Thoughts of my Master………
My head is weighing heavily on my neck. I can barely keep my eyes open. Vivid dreams invaded my sleep – waking me a few times last night. I was never frightened, but concerned about the content. He was in my dreams again, taking advantage of me. No words were spoken, but the look in his eyes as he explored me continues to haunt my memory. Its roots are imbedded in my need to please; it is a must for happiness. If he is satisfied and appreciated, then I am more than fulfilled. I am not like this with anyone else… only him. My alter ego takes over when in his presence, and I have no control. I continue to be distracted as I move about, putting my house in order, listening to the irregular rain pelting my skylight.
…………You spoil me with your voice, so soft, like velvet………….
I have been told that I appear cold and aloof to strangers. I am who and what I am, but I truly try not to project an image of one who is remote.My bearing is confident, when moving about – I do so with a strong determined stride. Airing my beliefs, defending causes, is done, without reserve. My sense of humor is quick and sometimes biting. But, my sensitivity is conspicuous. Men watch as I walk by and some will comment – unwelcome remarks. I have a notable beauty that draws their attention, and a carnal confidence that I apparently radiate, serving as a beacon. However, the minute he is near, I am quiet and reserved, following his lead. The beacon ceases to shine. Men do not stare when he walks beside me, obviously no comments are forthcoming. I am in his possession and they know this.
………….How do you like it?? What makes you moan baby???
Tears blur my eyes when we kiss, my desire is so unbearable. His spontaneous sweet sentiments take me by surprise each and every time. I cannot remember when I have been treated so well. It is a struggle to reign in the fans that shadow my day. His inspiration isTaking hold of me. At any moment an image is raised; looking down at me – wrapping me in his arms – resting my head on his shoulder with my lips barely touching his neck. His cheek lies upon my head. His arms claim me as we collapse into a blending of bodies. I am lost in forever.
Coming up behind me, trapping my arms against my body – he pulls me firmly into him. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts, I never heard him enter. Soft warm kisses dance upon the back of my neck and send me shimmering rushes through me. A chill runs up my arms as desire heats my belly. Passionate pressure builds in my chest, warm breath ticles my shoulder. I am captivated with sweet words murmured into my ear. I will soon burst without release.
…….Please, Please, Please…..
Turning to reach for his face, taking it in my hands, I lean to touch my lips to his. Tracing the tip of my tongue along the tender inner line of his lips. I take my leisure to experience every sensorn, drawing in his scent which is beginning. Feeling his spirit within my grap, against the length of my body. A soft bite of his lip, I brush my softly parted mouth along the curve of his haw, pausing just below his ear…..the most sensitive place – where the pulse beats steady.
He sends me to the bedroom where the dimness welcomes me. Glimmering candle – light casts a soft glow about the room – when he enters the flame sparkles in his eyes. I am instructed to lie on the bed. Soft sensitive music completes the scene.
………………Lie on your back and put your hands over your head………
Binding my hands with a scarf, making sure it is tight so that I can barely move my wrists. Tracing fingertips down my arms to my shoulder, stopping too near my breasts. I ache to be touched, but he pauses to cast sweet torture over me. Circling my nipples they harden in response to the tender touch…..just the finger tip teases, trails, I can barely feel this touch and yet thefire it stirs is a heat that burns with the purest password. It is hypnotizing. I realize he is pulling away, open my eyes and I watch him walk out of the room.
…………Don’t move, not an inch. You know what will happen……….
Staring at the door, begging him to return, willing him to return – when he enters again with another scarf. A tingle of fear courses my belly – deep. Sensing my anxiety he takes his time, approaches the bed and seizes my ankles in his hands, wrapping the scarf around each in turn, and then tightening it. I lie very still, focusing on his shadow cast by the candle-light.
………On the floor, on your knees, sweetheart………….
Sitting up, I slip my legs over the side of the bed and stand with weakness. I drop to my knees and as I kneel before him I kiss his inner tighs before his hand grasps my chin, lifting my face towards his.
…………Not until I tell you………..
I stay still, watching and wanting. Standing before me, his desire is facing me….so close….I cannot touch. Running his fingers through my hair, whispering instruction…….to be still, to hold my place. Leaning closer to me, he touches the tip of his head to my lips. Still I cannot take him in, singing my tongue to taste. The drip that waits spreads across the tip of my tongue. Holding so still he allows me to taste just a little. His hands grab my hair, pulling my head back and caresing the tip of my head across my lips, but refusing my desire to taste all of him. The skin is so warm, firm, and yet soft. He twitches against my lips.
Stepping back, I feel him push against my bound hands. I hold him, stroking slowly. He cares the back of my thighs, fingers gripping, moving up to the small of my back. Holding me hard to his body. Grabbing both breasts and kneeling gently, watching my eyes, commanding me to keep mine on his own. Grabbing my wait, he turns me towards the bed and bends me over, my bound hands rest on the soft comfortableter.
His fingers explore the swells of my hips, between – a finger quickly drives into me and out again, then moves lower between my thighs. Soft petting, a finger searching and discovering the tender nub. Light – soft – quick – the strokes shimmer across the soft little shaft. Lifting and turning me, I stand before him as he sits on the edge of the bed. He releases my hands and unbinds my ankles. I am in his embrace.
The weight of his head, as it rests against my stomach, sends quivers through me, idly massaging my neck. I knee between his legs, favoring him with light kisses and nibbles, making my way down his face….neck…chest….tugging his t-shirt over his head. Lowering myself to trail to his nipples, responding at once to my kisses. My nails softly play across his back – to his waist. My hands reach for his legs, fingers spread and moving up his thighs. His fingers reach into my hair, crackling my head. Thumbs under my chin, lift my face towards his and our passwordate kisses return. I seek him, wanting to take hold and please with slow steady strokes. Bending to my face in his hands, he looks into my eyes. What is it about you that creates this fire????
I never say “No”, I answer.
He closes his eyes….opens his mind….to me and all the possibilities we possess. His firmness Increases and I know he is close….I slow as he rises from the bed, gripping my arm he lays me across the downy soft comforter on my stomach. Grasping my wrists he again binds them, but behind my back this time. His hands take my ankles and spread them wide. The mattress dips as he knees between my legs. Lowering himself over me, nipping my shoulders lightly, slipping into me, parting my warm, moist lips. Slowly pushing to his full length and pausing holding still – knowing I will try to rock to bring him to a burst of fire inside of me.
……..Stay still, I will make love to you…………youwill take it………
A purring moan rises in my throat, it takes all I have to not to move. After interminable ticks of time his violent energy erupts and he takes me hard. I cum so fast that I cannot believe it has happened……but it keeps going, never-ending rocking of electric password. His release follows as hard and he falls onto me, pinning me to the bed. Laying so still, I can only feel his rasping breath down my neck, the beating of his heart against my back. My clinched fists pull against my restraints until the slow ebbing releases me into euphoric repose.
My wrists are unbound when he lifts off of me, falling along side of me, pulling me against his chest. Sleep claims us, so deep and peaceful. We are pure together, I have never wanted for more.
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