Let me explain a simple Lie.
* * * * *
I keep the bathroom as neat as possible… for a bachelor that is. It just made sense in a home filled with people always coming and going. Back then it was drilled into our heads: keep the toilet clean. All told, it’s a very good habit.
Everyone enjoys taking a piss. Everyone has experienced the bliss after the last turd has left the System. And without fail…EVERYONE has a certain expectation: some level of Privacy.
My House; my Rules.
Occasionally this will be the case. However… My Will is First. Should I require something from you… even just an answer to an ordinary Question…I WILL NOT SPEAK THROUGH A DOOR. Should I require anything it is Mine.
I Understand… more than many. Let’s assume something crude yet simple: I want a blowjob and you’re taking a piss. It’s Morning… and I’ve completed my Morning Piss Ritual some time earlier. Just a typical Day Off really…
Except for the cell resting within your reach. I actually hope it does sound off; the expected call is for a job you’ve been fussing over for nearly a month now. All Good Thoughts aside… this is My Moment until that thrice-damned Tech ruins everything.
Rough sex… whatever the popular phrasing is… I show little concern as I fill your mouth. I also show no expectation… Just a calm acceptance of Here/Now.
In this… you become part of Everything I Notice… and Accept as Background. Here is where the Lie is first revealed… for you would claim Humanity within the Bathroom’s walls; I have stripped this away; you are a Thing in My Bathroom.
And I keep my Bathroom Clean. So the Lie is fractured further… for I will ensure you Wipe carefully. And again you cling to Humanity… sensing your Age shrink oddly until you Feel like a child. This is not so; a Child is Human; you are a thing. I will keep you Clean… and in this Room I will see to this. Personally.
I blow my load. Crude? This is not Sex; this is one more Step within my Morning Ritual. I will clean myself, heave a sight and face the Light of Day… just another Day in Paradise. Once I leave the bathroom… Life will be there… waiting to burn away any Honesty… scarring my Essence with blinding Rage-barely-kept-in-check. Out there… Chaos; but for now… there is Order…MY Order.
And you are a part of this. For this I am eternally grateful… and see no Reason to keep this Hidden from you. Yet I find it strange that you must be Reminded… for I Sense the Shame crawling up your spine even as the running water reminds you of why you’re sitting on the toilet. I hear your distinctive tinkle… and Listen to your breathing. It betrays your Thoughts.
* * * *
Outside things are almost Standard. Anal Sex. Bondage. All told… everything seems… different.
This is the Lie… this is what I would see Die within your Eyes. Owned and pushed to Limitsnever thought Possible… and beyond; yet there is always the expectation of Humanity. You cling to it desperately within the Bathroom… and never give it a Second Thought. Suddenly… you are not Human. You look at the toilet… and see yourself there. This disgusts you. It is unsanitary. Even KNOWING I keep a clean Bathroom… you Fear the Day will come.
You cling to Humanity there.Use the Right Tool for the Job; yet you still Fear the Day. You can taste it over the Horizon… see echoes of it in every angle flash my gaze happens to maybe-reflect/reveal. You cling to Humanity… by drenching your Thoughts in filthy sensings.
And the Lie dies… for you are a Thing within My Bathroom… and I keep my Bathroom Clean. You Understand the Truth here:you are a Thing. This is the Truth of the Last Lash; Owned…you are My Thing. Property; Property has Value. Humanity is Priceless; this is what you Crave. Perhaps… even Need.
Owned…you are a Thing. I Place you whereI Need you… according to My Will.
* * * *
Here I watch. Here I have See many Images.
Give them one thousand Lashes…but leave them their Humanity. Torment their flesh… spew venomous Words…but leave them their Humanity. STRIP them of their Humanity… while reminding them of it with Words or perhaps silence…but leave them… just a slider…
Owned… she is a Thing; when not even the simple Bodily Functions are allowed…THEN she is a Thing. Owned… even a pleasant Session… typically halted if the Other prefers to use the restroom… becomes torture beyond the Ropes and Whip. Owned she is a thing… yet she clings to Humanity. Owned she is a Thing; I Understand that she will eventually piss. I may well pause to discover is she needs to shit. Owned… she has no Say; My Will is All.
It is sad that they must be reminded… yet the Bathroom Serves this Purpose well. For I keep a Clean bathroom.
It is sad that they must be Reminded… yet the Bathroom Serves this Purpose well. She is a Thing…MY Thing.
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