Three Weeks on the Road Ch. 08

I crane my eyes open to stare at the ceiling. Off white. Popcorn texture. Sunlight was just starting to filter in past the heavy curtains, and I rolled my head to the right, checked the bedroom clock. A bit after six.

The bed rustled as I shifted to my left side. Jessie was sleeping next to me, on her back, head turned in my direction. I lay there and admitted he beauty while she slept. The slight shifts of muscle under her pale skin as she frame, the rise and fall of her small breasts, flattened to her chest by gravity, the contrast of her black hair against the white pillow.

I thought about yesterday, and I didn’t feel nearly as sick as I had last night. I was here with my woman and all the ugliness was hundreds of miles behind, all the nightmares – dreamed and waking – were far in the rearview. Jessie stirred, her eyes opening slowly, and she smiled softly upon seeing me in front of her. “Hey you.”

“Hey. Sleep well?”

“I did. I was hurt out. You?”


“You ok?”

I snuggled closer to her, sliding an arm under her neck to cradle her head, my body pressed to and warmed by hers. “Yeah. I think so. Yesterday just sucked, I’m sorry.”

“Last night didn’t.” A mischievous grin danced over Jessie’s face.

“Very true.”

I trailed my right hand down her lean body, found the little triangle of tightly buzzed public hair, below it, slightly wet folds of her labia. She parted her legs and I parted her lower lips, teasing my fingertips into her wetness for a moment before slicking that liquid back up to rub in lazy circles around her clip. I leaned in and kissed her face, down from her lips to her chin to her jaw, down from her ear to her neck.

My rubbing went faster and faster still, and Jessie gasped quietly, mouth wide open as she stared into my eyes with that beautiful looked of pleasured age. She raised a hand to bite down on one finger to stifle any noise, and I grinned, rubbed faster, lowered my head to her breast to suck in one hard nipple. I wet the rigid flesh with my tongue and applied suction, and my lover arched her back in a soft rustle of sheets. “Fuck…” she muttered around the finger she was biting.

“Cum for me, Jessie” I whispered. “I want to see it.”

My fingers moving faster and harder over the pleasure button at the top of her slit, I pressed down on her pubic shaft with the heel of that hand. Jessie groaned and drove her head back into the pillow, grabbing the sheets with her free hand as her body locked up with all the pleasured impulses fitting through her brain. She grunted, bucked, and stared into my eyes, mouth wide open but silent as she suffered gorgeously through the orgasm I’d inflicted upon her.

The tremors washed away and she curled her flushed body up next to mine, kissing me lightly, frantically. “Thank you, Gary…”

I pulled her close, held her as tight as I could. “Thank you.”

One slim hand snaked down between us toslide inside my boxers and seek out my morning wood, and Jessie kissed my shoulder up to my jaw before slipping up my body with an exquisite drag of skin on skin. She straightened above me, reached back to deliciously angle my prick into her waiting snatch. She sank into me with a groan, the feeling of stretching her wet tunnel open absolutely delicious for both of us.

I reached up to palm her tiny breasts, play with those sensitive nipples, and she laughed and pushed my hands back over my head. “Nuh uh. You let me do this for you. I already got mine, I just wanna get you off now.”

I smiled at her, amused by her uncharacteristic assertiveness, the ridiculousness of her pretending to hold me down. “Someone’s feeling dominant today.”

A shake of her head sent her mop of black hair swinging. “Nope, I just wanna do for you. I wanna give you this without you feeling like you need to make me cum like eight times first.” Jessie began rolling her hips, taking me deep and then arching forward until only the crown of my cock was lodged inside her, sliding that slick, tight sheathe down around me again, over and over, a wide, excited grin on her beautiful face, breathy “uh uh uhs” flowing from her lips.

She rocked back to bury me as deep inside her as possible and swiveled her hips, stirring her vagina with my prick. “Fuck… That feels good…” She moaned, letting go of my hands to reach up and play with her hair, piling it up on her head and letting it fall down around her face. “I want you to cum, daddy…Think about how amazing my cunt is making your dick feel, how much you love fucking it, and just let go…Explode inside of me, fill me up with your jizz, I want it…”

With my gorgeous, vampiric lover grinding away on top of me and egging on my climax with a litany of dirty requests, I didn’t last long – I just relaxed and let her movements and muscle and wet friction carry me over the edge, my whole body clenching and relaxing as I fountained cum up inside her. She told the feeling and lowered herself to my chest, kissing me softly. “Thank you, daddy.”

I held her tight, stroking my fingers through her hair and trying to slow my breathing. Good start to the day.

“Took you guys long enough,” McKenna grew when we sat down in the booth across from her.

“Gary and I had some…stuff to do before Breakfast. What looks good on the menu?”

“Fuckin’ nothing. Can I borrow the truck, I want Taco Johns.”

“No, cuz as soon as we’re done eating here, we’re getting on the road for Yellowstone. You ladies need to start putting together your itineeraries, we’ve got two days and that park is massive.” I had a list of stuff I wanted to see, but since this was a working vacation for them, their destinations got first priority.

Jessie pulled out her phone and started mapping and searching and drawing, and McKenna just glared into her menu. “Were you clothes washed and dried to your satisfaction?” I asked to break the uncomfortable silence. “Some of them seemed a little damp still.”

“Yeah, I spent all night folding them and putting them away.” The look on the programmer’s youthful face told me she was not happy about that.

“Awww… I’m sorry.”

“Hey Mike, what do you think about…” I tuned the girls shoptalk out as I scanned the hotels restaurant menu. They’d tell me where I needed to go, and I’d drive them there. Right now, I needed food.

“You know, Jessie, the drive INTO Yellowstone is beautiful… I’m thinking you can get some pics outside the park too.” I opened the hotel room door and let my lover in ahead of me.

“Yeah, I saw that on the map. There’s like this big valley that we need to drive through in order to get into the park, looks really cool. If I want to take pictures…?”

I smiled. “I’ll pull over, just ask.”

Jessie gave me a quick peck on the cheek and skipped off to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Someone was in a good mood today.

I packed my clothes quickly, swept the room for any electronics we might have missed, found Jessie’s earbuds on the TV and packed them for her, and then brushed my teeth while she picked her clothes.

I exited the bathroom to find Jessie bent over the desk in front of the bed, polo shirt pulled up and her bare breasts pressed to the wood. Her jeans and thong panties were pulled tight around her knees, legs spread to show off her privates. She looked back over her shoulder at me and gave me a big grin. “Well?”

“Tempting though it may be, I think Mickey would probably kill me if we delayed her with another romp. Take you up on it tonight?”

She stuck out her lower lip. “While I’d LIKE you to fuck me like this…I still need last night’s spanking. We got kinda caught up in what we were doing…”

I walked over and caressed her bare bottom, dragged my finger down her ass cleavage to dip briefly into her pussy. “Really? You want me to spank you before befor we leave.”

That got me an innocent look. “You don’t think I need it anymore?”

“You ALWAYS need it, darling.”

She nodded vigorously. “I do. Otherwise I might misbehave. And that would be bad.”

I moved to stand at her right side, and she pushed up on her toes. “Please spank me, daddy?”

I brought my hand down hard on her lifted bottom, eliciting a deep groan. “Yeah, like that…”

Another hard, open-handed slap to her ass and Jessie gave a soft cry, looked up at me pinously. “I’m thinking one of these nights I’m probably gonna use my belt,” I told her, dragging a fingertip up her back to stroke her cheek, before running my hand back down to cup her reddening cheek.

“Your belt?”

“I wouldn’t want you to misbehave.”

“Oh no, you don’t need to do that, I’ll be a good girl.” She yelped as my hand came down again.

“I’ll decide that.” Her pale asscheeks turned pink, then red as I continued, and a dark part of my brain enjoyed watching her tremble, hearing her little pained sounds.

Jessie reached for my belt when I stepped away, and I shook a finger at her. “Nope, we gotta get going.”

She licked her lips strictly and lowered herself to her knees. “But you got hard while you were spanking me. Don’t you want me to take care of that?”

“Maybe later. Right now I’m worried about being murdered by a Taco Johns addict.”

Jessie giggled as she straightened her clothes. “I don’t think she’s pissed at you, just… Frustrated.”

The drive into Yellowstone was beautiful, in an empty, massive, western sort of way. There was far more greenery than we’d been around recently, creeks running along the side of the road, thick clusters of trees cropping up on the grasslands, and a covering of evergreens on the mountainssides. Out of the little valley that housed Livingston, we were out on plains again, mountains looming up on all sides, giving a sense of enclosure even when the land was flat and open for miles in every direction.

“I wanna live there,” McKenna said from the back seat, learning forward to point past Jessie.

“Hot damn” the gothic girl said, her voice full of awe.

I followed the fingertip towards a house set into the side of a mountain. Looking more closely at the hillsides, I could see mansions dotting them, distant clusters of massive glass windows, log buildings, huge SUVs parked in the driveways. “You can’t live out here, Mickey, not enough fast food.”

“Would you quit calling me that? And if I lived out here, I could afford to have tacos flown to me every single day.”

I snickered at the thought of a helicopter delivering her food. “Yknow, if you guys sell this thing in Denver, you just might have the money to do that.”

The truck was silent for a while after that. Both girls were contemplating the selling of their business, and the fortune they might receive from doing so. I didn’t know what offer – if any – might arise from the discussions, but if money changed hands, it would be a life-changing amount.

Mountains rose up around us and before us and the traffic picked up as we approached the park. Gardiner, Montana was a cute little town and we stopped for gas and a restroom break at a gas station overlooking a rushing river that seemed to weave around and through the town. The gate to the park was massive and ancient looking and of course the two women had to stop for pictures, selfies and scrapbook pictures transitioning effectively into snapshots and short videos for Jessie’s presentation.

Weaving further into the park, slowing for the other vehicles, we came upon a cluster of buildings, an obvious hotel, what looked like bunkhouses for staff, visitors center and museum. I pulled into a parking space and stopped the truck. “Well, we’re here. Where to?”

“Oh dahmit that tastes good…” I luxurious in the taste of the bourbon in the Canyon Village bar. Late at night, and after a day spent eitherer coordinated up in the truck while we wound through traffic or walking around in ninety plus degree weather, it was nice to be freshly shown, have a meal in me that wasn’t served out of a cooler behind my seat, and be sipping on a truly magnificent bourbon.

Jessie rolled a swallow of the alcohol around her mouth and a smile split her face. “Oh yeah.”

McKenna just rolled her eyes at us and sipped at her soda. “You two just love drinking gasoline, don’t you?”

I ignored her and reflected back on the day. Yellowstone was massive, and even though we’d covered a lot of ground, I knew we’d barely scratched the surface. We’d spent more time than any nose could enjoy wandering around the mud pots, hot springs, and stench-emitting fountains at the north end of the park, then headed west, crawling along with a caravan of cars to one scene of natural wonder after another. Giant fields covered in flowers, plains full of bison, idyllic sunlit forest scenes of tall sunlit trees andbabbling brooks and fishermen serenely whipping long poles back and forth as they stood in the sparkling water.

Closer to the center of the park the terrain changed, became more rugged as we neared the giant split that was the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. A tranquil lake led to a rushing waterfall, another further on, the banks growing steering and more rocky until the earth opened up into a massive valley with fishing white water pouring hundreds of feet at one end. Walkways were cut into the sides of the cliffs, fenced in for tourists, and we’d sweated up and down each one gunning for the best vantage points, the best selfies, the best backdrops.

Jessie was in her element, her little form darting through the crowds, dragging McKenna along by her wrist as the smaller girl struggled to keep up with her friend’s longer strides. We must’ve walked miles, the roar of falling water and the chatter of people and the sounds of birds and wind and rustling trees filling the hot, pureair.

It was amazing. The scene, the atmosphere, even the roads were incredible. I couldn’t begin to fathom the effort it took to make this park accessible to humans.

And now we were sitting in an air conditioned lounge, having just eaten a very expensive meal, looking out into the forest as night descended over dust and soft jazz played over the conversations of the few remaining patrons. It felt surreal, like we were a small island of humanity in a giant sea of ​​wilderness, like being on the moon or in a submarine.

Rationally I know the Hayden hotel was a few hundred yards away, but for the moment I could sip my Stranahans and stare out the window into the darkening treeline and feel contented isolation.

“More of the same tomorrow?” I asked Jessie.

She nodded and her hair swung around her face. “Old Faithful, duh, and then there are a whole series of pulloffs for canyons and river valleys I want to see.”

“I wanna go swimming in Firehole,” McKenna said. “I hear that’s a really cool experience. The thermal vents are supposed to be really pretty too.”

“We can do that, then its on to The Tetons. I hear that park is supposed to be even more beautiful.” I took another sip of my drink, noticed McKenna looking none-too-subtly around the room. My ratar went up instantly and I glanced around much more casually, looking for a threat.

Jessie saw me doing my slow scan, and grinned. “She’s not sensing trouble, Gary, she’s looking for men.”

McKenna blushed and I relaxed and Jessie rolled her eyes at her BFF. “Why don’t you just download an app, Mike? Shit, have Gary install Selector for you if you wanna get kinky and you have paperwork.”

The little programmer grimaced at the thought. “I hate apps and shit like that. I don’t want to order a pizza, I wanna get laid.”

“Well in this case, you get laid BY the pizza. Try it. We’re gonna.”

She narrowed her eyes at us. “You two are gonna find a hookup on an app?”

“Yeah, why not?” I shrugged. “We both got tested before we came out here, Yellowstone and Denver are two major hubs in the United States, it’ll be fun. Selector doesn’t have a LOT of users, but it’s taken off in the past two years.”

Jessie pulled out her phone, have me a devilish look, and started tapping and swimming. McKenna just rolled her eyes. She throw back the rest of her soda and stood, rolled her neck. “This place is pretty empty, I’m gonna go to the bar in The Hayden and see if I can find anyone.”

“G’night sister. Good luck!” Jessie stood and hugged her friend. I just got a middle finger for my “See you tomorrow, Mickey!”

My lover pulled chair over by mine and curled towards me like smoke on the wind, held out her phone. “So, who looks fun?”

“What are you thinking?”

She considered this. “I’d like to play with a girl again. By herself or in a couple. You?”

“Sounds good.”

We set our location on the app and watched as the list of available users dwindled to five. “Not a lot,” Jessie commented, sounding dejected. “And that’s not even setting our preferences for kinkiness.”

When narrowing for group sex, the options dropped again, a pair of gay men in Cody, Wyoming and a man and woman who has put their location as “In Yellowstone.” We looked at their profile.

They appeared to be Hawaiian, or another darker Asian ethnicity. Thirties, in good shape. He was hetero-only, she was flexible with the right woman, they really liked sharing. Not particularly kinky, only interested in oral and vaginal sex, toys depending on type.

My woman arched her perfect eyesbrows at me, smiled wide. “Shall we?” Her voice had moved slightly towards that gaspy, girl squeak I knew so well.

“Sure, why Not?”

The onscreen keyboard made pleasant tics and clacks as she tapped out a message. “Hi, we’re another open-minded couple staying in Yellowstone. Want to meet up and maybe have some fun?”

The response came back a few minutes later. “We’d love to meet. Where in the park are you?”

“The Hayden.”

“LOL We’re in the cabinets right behind it. Come on over in like fifteen?”

Jessie looked up at me from under the hair hanging in her face, a sultry gaze. “You wanna do this?”

“Sure. Do you?”


She texted them back for directions, we finished our drinks, and walked through the Hayden, stopping in their tiny, overpriced commissary for a plastic-wrapped travel size box of condoms.

The night was warm, and we walked hand in hand through the clusters of cabinets, the trees black against the deep blue of the night sky. We stopped at the door of the cottage, and I paused to inhale night air, and calm. Group sex was old hat to me, but I still felt nervousness and excitement accelerate my heartrate at the outset.

I squeezed Jessie’s hand, and knocked.

A handsome Asian man answered the door. A little shorter than me, wearing a Cavs jersey and shorts. He had cropped hair and an angular face, and I instantly felt inferior to his physique. Corded muscle everywhere, carved like a status, every sinew perfectly defined.

In my peripheral vision I could see Jessie’s eyes widen and a look of amazement creep across her face.

I’ve built a modern gladiators body – powerfully strong and built for long term endurance. This guy had built his body as a piece of art. Yeah, I could outrun and out punch him, I could probably pick him up and throw him despite our equal sizes, but he was simply PRETTIER.

“Hi, come on in, you’re Gary and Jessie?” We shook his hand and followed him into the small, cozily lit cabin. Dammit, even the back of his NECK was well defined.”I’m Rick, this is Alexandra.”

Alexandra was gorgeous – a jaguar-lean body drawn – for the moment, modestly – in a knee-length pink silk robe. Small breasts tented the expensive clothing, and glossy black hair brushed her shoulders. Her face was just as angular and definedas Rick’s, but with plump, full lips that almost looked unnaturally enhanced. In the dusky light provided by the one lit lamp, she looked familiar.

An instantly-recognizeable silhouette of someone that I used to know.

She looked like Tori.

When her hair obscured her face, her build, her golden brown skin, that glossy black mane… The resemblance was enough within the margin of error that I could be forgiven for confusion. And nervousness.


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