Three Days With Violet

This story is based on actual events although poetic licence has been used to enhance it. What is true is that the story is written to order. I have been told to ask for both your votes and your comments, dependent upon which will be reward or punishment for the author. If you enjoy it, please be general. If you do not like it please display your generation by neither voting or passing comment. Thank you all.

I met Violet on line and it became apparent quite quickly that we shared similar interests. We live over 2000 miles apart so that actual meetings are limited. Violet however maintains her dominance online. What I am about to describe is an actual meeting.

I flew to her hometown and made my way to the flat I had rented for three nights. A flat is so much better than a hotel room for play and it actually works out quite a bit cheaper. It was evening when I arrived and as arranged I sent Violet a text giving her the flat number. Having had a long day, I settleddown to get a good night’s sleep.

I was hurt by a text message from Violet just after 6am. She welcomed me to ‘Our big day’ and instructed me to masturbate and to save the ejaculate in a wine glass. She rang the bell at 11:00 prompt, carrying her ‘box of tricks.’ Immediately she told me to strip and to fetch some ice from the fridge. She had not allowed me to cum for three weeks and knew what effect she would have on me. She packed ice around my cock and balls and locked me into a chatity device. Without further ado she fixed electronedes to my cock and balls and taped a small receiver to my thigh. She held the remote which was inconspicuous. It looked like a key ring.

Violet decided we were going out shopping, for shoes, red shoes. In the first shop we tried, she found a fabulous pair. She decided to try them on. She told me knee to take her trainers off and help her put the shoes on. There were at least three young female shop assistants watching.

I had known thismoment was coming and completely blanked out anything and everything except Violet and the task she had set me. I knelt in front of her and bent to do what she had asked. She zapped me with the remote. I stayed on my knees as she strutted round in the shoes. They looked fabulous and suited her to perfection. I put her trainers back on her feet and tied the laces. She zapped me twice more.

Did I hear a giggle behind me or was it my imagination? I stood up tall and looked one of the girls in the eye. She backed down and looked away, busying herself with something on the shelves. Violet did not buy the shoes nor did she buy any in the other five shops we visited although each time she tried at least one pair on and had me kneeling to assist her. She zapped me at random, varying the strength of the shock from gentle to doublening me over. She Walked quickly and I followed, always a few respectful paces behind her. I was also admiring the view, her pert bum and her legs in black tights. A couple of times when we were on up escalators I got a very special view. We took a long walk through the city, eventually coming to a restaurant. Violet told me it was one of her favourites and always quiet which would give us the opportunity to discuss the contract over lunch.

The restaurant was quiet. Violet ordered a starter and her main course. She told me I was free to choose for myself, which I did. She put the contract on the table and we began to discuss it. She handed me a pen and dictated the changes I must make.

Back to the flat and Violet make me strip and lie on the sofa, hands stretched above my head. She bound my wrists with a piece of rope and tied it off to the leg of the sofa. She tied my ankles to the legs of the couch, wide apart. She put clamps on my nipples and then sat on the back of the sofa, resting her feet on my body. She rubbed her feet on my groin, my clamped nipples and my face, forcing me to lick her stockinged feet and forcing one into mymouth.

She slide down and positioned herself so that her crotch was above my face. Slowly she lowered herself and sat. There was a strong womanly smell which was very distinct even through her tights and panties. She teased me a little, cutting off my air supply. I was feeling very submissive and sliding quickly into sub space. She did not move and I could shake her off. I was determined not to panic even Though I sensed I was losing consciousness. She seemed to be able to time it to perfection as she raised herself to give me air. She tortured me like this for several minutes.

Violet said she needed to pee and told me to go and lie in the bath. She came in after a few minutes with a steel funnel. It was shaped like a high heeled shoe. She pushed the heel part, which was hollow, into my mouth and told me to hold it in place. She had her tights which she pulled down over my head. She then stood over me, feet either side of the bath. I could see that she had no panties on butthe tights observed my view and I had only a blurred vision of her glorious femininity. How frustrating, I was tempted to tear the tights off but was afraid of the consequences of doing so.

Her flow started, she aimed it at the ‘shoe.’ I drank as fast as I could but the flow was far too strong. She soaked the tights. I realized that to avoid drowning I had to temporarily block the flow with my tongue before Swallowing and then allowing more of her golden nectar into my mouth. I was soaked in her piss when she finished. I had drunk a lot but wasted even more. Violet told me keep the funnel in place and left me there. The humiliation was total as I lay in a pool of her piss, her soaking tights on my head and holding the funnel in place. She was back within minutes with more piss, although the flow was less and I managed to drink most of it.

Totally humiliated, I thanked her. She told me to shower and report to her back in the living room, where I was allowed to worship herfeet. Three more times I was sent to the bathroom to prepare myself as Violet’s toilet. I knew to pull the soaking tights over my face, even though she did not tell me to. I waited holding the funnel, the humiliation was almost tangible. She giggled as she pissed on me. Each time I showed and went back to worship her feet.

She took me into the bedroom and laid me on the floor at the foot of the bed. She was wearing shoes with killer heels and she proceeded to torture me with them. I had to give blow jobs to the heels as she scratched and scraped me. I was left with several heel marks. She lay back on the bed, stretched her hands above her head and ordered me to worship her arms. I kissed and licked each in turn.

Violet told me that the signing of the contract was close. First she was going to beat me, then we would sign. I would Then have to drink the cum from my early morning masturbation and then kiss the contract. She told me to lay face down on the bed. She was not going to restrain me but expected me to stay still and not to make a sound.

She warmed my backside up by hand before she used her flogger on me. It hurt but she only gave me 5/6 strokes and I managed to stay still and quiet. She made me lie on my back and gave me three hard strokes across the chest. She was satisfied with my performance and put me on all fours at her feet as she sat on the bed. She told me to kiss her foot as she used my back as her table to sign the contract. She passed the contract and pen to me and I signed next to her beautiful feet. I hated the next bit but obediently drank my own cum and then kissed the contract, which Violet put into her pocket.

I knew what was to follow, it was in the contract and Violet asked me whether I would be able to take it or should she retreat me? I dearly wished I could but knew I would not be able to. I watched as she plugged in the device, which looked like a soldering iron. It had a small ‘V’ at the end.

She tied me firmly to the bed, spreadeagle and asked if I needed a gag. I nodded, miserably and she stuffed her panties into my mouth. I watched as she unplugged the heated iron on which the V glowed white hot. Without hesitation she sat on my chest, facing away from me and quickly branded me three times, high up inside each tigh and in my groin, just above my penis.

It happened so quickly that it was almost over before the pain hit me. I bucked so hard that even though I was tied down I almost unseated her. The gag was totally ineffective and Violet had to reach back to clamp her hand over my mouth otherwise the whole building would have heard me. I began to hyperventilate and she soothed me. She applied some balm to the brands and the effect was magical. Within a minute I went from the worst age I have ever known to a feeling of euphoria. I had done it. I was now proud to be Violet’s branded slave.

My imprisoned penis strained against its confinement, I had never been turnedon like this ever before. The episode had clearly had a similar effect on her. As she lay next to me it was clear she was playing with herself, her hand was working furiously. In a trice, she put a blindfold on me and almost ripped her clothes off. She sat on my chest, pulled her sodden panties out of my mouth and leaned over me. I could feel her hair on my face and her crotch on my chest as she continued to rub herself. Her lips brushed mine very briefly and then her nipple was at my lips. I needed no second bidding as I began to pay homage to her breasts. I was as gentle as I could be until she told me to bite her nipple, although not too hard. At the same time she began to twist my left nipple as she continued to rub herself. We were both moaning with pleasure.

Violet climaxed with a shudder. She was Still for a minute but she was far from finished. She moved up the bed and facing my feet, she sat on my face.

‘Begin to lick my arse,’ she said. ‘Start slowly with long licks up and down between my cheeks but don’t go near my pussy. If you do I’ll beat your balls.’

I began this most wonderful task as she asked, slowly, gradually increasing the tempo and the depth of penetration of my tongue. She began to rub herself again and moaned softly. She was so wet my face was soon bathed in her juices. I really thought I would burst the plastic of the chatity belt I was so hard.

For the first couple of minutes I was in heaven. Then the plastic prison began to really bite and it hurt. I was also finding it difficult to breathe and was very conscious of where my tongue was going, especially as I began to tire and my jaw began to ache. After a few minutes what had been heaven was turning into hell. By now Violet was moaning loudly and was rubbing ever faster. She began to buck up and down, twisting my nipples with her free hand to encourage me and shouting for me to get my tongue deeper. Just when I thought I could not go any longer, she reached a shattering climax, screaming quite loudly. Then she slumped across my chest and lay there for several minutes until her breathing returned to normal.

She showed and dressed. I heard her moving around and at one point she locked a shadowle around my leg. When she finally freed me she pointed out that my ankle was chained to the bed. The chain was long enough for me to reach the bathroom but not the living area or the kitchen. She had used a combination lock. The 5 digit number was written in a sealed envelope which she placed on the bedside table in case of emergency. She had set up a laptop and webcam so that she could watch me when she got home. She left me the burns cream and some cotton wool. Her final instruction before she left was that I was not allowed on the bed, I must stay on the floor. She left, locking the door behind her and taking the key.

The room was carpeted and I found spare pillows and blankets in a cupboard and actually had an excellent night’s sleep. I wasable to shake and shower and then sat down to wait for her. She arrived just after 11:00am.

She inspected the burns and said they were already beginning to heal. By now they were sore but not hurting too much. I made the mistake of saying this so she had me over her knee for a hand spanking. She said we were going for lunch and she needed to prepare me. The remote shocker went on first and then she painted my finger nails in a clear varnish. Not too obvious but clearly visible at close range.

We went out for lunch at a restaurant in Chinatown. As we walked there, Violet kept shocking me and giggling like a schoolgirl. At the restaurant she did all the ordering, shocking me as she talked to the waitress in her native tongue. I had no idea what was being said but the waitress looked at me just as Violet administratored a large shock. I gasped and the young girl burst out laughing. Violet had obviously told her the situation. As we left the restaurant the waitress appeared and opened a door in front of into a corridor. I was ushered in and Violet made me knee to kiss the waitress’ feet. I was mortified.

We went back to the flat. I have never been a pain freak. In emails we had exchanged Violet had explained some of her philosophy on BDSM and how much she enjoyed seeing her subjects suffering for her and then beg for more. I took the plumge and asked her to give me a proper beating. She obliged, in spades. She knows exactly what she is doing and warmed me up gently with a flogger proceeding through various implements to a single tail. The climax came when she told me to face her and she beat my chest and nipples. She is deadly accurate with the single tail and crashed it onto my nipples several times. It nearly broke me and I admit to crying gently but such was my desire to take the pain because she wanted me to, I held position and kept relatively quiet. At one point as I stood with arms spread over my head, legs spread wide, she stepped between me and the wall and began to torture my nipples. Violet is tiny and I am a big bloke. Even as I was spread she barely came up to my chin. Physically I could have picked her up easily and made her stop but we both knew that I was absolutely powerless to do anything, such was her mental control.

Violet loves humiliation. She removed the chatity device, produced an artificial vagina, wedged it between the cushions of a sofa and told me to hump the sofa. She warned me not to cum and encouraged me occasionally with her flogger but for the most part she laughed herself hoarse. I thought she must surely wet herself.

She tortured me for a while with electricity before deciding we were to play a word game, one I had never played before. She explained the rules and as we began to play. I was still naked and she brought her stockinged foot up into my crotch. I found this rather distracting, to say the least. Some may say she was cheating but I was not going to argue. When the game finished shehad £185 more than I and I was totally shocked when she informed me that means a further 185 strokes, 85 immediately and 100 later. I managed to hold position for the 85.

It was now evening and we went out for dinner. Violet said she would allow me a couple of hours respite and apart from the chatity device, which she replaced, I was dressed normally and without restraint or remote electricity. We had an Excellent meal and shared a bottle of wine.

Back at the flat she went back into Domme mode. She tied me down, removed the chatity device and teased me with her fingers for over an hour. She is very skilled and had me on the edge, becoming and pleading for relief but she left me unsatisfied. She had to resort to the ice once again before she could get the device back onto me.

Violet was feeling hot again by now. She tied my hands behind me and strapped a penis gag into my mouth. There was an extension to the gag and she had several screw on dildos of different shapes and sizes, She eventually chose one and screwed it on. She undressed to bra and panties and told me to knee. She put a blindfold on me before she took off her underwear. She sat in the chair in front of me and guided my head forward until the dildo slide into her pussy. I know what to do and started bobbing back and forward. She held my head tight and regulated my speed and depth with a combination of words and her hands.

She bucked and moaned and came three times before I was allowed to slip to the floor, totally exhausted. I could hear her making coffee although she did not offer me any.

It was getting late. To my surprise Violet told me she was going to stay the night. First though, there was the little matter of the remaining 100 strokes from the word game. She told me to lie on the sofa. My wrists were still tied and I still wore the blindfold and the dildo gag. She used a wooden backed hairbrush on my arse. It was easy at first but she gave me strokes 60 to 80 much harder and in rapid succession and then the final 20 really hard and fast. I was crying openly when she finished and this turned her on again. I was soon back on my knees pleasing her with the dildo gag. She came twice more.

Violet untied my hands and retied them in front of me. She removed the gag but left the blindfold on. Throughout the evening she had been drinking a lot of water and peeing into the bath. She guided me into the bath and had me lie on my back in half an inch of her cold piss. She climbed up onto the edge and treated me to a torrent of her warm piss, aiming for my face and telling me to drink as much as I could. She slipped a pill into my mouth and told me to swallow it before she turned the light out and closed the door behind her.

I lay there all night soaked and walking in her cold piss. After a while I started to get hard and it dawned on me that the pill she had given me was Viagra. The disappoint was acute for several hours as my penis strained against its plastic prison. Four times during the night she came into the bathroom and used me as her toilet. I got very little sleep that night.

The next morning, after she had pissed on me yet again, she untied me and told me to shower and shake. At last she removed the chatity device before she tied me face down on the bed. I heard her undress and she laid on top of me. She was wearing the black gloves she likes so much and she put one hand over my mouth and gripped my nostrils with the other one. There followed a period of fairly intense breath play, alternate with her reaching under me to torture my nipples.

I heard her putting some clothes on. She came into vision, wearing a matching black leather bra and panties set, black stockings and suspenders and red siletto heels. She placed two pillows under me to raise my arse into the air and then put a large towel under me. I thought she was going to beat me until she stepped into view once again. Now she was wearing a strap on dildo. She told me she was going to take my virginity and commanded me to keep quiet. I was helpless as she lubricated me and I felt her weight on my back as she began to slide it into me. It felt like a monster.

Violet talked gently to me, telling me to relax and accept it. It was going in anyway and it would be far easier if I relaxed. At first it just hurt like hell but gradually the pain eased and it became more pleasurable. As she rode me, she began to play with my nipples and encouraged me to hump the pillows but not to come until she said so. I have never been so deep into subspace. She gave the word, she was moaning herself by now. We both cried out as we finished together. I have never been so hard or cum so much in my life.

Half an hour later we were all back to normal. I have not have been able to see Violet since the most memorable three days of my life but hope to do so soon.

I hope you enjoyed this little tale. If you did, please vote and leave yourcomments. If there is sufficient interest I will write of how Violet continues to dominate me from day to day, online.


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