Three Against One!


At last, it was Friday night. The weekend, work was over for two complete days, during which time I could do just what I wished for, instead of obeying the orders of others. And just what did I want? As normal, on a Friday evening that means going to the local pub, to consume far more pins of beer than were good for me, joining in some raucous drinking with my mates there, and I’d probably do even more harm to my dietary system and body by indulging in eating a large donor kebab, complete with chilli sauce of course, during the walk home. Well, that’s what I told myself I wanted to do in the next few hours, as I showed and then planned to dress myself in clothes suitable for a visit to the nearest hostelry.

Because what I really wanted to do to spend the evening in the company of a young lady, whose home flat was on the same floor as mine. God, how I fancied her? I mean to me she was gorgeous, although maybe I examined her beauty in myown mind, sure she was very attractive if not necessarily, stunningly sexy; but to me she was everything I wished for. However, I wasn’t self-confident to the degree to even contemplate asking her out, despite the fact that I wasn’t a bad looking lady myself at this time of my life. So, without any actual evidence that she would refuse me, I convinced myself that if I did pluck up the courage to ask her for a date, she’d shatter my dreams by saying ‘no.’ Pub it was then.

As it happened, I couldn’t have been more wrong in that assessment of my chances in dating Laura Pearce. Just like me, when it came to chatting-up members of the opposite sex, she was extremely shy and lacking in self-confidence. She’d have said ‘yes’ like a shot if I’d only had the courage to ask her, but there was no way she’d pose the question of her own voltage. Besides, as she told herself, wasn’t it the man’s job to do the asking?

So, here Laura and I were then, in a state of perpetual stalemate. Bothof us desperately hoping for a relationship to commence between us, but neither having the courage to initiate such a liaison themselves. Although the warmth and geneuine smiles with which each of us greeted the other, on the few occasions when we did meet. What a pair of idiots!

Thankfully, as I was showing on that particular Friday evening, two of Laura’s good friends were sitting in the living room of her home, discussing This real lack of any action between the pair of us. Deciding within themselves that this situation had gone on for far too long, and if neither Laura or I would get off our collective backside, then one, or both of them would move us off of it! “Right then Laura,” Anna commenced, “tonight’s the night that you and that guy down the corridor here, the one you fancy and DON’T damn well deny it, are going to became girlfriend and boyfriend. And I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer.”

Sonia, the other girl present, took up the baton as it were. She smiled, reached into the bag she had with her, pulling out a really lacy and sexy suspender belt complete with some very sheer nylon stockings. “Clothes off, NOW! And then, just let’s see how great you look wearing these little beauties, shall we? Because, if he’s like any of the blokes that I know, he won’t be able to resist you in these. Will he?”

“I guess not,” replied the still nervous Laura. But she hastened to fit the lingerie items her friend had provided and was delighted with the result. “Maybe this will work!” As the mirror she saw herself in confirmed that she did, adorned in nylons, indeed ooze sex appeal.

“Now then, you’d better put some panties and a bra on for now, though.” Anna added. “Get the sexiest ones that you have, and then place yourself in a dressing gown, again, your very best one!” Although Laura had never really been a stockings and suspender girl previously, something that was going to change now she’d really tried and delighted in the feel of them, she did possess a delicious bra and panty set made of pure black satin, also such a suggested gown manufactured of the same seductive material. Onto her body these items went. Meanwhile, both Anna and Sonia stripped down to just their lingerie themselves. All three now being adorned suitable and ready for my enrapment then. They just needed to entic me into the spider’s web!

“Do you have his number?” Anna asked.

“Yes, somewhere on my mobile, give me a minute and I’ll find it.” Which, after some time Laura did, we’d exchanged numbers when she’d gone away for a few days and asked me to keep an eye on her flat.

“Right, what can we use as an excuse to get him round here? You say he’s some sort of engineer?”

“I believe so. I think he said he works with electricitys.”

“That could be useful. You’ve got an electric oxygen, haven’t you?”

“Yes. Are you hinting that I tell him it’s not working, and could he pop round and take a look?”

“Why not? Good a reason as any.He’ll probably bend down to take a good gander and THAT is when we’ll strike. All three of us!” What a trio of little minxes! I mean, did I stand ANY sort of chance against such deformation?

Anna and Sonia were in no mood to allow her to back out now, and although their primary aim here was to set Laura and I on the path to romance, they also planned to have a little action for themselves at my expense. And yes, almost as thanks for their help, Laura readily agreed and was not going to prevent this at all! Anna snatched the ‘phone out of Laura’s hand, dialled my number, before handing the device back to its owner.

I’d just finished drying myself off after my shower when I heard my ‘phone ringing. Believing it to be one of my drinking pals on the other end, I pressed ‘receive’ without checking on the Caller’s identity, and my heart almost jumped with joy when I recognized the utterly delicious female voice on the line. Of course, as you all know it was Laura, and she was asking for my help. Could I pop around to hers and take a look at her over, which wasn’t switching on?

Well, just how do you think I was going to reply to that? Let’s face it, I couldn’t get to her place quick enough, although I did overwarn her that if I needed to replace any parts I wouldn’t be able to obtain them now, not until the following, Saturday morning. No problem she informed me, she’d most likely just get some fish and chips for this evening. What a cunning minx? Naturally I had no idea she was lying here, but do you think I cared?

I just used the word ‘pop’ back then, and almost perfect description of what happened to my eyes when Laura opened the door, where I was greeted to the lovely sight of her wearing that satin dressing gown, her legs covered in sheer nylon, with me hoping weren’t in the form of tights. “Good evening, Laura,” I managed to stammer, “you’d better take me through to your kitchen.” Which she did, and my first impression was that the overseas certificatenly looked fine. However, that didn’t mean it was functioning correctly, I knew that one from experience. “What’s wrong with it, Laura, what doesn’t it do that it should?” I bent down to look inside.

Now, just as the three of them had planned, my female adversaries struck. I heard some movement behind me, but the next thing I knew was that somebody had placed a black pillowcase over my head. Meaning I could see nothing, made even more frightening when Anna, whom I knew nothing of at this stage, used a length of silk tie to clamp the material of the pillow, satin again, into my mouth, therefore very effectively silence me. Soon her own mouth was by one of my ears. “Don’t worry we’ve no intentions of suffocating you, but you do need to co-operate here. You’re going to be ours, very shortly we’ll tell you why, but for now don’t try to fight us. Oh, and by the way, as you’ve probably guessed for yourself, there’s nothing wrong with Laura’s over. Had to get you around here somehow, after all!” Laura had clamped her own form around my mid-riff, making movement quite difficult for me, while Sonia bound my legs together at the ankles.

With myself actually naked when Laura had made her call to me, therefore I’d only slung on a ‘T’ shirt, pants and track-suit bottoms. Not even any socks, and I’d just placed my feet in some slippers. With Laura still holding my torso, and Sonia My legs, even though they were bound together, Anna, having removed said shirt, now transferred her attentions to my arms and hands. Grabbing her own satin bra, she fastened one of the cups skillfully around my left hand, tying said hand in a fist shape within the cup, in such a manner where my fingers became utterly trapped, my hand rendered into a total condition of capture by the satin material, immobile and of no use whatsoever to me. Moments later Anna had also captured my right hand in the other cup of her brassiere, remember the two cups where solidly linked together. In the case of this item of underwear, between the cups was a solid metal ring, you know the sort, which would come into play later. So, in a clever manner, which I would have been in full admiration of if it had been done to somebody other than myself, Anna had, very effectively, bound my arms together. She’d deliberately done so in front of my body though, instead of behind my back as is the usual method of capture; but there was a reason for this that I’d only come to discover just what that was, later on.

“Right Laura let’s get our guest onto your bed,” commanded Anna, who was clearly the ringleader in this situation. Between the three of them they managed to half-lift and half-drag my body into Laura’s bedroom, plonking me down onto her bed. It was now that the ring within Anna’s bra entered the equation, whilst Laura sat on my chest, pinning me to the bed and completely removing any chance of me escaping from this trio of minxes, Anna pulled my bound arms over my head towards the secure lattic type bed frame at the head of Laura’s bed. Feeding my hands through slats of the metal frame, Anna was given a short length of tie by Sonia and used this to secure the ring of her bra to the vertical slat in-between my wrists, and also to the rail at the top of the frame. Denying any vertical or horizontal movement whatsoever to my bound limbs and, very effectively secure my body to Laura’s bed. If I wasn’t already, now I most certainly was the utterly helpless prisoner of these three sexy girls!

With my captive status confirmed, now Anna untied the bond around my head which had been tied into my mouth, removing the pillowcase from my cranium. After taking a couple of deep breaths with fresh air again available to me, I now took the opportunity to study my three captors, two of whom I’d never seen before, with the other obviously known to me but having taken me completely by surprise.

“Good evening, ladies, well this is a turn up for the books! Perhaps you could introduce me to your friends Laura, because I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure before?”

“Certainly, because no, you haven’t, have you? Well,” pointing at the girl to her right.

“I’m Anna.”

“And I’m Sonia. You belong to Laura now, although you may have to put up with Anna and I joining in proceedings a few times.”

“And just what ‘proceedings’ are you referring to? Although being tied to this bed does rather suggest matters may become, somewhat sexual.”

“Yes, they will,” Anna rather recovering her ‘leader’ role, “but we’ve not quite finished with you, just yet. Firstly, your lower clothing needs to be removed. And then maybe, we might put you into some of ours! Did you bring another set Sonia?”

“Yes, I most certainly did, but shouldn’t we leave that decision to Laura? He’s HER man now, after all. How are you enjoying having your legs within sheer nylon Darling? Lovely feeling, isn’t it?” Laura nodded her assent, rather too enthusiastically for my liking and now I know where these girls were going with this. Not that I was in any position to deny them. As Sonia continued. “Well, don’t you think it would be a crying shade if your new boyfriend was denied the chance to see for himself how delicious they feel? Doesn’t seem right to me.”

“No, it doesn’t. Yes, put him into stockings and suspenders, like us!” Laura commanded, with a massive, provocative and extremely dirty smile on her lovely face.

However, in order to perform this act my present lower clothing had to come off first. Which didn’t take long, after all I wasn’t wearing much in the first place, although it did mean my legs needed to be released from the existing bond that Sonia had originally tied them together with. But there were three of them, with full movement available to each girl, as opposed to me with my arms disabled and bound. Between them, they soon had the lower half of my body utterly naked, only to have Sonia’s ‘spare’ suspender belt put into positionaround my waist, and both of my feet, ankles and lower legs covered in sheer black nylon. But there, the girls stopped.

Two long ties suddenly emerged, with them being looped around my ankles, just over a foot from the shortest end each. These were then tied together between my legs. Laura’s bed had no lower frame, but what it did have were little wheels in each corner at the bottom. And it was to these that the other, longer end of the ties were secured to. Why the ‘centre’ part? To hold my legs closer together than if they’d directly been tied to the wheels alone. Remember, the legs of these girls, my undoubted captors now, would naturally be outside of my own, during the activities that they clearly had planned for me now.

So, there I was then. Lying on Laura’s bed, with movement extremely limited and escape from said plans completely impossible. And, turned on FAR more than I’d ever been so before, a fact that did not go un-noticed! As my, far larger than average, cockFormed into a rock-hard boss, Anna exclaimed, very loudly. “WOW! That’s all yours now Laura, you are one lucky, lucky girl! Bet you’re going to enjoy that!”

However, their preparations weren’t quite complete, there was still the matter of those nylon stockings presently around my foot area. Grabbing one each, Anna and Sonia gently, slowly and very teasingly moved them up my legs, until they reached the suspenders of ‘my’ belt, where they fastened the clasps to them.

Not that I noticed at all! For whilst the two of them completed that task, my new girlfriend sat herself down on the bed beside my mid-riff. There her hands started to play with her new possessions. But as she sked me up, she made damn sure that she didn’t take matters too far and she stopped before any possible point of no return! So, as my dressing up became finished, Laura had induced me into a state of totally heightened sexual frustration! Ready for whatever this trio of minxes had captured me for. Withme having no say in the matter.

“Right then,” Anna began addressing me, “now that the preparations are complete, time for business. As you seemed to lack the courage to declare your love for Laura here, we decided you needed somewhat of a nudge. Which is where Sonia and I come into this equation. You do want Laura to be your girlfriend I take it?”

“Yes, Anna, was it? I do, I’ve fancied Laura for ages. And I do admit it, I never believed that she’d agree, so you’re right. I did bottle it. Laura, I’m so sorry, but all’s well that ends well, I guess. And I’ll be honest, I just love what you and your friends have done to me today. Now I not only belong to you Laura, but I am also unquestionably owned by your bed. I suspect that I won’t be leaving it for some time, until you say so, I assume. God, I’m SO turned on! I take it I’m going to be shagged now?”

Laura leaned over my body and kissed me passwordately. “Oh yes, count on it Darling. Starting with me, very shortly! But,with my willing agreement and as a punishment for your reticence, Anna and Sonia want to have some fun with you too! After all boyfriend, you’re not exactly in any position to stop them, are you?”

“No Laura, I’m not. And if you have no problem with these two delicious, sexy ladies joining in then why should I? Let’s look it this way, it’s now three against one! With the one Sonia handed her a blindfold, which she waved in my face. “You going to lose the power of sight, so not only are you utterly powerless to prevent us doing exactly what we want to you, you’ll have no sight of what we are doing, until we actually strike!”

Shortly afterwards my world did, indeed, turn completely black as Laura placed her blindfold over my eyes. And this was a quality item, it was one of those proper ones, that allowed no light whatsoever to penetrate, removing any sight from me completely. As my girlfriend had stated then, not only was I utterly at the mercy of her companies and herself, but I also couldn’t anticipate just what they planned for me now. Guessing, correctly of course, that I was to be shown none of what I’d just mentioned, mercy.

I feel a body climb onto mine, hoping that it was Laura herself, as indeed it was. Her lips now attacked mine, as she slip that rampant cock of mine into her soaking wet pussy. Pure heaven!

Laura now set about me, with a vigour that I’d have never believed that she was capable of. She started slowly, admittedly, but soon increased the pace of her pumping of me, my cock in particular. As if I wasn’t turned on enough already! Her vaginal muscles clamped themselves upon my member and began to weave their magic, to such an extent that I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold out for much longer. But, despite her general sexual inexperience, whilst Laura wasn’t actually a virgin, she was still quite new when it came to the pleasures of the flesh as it were, as was I to be completely honest; she timed things to perfection!

I could hold on no longer and my seed shot from within my balls, through my cock and into Laura’s waiting pussy, so my captor’s body almost arched and frozen, as she cried out very loudly as ecstasy took full grip and control of both her body and mind.

Once this grip on both of our bodies became somewhat released, Laura resumed her assault upon my lips with her own. “Thank you, Darling, that was utterly sensing!” And she was totally correct, yes, I was still quite inexperienced in bed, but I knew I’d just enjoyed the most intense and satisfying climax I’d ever tasted before. I was now Actually grateful that I’d proved so cowardly in asking Laura out, because even though she’d have said ‘yes,’ it would never have led to this! With me discovering that I loved being tied up and utterly helpless.

“Now then Darling, as we’ve opened our account, as it were, it’s time for me to keep my word to my good friends here. It’s their turn. Although, both of them agreed not to actually be penetrated by your cock, that belongs to me alone now! So, as either Anna or Sonia will sit on your face, so you can excite her pussy, especially her clipty, with your tongue, the other will play with your, or should that be ‘my,’ cock with her hands. But the blindfold stays on, so you won’t know which one of them is performing which role. But don’t worry, once they’ve had their fun, they’ll have some more having swapped roles! And, as they are my very best friends, without whom we’d still be skirting around the issue and not be together now, please do your very best to entertain them both!”

I knew that Laura was right on one score, we’d both still be single without her companies, so I was determined to do just what she asked. We owed Anna and Sonia, or at least I did. Who had taughtme something else, the fact that I knew now that I simply adored being tied to a bed under the sexual control of a woman. Or, in this case, three women!


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