Three Birthday Gifts Ch. 2

It’s my birthday, never mind which one…I may be a horny, needy, painslut, but I’m still a lady and I wouldn’t tell you if you asked. Since I’m an unattached sub, Three Doms that I play with have each offer a gift, and I have a feeling, it will be a birthday I will never forget.

First, there was Master Thomas, he gifted me with strict bondage, I’d been tied for two hours, in some of the most antinizing positions I’ve ever been in. But now it was Master Jacob’s turn, and his gift to me…is pain.

With help from Master Thomas, the two men untied me from the post I had been bound in, first untying the lower rope from my arms, and pulling it from between my legs, roughly pulling the still humming vibrators from my ass and pussy. And, of course, pulling on my clip, which was pinched between the two ropes. Master Thomas, unwound this rope from around my tits and lifted the end over my head. Then the rope around my legs. Next, Master Jacob removed the rope from my the end of thesingle sleepe behind my back, allowing me to lower my arms for the first time in hours, and also unwound this rope from my tits…now all that was left were the clothespins tethering my aching tits to the pillar. Now, I knew that they could be removed fast, and cause a quick intense pain, or slow, barely loosening them before painfully, twisting them off….they did both!

I was given only a few minutes to recover, Then it was off to the races again.

Master Jacob led me over to a spanking benchmark and made me place my knees into twin boxes at the end, placing a straw over each knee so I couldn’t get out. I was surprised how comfortable it was, the boxes were padded to let me keep weight on them, and only about hip weight apart. He turned my hands palm out, and using leather cuffs, strapped them to my thighs. He put Another set of cuffs on my upper arms and ran two pieces of leather across my chest to the other cuff…of course, on the way he had to wind it around my breasts a time ortwo…he also ran a strap across my back so I couldn’t hunt away. Now, he puts cuffs on my ankles, and brought them to the side, attaching them to the thigh cuffs. Master Jacob whispers to me, now for the surprise….he turns a crrank, and the knee boxes pivot out an inch or so…uh oh…this could be trouble…he shows me his toy, it’s a wooden cone, about 10 inches tall, and 2 inches in diameter at the top, skiing out to 11 inches at the base. He coats it with a thick jell, and screws it into a stand which is bolted to the end of the bench, then places it right under my cunt. He turns the crrank again, and the knee boxes pivot out further, bring my body down and forcing the tip of the cone about an inch into my cunt…I was right…this IS trouble. For the piece d’resistance, Master Jacob fits earphones and a blindfold over my head, he pulls my hair into a ponytail and braids a strip of rawhide into it which he then threads the end of it into a bolt in the ceiling. He turns on the earphones and Ican hear his recorded voice telling me that I am his SLUT, his CUNT, his WHORE. He’s telling me that he’s going to hurt me, and I’ll be helpless to stop him. Now I can’t see, and I can hear only him, I can’t move an inch…I can only feel.

(you belong to me, my little FUCK TOY, I’m going to do everything to you)

He is so clever, Master Jacob is, he has left me totally immobile, yet still totally exposed to whatever he wants.

(you fucking SLUT….I am going to hurt you till you cry….)

It seems I wait a long time, flinching at every breath of air that brushes my body, knowing what is coming, but not when, or where, or how.

(my little CUNT…)

Finally…too soon…I feel it, he starts by using a thin, stringy, riding crop across my ass. I realize why he left me ungagged…he wants to hear me scream.

(scream for me, BITCH, scream loud)

And I do scream…loudly, and that seems to send him into a frenzy…no gentle warm up this time, I feel the slice of thecrop again and again on my ass, so fast, I can’t even take a deep breath between them…He covers my entire bottom with the crop, meticulously hitting and criss-crossing every inch and then some. Occasionally, he pauses and runs his nails over the welts that came up immediately….. checking to see if he’s missed a spot, or just admiring his work. Pinching the welts, slapping hard for some variety.

(tell me what you are…tell me you are a fucking little pain SLUT)

Now he’s going for accuracy, hitting the exact same line 10, 20 times in a row, getting harder with every slice, and then moving down just an inch before starting again. I could tell, I wouldn’t be sitting down anytime soon after this.

I scream out, “Master…I’m a fucking pain SLUT….Please hurt me…”

Master Jacob stops for a moment, and give the crank a few turns, the dildo is forced up into my body further, it must be 4 inches deep and 3 around by this time.

(you SLUT, you WHORE, FUCK your CUNT withthat hunk of wood)

Now he starts to branch out, the crop landing on my thighs, and lower, he’ll work on one leg for a few moments, then just as I began to get desensitized, he switches to fresh skin on the other leg, he works the crop up and down my legs, the thwack of the crop providing counterpoint to my frantic cries.

(take it deep, you dirty little FUCK toy)

He turns the crank again, now the knee boxes are barely supporting me, most of my weight is being held by the huge intruder in my cunt, I’m forced down again when I suddenly realize that the white goop he had liberally covered this thing with is a camphor concoction, smooth and cold at first, but hot and burning the longer it stays on…

(that’s all you get you WHORE, you deserve pain)

I try to shake my head, to beg him to stop, but the rope braided in my hair does not even allow that. But I knew it was no use, The three Masters and I had agreed before we ever started that there would be no safe-wording out of this scene, no giving up, no backing out…once I agreed to do this, I was committed to doing it all the way…so I can scream and cry and beg and yell and plead all I want, it won’t change a thing. Truth to tell, I wouldn’t want it to.

(I want you to hurt so bad, SLUT, beg me to stop so I can beat you even more)

Finally, he stops for a moment, and then I feel the cool, rubber strands of his long flogger trailing over my back. Gently, he just strokes me with them, lifting the lashes now and again, Every time he does, I flinch, not knowing if this is the time it will come down hard..or gently stroke again….this continues for a long time, until I stop cringing, and then…..


All those thick rubber strraps hitting me across my back at once is a Shock to my system…I beg, no please……please, I can’t take it…. He hits even faster now, and even thru earphones, I could hear the blades whistling thru the air, the loud crack as they struck my back, just millionseconds before the pain would radiate thru my body.

(you can’t stop me BITCH, you’re helpless)

Master Jacob is careful not to hit the lower back, where my kidneys could be damaged, but everywhere else is fair game, shoulders, arms, hands, tighs, ass, all came under the whip. Every time I squirmed to get away, I pushed myself down lower on the huge object in my pussy…my legs had been spread so far now, they were practically straight out. The dildo thingy is stretching me and filling me, the jell heating my core, and driving me to distraction.

(Scream it again SLUT, tell me what you are and what you want)

Now, Master Thomas must have joined in, because I could feel another flogger striking across my front side, across my tortured tits, my bare tummy, the front of my scaling thighs.

PLEASE hurt me…whip me….I’m a PAIN SLUT….I want to cum from your whip!!

On and on I was whipped, I had no escape, I couldn’t move a muscle to stop it and my screams just incited them to further excesses.

(BITCH needs pain, SLUT!!! CUNT!!! WHORE!!!)

Master stops for a moment and picks up a new instrument, he presses it into my hand so I can anticipate what’s to come. It’s a thick, nobby bamboo cane…I try to hold on to it, to delay the moment when he begins to use it on me, but I am at a little disadvantage, and he is able to easily pull it from my grap. The seconds tick by….I don’t know where he intends to use this, my ass, my tighs, my body is already scored and abused….what can he be plan————————————–ahhhhhhhh, not my feet!!! That hurts so much!!!!!!

(take that CUNT, you deserve the pain, you need it)

He’s using the cane to strike lengthwise down the souls of my feet. Since they are bound to the sides of my thighs, he has a very clear , but tiny area to hit, back and forth he goes, first the left foot, then the right….I can feel the pain radiate all through my body, I can’t take it any more, I’ve never done a scene this intensity, this wicked….I would do anything to make it stop…I hope it never stops…I want…I want…I feel the room beginning to dim around me, and then everything fades to black.


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