Author’s note: This is the second chapter in a story involving three characters who explore the wife pursuing a D/s relationship outside of her marriage. I see this being a slow burn over time as the characters evolve and grow. Timid at first, getting more bold and adventurous as boundaries are pushed. All feedback is welcome, but certainly constructive feedback is preferred. I’ll respond to anyone who wants to Discuss further. Hope you enjoy!
When Nicole got home from the restaurant Steve, her husband, was waiting in the living room. He looked up, trying not to act too excited. “How did it go?”
Nicole didn’t even want to speak. She walked over and grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bedroom. She pushed him onto their bed and pulled his pants down. His cock was already hard. She didn’t waste any time and pushed as much of it into her mouth as she could. Getting it wetter and wetter as she bobbed her head up anddown. Her mind was racing with thoughts of Matt and Steve. She still couldn’t believe she had just been out with another man. The idea that she would have sex with someone other than her husband felt closer than it ever had before. Her chest was pounding with excitement.
At the same time, she wanted to reassure Steve she was all his. Or was she? She wanted him to know that she wanted him more than ever by giving him the best blow job she could. Trying to mimic the moves of the submissive girls, no, the submissive sluts, in her favorite porn videos. Rubbing her hand up and down. Twisting slightly. Drooling to keep everything wet.
Steve’s breathing was getting ragged. “I want to fuck you,” he panted.
“Hmm mmmm” she moaned, indicating ‘no’ without taking her mouth off him. Faster and faster she went. Finally taking a quick break to release him from her mouth with a playful ‘pop.’ She rubbed him with her hands as she licked the head of his cock. Then gently on the underside.
As long as she kept his cock in her mouth,she wouldn’t have to deal with the questions she knew would inevitably follow.
She sucked him back into her mouth. Using both hands now she went up and down. He was moaning in rhythm with her movement. It wouldn’t be long now.
“Oh god, Nicole.” he gasped. “I’m gonna… cum.”
She moaned on his dick hearing those words. Then she felt him pulsing.
She backed off a little so she could swallow as he shot cum into her mouth. She pumped gently with her hands, milking every drop out of him. Not wanting to spill anything. She imagined that was what Matt would want. She felt so turned on at the thought, but still guilty that she was thinking of another man while sucking her husband’s cock. Not some other generic idea of a man, but a specific person. Matt. Matt who she knew she would be seeing again.
Finally Steve started to go soft and moan, almost in pain, as she stroked and sucked his post orgasmic dick. “Please… easy…” he begged.
She let him slide out of her mouth. Pleased she could suck him to completion for the first time in a long time. She climbed up next to him and laid down.
“Fuck… Honey… that was incredible.”
She simply showed softly in response.
“Did you, did you do anything with him?” He asked after a minute, clearly needing time to recover.
“No, he Just gave me a hug goodbye in the parking lot.”
“Just a hug?” He almost laughed. “I thought with the way you went down on me you must have blown him in his car.”
She tensed up. “No. Just a hug.” She paused. “Would you have been mad if I did? Blow him?” She found it hard to get the words out even though Steve had just used them. They rarely talked dirty at all. The words, so familiar in her head, seemed so foreign when spoken out loud.
“No. Fuck no. I was so excited wondering what you were doing. Wondering how much he would ask for. Wondering what you would actually do.”
“I toldyou we agreed to no sex stuff for the first meet up.” She responded.
“I know, but sitting at home, seeing your text that it was going well, left to my own imagination…” He trailed off. “And then when you sucked me like that, it just made me wonder.”
She didn’t know what to say. She felt so awkward now.
“What are you thinking right now?” Steve asked, sensing her mind racing in the silence. “We agreed we would be open with each other if we were going to do this. Even if it was hard.”
“I…” She hesitated, “I feel so guilty.”
“Ha. You hugged another guy, one we agreed you could meet, and now you feel guilty?”
“It was more than that! We… I don’t know. Connected. In person.”
She realized she was dreading telling him about it. “Promise you won’t hate me?”
“I could never hate you, sweetie. I want to hear. It’s exciting for me too.”
She told him the details as best as she could. Unable to look Steve in the eye while doingso.
When she finished, she said “I just feel so selfish and guilty. It feels like it’s all for me.”
He reached down and grabbed her hand bringing it to his cock. He was hard again and he wanted her to feel. “It’s not all just for you…”
Matt drove home, getting more excited as he did so. His cock was so hard and he felt so excited. It almost didn’t feel real. That he was able to have a… a date? With another man’s wife. And it felt so right. So excited.
He was worried he was overreading. He worried Nicole would go home and chicken out. Or her husband would freak out. They probably would, right? He shouldn’t let himself get too excited. Why would she just want to be someone else’s sex toy? Why would her husband let her? She was so fucking beautiful. Too pretty to be slutty. His cock reached at the hint of the thoughts forming in his mind.
When he got home he checked his messages. Nothing. Of course not. They were probably talking. Talking aboutt never doing it again. He needed to just give them their space. He needed to be ready to never hear from her again.
One message wouldn’t hurt, right? He started a new one.
Nicole. I had an amazing time! I can’t believe how comfortable it feel to be with you. I can’t believe how sexy you are! Anyway, I’d love to keep exploring with you. I realize you probably have a lot to talk about with your husband. Let me know what you are thinking and we’ll go from there.
He hit send. He reread his message. Fuck, it was too passive. He was supposed to be a Dom. Doms didn’t write like that. They took charge. But he didn’t want to scare her off. Fuck! It was impossible to know what the right tone was. He went to his bedroom and laid down on the bed.
He couldn’t help himself. He needed release. All the tension of the meeting was like electricity through his body. He reached down and pulled his cock out. He could see her face. She was a real person now. Gorgeous andalive. He felt so tantalizingly close to his fansies and so infuriatingly far away. He couldn’t even compose a cooperative thought. Her face, her voice, her body, her touch…. It was too much. He came quickly and hard. His mind trailed off, finally saved of the tension, he slept.
He woke. He couldn’ remember his dreams, but he knew who they were about.
He checked his phone. A message!
Steve. Thank you for lunch. It was perfect. You made me feel really comfortable and safe, it was just what I needed. I know I’m not very good at this yet, so I’m sorry if I did anything you didn’t like, or didn’t do something you wanted me to. I talked to Steve when I got home and I’d like to keep going.
His heart beat harder reading her message. It seemed too good to be true.
What would you like to do next? I want to make sure you and Steve are ok with whatever we do and I’m willing to go slow. I’d really like to be somewhere private with you.I don’t know if you are both comfortable with that idea yet. Do you want Steve to be there? I’m still willing to meet him whenever you want if that’s what you want.
It was less than thirty minutes before the next reply.
I want to meet somewhere private too. Steve and I talked and we think we should all meet first. I want him to feel as comfortable with you as I do.
The thought of being alone with you is driving me crazy. Let’s meet somewhere for drinks first.
That sounds great! How about ‘The Grapes’ off of Savoy Ave? Any night this week works for me as long as it’s after six.
Steve and Nicole walked into The Grapes a few minutes after seven. Steve looked around freshly trying to see if he could tell what Matt looked like before Nicole pointed him out. The run up to the meeting had been filled with mixed emotions. He could feel Nicole’s restrained energy. Alternately acting too nervous, guilty, excited, or inconsciously disinterested as she tried to hide her enthusiasm for the coming meet up. Nicole had absolutely been on fire this week, enthusiastically fucking Steve every night since she had met Matt.
Nicole, dressed in jeans and a cute blouse that showed just a hint of cleavage, had thought about asking Matt what she should wear, but couldn’t bring herself to admit to Steve she wanted to ask. While she knew her excitement was transparent to Steve, it felt amazing how quickly Steve would get hard for her this week. How much fun they had playing “What do you think he’ll want first?” had been.
The post coronavirus conversations about rules and boundaries had been discussed between them. She was beyond relieved when Steve had agreed he would tell Matt. Nicole still Couldn’t picture herself actually saying those words out loud, no matter how bad she wanted this.
Nicole immediately recognized Matt across the room. He had already grabbed a small table in what constituted a quiet corner. She waved and took Steve’s hand as they headed towards the table. Steve distracted himself by notticing the quirky details of the nautical theme bar. He noticed how it felt like an eternity and and all too soon to cross the distance to the table.
Matt stood up, extending a hand to Steve. “Hi, I’m Matt,” he said, giving him what he felt was the friendliest, but still confident, handshake he could muster.
He turned to Nicole. “Hi” he said simply, with a smile breaking out across his face.
In a small voice she could hardly believe came from herself, Nicole could only muster “Hi.”
Matt started in for a hug, but paused looking at Steve with a questioning eye clearly seeking permission before moving further. Steve smiled and gave a half nod. As His arms wrapped around Nicole, a surprise familyarity felt by them both.
They said down in an awkward silence.
Matt spoke first. “I think we order drinks now.” They laughed and the tension fell away.
The waitress came by. Matt mustered his courage. “They lady will have a glass of the claret wine. And I’d like Manhattan.”
“And for you?”
“I’ll have a Manhattan as well,” replied Steve.
Nicole felt herself flushing. She loved being at this table with these two men. One, her trusted husband who made her feel safe and whole. The Other, a new and exciting experience waiting to happen.
They could only make small talk about traffic and weather for a few minutes. Finally the alcohol started having its lubricating effect.
Matt started. “We really don’t have to do anything at all, and if at any time any one says ‘stop’ then that’s it. We stop. I just wanted to get that out there first.”
“I appreciate that,” Steve said. He found the way Matt carried himself reassuring. He was both confident and comfortable, but also clearly deferential.
Matt continued, “I thought maybe you would have some questions and I’m an open book.”
Steve paused. He already knew what he wanted to ask but felt silly rushing into it. “I think my first question is just “Why this? I mean, with a married woman. I know Nicole has told you that we aren’t looking for a full blown relationship, per se. I guess I just don’t quite understand why you wouldn’t want, I dunno, a girlfriend?”
Matt had expected the question. He’d asked himself the very same thing a number of times. “I’ve been divided for a few months now. But the relationship hadn’t been very good for a while. I just feel… emotionally exhausted by the whole thing. I know I wouldn’t be a very good boyfriend to anyone right now. I just don’t have it in me.
“But on the other hand, this uh, this idea, has been a turn on for awhile. I just never was with anyone that I thought had the slightest interest in it. I dunno, maybe it’s my own fault for not being more open about what I wanted in my marriage. Going about it this way, where it’s all out in the open atthe beginning feels like it makes sense. And knowing Nicole already has, uh you, I guess. Someone that gives her a real relationship, seems like it might be the right fit. You know?”
Matt feel himself blushing a little bit. Talking about his feelings was never something he had been any good at. And here he was opening up to a stranger, a man.
Nicole could see Matt’s vulnerability showing in his words. She honestly felt for him. She knew a little bit about his dividend, but not much. She could see the exhaustion in his eyes when he talked about it. She imagined how good it would feel for him to… to what? Have her? Use her? She wanted to make him feel like a king. And she wanted him to use her to feel that way. She getting even more turned on thinking about.
Steve had the general story already and spent more time watching Matt’s body language. Trying to size him up, understand if he was telling the truth. If he could be trusted. It was clear he was embarrassed at his own words. Certainly he knew what he was going to say, but it was clear it was the truth.
“I need to know she is going to be safe.” Steve came right out and said it. “That’s really the biggest thing.”
Of course it was obvious, but he wanted to put it in plain terms and see how Matt would react.
“I completely get that. And I realize that we don’t know each other…at least not that well. If I were in your position, I would feel the same way. And I’m willing to go at whatever pace and follow whatever rules you want to put in place to make sure you know how serious her safety is to me.”
Steve took another drink and started to lay out the basic terms of what rules and boundaries he and Nicole had discussed.
For her part, Nicole was silent on the inside, but an indescribable ball of nerves on the inside. She was being talked about like she wasn’t even there. Like she was some piece of chattel in a deal between two business partners. She had spent almost her whole life valuing her independence. She was on track to be in a manager position at her corporate job. She didn’t need help. Steve had always been perfectly understanding of letting her be as independent as she needed to be but always there for her when she wanted to be.
Yet here it was. Her husband on one side, her… what? Dom? On the other. Her role was to be traded away. It sounded so insulting in practical terms, but it felt so exciting to be a part of. She could feel herself getting wetter between her legs the more she thought about it.
Steve was finishing up a list of initial do’s and don’ts. “Obviously, the goal would be to go further in the future if everything goes well, but for the first time or two, those are our rules.”
“I’m completely with you,” Matt replied, “and I’m ok with the idea that it might never go further than that. Or even stop before we start.”
A lull hit the conversation as everyone had said what they needed to say and hear what they needed to hear.
Steve spoke first. “We’ll obviously go home and make a final decision, but I appreciate your willingness to meet and talk it out first. I’m uh, going to use the restroom, pay the bill, and then go warm up the car for a few minutes. You’ll walk her out to the car when she’s ready?”
Nicole immediately realized what her husband had just done. It was nearly 60 degrees outside. She felt a wave of heat come over.
Matt blinked once or twice, processing the implications. “Of course,” he said, hardly skipping a beat, “But it would mean a lot to me to pay for her. And of course you.”
Steve, not used to letting others pay for him, had to take a beat. He almost laughed at himself for getting a free drink out of the situation. But if he was going to let his wife be… whatever this was… it seemed right.
“I guess that makes sense. I’ll be in the car. And honey, make sure you listen to Matt.”
Nicole’s heart leaves hearing her husband says that. That she had to obey. She never loved him more than she did right then. Her husband was the most wonderful man she had ever met, and he was giving her a wonderful, selfless gift. Even for just a few minutes.
Steve couldn’t help himself. He stood up quickly, shook Matt’s hand one more time, and then turned to head off to the men’s room. He almost felt weak. After he had washed his hands, he opened the door to the main bar area. He tried as hard as he could not to look, but he couldn’t stop himself from stealing a glance. Nicole had already moved to a chair next to Matt. Was his hand on her leg? He couldn’t tell. His heart beat faster. He quickly walked out and got in his car.
As he listened to the noise his footsteps made in the gravel parking lot, he couldn’t decide if he wanted to skip to his car or throw up.
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