Three Simple Rules

It had been six months now, since we last met, and since the new rules. Six long months, which seemed to drag on much more slowly than any other six months I had known. It has been such a long, frustrating time for me, since the new rules were put in place by my Mistress, my love, my owner.

She owns me so completely now, I am lost without her, desperate to see her once more, craving the time we can spend together. Craving her vagina, her mouth, even her anus. You see, the new rules were so very simple, but utterly controlling. She knew so well the effect they would have on me, and they were stunningly effective.

Six months ago, we had managed to meet up. A very rare occurrence these days but always memorable, and always fun. We shared a password for each other and a very secret love of BDSM. It was our shared secret. Something we dare not speak about with our friends, but something which had always been a part of us. When we met, all traditional sensitivities went out thewindow, and we could play around controlling each other using various bits of bondage kit we had collected over the years. Ropes, restraints, gags, whips, clamps were all used as well as tools to make our time so much fun.

Each time we met, one of us would bring along a new piece of kit. It was always a surprise until it was used, and quite often the ‘receiver’ of the kit would be blindfolded when it was first used, just adding to the surprise and trepidation. On this occasion it was Mistress’ turn to bring along something, as I lay on the bed, naked, with my hands casually behind my head wondering what it might be.

Mistress came out of the bathroom with a mischievous grin on her face, dressed in a shiny skin tight latex catsuit, which she had introduced to the kit bag a couple of sessions earlier, holding a small bag which she laid on the floor at the foot of the bed, just out of sight. She straddled me, rubbing her latex clad figure along my body, heightening the excitement I was feeling, which was all too clear to see.

Leaning down and kissing my lips gently she said that a surprise was in store for me, one which would be memorable for a very very long time. Before I had a chance to ask too many questions, she took my right arm from behind my head and pulled it towards the corner of the bed. A leather cuff, which had earlier been attached to straws passing under the bed was attached and locked in place with a small padlock. This was repeated with my left arm securing my hands in place, far enough away to be of no use should I wish to stop any plans she may have. The padlocks were an unusual addition. They seemed a bit over the top, as it was night-on impossible to undo the cuffs without them, but I was happy to play along with the game.

“Happy?” she asked as I lay there drifting towards my sub-space, floating along in the most perfect emotional ride when you hand control over to someone you trust.

“Perfectly.” I replied, grinning upat her.

She just smiled and shifted her attention to my legs which were similarly pulled to the waiting ankle cuffs, and small padlocks attached with subtle clicks.

Sliding off the bed, she grinned.

“Now for something you taught me last time.”

She slowly walked to each corner of the bed to pull the straps tighter. Not content with simply pulling my limbs to the bed corners, she repeated the tightening process a few times on each corner, pulling on the straws as hard as she could, my limbs fully stretched, and on the edge of that threshold which is pleasure and pain. This time closer to the pain side of the equation. She knew me so very well.

“Now you are fucked!”

A slightly unexpected turn of phrase, that I had never heard from her before. I looked at each wrist in turn trying to look for any sign of give but they were pulled very firmly to the corner of the bed. There was not an inch of give in the straws. My hands, turning a slight shade of purple,were no longer of any use. My feet were also useless, pulled so tight that I could not even move my ass an inch in any direction. I was going nowhere until Mistress decided otherwise.

This, of course, is what I loved and she knew it. Bindings so tight and uncomfortable they were a constant reminder of my state of helplessness. But the padlocks and turn of phrase were new.

Collecting something from the kit bag, she slide onto the bed and straddled me once more, holding an inflatable ball gag in her hand.

“Open Wide” were two words I never tired of hearing from her, so I played along happily opening my mouth, as she stuffed the deflated ball inside and pulled the strraps tightly through the buckle. So tight that even in a deflated state, I had no chance of pushing the gag out of my mouth. Then she began pumping, counting to 5. Our usual number of pumps which filled my mouth effectively stopping any words, but not overly placing any strain on my jaw.

“Now,” she saidmenacingly, “like I said before, You are so completely fucked.”

She squeezed another couple of pumps into the gag, which started to become uncomfortable.

“You have absolutely no control left any more.”


“I could keep inflating this ball until it blocks your throat,”


“and there’s nothing you can do about it.”


I was trying to tell her to stop, but only muffled “Uuuuuuhmpphhs” were coming out of my mouth. I trusted her completely but there was a small element of panc kicking in now.

Pump. Pump.

I tried to remain calm and keep my head still, staring up at the ceiling. If I lifted my head, the inflated ball would push to the back of my throat, choking me, so I had to remain as still as possible glancing down to her smiling face as she watched the torment grown on my face.

“You know of course that you belong to me, body and soul” she asked rhetorically. “But I want more.”

I stared in silence back into her eyes which had never looked more serious.

“I want to own this”.

She glanced down to my dick which, despite the danger was betraying my excitement.

“I will own your cock completely It will no longer be of any use to you other than a means to emit piss. I am going to give you three rules which you will have no option but to follow. They are simple rules so that your simple male mind can remember them:”

“1. You will never touch your cock again,”

“2. You will never cum again without my permission,”

“3. You will only be allowed to cum inside me,”

“There. How simple are those? I will let them sink in for a minute or two while I prepare the device which makes these rules so easy to follow.”

With that, she leaned to the side of the bed and picked up a small metal object, holding it up above my face. To my horror, what I saw was a small, stainless steel, heavy duty Cock Cage.

“I am going to cage your cock, and lock it. There is only one key, and I will be keeping that safe. The lock is pretty much un-pickable, and is built into the structure of the device. You will be caged at all times, for the rest of your life!”

She paused briefly to let that last bit sink in.

“The only time it is coming off is when you hands are secured to a bed or behind your back. You are never going to touch yourself again. Ever!”

My heart was racing. With a little excitement but mostly with fear. What on earth could I do about this situation? I was completely fucked! As she so eloquently put it. I pulled at my bindings in vain hope that I could struggle free and stop her before the lock clicked shut, but my limbs were useless. I tried to reason with her, but only mumbled huffs would escape my filled mouth.

Before I had too much time to contemplate my next move, she had swivelled around and slowly sunk her latex clad ass over my face, further muffling any sound, and making it very difficult to breath. The smell of latex filled my nose, and after a short pause for lubrication, I felt her hand tightly gripping my cock rubbing it slowly, and bringing such pleasure it became hard to focus. My mind jumping from fear, to pain, to breathing, to pleasure.

“The cage is not especially large, so I need to shrink you down a little to ft it. Having an engorged excited lump of a penis is not going to work. Once you cum, you will lose control of your dick too. It will become flaccid and slide nicely between its new bars. You can of course try and stop me.”

Knowing full well that was impossible, and the sense of inevitable growth stronger. This was going to happen whether I liked it or not.

Of course she had no intention of letting me cum, and would stop her strokes just in time, with a litltle pre-cum giving away my state and signaling for her to stop all movement!. This brought home to me just how powerless I was. I no longer had any control of my pleasure. She owned that when she took ownership of my dick.

“Good boy, you learn quickly. You have followed rule number two, which opens up the possibility of rule 3.”

Before I had a chance to figure out what she means, she flipped herself around so that her face was hovering just above mine.

“You should enjoy what is about to happen. It will be the last time you will get any pleasure until you see me again!”

With that, she slide her body over mine. The tip of my dick finding every fold of her very wet pussy. Already sensitive from the attention my cock had just received, I was desperate to plumge it deep inside her, but in a show of control she would simply allow the slightest of touches, before eventually deciding that she wanted pleasure and my dick would be used to provide that.

She relaxed her weight and pushed downwards plunging my dick deep inside her warm, soft, inviting vagina. The feelings of pleasure in that moment where heavenly. Never before had I felt such warmth being deep inside of her. The control she had at that moment amplified every emotion I was feeling. Each time she lowered herself onto me, made me fall deeper and deeper under her spell. This was heaven and I knew it would not last long as she rationally raised and lowered herself onto me.

Noticing that I was about to reach a climax, she stopped suddenly, and stayed completely still, me still buried deep inside. Looking up to her she just smiled back down at me. Nothing needed to be spoken, at that moment I knew I was utterly controlled. She owned my dick, and my soul.

“This is for my pleasure not yours” she said as she slowly started her movements, moving her hips to generate the most pleasure for herself.

I could see that she was enjoying this so much, and was not far from her own climax. I tried to thrust my hips upwards but was tied to tight there was little I could do to increase my pleasure. I knew that her orgasm would signal the end of this moment, but there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.

Her eyes closed, as she arched her back, smiling and groaning. Shuddering and moaning as her orgasm hit, flooding pleasure through her body. For a moment which seemed like minutes she was consumed in the pleasure flowing through her. She made this lovely fluttering gentle moaning sound when she came. A sound I loved to hear, and would never forget. But today, that sound signed the end of my pleasure. She quickly withdraw ensuring I did not complete and would be left frustrated. I moaned through my gag but she simply smiled back down at me.

“No. Not this time boy. I control you and I have decided that now is not the time for you to cum”.

Climbing off, she reached for the cock cage.

“And now, it is time to lock you away.”

Holding the cage next to my still engorged cock, she frowned.

“But that is not going to fit inside this tiny cage without some effort. Wait there.” she said with no hint of irony.

She climbed off the bed, rummaged through the kit bag and returned with a riding crop.

“I think this ought to do the trick.” and without hesitation she flicked the crop hard across my dick. I screamed out in pain as the crop struck my very sensitive member, but I could not stop her. She just smiled an enigmatic smile and continued to strike me until, inevitably, I started to subside. Pain taking over from pleasure so Instantly.

She placed the crop on my chest as a reminder of its availability, and grabbed my balls. Squeezing them unnecessarily in the process. Pulling them towards her she slide the ring of the cock cage over one, then the other, then grabbed my flaccid dick and roughly pushed its tip through the very tight steel loop to join my balls in its grip. She then pushed my dick into the separate cage. A series of stainless steel rings Welded together in a small arch, with a solid tip, designed to allow plenty of air to reach my shake, but completely shielding the most sensitive and pleasanttip from all potential contact.

As the cage was pushed onto my dick, she aligned a hole with a protruding shake on the ring, and slotted it through. Quickly grabbing the very secure looking padlock she fed the lock through the hole at the end of the shake preventing the cage from separating.

“Now.” She said with a note of seriousness. “It’s time to lock you away.”

I struggled in my restraints, pulling and desperately trying to stop what was about to happen, but all I could do was cause a slight movement of my hips, not enough to dislodge her hand which was waver over the end of the lock.

“Oh, it is no use struggle, you gave up any hope when you allowed me to tie your hands to the bed, and if you have hope of forcing me to unlock this when I release you, forget it. I have given the key to a friend who will look after it for me until I need it.”

At that moment, it all sunk in. I know that as soon as she pushed her fingers together, it would lock with nohope of release. My heart was racing with fear. I looked into her eyes which were staring back at mine. She was smiling because she knew exactly what was going through my head. She knew the turmoil I would be in at that moment, and she knew she had complete and total ownership of me.

“I should just add that this particular cage is made of the highest grade steel. There are only a few things strong enough to cut Through it, and in the process I would not hold out much hope for your dick remaining intact, so don’t even think about trying to cut it off. It will not end well”

“Any last words before I lock it?” she added coldly knowing I could not speak them even if I had any.


With a smile, she squeezed her fingers.



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