daddy? In my mouth? Do you want me to feed me some protein for breakfast?”

“That sounds nice.” I imagined kneeing on the bed while she felled me doggystyle, reaching over her back to play with her holes while she chased on the meat filling her mouth.

“Or do you want my vagina?” She whispered. “Do you want to shoot your hot load up inside my tight, unprotected cunt? She’s getting wetter and wetter the more I think about you fucking me.”

“That’s it…” I reached around Jessie’s hip to rub my fingers up and down her slit, dipping lower to collect the growing wetness, bringing it back up to circle around her clip, all while my other hand fondled her small breast, pinching and rolling the nipple, eliciting gasps and moans.

“You don’t want my butthole?” Jessie inquired next, hervoice innocent. “You don’t want to hold me down and make me beg you to degrade me, force me to take your big, hard cock like that?” She ground her ass against my groin, a slow, sensitive press and roll of the hips.

I levered us over, pinning her facedown on the bed with my bulk. She giggled and then groaned, shifted her legs open beneath me and rolling her hips up as much as my weight on her would allow. “Take what you want, daddy. Please… Take it…”

I reached down between us to guide my prick in between her thighs. The head met wet flesh and I gently pushed forward, both of us groaning at the exquisite sensing of filling her. “Fuck, you feel amazing,” I whispered in her ear.

“You do too.”

Slowly I saw in and out of her, angling down to drag against her g-spot, prompting a shift and a squeak. I gathered her wrists together and claped them to the sheets above her head. “Don’t you even think about moving.”

I kept rutting inside her, enjoying the tightness and slipperiness, but also the warmth and closeness of her body pressed to mine… And the dark pleasure of pinning her down, pinning her open, having my woman trapped powerless beneath me and taking her however I wanted.

Jessie shrieked and stiffened, and I watched her mouth work through wordless gasps, eyes wide, arms fighting my strength endlessly. Between my dick scraping against the front wall of her twat and my weight humping her clip against the bed, she’d gotten off hard and quick. I watched the seemingly ageed expressions of pleasure cross her flushed face, such a beautiful contrast to her black hair, and then she started laughing.

I smiled and started thrusting faster.

My own climax came moments later, and I bit down on Jessie’s shoulder as the contracts throbbed through my body, my cum pumping deep into my lovers still clenching tunnel. I rolled off as soon as my ejaculation ceased, so as not to crush her, and Jessie rolled over too, kicking the sheets off the bed and reaching down to touch the liquid welling out of her body. She stroked it up and across her vulva, smearing my spunk across her skin and manicured public hair, then looked over at me, her expression innocent. “You like cumming in your little girl, don’t you, daddy?”

I shifted over on top of her, propping myself up on my elbows. “Always.” I kissed her and it wasn’t lucky, but loving. Passionately loving.

She stroked my face. “I like it too. I like being that close to you, feeling that inside me.”

“Good. Cuz its gonna happen a lot, and frequently.”


I dressed while Jessie cleaned up from our morning fun, then she dressed and we headed down to the lobby for breakfast. We found a dejected looking McKenna trying to construct a breakfast taco out of a pancake, and not having any luck. Already she had a mess of sausage and eggs on her plate next to a pile of torn pancakes.

“Quit while you’re ahead,” I suggested as I sat down. “You’ve already mangled five.”

That earned me a middle finger salute.

“How was your evening?” Jessie asked brightly around a mouthful of raisin bran.

“It sucked,” the programmer grumped. “I even tried texting you guys to see if you wanted to watch a movie or something. Must’ve been off having fun without me.”

My lover gave me a brilliant smile, looked Sheepishly at her friend. “Sorry. We, uh, yeah…we were indisposed.”

“Rub it in my face…” McKenna said glumly.

“Awww, I’m sorry.” Jessie reached over and patted her friend’s hand, then stole a sausage off her plate.

“Where are we going today?” I asked, not wanting to give McKenna a chance to reveal in her chatity-induced unhappiness. “Remember we need to end up in South Yellowstone tonight.”

“That’s easy. Old Faithful, duh. There’s some beautiful scenery on our way out, forests, meadows, a bunch of waterfalls, more hot springs, I mean… It’s YELLOWSTONE.”

Flipping through my phone atthe end of the day with a bourbon in my hand, while Jessie and McKenna edited together a commercial across hotel lobby coffee table from me, I finally had time to reflect back on how perfect the day had been.

Dammit, I loved that girl.

And my pictures showed it.

They captured her excitement at seeing Old Faithful erupt, first a look of boredom and impact as we waited, then squealed excitement as the boiling liquid jetted into the air.

I of course HAD to make a crude joke to McKenna about this being the only ejaculation she’d seen recently, for which she’d punched me in the arm, as hard as her little muscles would allow.

There were lots of pics of the girls picking their way down slopes to the explore the debris-choked bottom of one of the omnipresent creek valleys overlooked by parking turn offs and split rail fencing. One of my three favorite pictures was of her turning back to retort to something I’d said, the sun catching her hair as it whipped around, a look of amusement and aboration on her face.

Further on in my gallery of pictures were the girls climbing over boulders along the side of the road near the hot springs, noses wrinkled in disgust at the pungent sulfur stench. McKenna had thought there might be interesting colors in the bubble mess, and they’d gone climbing for a better look, much to my chagrin.

Another favorite was the picture taken of Jessie standing in the middle of the arid landscape of the valley surrounding the hot springs pools, one hand raised to shield her eyes, her button-up tied around her short ribs, looking like she was surveying an alien planet.

I loved the pictures of the pastoral meadows on the way out of the park, sun glistening off babbling brokes, the immense greenery surrounding us lit gold as the day closed. Irrationally I wish I knew how to fish, simply so I could have an excuse to come back and stand in the middle of a gorgeous creek on a hot summer day.

Wind had picked up on our way out of the park, blowing clouds across the sky and turning an idyllic summer day gray and dark, the hot air fiercely whipping through the trees, the cracks and creams and rustles of the forest moving sounding like the park was an angry beast all around us. We drove into West Yellowstone as rain sheeted down, joining the slow crawl of traffic abandoning the day’s pursuits due to stormy weather.

Dinner was at a newly constructed Taco Johns because I couldn’t stand listening to McKenna while anymore. We sat in the booth well after our meal was finished, playing with our phones and smelling grease and potato and enjoying that comfortably cozy feeling of looking out the window at rain and thunderclouds. The picture of Jessie with an ice cream spoon in her mouth, making cat ears on her head with her hands at McKenna brought a lump to my throat every time I looked at it.

I loved her so much.

The pictures showed every public side of her. Adoring, innocent, iTense, wondering. I liked catching a picture of her off guard, in the middle of a sentence or while she wasn’t paying attention to me. The way she cocked her hip to take a photo or squinted into the sun or leaned into the back seat to talk to McKenna – every moment of her that I captured was perfect.

I’d run into a gas station on our way to the hotel, picked up a couple cans of cola and a bottle of whiskey for Jessie and I and rum for McKenna, and after a hard workout in the basement gym, I’d showed, dressed, poured the girls their drinks, and come out to sit in the lobby and relax as the storm raged around the building.

The décor was western, sandstone and rough-hewn logs and exposed beams that were in all likelihood sculpted plastic. It felt right to be drinking a western style whiskey, or would have, if I hadn’t watered down the unbearably harsh alcohol bite with soda. Shit, this stuff was violent. I resolved never to buy the orange labeled bottle again.

I lookd over at the girls, huddled around Jessie’s laptop balanced on their knees, talking softly as they edited their commercial, teaser, trailer, PowerPoint, whatever it was.

My woman was gorgeous.

I’ve slept with a lot of women. Most of them I would consider on the far right side of the attractiveness Bell Curve. Stunningly hot women of every race, ethnicity, appearance, even an actual model once.

The was no reason why looking at Jessie, lounging on the sofa with her best friend, wearing jeanshorts, sneakers, baseball cap, and a button-up over a simple green tank top should get me hard enough to drive nails with my cock, but she did. Oh yes, my woman did.

I texted her a heart icon and the words “I love you.” A few seconds later her phone dinged and she opened the message, looked across the table to give me that smoke, feral smile I loved. McKenna just rolled her eyes. “Couldn’t you just SAY it? You’re ten feet away.”

“Yeah, but I wanted to see her reaction.”

“And I don’t care how Gary tells me he loves me,” Jessie spoke up in my defense.

Thunder cracked loudly overhead and the lights dimmed and both women flinched. Ugly storm, and no indication that it would diminish. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

Good day.

I was awakened by pressure on my legs, Jessie sitting across my lap side-saddle. She wrapped her arms loosely around my neck and smiled. “I’m gonna go up and shower and get ready for bed. Why don’t you stay down here for a while.”

Her smile was sweet and smoke hot and I had a feeling ready for bed means something entirely different than ready for sleep. “Sounds good. I’ll be up in like forty five?”

She kissed me and hoped off, sneakers slapping the floor on the way to the elevator.

I looked over at McKenna. “What are your plans for the evening?”

She sipped at the massive metal cup of rum and coke I’d prepared for at her request. “Fucking nothing.”

I looked around to seeIf anyone would take offense at her profanity. The blinde was deserted.”What, you’re not gonna try to seduce one of the tourists here?”

That earned me a snort. “This place? Probably end up sleeping with some father here with his kids, or worse, some teenager. Nope, I’m getting drunk and going back to my room to stay up until the wee hours with something pink and rumbly and my tablet and a big ass box of batteries.”

“Poor you.”

McKenna rose and I waved and she saluted and turned it into a middle finger as her hand left her head. I sawed and tilted my head back to stare at the ceiling. Why did we bring her?

The room was dim when I walked in, the only light a desk lamp turned down in the far corner and a slider of yellow shining under the bathroom door. “Gary?” Jessie asked from the other side.

“It’s me.”

“That’s good.”

I sat on the corner of the entertainment center at the foot of the bed and let my head sag to my chest. I felt tired. Really, really tired.

The bathroom door creaked and Jessie walked out wrapped in a towel, pulling a comb through her hair. “Hey, you.”


I brushed my teeth while she brushed her hair to the added glow of the turned down television, and she turned off the news when I left the bathroom. I walked over and kissed her forehead, smelled her damp, stringy wet hair and smiled.

“Thank you for a nice day,” Jessie said, looking up at me.

“It was a good day, wasn’t it?” I replied contentedly.

“It was.” She grinned. “Crossed a lot of stuff off the bucket list. That park is so beautiful…”

“We can go back sometimes. I feel like we didn’t see much, two days is only enough to sorta get a taste for it. We just need to get to Denver for your meeting.”

“I know. I know we’ll come back.”


“McKenna stopped by to grab the rest of the soda and alcohol. She was…um…weirded out by what you’d left out.” Jessie bit her lip, and the look was simulateneously cute and outrageously sexy.


“So, what did you want to do tonight?” She competed at the bed where I’d laid out a whole bunch of toys, implementations of pleasure and pain.

“Oh, I have some ideas. What would you like to do?”

“I’d like to wear my collar tonight. Other than that… Whatever you pick.”

I reached out and tugged at the towel wrapped under her arms, and it puddled on the ground, leaving her standing there, gloriously nude. I looked her pale body up and down, met her eyes. “Kneel.”

Jessie lowered herself very precisely to her knees and gripped her arms behind her back. I retrieved her leather collar from our bag, set it around her neck, gently moved her hair out of the way as I slid it around her neck and then clasped it. Next came the leash, the click of the snaphook loud as a shot in the still, dim room.

Such a beautiful contrast between the black and the white.

I stood over her, stroking her hair for a moment and sMelling the shampoo while she looked up at me with love shining in her eyes.

“Did you want me to suck your cock while I’m kneeing?” Jessie asked, her voice sweet and girly.

“Not right now. But thank you. Why don’t you get on the bed, prop yourself up on those pillows.”

My love unfolded herself and crawled on hands and knees up onto the bed, spraying back on the pile of pillows in a half reclined posture, legs spread wide to show off her delicate pink labia and the small triangle of black buzzed public hair above her slit.

I admired her nude body as she lay there. She was a work of art – lean and lithe, strong yet feminine, so utterly distinctive looking. “Play with yourself,” I told her quietly.


“I want you to masturbate while I watch.”

“I’d rather play with you,” she said, giving me a pouty look.

“And right now, I’d rather watch you put on a show for me. Touch yourself,” I commanded.

She looked over to the side of the bed.”Do you want me to use toys?”

“Just your fingers and the lean for the moment.”

“Ok.” Her voice was meek.

As I watched she suggestedly sucked two fingers of each hand before tracing them lightly around her nipples over and over, making the little nubs stand hard and proud with the wet, delicate touch. She shifted slightly on the bed, and I know that while she was acting a bit for my enjoyment, she had to be feeling electricity coursesing through her from the brushes of her fingers.

Jessie moaned as she gripped the chain of her lean tightly with both hands, pulling it taut and dragging it up her torso, using it to slightly lift each of her small breasts before rolling the chain over them like a foam back roller. Over and over she pulled the chain over her pale skin, grinding back on the bed and pressing her thighs together every time it passed over a sensitive nipple.

Taking the loop in hand she rubbed slow circles with it down her abdomen, allowing even further to press and grind it against her public shaft before beginning to slide the smooth leather lightly over her swelling labia.

Half of me wanted to keep watching.

The other half wanted to seize her and sink my achingly hard dick whichever was the closest hole.

Slowly Jessie stroked the leather up and down her opening, then held the loop out to me showing me the glistening wetness on it. “Look what I did, daddy.”

“You’re really wet, Jessie. Do you like playing with yourself when I’m watching?”

She brought the leather to her mouth, licked the loop clean before lifting one leg up and passing the chain around it. With her arm twisted slightly behind her back, she could pull the metal slowly back and forth against her open slit. “I don’t like doing something so private in front of anyone else. If I’m touching my cunt, that’s me time.” She groaned at the passage of the chain over delicate flesh. “But I LOVE being ordered around by you. I LOVE obeying you…Even if it’s personal, even if it’s private, dirty, embarrassing, degrading…” Her eyes opened from being squeezed shut with concentration and pleasure and she looked at me innocently, purely, openly as she condensed to grind her lean back and forth over her privates. “You’re my master. My owner. I love you.”

A flash of similar words being said years ago passed through my brain, and I shoved aside the heartbreak and guilt and regret that came with them. I was here. In Wyoming, not Minnesota. I was with Jessie. “Use one of your dildos.”

The pale girl let go of one end of the chain and dragged it free from beneath her. “Is there one in particular you want to watch me use?”

“You pick.”

Jessie reached over and let her fingers play over the metal and glass and silicane toys before selecting a rounded glass rod covered in randomly spaced smooth bumps. Bringing it to her lips she teased her thoughts around the end before sucking it in, eyes closing and a smile curlingHer mouth like she was sucking on my shake instead.

When the toy had been sufficiently wet with saliva, she pressed it to her clip, grinding it momentarily before dragging it up and down her soaked slit. Slowly she eased it between her vaginal lips, and changing grip, pushed it deep up inside. Jessie groaned as her cunt stretched around the toy, arching her back and kneeing one breast and giving me a look up pure lust. “Don’t you want to be doing this instead of watching me? Don’t you want to be holding me down, forcing that big cock into my little fuckhole, making me take all of you inside me, pounding me until I scream and come and then shooting your messy wad inside me? I want that, daddy. And then I want you to take it out and force me to my knees and make me suck you until you cum again…”


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