Western Minnesota and eastern South Dakota had been even more boring than driving through Wisconsin and parts of my home state. The forests gave way to plains, to vast reaches of dusty emptiness, corn stretching off into the sun-baked distance like a never-ending muted green carpet. There was very little in the way of human activity between the – usually small – towns. Occasionally a house would appear, shaded by a copse of trees, or an enormous barn or warehouse or silo would obstruct the distant landscape, but even the interstate traffic seemed to have tapered off. There were many times I could’ve discharged my gun down the highway, drive until I found the three fifty seven Sig round laying hot and perfect on the pavement, it’s flight uninterrupted.
And I knew even hotter, more boring landscapes lay ahead in Wyoming.
The sun burned down all day long, inescapable with no clouds in the sky. Every stop at a gas station turned our skin greater with sweat, and no matter howhard we ran the air conditioning, there was just a tinge of uncomfortable heat to the cab of the Suburban.
The girls could at least dress a little cooler than I could. McKenna had her long hair tied up in a ponytail so high as to almost be a topknot to keep it off her shoulders. A bit darker compiled than Jessie, she opted for Daisy Dukes and a wifebeater, while my copylot was dressed in dark capris and a white button up left open over a string bikini top. I was wearing khaki shorts, a band t-shirt, and a button-up to hide my Sig, and I got way fewer looks than the girls did.
Dusk found us unloading of bags at a hilltop movie in a little town along the Missouri River. From the parking lot, we could see a set of beautiful span bridges and headlights crossing them in the cooling blue-gray of approaching night. The teenager manning – or would that be teening – the front desk ogled our party as we picked up our room keys, and I shot McKenna a stern look. “Don’t.”
Dinnerwas a simple affairs, parking on the main street and walking the short row of mom-and-pop shops to find a restaurant that suited us, McKenna still mad because we wouldn’t eat lunch AND dinner at Taco Johns. Near the end of the main street, we found a bar and grill done up like an old west saloon. Steak or sandwiches and salad all around, whiskey for Jessie and I, beer for McKenna, and then we took a detour back to our vehicle to walk down by the river.
Cool air washed around us with the pleasant sounds of water lapping at rocks and distant traffic. There was a tinge of fish to it that I didn’t mind after a day of smelling car and sweat and dusty concrete. Jessie and I held hands and McKenna skipped along ahead of us, talking programming lingo with my lover, occasionally stopping to tap some notes into her phone.
Me, I Just basked in the relaxation and peace. It was so NICE to walk and stretch and not be seated anymore. Even with Jessie taking part of the driving responsibilityabilities, I felt mental strain at the end of a long day of driving, not to mention the sheer uncomfortableness of sitting for hours on end. Holding hands with my love and walking along the river was a nice change of pace.
I shook myself from my reverie. “What’s up?”
“I asked if you wanted to go swimming when we get back to the hotel. Were you sleep-walking?” Jessie squeezed my fingers.
“Just enjoying being out of a car. Yeah, that sounds fun.”
We split up back at the hotel, and I dug through my duffel bag for swim trunks as Jessie dragged her duffel into the bathroom. I watched as she slowly, sensitively peeled off her pants and shirt, looking over her bikini-clad body, and then she she shed that too, pulling the ties and letting the triangles of fabric fall to the floor. She strutted over to me with a model’s walk and sat down on my lap, raised my bloodpressure with a roll of her hips and a lengthy, rough French kiss.
“I’m gonna shower briefly, wash the road offme and then I’ll meet you at the pool, ok?”
I slide my hands up and down her warm, muscle back. “Don’t be too long.”
She smiled. “I promise.”
The swimming pool was in a second building, across a parking lot and up a hill from the main hotel, and even though I was only wearing swim shorts and sandals, I wasn’t cold at all. The night may have cooled down a bit from the scorching day, but it was still warm. I pushed through the door into the pool room and looked around. Hot and steamy, all wood except for the skylights and the pool deck and the windows. Doors leading off to an outside deck overlooking the parking lot on the right. A small wooden cubicle for changing on the left. Piles of pool toys and a water slide at the far end.
I slipped into the water and found it comfortable warm, and after bouncing up and down for a minute to get the blood flowing, I began a lazy front stroke up and down the length of the pool. Dammit, it felt good to move my arm fully again.
I’d gone near to stir crazy with my arm immobilized, then dead, then weak, and despite being an absolute animal about rehab, the injury took too bloody long to heal. Now, now I could swim again, wrestle again, pin Jessie down and spank her again… It felt good to be whole again.
The door clicked shut and I stood, wiped water from my eyes. McKenna stood at the foot of the pool, wrapped in a massive towel, looking around. “Hey, Gary. Nice place to sw – oh…wow.”
She shook her head, shook it again, and the way she was staring at me Weirded me out. “You ok, Mickey?”
That snapped her back to the present. I remember when we were installing the doors, she hated that nickname.
“Yeah, I just never… Don’t call me that.” She shrugged the towel off and it was my turn to stare. She smiled. “What, you’ve never seen a bikini before?”
I’d seen hundreds of naked women in my life and still routinely had sex with women other than Jessie, but I couldn’t help but ogle the barely dressed programmer before me. Her body was muscle but soft, a little extra fat than Jessie, but her curves were accented with a toned leanness that made me think of a highschool cheerleader girlfriend from long ago. Her height and youthful face definitely made me think of highschool, and I started swimming again so that she couldn’t see the chub starting to form in my swim shorts.
We raced each other the length of the pool several times, and I handily beat her each time, muscle and studied athleticism trumping determination and pissed-off-ness without much of a conversation.
“You kids having fun?” Jessie crouched by the edge of the pool, dragging her fingers back and forth through the water. I swam over and bobbed at the edge, gave her a kiss. “I’m having fun winning every race against your friend. I think I should’ve started betting.”
“No fair,” McKenna called from the other end of the pool. “You’re just a better athlete than I am!”
“And that’s why I’m winning.” I gave Jessie another kiss and then pulled on her wrist, toppling her into the water with a splash and a shriek. She righted herself, sputtering and laughing. “ASSHOLE! Now I’m cold!”
“There’s a hot tub over there.” I pointed over at the smaller pool, eddies of steam rising from the surface.
She gave a mock shiver. “That’s exactly where I’m headed.”
Pressure on my head and I felt inconsequential strength try to force me under the surface. Jessie laughed hysterically as the much shorter McKenna tried to dunk me. I set my feet in a wide base, grabbing her wrist and pivoting to grab an ankle, and then she was shouting “Oh no no no no don’t!”
I pitched the smaller girl up into the air and she pinwheeled once or twice before creating a magnificent splash. “You fuckhead, no fair!” she shouted once she’d surfaced.
I shrugged. “Don’t start nothin’, won’t be nothin’.”
Jessie rolled her eyes. “Try not to antagonize her.” She kissed me again, slicked her hair back and wiped her face. “I’m gonna go soak and relax.”
“You do that. I’m going to keep beating the brat every time we race.”
McKenna eventually tired of losing to me, and climbed out of the pool with a sneer, bad goodbye to Jessie, and shiped off before heading out the door.
With no pouty, petulant programmer to keep challenging me to swimming competitions, I lazily stroked up and down the pool, revealing in the feeling of full, pain-free range of motion. It feel so good not to HURT when moving my right arm. Doctors hadn’t been certain I’d regain complete use of my arm, but multiple surgeries and single-minded dedication to rehab had paid off.
I wouldn’t ever take my body for granted again.
Jessie rose dripping from the hot tub and padded across the tile floor, let herself out through the glass doors, and I righted myself, bobbed in the pool and watched the slim girl as she leaned against the railing and stared out into the night.
Dammit, she means so much to me.
I pulled myself up at the tile edge, walked over to stand behind her in the warm night air. Her body felt small as I wrapped my arms around her, nuzzled against her shoulder. “How’s my girl?”
“Good. Cooling down after cooking for a little bit. Beautiful view out here.”
It was. The river valley was visible behind and beyond the hotel below is in the parking lot. The land was dark, but the water reflected the moon and the lights of the bridges and occasional cars. Across the river, shadowed hills climbed towards the blue-black sky, the lights of another small town glowing between clefs in the land, flickers of orange and yellow denoting distant mansions built into the rolling mountains. Soft, warm wind brushed against us, a comfortable touch from the weather.
Jessie turned in my arms, arching her damp body against me, her mouth finding mine with an aching urgency. She ground against me simultaneous with forcing her tongue against mine, a moan escaping into my mouth as she revealed in the feeling of us pressing together. Then she pulled away with a slight gasp and a demure downcast of the eyes. “I love you, Gary. So much…” Her voice was hoarse, almost desperate with need.
I tilted her chin up till I could look in her eyes. “I love you too, Jessie. Never forget that.” My hand found her neck and I pulled her face to mine for another bruising kiss.
She pulled away with as much urgency as she’d kissed me, turning back to face the darkened river vista, elbows on the railing, and I resumed holding her, concentrated on the view, trying to drive back the hammering need thundering in my blood.
Maybe not.
Jessie’s bottom twitched against my crotch, and she very deliberately pressed it against me, sliding back and forth across the front of my swim trunks. No other movement, no change in posture, just a slow, gentle grind.
“Whatcha doing?”
“Nothing. Just looking at this beautiful view.” Her voice was girl, playful, and I knew if I could see her face, I’d see her eyes dancing, her delicate lips drawn back far in a smile that could morph into a cute giggle at any moment.
I slide my hands down her sides, covered the sides of her string bikini. Hooked my thumbs into the back of the waistband, eased the rear panel down below the curve of her ass. Shifting to the side slightly, I dragged One finger down her crack, left it against her tight pumper.
“Whatcha doing?” That playful voice only inflamed my lust for her.
“Nothing. Just looking at this beautiful view.” I pressed slowly, softly, her sphincter accepting me as she relaxed. With even more slowness and care, I continued penetrating her, easing through the muscle rings until the passage opened up a bit more. I had felt unnatural slickness, and I leaned to her ear. “You used lube?”
Jessie nodded almost imperceptibly. “I did.”
I shifted back to stand behind her, turning my headto glance around at the pool room behind us. I hadn’t heard anyone, but I still needed to confirm we were alone. We were, totally.
Reaching down between us, I eased my erection free, tugging down the front of my trunks. Jessie told as she felt it against her skin, and she shifted her legs apart, lowered her hips as I pressed her backdoor with the head of my cock by feel alone.
I could Feel her pushing back, trying to open up for me, and I maintained steady but gentle pressure until I felt the head sink in. Jessie told the sensing, then whimpered slightly as I moved my hands to her hips again, pushing forward. She tensed, and I stopped, started again a few moments later, stopped completely when my hips were pressed against her glutes. “Where am I, right now?” I whispered in her ear.
“In my ass,” was the answering whisper. I could hear the blush in her words.
I moved slowly, enjoying the sensing of her tight ring sliding up and down my shake, the slickness and fleshiness and heat and yearning and the brief hint of cool night air as I withdraw, and most of all, the sensing of POSSESSING her. I could do whatever I wanted to her, because she gave herself to me willingly.
She was mine.
And I was hers.
I withdraw with equal care as I had entered, tucking myself away and pulling the back of her bikini up to her hips. Jessie turned and the innocently questioning look on her face and the curl of her lip between her teeth almost drove me to bend her over and finish the job right there. “Why’d you stop, I was close…” she said, sounding disappointed.
“Because you were close. Let’s get back to our room.”
We had to make a detour for me to grab my shirt from the wooden changing room, and Jessie shut and locked the door behind us, grabbing the back of my neck with one hand, my dick through my trunks with the other, and pulling me into a kiss with fire blazing in her eyes. Skin sliding on skin, the need with which her lips ground against mine threatened to take away all my control.
And that was before Jessie turned and bent in half at the waist, tugging her bikini bottoms down to her ankles to give me a view of her slightly gaping, slightly reddened rear entrance. “Please?” she asked innocently, looking back, her head by her knees.
I didn’t need to be asked twice. I pushed my trunks down and Carefully reentered, prompting a groan from the gothic-looking girl once I was finally reseated in her rectum. I thrust long and deep and deliberately with her bent over and grabbing her own ankles, and then eased her back up, a hand clasped around her neck, restricting her breath while my other rubbered furious circles on her clip.
Jessie locked up. She went still for a moment and then she bucked, humping her ass back at me, frantically, uncoordinatedly, her whole body trembling from her climax while I kissed her shoulder and whispered dirty nothings in her ear. She came again, harder, when Ilet go of her neck and dipped my head down to bite her shoulder hard enough to leave a mark.
It took all my control, the grimaced clenching of every muscle in my body not to release too. The rhythmic squeezing of Jessie’s asshole around me was so stimulating to my sensitive member, the bucking, naked body in my arms was so stimulating to my mind, my ego that it was all I could do to hold on. I slowly pulled out once Jessie relaxed in my arms, and I turned her around, kissed her gently as her breathing returned to normal. She smiled tiredly at me. “I needed that.”
We rearranged our clothes, and trekked back to our hotel room, pausing in the parking lot to take in the beautiful river valley one more time. The view was gorgeous.
Most of the hotel lights were dark, and we took care to sneak through halls quietly, open doors quietly… Though Jessie did while rather loudly when I roughly pushed her against the wall in the darkened stairway, kissing her forcedly and shoving my hand down the front of her bikini bottoms to slip a finger into the hot, sensitive hole I hadn’t touched yet that night.
My lover ran a shower for us and we cleaned the chlorine and days sweat off ourselves and each other as steam filled the already warm room and we talked in low tones about the day ahead and what we wanted to see. My hunger for Jessie, my need to cum eventually got the better of me though, and I cut her off with a kiss, pushing her back to the tile with a hand on her neck.
The pale girl looked at me plainly and instinctively spread her legs, pressed her wrists to the wall. I wasn’t interested in pinning her arms in place and fucking her senseless though – instead I lowered my head and began to tease her sensitive pink nipples with my tongue and teeth and mouth. She understood against the wall as I drove her arousal higher and higher until she had to tug my head up for another kiss. “No more, PLEASE, just fuck me…”
I stepped back and guidedher to get on her knees, and I thought she looked absolutely adorable as she slicked wet hair back from her face before licking up and down my erection, tantalizing me with the electric glide of a tongue-tip on achingly sensitive skin. Then she took me in her mouth, folded her arms behind her back, and waited for me to get off the way I wanted – holding her head in place and thrusting into her mouth, or guiding her up and down as I wanted.
Despite Jessie’s high drive often leading her to instigate sex or power control situations, she preferred to submit to me, to let me take the lead. She’d rather I manhandle her into whatever positions I wanted to twist her lithe body rather than climb atop me and ride me, and quite often she’d definitely rather I use her for my pleasure than try and please me herself.
Her body was mine to command and use as I saw fit, she’d told me, and she had very, very few limits on how I could use it to please myself.
I pulled back to let herbreathe, and then right back in again, and I revealed in the glugging, cought noises she made as she sucked along my choking shake. I was in charge.
And right when I was about to pass the point of no return, I pulled back and jerked, watching the stream of white fluid shoot into her mouth, across her lips and chin. Jessie looked up at me contentedly and wiped some jizz off her skin, licked it away before the shower spray could take it.
She didn’t let my erection subside though, she stood and gropeed it, kissing my neck and inflaming my blood with hot breath on my ear.
“I think I should spank you before I fuck you again. I think that might make you even more submissive and compliant for whatever I want to do to you…” I reached around and grabbed one buttcgreat “Would you enjoy that?”
Her eyes were needed. “Hit me. Punish me. Put me in my place.”
We dried off and brushed our teeth, and Jessie took a moment to arrange her suitcases for the morning before coming out to find me sitting on the edge of the bed. Her lips quirked up in the feral, intelligent smile I knew so well, and she moved to my side to lean over my lap. I stopped her. “Let’s try something different.”
At my direction, she straddled my lap, her pale back to my chest, and I took a moment to kiss a few of the freckles scattered across her shoulders before tilting her forward. Ever graceful, she controlled her descent, resting her head on the hotel carpet and arching her hips up. With just her upper thighs resting on my legs, I could spank her like her ass was a pair of Jessie-bongo-drums, something that brought a giggle to her lips when I lightly slapped out the rhythm of “We Will Rock You.”
That giggle turned into a gasp as I delivered a harder slap to one upturned chef, a bright pink mark appearing in its wake, another appearing with a “crack” on the other side. Jessie bit one knuckle to keep from waking the sleeping hotel as I continued, her face contorting into erotic winces and grimaces, soft whimpers occasionally escaping her lips.
She could say so much with her face. It was truly a work of art. I loved everything about her, but I could star at her face for hours, try to memorize it, try to describe, try to hold onto its flawless beauty forever, only to see something new.
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