Three Sisters Book One Ch. 02

Andy left immediately and drive the twenty miles to Danielle’s apartment. When she answered the door, she greeted him a with look that was a mixture of fear and defiance. Andy was carrying a steamer trunk which he took into Danielle’s bedroom where had her begin to pack it full of clothes that he selected from her wardrobe. He left almost all of her slacks and most of her dresses taking only the ones that buttoned down the front or were in some way revealing. She quietly packed away the clothes until he started through her underwear, focusing on a few items of really sexy lingerie, when she protested.

“I never wear those things. I only have them because my boyfriends have bought them for me or asked me to buy them. I’d rather take some of my bras and panties. Besides, I need panties to wear under those teddies and the bustier.”

“No, you don’t, Danielle. Remember, I’ll tell you what to wear from now on, right?”

“I… Yes, that’s right.”

“That’s good, Danielle.”

Andy selected a black lace teddy and a sundress with a black background and a bright floral print and held them out to her.

“Go change into this teddy and this dress. Bring all of the clothes that you have on back with you. Change in the closet, Danielle.”

“Can’t I change in the bathroom? This door doesn’t close tightly.”

“Danielle, I’ll see all of you sooner or later. Change in the closet.”


“No ‘buts’, Danielle. Remember two words. Prison and slave. Now go.”

She went into the closet and, with her back to the crack in the door, disrobed and, without removing her underpants, pulled on the black lace thong teddy he had selected, then started to put on the sundress that buttoned down the front. Andy pushed the door open slightly.

“Danielle, no underwear other than the teddy. Understood?”

“I… Oh, alright. Close the door, please.”

“No, you lost that privacy by not following my orders. Take them off.”

She blushed as she pulled the teddy down and removed the panties, then, with her back still turned towards him, she put the teddy back on and picked up the dress.

“Not yet, Danielle. Turn around and let met see the teddy. Ah, very nice. I’m glad to see that it doesn’t have any lining so that your breasts are so visible. They are very lovely, Danielle. Before you put on the dress, let’s pick out the rest of your things. Where are your bathing suits?”

“Please let me put the dress on. I’m so embarrassed to be around you like this. This thing barely covers me.”

“Get used to it, Danielle. You’ll probably have less than that on most of the time for the next two years. That may be just one of your daytime outfits for cleaning the house. I want to be able to see that body all the time. And I want the way that you are dressed to be a reminder to you that I own you. Bathing suits?”

“In the dresser. Here.”

“Take this one and… these two bikinis… oh, and this white tank suit. That’s good. Now, get your toiletries and we’re ready. I’ll buy you some new things that will fit your new status better later this week. Hurry up, it time to go. We’ll stop and get some lunch on the way home.”

Danielle quickly walked to the bathroom and got her hair dryer, curling iron, makeup and various other things and Andy studied her body as she moved around packing things. She knew that he already knew it reasonably well because of the past but she had never let him near her when she was this close to being naked. She was aware of how much smaller she was than Andy who towered over her since he was 6’2″ and she only 5’4″. She remembered standing in front of the mirror last Saturday morning checking out her body and realized that Andy was doing the same thing this morning. She glanced down and realized that the high cut teddy allowed some of her jet black public hair to stick out and, as she moved about, the thong had begun to bunch up and move inward covering less and less of her public area. She blushed but then felt a powerful surge of excitement and realized that her nipples had become hard and erect and that she was very lubricated. By the time she had everything packed she was wondering if totally giving up control might be the key to unlocking her very, very inhibited self.

When she finished packing Andy let her put on the dress but had her leave the top unbuttoned from just above her navel and the bottom unbuttoned from just a couple of inches below her crotch. She was clearly uncomfortable about the way she was dressed but didn’t complain as they left her building and Andy drove her away to her new life.

Andy stopped for lunch at a small Italian restaurant where they ate on the patio next to a lake. Both Danielle and Andy were very aware of the looks that she was getting from waiters and customers as she sat with her legs uncovered almost to the crotch and the black teddy visible under the floral print dress. Andy ordered drinks and urged Danielle to finish her’s rapidly which she did with both her first and a refill. With their lunch he ordered wine and made sure she drank a couple of full glasses. By the time they left the restaurant, Danielle was much more relaxed and was chatting away about her friends and life as if she had forgotten her new situation. Andy let her continue the conversation all the way out to the house. When they arrived, he unloaded her trunk in the garage and carried it into the small sitting room off of the master bedroom. She became strangely silent as she looked around the room which he had previously, in anticipation of her arrival and her inability to refuse his demands, returned with a single iron bedstead and two armoires. As he put down the trunk Danielle was standing very still, shaking slightly.

“What’s wrong, Danielle?”

“I think the reality just hit me. This is going to be my room for the next two years, isn’t it? And I’m trading my beautiful little apartment and allmy country furniture for this bed and those cabinets. I guess it just doesn’t seem fair. I don’t want to do this. I want to go home and forget about the whole thing.”

“Dani, you’re not trading your apartment for this room, you are trading a prison cell for this room and, most of the time, the rest of this house and the pool and grounds. Not really such a bad trade, right?”

“I guess not when you think of it that way. But I’m still not sure I want to go through with this.”

“It’s your choice, Danielle. I offered you an option and you can still change your mind. But you have to do it in the next couple of minutes. Stay here or take your chances with the police? Which will it be?”

“You know damn well that I’d have no chance with the police. I’d go to Prison for sure with all the information you have. The only question is how much time I’d get. And I guess you were right earlier and that I’d be lucky to get out on parole in less than five years.”

“Yes, and you would be a convicted felon and not be able to get a decent job ever again. This way you are free in two years and have no record. I’m still waiting for your answer, Danielle.”

“It’s still the same choice I had earlier. I’ll stay.”

“And be what?”

“I’ll stay and be your slave. But only for two years.”

“Take off the dress, Danielle. Now go over to the smaller armoire and bring me the box that’s on the bottom shelf. Thank you. These are your cuffs and collar, Danielle. I’m going to put them on you and fill them with a foam that fits them to you so that they won’t rub you and hurt. You will wear them all of the time for the next two years as a symbol that you are my servant. Understood?”

“Do I have to start right now? Can’t this wait till tomorrow? I’m tired and I’m so jumpy from not having any drugs that I can’t even concentrate. Could I do a pipe just to calm me down? It makes me really horny so I might be willing to let you make love to me.”

“First thecuffs, Danielle. Then we’ll see about the crack. Okay?”

“I guess. But I really do need some and I really will let you make love to me. Please let me have just one rock.”

“After I fit these, Danielle. Now.”

He pulled her next to him by one arm, placed one of the black leather cuffs to her wrist and injected the foam, then did the same to her other wrist. She compiled readily when he had her put her right leg in his lap and fitted an ankle cuff and then was equally complicated when he fitted her other ankle. She reacted finally when he closed the three inch wide leather collar around her neck.

“No. Not that. It’s too wide. I can’t bend my neck right and it’s going to make it hard to breath and swallow. I don’t want that. I won’t let you do it. Take it off.”

As Dani reached up to try and remove the collar Andy grabbed her hands and fastened them together behind her. She struggled briefly before she obviously concluded that she could’t prevent him from injecting the foam. While the quick setting foam dried, he took out a key and locked all four cuffs and the collar.

“Danielle, you can’t take these off unless I unlock them so you better just accept the fact that you have to wear them. And I also think that you had better accept the fact that you have to do what I tell you to do. Because you are just learning, I’m going to let you get away With saying that you won’t let me put the collar on you and with your trying to remove it. In the future either of those things will result in your being punished. Come over here with me while I open the other cabinet.”

Danielle hesitated and he took hold of her wrists and propelled her across the room to the cabinet. She stood looking at him defiantly but, when he opened the cabinet door, she gasped and her Expression changed to one of horror as she saw the three whips and the riding crop that hung inside the armoire. He reached in and removed a whip made of several thin leather strips that weree double knotted at each end and let the ends lightly whip across her legs as he pulled it out. Dani cringed and backed up slightly when she felt the knots.

“This is what I’ll whip you with the next time you are disobedient, Dani. I want you to see it and to know that you will get thirty lashes for each thing you do wrong. Is that clear?”

“I… Oh, God, you won’t really use that on me, will you? I thought you mean that you’d spank me a couple of times or something and I thought I might even enjoy that but I couldn’t possibly stand being hit with that thing. Please don’t ever use that on me. Please.”

“That’s up to you, Danielle. I also want you to see the others that I may use if you are really bad. First is this whip, which is made of thin pieces of metal wrapped in leather. These will really hit you with a lot of velocity since they are what? Maybe four feet long? They will definitely leave very noticeable welts. And this is a riding crop. It’s very hard and will leave welts and crueles. It may even draw blood, Danielle. Now do you want me to use any of these on you or will you be good?”

“Oh, God, no. I’ll be good. I’ll do anything you say. Those scar the hell out of me. I don’t want you to ever use any of them.”

“In that case, Dani, this last one should really persuade you to obey me. Go stand over by the other cabinet.”

When Danielle was standing by the other cabinet which was about eight feet away on the other side of the room, he reached into the cabinet and, in one fluid motion, brought out a ten foot bull whip and swung it out so that it passed about 12 inches from her hips. When he flicked his wrist to bring it back, it made the loud rifle shot sound that bull whips are known for and Danielle jumped and Suddenly dropped to her knees, moaning softly.

“Oh, why did I agree to this? I think that prison might be better. I’ll die if you ever hit me with that. I can almost feel the pain right now just from hearing that noise. Oh, please don’t do this to me.”

“Danielle, I’m not going to whip you right now. I told you that. If you are good, I’ll never whip you. I just want you to know what the punishment is for being disobedient. Okay?”

“I.. Yes, I understand. Oh, man, you better believe that I’ll obey you. I’ll be so good that you’ll never have to whip me. Honest, I will.”

“Well, let’s see if you’re right, Dani. Let’s see how obedient you will be or if you’re maybe kidding yourself. I think that you are going to have to experience a few whippings before you are really subservient to me but maybe I’m wrong. Your first rule is that you are to always address me as ‘Master’. When you want to ask me something or When I ask you a question or anytime you say anything to me, you are to call me ‘Master’. Understand?”

“Call you what? You really expect me to call you Master? You must be joking.”

“That’s one whipping, Dani.”

“I… No, I’m sorry. I understand. I’ll call you that.Please don’t whip me.”


“Oh. Please don’t whip me, M..M..M..Master.”

“That’s better, Dani. There your hands are free. Come with me.”

After allowing Danielle to smoke a single rock of crack cocaine, Andy led her into the living room and had her stand in front of him between the club chair and ottoman. He told her to slip her arms out of the straws of the teddy. She felt almost comical in her attempt to do it without baring her breasts which she kept exposing slightly as she wiggled around. When her arms were out she smoothed the cups up over her breasts and stood still.

“Fold the cups down and show me your breasts, Danielle.”

She reluctantly compiled and her normally pale, milky skin blushed to a bright pink as her breasts came into view and she saw him looking directly at them.

“Caress your nipples… Harder, Danielle. I want to see them erect.”

Danielle had slowly reached up and gently was rubbing her nipples until he told her todo it harder when she began to catch them between her finger and thumb and roll them back and forth until she had a dreamy expression on her face and her breathing had quickly.

“Pull the teddy down to the middle of your thighs, Danielle.”

Again, Dani was obviously reluctant to comply but, after just a moments hesitation, reached down and, slipping her thumbs under the sides, pealed the tight stretch material down below her crotch. As she straightened back up, she covered her cunt with her left hand.

“Spread the lips with your fingers, Danielle. Reach down with your other hand and cares your cliporis. Good. Keep doing it, Danielle.”

She stood in front of him, slowly caring her cliporis while he studied her groin. A abundant mound of very dark pubic hair surrounded very full labia. Her finger covered her very large and prominent cliporis. The public hair line was quite close in on either side since she had recently shaken there for a bathing suit.

“Dyou shake around there, Dani?”

“Yes, or else the hair sticks out. I guess I have a lot of hair or something.”

“Do you shake you legs up close to there also?”

“Y… Yes. I have to shake the insides of my thighs for the same reason.”

“Take the teddy off and sit on the ottoman, Danielle. Very good. Was what you were doing feeling good?”

“Yes. I’ve never done anything like that in front of anyone before and I think that it was sort of turning me on to do it”

“Lean back. Spread you legs and raise your knees up towards your head. Very good, Dani. Is this where it was starting to feel good?”

“Oh, yes. Mmmmmmnnnnnnnn.”

“You do seem to be very well lubricated, Danielle. My finger slipped inside very easily. Dani, I want you to show me how you masturbate and, while you’re doing it I want you to tell me about your sex life.”

“I… I don’t really want to do this where you can see so clearly… but I guess I don’t have any choice. Oh, that does feel good. Tell you what?”

“Do you like sex?’

“I guess so… mmmmnnnnnn… It’s never been a big deal. I’ve lived with a couple of guys and we made love when they wanted to but…”

“What do you mean by “made love”?

“You know, they would sort of touch me a little and kiss me a lot and then put it in and do it.”

“That’s all?”

“I wouldn’t let them do anything else. I guess I’m sort of a prude but I just like the guy on top, that’s all.”

“You were never on top?”

“Oh, maybe once or twice. This feels really great. Hmmmnnn. Can we stop talking for a moment so I can concentrate.?”

“No. Have you ever let one of your boyfriends go down on you?”

“Ah, um, no.”

“Has anyone ever gone down on you?”

“Oh, ah, no.”

“Dani, I think you are lying to me. I’ll find out the truth the first time I whip you… or you can be truthful now.

“Oh, well, damn. I… No, never.”

“Is that the truth, Dani?”

“I… Yes. I’ve neverI’ve got to stop this now… its no good to go any further, it never works anyway… I really hoped that having you watch would be enough.”

“It never works? You mean you never have a climax when you play with yourself?”

“No, never.”

“Have you ever had a climax?”

“N… no.”

“Have you ever gone down on anyone?”

“I… no.”


“God, no. Mark wanted me to but I wouldn’t. I couldn’t.”

“Have you ever done it to a woman, Dani?”

“I…. No, no… I… never.”

“So you’ve never used that beautiful pouting mouth on anyone, right?”

“N… no.”

“You will.”

“That’s so nasty… Don’t tell me that you’re going to want me to do that… I don’t know how to and…”

“Don’t worry, Dani. I’ll teach you. By the time you leave here you’ll be a pro. Have you ever had anal sex?”

“Had what? Good God, no. That’s gross. I won’t ever, ever even think about doing that with anyone… never.”

“Soon, Danielle, soon, you’ll be begging me to do that to you. Just wait. When the only way to stop the whip from hitting you is to beg, you’ll beg for anything. Get up. Its time to fix dinner.”

“You won’t really do that will you? Please. That’s something I think about all the time as being the worst thing that could happen.. that and someone coming in my mouth. Don’t even kid around about that. Please?”

“Pick up the teddy and come with me, Dani.”

Andy allowed Danielle to have another small rock of crack while he prepared dinner and she obviously relaxed. After they had eaten and she had cleaned up the kitchen he told her it was time for her to unpack her things and to get ready for bed. He led her back to the sitting room where he helped her unpack her personal items and stayed in the master bathroom while she washed her face, moisturized it, brushed her teeth, etc. She finally turned away from the mirror and said

“Could you leave now? I have to use the toilet.”

Andy stepped up to her and, after fasting her hands behind her, said,

“No. Remember, you have no privacy. Here, use this with the seat up but do not let any part of your body touch the toilet except your hands”

Dani started to protest but then, blushing again, lowered herself down and discovered that she could only keep her balance by spreading her legs wide open. Andy squatted in front of her and watched her urinate, then took some toilet paper and wiped her off. She blushed to a dark red color that spread down to her breasts. He led her to her bedroom and instructed her to get on the bed, facing the headboard, on her knees with her head on the pillow. When she was in position, he slipped his left hand around her leg and began to cares her cliporis. When she reached the point where she was moaning auditionally, he reached in with his right hand and suddenly penetrated both of her openings at once. She cried out in surprise.

“Ohhhhhhhh… Don’t… Uuuummmmmmm…Oh, yes, that’s better than I thought it could ever be… Oh, please fuck me.”

“What are you supposed to call me, Danielle?”

“What do you want me to do, Danielle?”

“Please fuck me, Master. Oh, Master, please let me do some lines and then fuck me. I might even make it if you let me do that. Oh I need some drugs… I need to… Oh, that’s so good… Oh, what is that?… Oh, yes, put it in me… NO, NOT THERE…. PLEASE, NO, PLEASE, NO, IT HURTS… Oh that’s better… oh, yes… Oh, God I’m so turned on… Don’t do that… Take your finger out, please… Oh its so sensitive… Oh what are you doing… Oh, yes…OH, MY GOD, ITS SO GOOOOOOD… AHHHHHHHHH… YES, YES, YES, YES, OH, DAMN IT, NO, not when it was so close, shit.”


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