I had the most extensive sexual experience of my life being caned by my female head teacher. It happened in the last few weeks at the school when I was 18. I was confused because I wanted to reproduce the level of sexual excitement I had enjoyed that day. Before I went to university I had started dating boys but none lasted long. University saw my first real dates involving sex. I was forward enough to challenge every one of them to spank me but those that took me seriously did nothing more than applied a few gentle love pats to my expected bottom.
Although I had never fancied any female I started to wonder whether I needed a female to really spark me sexually. During the three years at Uni I slept with more males than I like to remember. As I have all my life I loved sex and had plenty of it. Given half a chance by my partners I would orgasm most times and sometimes more than once. It rarely seemed to be enough as none of them were in the same league as when I was able.I totally convinced myself that I needed to be completely submissive to a natural dominant but always dated males who were anything but.
Soon after finishing Uni my family had a party to celebrate my 21st. My family is religious but there was alcohol consumed by most of the younger generation. I had my share and found myself arguing with a distant “uncle” who was in his forties. He had always paid me attention and teased me whenever he was able to. He was fairly good looking and had kept himself in excellent shape. I don’t remember what I said but I certainly remember his reply.
“What you need young lady is to be taken across the knees of a strong man and given a very sound spanking.”
My reply was out of my mouth before I engaged my brain.
“I have been looking for a strong man to do exactly that for years. Unfortunately I have yet to find anyone capable of delivering.”
“If you are woman enough to take a sound spanking I know I am man enough to dEliver one. Just let me know where and when and you will struggle to sit down for a week.”
They were words only but they excited me beyond believe. I wanted it to happen and happen there and then. Unfortunately there was no chance and with an embarrassed but challenging smile I backed away from the subject.
Many of the family stayed in the house that night including “uncle”. As I am not a churchgoer I volunteered to make Sunday dinner while everyone else went off to church the next morning. It wasn’t until the cars disappeared down the drive that I realized that “uncle” had managed to excuse himself saying that he had some work he had to complete. An excited thrill shook me as he walked into the kitchen.
“You know I am going to spank you don’t you? Have you any worries about that?”
I immediately realized that I wanted this so badly and I was not going to risk missing out by playing coy.
“Yes I know you are going to spank me but I do have two worries aboutthat. Firstly, I am not sure you will spank me hard enough.”
My hesitation at this stage prompted him to ask me what my second concern was.
“My second worry is that you might not fuck me after you have spanked me. If you don’t promise to do so then forget the spanking.”
This changed the atmosphere completely as he roared with laughter.
“Are you always so direct and wanton young lady?”
“If you are asking me whether I know what I want and go after it then yes. No man I have been with has risen to the challenge of taming my bottom. I only hope that you will.”
He did not answer but walked into the living room. By the time I had put the meat into the oxygen and followed him he was sitting on the sofa. There was no communication verbal or otherwise as I approached him and laid myself across his lap. I was wearing a short summer dress, which he immediately pulled up to clear my bottom. Somehow he had established his dominance and I had fallen into complete submission. I knew this was exactly what I wanted, exactly what I needed.
The first spank landed immediately. It was firm and made a wonderful noise as well as singing nicely. Five more followed with little delay. When he paused there was a nice glow developing on my bottom and threatening to spread further. If this was the foreplay I was happy but if he thought this was a sound spanking I was going to be disappointed.
“Your save word is red. It is green for go or red for stop.”
With this he delivered another six. These were much firmer and I welcome that. Now my bum was singing and the glow was spreading between my legs. I had been moist since he first told me he was going to spank me, now I was wet. As before he paused and I hoped that his hand resting on my bottom would explore further and discover my excitement, but it didn’t. I was pleased that he didn’t feel it necessary to check whether I wanted him to carry on.
It seemed that he was beginning to gain confidence in my ability to take pain and even enjoy it as his next spanks were much more forceful. This was the first time since my caning that I had experienced anything I would describe as pain. Now I began to really feel submissive. It was as if something had been switched on in my brain. I was buzzing and euphoric.
This time when he paused his hand did find its way between my legs. He reacted with a sharp intake of breath followed by
“My goodness you were not lying when you said you wanted to be spanked. Do you often get this wet?”
For some reason I found myself in danger of apologizing for being so excited but did just manage to stop myself.
“It feels wonderful please do not stop.”
As he continued to play with my pussy I was afraid he thought I I wanted him to stop the spanking but carry on the fingering. As good as the fingering felt I was delighted when the spanking resumed. He spaced these out much more than previously, giving the effects of each to be fully appreciated before the next one struck. At this stage I completely lost track of how many spanks landed on my red raw bottom. I also lost all track of the noises I was making. The spanking went on and on and was now delivered with significant force. It took me a little time to realize that it had stopped but this was confirmed as he ordered.
“Down on the floor, on all fours facing away, legs well spread. Head right down and your pretty bottom right up in the air.”
In other circumstances I would have told him he could fuck off but his dominance was just what I wanted. I was in position within seconds. When he entered me it was like a hot knife going through butter. It felt wonderful but I did feel that he must be really small to enter that smoothly. He took hold of my hips and fucked me hard and deep with a lovely tempo. It very quickly became obvious that he was in fact a good size as he felt deep and every stroke filled me beautifully.
I was alarmed at how quickly I began to climb the mountain that leaves me gasping and arriving at the point of no return. I was desperate to make this pleasure last much longer but failed spectacularly as I came over and over again calling his name and demanding that he fucked me for ever. As my orgasm threatened to die I sensed his thrusting changing and I knew he was going to cum too. I was delighted at how verbal he was as he emptied himself in me.
“My god I haven’t cum like for 25 years. I wanted to fuck you for hours but your orgasm was so spectacular I couldn’t help but exploit straight away. Are you okay?”
“Okay, that was the best orgasm any man has ever given me, phew amazing.”
I was so pleased that he didn’t ask whether a woman had given me a better one.
Very quickly he switched back into dominant mood demanding that I turn round and clean up his prick that was covered in our juices. This is not something I had done before even though I enjoy giving head. Now seeing his cockfor the first time I realized my first impression was wrong. Even in a less than fully erect state it was a very presentable size and fast getting bigger. Once I had licked the juices off the shake and head I started to lick and suck him with just the head in my mouth. He seemed to really enjoy this and it was more comfortable than trying to take too much too deep.
Very aware of the fact that it would not be long before the others were going to be back I worked on bringing him to orgasm. When he gently took hold of my face and told me not to spill a drop I knew he was ready. The head of his cock grew even harder and larger just before the first squirt hit the back of my mouth. He fucked my mouth as he squirted a number of times never going too deep which allowed me to hold most of his cum in my mouth until he slipped his cock out.
Smiling down at me he said.
“Hold it in your mouth for a minute before you swallow.”
I had little reason to disobey him, other than my dislike of the taste, so made a show of swallowing as if I was loving it. It was as I did this that a timer went off in the kitchen to remind me of what needed to do next for the dinner.
He followed me into the kitchen having gone to the bathroom. I assumed that having cum twice this would be the end of any sexual activity. He had other ideas. As I prepared some veg he slide his hand up the back of my legs until it was able to get into my panties, that I had put back on, from the top of the waistband. I hadn’t had time to clean up so they were soaking wet as he eased his hand down until his thumb was resting right at the center of my anus.
“Do not fight this. I want you to be a good girl and accept what I do to you. If you do I am sure you will enjoy it.”
“But the others will be back any minute. They can’t find me like this I reek of sex and my knickers are full of your cum.”
It wasn’t until I stopped talking that I realized I had not protected about what he was threatening to do only the timing of it. Something in me was still enjoying the dominance and I made no further protest as his thumb found little resistance as he buried it deep inside me. Men rarely discovered how sensitive I am back there but he seemed to understand fully. His fingers on the same hand were able to reach round until at least one found my clip. This had received almost no direct stimulation until then. The combination of him now fucking my bottom with his thumb and playing with my clip got my full attention. Over the next few minutes all thought of dinner was forced from my thoughts. The feelings were exhaust and I began to panic that he could force me to orgasm again.
If time had not been an issue I would have welcomed this but the others were due back right now. If I could cum quickly we just might have time. It was about now that I realized that he was varying his stimulation so I wasn’t quite getting there. This was confirmed when he lent close and whispered.
“You are very close to orgasm aren’t you my dear?”
“You don’t need to tell me that. But you must stop they are due back.”
“I have a much better idea. I will delay your orgasm until I see the first car enter the drive. Then I will offer your body the orgasm I think it wants. If I am wrong you will have enjoyed the stimulation if I am right you will Just have time to surrender to the excitement.”
My body did not allow me to challenge him. He fucked my bottom with his thumb and caressed my clip for minutes before we saw the first car enter the drive. His hand stepped up the stimulation and I surrendered with no fight at all.
“There you go, be a good girl and cum hard for me.”
I needed no second invitation as I dissolved pushing back onto his demanding hand. I started to panic and willed my orgasm to end quickly. I heard a car door slam and I was still enjoying spasm after spasm of pure joy. The orgasm went on and on and the fear of discovery seemsg to fuel it. He was now slamming his thumb into my bottom and I felt something giving inside me and fluids exploit from between my legs.
I was screaming at him to stop but he ignored me as the fluids squirted through his hands and onto the floor. For the first time in my life I welcomed my orgasm finally ebbing away. Sensing this he stepped away to do something that seemed to make the situation even worse. He filled a glass with water and throw it at me. Well at my dress and also onto the floor.
As I heard a key in the front door I asked him what the fuck he was doing. His reply was to tell me to trust him. The first glass was followed by a second one that left my dress soaked and the floor puddled. He greeted people at the door of the kitchen telling them to stay out as I had had an accident and there was water everywhere. My mum pushed past him and started mopping up the floor. I was sent to get changed into some dry clothes without being questioned. It was a great reliefto change out of my wet dress and my even wetter knickers.
When I went back into the kitchen my mum questioned me about what I had spilled. She knew I was lying when I said it was just water but she gave me a little smile and didn’t challenge it.
Uncle and I did get together again a month later. He had quizzed me about the spanking and I told him that it was good but it would have to be different If I was going to allow a repeat performance. Before I could explain he was apologizing profusely for spanking me too hard and too long. I had to explain that it was too little pain for me not too much. He really struggled to accept it and said he was not sure he could spank me any harder. My reply to this was that if he could not spank me hard enough he would have to cane me to give me the high I needed.
He reluctantly agreed to cane me but said I would have to have a safe-word as he was scared he would hurt me too much. I agreed to a traffic light system with green for please carry on, orange for carry on but less violently and red for stop immediately.
He could me, completely naked, over his large desk with me clinging to the far corners. I didn’t mind that the first six were very tame but was slightly irritated that he checked that they were not too hard. I replied
“Green, green and much harder please.”
This detracted from the dominant/submissive atmosphere but the next six or so were much firmer. My bottom was on fire and memories of the school canned flooded back. I knew that the excitement I had felt before the caning was now building nicely. He seemed to need to check this as his hand found my surprisingly wet pussy. He made a comment about how he couldn’t believe it was having this effect on me. I was concerned that he would not resume so simply said “green”.
He applied a third series that stung badly but were probably not delivered with any greater force. When he delivered the last of these he throw the cane onto the deskand said
“That’s it I cannot can you any more. Please tell me that you were just about to say red.”
“My bottom is ablaze and it will be swollen for a week but I was not even approaching orange. If you are not going to cane me anymore forget ever getting near my bottom again. If you are not going to cane me anymore you had better at least fuck me. Fuck me in the ass exactly where I am and do it now.”
Taking charge, as I had, changed the atmosphere. I am not aware whether he used a lube but his cock was soon buried in my bottom with only the slightest disappoint. He fucked me firmly and it felt great. I was beginning to build towards an orgasm when he announced that he was going to cum. He did before I could get there.
“Don’t you dare take your prick out of me.”
I brought one of my hands round between my legs and found my clip. He was not erect inside my bottom but it was large enough to help me bring myself to a very pleasant orgasm. Our timing was not peraffect as when I returned to planet earth I realized that my orgasm had excited him back to a state of full erection. I told him he was welcome to cum again if he wished. I did not get close to having another orgasm as he fucked me for a few minutes before coming again deep in my bowels.
It had been an enjoyable encounter but there was a slight sense of anti-climax as we dressed and showed together. He offered to go down on me but the electricity had clearly left both of us. We both knew that we would not meet up again as a couple but parted on good terms.
It left my search for sexual excitement through pain not fully fulfilled but I will write more about that another time.
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