Three J's and an S Go Skiing Day 06 Pt. 01

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Four young college girls on a skiing vacation have to find other things to do when an excess of new snow traps them in their cabin. This is the eighth in this series and continues the adventures of The Three J’s and Sara at Mountain Lodge Resort.

This story might make more sense if you have read the previous days of “Three J’s and an S Go Skiing”

For the most part, the stories in this series are pretty milk.

If you are looking for heavy duty stuff, try one of my other story series.

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Ron and Judy, Kevin and Julie, Joan and Sara were sitting in the kitchen eating breakfast when Ron’s cellphone rang – his regular cellphone, not the snow rescue satellite phone. He stepped away from the table to answer it and came back several minutes later looking upset.

“Well,” he said, “do you want the good news first or the bad news.”

“Let’s go with good first,” answered Julie.

“The lodge will be open for business as of 9:00 this morning. They are booked solid and expect to be full to capacity by nightfall.”

“And the bad news?” asked Judy.

“They found a problem in the cable for the chair lift on this side of the mountain and it will have to stay shut down for another day at least. It looks like it took a lightning strike in that thundersnow we had just before Christmas and There is a burnt spot in the cable. It takes a special machine to cut out a section and re-splice, so they have to wait for the repair people to get here tomorrow.”

“So what does that mean?” asked Julie.

“It means that you have a choice between the bunny hill with its rope pull to get up the little slope or the black diamond slope on the other side. The Mogul Hill is more or less open, but that is ‘expert only’ even when it has been properly groomed. We can get you up to the lodge, and you can ski back down here to the cabin, but the chairlift on this side is a no go until sometimese late tomorrow.”

“The bunny hill doesn’t sound like much fun, and I don’t think I can handle the expert slopes,” said Sara. “I will just stay here and watch TV or whatever.”

“I’ll stay with Sara,” said Joan. “We’ll find something to do.”

“I’ll bet you will,” snickered Judy.

“Everything doesn’t have to be about sex,” harumph Julie. “Two people can just sit and watch TV together.”

“Maybe the Sara and Joan we knew last week before we came up here could just sit and watch TV together all day,” responded Judy, “but I think we have all changed – a lot – in the last few days. “

Sara replied, “There’s satellite TV and a strong internet connection. Joan and I are going to research some of her genealogy that we were talking about the other day. It looks like there might be some interesting stuff hidden away in the closets of her family tree.”

“Hope you don’t find too many horse thieves and ladies of the night buried back there,” said Judy as she expressed a laugh. “Who knows what you might turn up if you started digging through my family’s closets.”

“We could come back early for lunch and see if you have changed your mind.” said Ron.

“You four have fun on the slopes,” said Joan. “We’ll expect you back in about three hours. Sara and I will be OK here.”

“We’ll be more that OK,” started Sara, and the rest joined her to finish with “we’ll be fine… mighty fine.”

Ron, Judy, Kevin and Julie were still laughing as they walked out onto the deck and down into the yard.

After they had left, Joan turned to Sara and said, “So, does this general research begin with getting out a key that my aunts have hidden in that strange benchmark of theirs?”

“Like I said,” replied Sara, “I’ll bet there’s some interesting stuff hidden away in your family closets. Why else would they go to so much trouble to hide the key?”

“Maybe so we wouldn’t play with their toys like we have with the Jurgensen’s.” answered Joan.

“It probably isn’t dishwasher safe,” suggested Sara, “because whatever is in that close wouldn’t fit in the dishwasher. If it wouldn’t fit in those big drawers, it has to be something big.”

“Shall we began our research?” asked Joan.

“After you,” replied Sara with a bow and a sweep of her hand.

When they got downstairs, Sara said that she would go get the key and walked out into the area under the deck. When she returned, she was carrying the entire benchmark. “I was thinking…,” she began, “This weird bench, or whatever it is, was probably expensive to have made. It has a lot of expensive looking hard wood in it. The very top portion adjusts up and down, and it is reinforced with steel where the wood joins together. I’ll bet this has something to do with what is in that little closet.”

“So let’s see what is in the closet,” replied Joan as she set the bench on end and pressed the dark knot in the wood that opened the secret drawer.

Sara and Joan walked toget into the bedroom on the left and Joan tried the key in the lock. It unlocked and the door opened downward as though it were hinged on the bottom where it met the floor. But there were no hinges visible. Instead, two pins stuck out from the edges of the bottom of the door and were held in place by open-topped brackets that were attached to the wall.

“It looks like you are supposed to lift it up and out once you have it opened,” said Sara. Joan did exactly that. There appeared to be several large boards stacked sideways in the small closet.

“Wait a minute,” said Joan, and she opened one of the closet doors. “The floors in the closets have been raised up about two feet so that you can slide something really long in there. Help me drag those boards out into the main room.”

With a little tugging, grunting, and groaning, Sara and Joan dragged several large boards out of the closet and into the main downstairs room. They returned and each carried a stack of smaller boards out into the room. There was also a medium-sized wooden box filled with black iron straps and bolts, and a large, padded board that looked like the seat to a strangely shaped chair.

“There’s something else big tucked in on the other side,” observed Sara. “”There’s also a little bench and a big leather box of some sort.” She handed the bench and box out to Joan and said, ” I think I can slide This other thing out into the bedroom and pick it up.”

A few moments later, she carried what looked like a black half-barrel out into the main room. “I didn’t realize they were this heavy,” she said. “This thing must weigh twenty or twenty-five pounds.”

“You know what it is?” asked Joan as she set down a black padded bench or stool that seemed to match was Sara was carrying.

“Oh, yeah,” answered Sara. “I’ve seen pictures.”

Setting it down she added, “And I’ve seen some very interesting videos of this thing in action.”

“What is it?”

“It’s a Sybian.”

“But what is it?” asked Joan again.

“It would be a lot easier to see what it is if the attachments were in place,” responded Sara as she opened up the black leather case that had also been in the closet. She held up a T-shaped piece of soft, pink plastic and set it on top of the black leather half-barrel.

“It’s a vibrator!?” said Joan, her face showing her obvious surprise.

“Oh no,” answered Sara, “this is much, much more than just a vibrator. This is the B52 of vibrators. The Sybian is the top of the line, leading edge, female masturbatory machine in all the world. They cost over a thousand dollars and the extras can run that up to almost two thousand. It vibrates, rotates, pulsates and just about every other “ate” except munching on you. These things can give you so much pleasure that they can actually be used for torture.”

“No thanks,” answered Joan, “I’ve already had my brains fucked out by machines once this week.”

“But I haven’t,” said Sara withthe puppy dog ​​look on her face. Her eyes were glistening over with tears. “Do you think Sandy and Mandy would mind if I gave it a test drive? I’m pretty sure that the attachments can be washed and sanitized even if they can’t quite go through a dishwasher.”

“I don’t think my aunts would mind,” said Joan. “… especially if we don’t tell them.”

Joan looked around the room and continued, “But before you fuck your own brains out with that thousands dollar dildo, let’s see if we can figure out what the rest of this stuff is.”

“Now that I am thinking heavy duty BDSM,” said Sara as she looked around, “I think the long boards we pulled out of the closet are a Saint Andrew’s Cross.” She pointed at the long, heavy boards on the floor, “See, you can tell where the boards cross and the bolts hold them together in a big X shape. Those shorter boards with the hinges on them must attach to the uprights and the short lengths of chain go between them to hold everything up like a giantartist’s easel. That padded thing that looks like the top of a chair is probably the body pad for the center of the cross.”

“That leaves those other boards with the half holes in them and all the short pieces with plates and hinges attached to them.” said Joan.

Sara walked around the room holding some of the pieces in her hands. Suddenly she turned and walked over to the benchmark. “This is a base for that,” she said, pointing over to the Sybian. That’s why it has six legs. The middle legs are to stick your legs to. The metal brackets hold the Sybian in place, and the eyesbolts received in the end connect to the chains attached to…” She looked around the room and suddenly said, “… those eyesbolts halfway up the beams. With or without the Sybian clamped in place, the bench can be held directly between the beams in the center of the room.”

She walked around the room some more twisting the large piece of wood in her hands that had one large and two small half-circles cutout of it. “And this is a pillory that mounts on top of the bench if the Sybian isn’t there. See, if you put the two big pieces together, they form a big hole for your neck and smaller holes for your wrists.”

She went over to the benchmark and turned some of the adjustments. “This can be raised to almost five feet in the air. It wouldn’t have to go that high just to make a Sybian horse, but if this pillory were clamped in place, it would be just the right height.”

Sara put her hands on her hips and faced Joan. “Your aunts, Sandy and Mandy, are two totally kinky ladies. How did you turn out so straight?”

“If you consider intentionally losing so that I ended up spending an entire night in electron-sex bondage as being ‘straight,’ I would hate to see what you consider ‘twisted.’”

“Stick around,” said Sara with a wide grin. “You might get a chance to see just how twisted I can be.” She then carried the benchmark into the center of the room between the two beams with eyebolts and began attaching the leg chains to the four corners. She also attached four chains to the ceiling beams.

“I see how this is supposed to work,” she said with a satisfied smile. “See how this brake goes under the wood and slips into these brackets on the ends of the Sybian. Somebody has done some modification to the internal base plate so it can be held firmly in place on this horse rather than just setting it on the floor or on a bed.”

Sara set a pad of thick rubber on the top of the benchmark. It fit exactly. “I’m not sure what this pad is for. Maybe it controls noise or lets the machine vibrate more freely.” She had Joan help her set the Sybian in place and together they adjusted the height of the benchmark so that the top of the device was just below her wait.

She then went over to the accessories case and brought back a medium sized dildo attachment and an almost flat one with a large nub in the center of it. “You could actually remain a virgin and use this machine,” she explained. “In fact, with this one,” holding up the flat attachment, “you wouldn’t even have to take off your clothes.” She grinned and added, “If you didn’t mind getting everything all wet and gooey.”

As she put the dildo attachment in place, she continued to explain to Joan, “The man who invented this says that you don’t really need anything ramming inside you for the orgasm of Your life. That’s why it vibrates and rotates rather than thrusting like a man. If I could find a man who could rotate and vibrate, maybe I would switch sides.”

Sara checked that everything was properly in place and said, “I will start with this one and work up to the double penetration one or maybe even that extra large monster.”

“Don’t wear out my aunt’s expensive machines,” said Joan sarcastically.

“I think I am going to do a Julie on you,” said Sara.

“What do you mean?” asked Joan.

“I want you to tie me up in this like Sandy and Mandy have it set up for and thenTake over the controls. You do whatever with the speed, intensity and amount of rotation. I want to show you that I totally trust you.”

“Rotation?” replied Joan.

“Yes, rotation,” answered Sara. “Weren’t you listening? It doesn’t just vibrate.” She held up her index finger and twirled it in small circles, “It also rotates and wiggles. At full intensity, it is supposed to be able to make a frozen nun climax in just a few minutes.”

“Hah!” laughed Joan. “Take my word for it, some of those ‘frozen nuns’ aren’t as chilly as you would think. From the roof deck of one of granddad’s summer houses we were able to look down into the valley at the back yard of a convent. They had a big swimming pool back there. There were high walls, so I guess the sisters thought no one could see They in their bikinis. We were the only house overlooking the bluff, and we weren’t there most of the time, so I guess they forget about us.”

“Anyway, you could always tell when the mother superior was out of town because when she was gone, so were the suits. I never saw anything else. They weren’t kinky or into public sex or anything like that. But they did like to lay around in the sun naked. They probably thought skinny dipping was a mortal sin that would send them straight to hell, but they still did it. The priest probably had to take a cold shower after hearing their confessions that week.”

Sara laughed. “I went to public schools, remember? But if I confessed everything I did to a priest, he would probably have to run barefoot and bare assed out into the snow just to cool off.”

“So what exactly do you want to do, and when?” Asked Joan.

Sara finished tightening all of the clamps and adjustments on the benchmark and walked over to the wall to plug in the Sybian. She picked up one of the sets of wrist cuffs. “These cuffs have two sets of D rings on them. That’s because they are supposed to connect to two sets of chains, one from each end of the beam. That way my hands are held in place just like the benchmark is held in place.”

She picked up two wide belts that were in the accessory case. “These belts wrap around my ankles and those middle legs on the benchmark so I can’t get up off the Sybian. If you adjusted the benchmark high enough, it would be pure torture with my cunt carrying my whole weight on that pounding ridge. But I have it set so I can keep some or most of my weight on my legs.”

“So all you have to do is stick me in place, turn it on, and turn me on.” Sara giggled. “I really want to see what my inner fire does when it is dealing with pure pleasure rather than a mix of pleasure and pain.”

“If you really want to do this, I’ll do it for you.”

“I want it,” answered Sara as she swung her leg up over the Sybian, impaled herself on the dildo, and settled down into the “saddle.”

“OK” said Joan as she began to wrap the wrist cuffs around Sara’s wrists. After she had them in place she reached up and pulled one of the chains over to one of the cuffs. Since she was in front of Sara, she attached the chains from that side first, and they pulled Sara forward on the Sybian, but after Joan had stretched the second set of chains over and snapped them in place, Sara was held very upright on the machine.

She asked, “Are you seated where you need to be?”

Sara answered, “Yes,” and Joan bound Sara’s legs to the center legs of the benchmark.

“Wait,” said Sara. “This isn’t right. With my hands held tight like this, I can’t bend forward and there is way too much pressure against my front inside from the dildo. Maybe we have to go with that flat nubbly thing.”

“Or maybe you didn’t have everything figured exactly right,” answered Joan as she moved Sara’s foot forward and set it on a small ledge a little ways up from the bottom of the front leg. Joan strapped the foot in place and did the same to the other leg. Sara now looked like she were riding a very strange motorcycle. Sara must have thought the same thing because she said, “Vroom, Vroom,” and twisted her hand like she were controlling the throttle of a bike.

“Let’s see what this does,” said Joan, “and what you do in response.”

She switched the unit on and the Sybian began humming softly under Sara. She increased the amplitude of the victory and Sara said, “Wow!”

Joan said sweetly, “Let’s see what this control does.”

Sara pulled against her wrist restraints and said, “Ah! I can feel that moving inside me.”

Joan played with the controls for a little while and the sound of the machine – and Sara – varied in tone and intensity. Finally she was more or less satisfied with the combination and stood in front of Sara.

Sara began to moan slightly and said, “That is really intense.”

Joan moved the controls again and Sara began saying “Yes… yes… yes…” She looked up at Joan and said, “Pure pleasure is much better than pure pain.” After taking a deep breath she went on, “… the right mixture of pleasure and pain is really nice, too.”

She tilted her head back so that her throat was totally open and moaned deeply. “But pure pleasure is really, really, really nice.”

Joan watched as Sara then began to go into the pleasure as she had so often gone into the pain – giving her body to it… swaying with the sensings boiling within her… letting her body and mind soar together and separately upward into the source of her inner fire.

“Just leave it at that level and let me float here for a while,” she murmured to Joan. “Right now, I want this to go on forever.”

“Forever is a long time,” said Joan. “I am going to go soak in the hot tub and will be back in 15 minutes.”

Sara’s only response was a long “mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” as she undulated her body between her wrists which were held in place by the chains and her pelvis which was held in place by the Sybian’s upright dildo.

Joan started to leave, but Sara called out to her, “Joan, before yougo, let me see your body. I want to imagine your body as I go higher and higher.”

Joan laughed. “Sara, you are weird…, but OK.” She quickly slipped off her sweatsuit and underwear and stood in front of Sara.

“Like what you see?” she asked as she turned slowly around. When she was again facing her, Sara gave her what could only be described as a smile of contentment and then closed her eyes and once again went back to a long “mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” as she swayed in the Sybian saddle.

Joan blew her a kiss and walked up the steps to the hot tub. Fifteen minutes later she traveled back across the deck to re-enter the cabin and check on Sara. She gasped, however, when the door would not slide open for her. Although tugging at the door and slamming her fists against the glass, it would not open.

She ran frantically down the steps of the deck and around to the front of the cabin. Running up the front steps she grabbed the handle of the front door, but it, too, would not budge. The front door was locked!

She thought of the car and driving up to the lodge for help. The fact that she was nude wouldn’t have stopped her, but the keys were inside the cabin. She thought of running to a neighboring cabin, but the closest was almost a mile away by road, and she had no guarantee that anyone would be there. She ran back around to the door beneath the deck. It might be open… but it wasn’t.


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