When James Delray moved to the town of Thompsons Ferry fifteen years ago, he was a thirty year old chef looking for a change of career in the booming oil fields that dot the area. After a couple of years as a welder and pipe-fitter on several rigs, he spotted a possible niche for a new restaurant concept.
After pitching his idea to a few possible investors, his boss, Mark Wilson, offered to front all the start-up costs for a forty percent silent partnership.
In the years since, the concept has taken off and expanded to seven states and more than fifty locations.
Rather than have offices in many locations, as the business grew James added an extension to his home. The home addition is just enough to have his office, a conference room and a reception area and desk for his secretary.
Also, as his business grow and the demands on his time became greater, he realized that he had less and less inclination to take care of household chores. That situation prompted him to hire a cook/housekeeper as well as a secretary to take care of the tasks he didn’t have time for at work. His original housekeeper, Traci Rogers, has been with him for eleven years however his first secretary had to move out of state for family reasons prompting the hiring of Teena Jones just three months ago. In keeping with his personal desires and beliefs both of the women are black, as they should be. In James’ mind the proper place for blacks is serving whites.
Sitting at his desk, pondering a management problem at one of the local kitchens, James Delray is annoyed by the interrupting buzz of the intercom and the voice of Teena: “Mr. Delray, you have a call on line two from Mr. Wilson. He sounds very upset, Sir.”
“Oh, great! Now what? Thank you Teena.”
Twenty-five minutes later, Teena is surprised when the door to her boss’ office is yanked open a very angry James Delray storms into the reception area.
Taking a deep calming breath, James looks at Teena and says “Ok, two things. First, buzz next door and tell Mrs. Rogers that I need to see her as soon as possible. Second, call and cancel all of my appointments for… the next… say… three weeks. When you have done that, go home and pack for two weeks and be back here ready to travel in an hour. Got it?”
After writing down the instructions she has just been given, Teena replies “Um…Sir? I have prior plans for this weekend…”
As her boss stops in his tracks and turns back to face her, she is surprised by the change in his demeanor. Suddenly, James Delray is no longer the relaxed and laid-back man that she has become familiar with over the last three months. The man standing in front of her is now stern and forceful in his body language and facial expression. She is even more surprised with what he says to her next.
“Miss Jones, before you weree hired, I explained to you that this was not just a nine to five, Monday to Friday job. You were made aware that you would be required to work odd hours at times and that you are expected to accompany me when I travel for business. Correct?”
Teena is shocked by the sudden and unexpected tone of command in her boss’ voice. And her reply comes stammering out “Uhm… yes, Sir.”
“Well then, Miss Jones, I expect one of two things from you. Option one; you will do as you have been instructed and NOT question me when I give you instructions again. Option two; Pick up your purse, go home and I will mail you your final check. Pick. NOW!”
Stunned by the force of his reply, Teena managements to stammer “I will go pack and be back in an hour, Sir.”
As James turns to enter his office, she sees a brief, odd little grin on his face. And she is not sure but she thinks she hears him say “Now that’s a good girl!” before the door closes behind him.
On the drive to her house, and while packing; Teena is assaulted by thoughts that anger, confuse and trouble her. What was it that James said before walking into his office? ‘Good girl?’ No, she is sure he didn’t say that, or did he? And why does she feel pleased that he would think she’s a “good girl”? She should be (is?) offended that he would say that to her! How dare he call her “girl”! Does he not know how that sounds coming from a white man? And why did his sudden change of attitude have the effect on her that it did? Why is it that she got excited by being talked to that way? Who the fuck does he think he is telling her to never question his instructions? But most disturbing of all, why is she getting aroused by replaying it in her mind?
As Teena leaves the Office to drive home, the door in James’ office that joins to the private living area of his home opens. The differences between the woman who has entered the office and the one whoo has just left are huge and unmistakable! Traci Rogers is about twelve years older, calmer and moves very deliberately with no wasted motion. Also, other than the leather collar around her neck she is completely naked! Stepping into James’ office, she closes the door and takes three steps into the room before kneeing and folding her arms behind her. Once settled in position, she remains still and waits for Instruction.
After a couple of minutes writing notes about his upcoming trip, James looks up and sees Traci. With a smile he takes a few seconds to look her over, checking her position for accuracy out of habit, even though she has not made an error in many years. At the same time, he is examining her nude body. He knows every inch of her body and is still attracted to the naked black woman, even after all the years he has owned her. “Nigger, I have been called out of town. You will pack my bags for a three week trip. I expect to be leaving in two hours.”
With only a slight nod for a reaction, the naked black woman says “Yes, Master. Will you need any special items, Master?”
Thinking about the question, James continues to let his eyes roam over the body of the naked nigger that he has owned and been using at will for more than a decade. “No, nigger, just normal daily wear I think.”
“Yes, Master. It will be as you wish.”
Patting his hand on his lap, James smiles at the kneeing woman and says “Come, nigger.”
With a big smile, Traci moves to her hands and knees and crawls to her Master and climbs into his lap.
Wrapping his left arm around her and pulling her against his chest, he places his left hand on her head and his right hand between her legs just above her knees James says softly “My good little nigger. I know you have been taking some abuse and ridicule over the last months from Teena. I think you will notice a change in her behavior after this trip. It has been my intention to break her in and puther in her proper place, but I have not had the time. Circumstances have changed and that has now become a priority.”
“Master, if that is your wish it will be good for her to learn some humility. But that uppity nigger does not both your slave; she is just young and full of self-important ideas.”
Smiling and giving her a kiss on the forehead, he tells her “Mmm, she reminds me a bit of Your younger daughter! And that little niggers’ time is coming soon too! As soon as she turns eighteen that little bitch is going to start getting a whole new education. Ha, Ha, Ha!”
“Uhm, Master? I am not questioning your plans, but maybe you should let her see some of what it is to become a good nigger by letting her watch her older sisters training…”
With a grunt and a shake of his head, James says “No. Nichol wants to become a white mans property and is eager to be a good nigger. She will embrace it when she is claimed. Rachel is going to resist it and will need to be pushed a bit to learn about herself. She does not know herself well enough to admit that she is the same as every other woman in your family. Once she is exposed to that part of herself, she will adapt to it quickly, but the “breaking in period” is going to be a nice little challenge!”
“Yes, Master!” she says and then groans as she feels James’ finger part her pussy lips and his teeth bite down on her nipple. “Master, your niggers’ cunt is ready for you! Please, Master, use your nigger! Allow your nigger whore to please you!”
“Get your black ass on the desk! I want some of this nigger cunt!”
Traci quickly scrambles off his lap and onto the top of his desk. Laying back and pulling her legs up and wide open with her elbows behind her knees. “Master your niggers’ cunt is ready to be allowed to please you!”
Opening his pants and letting them fall, James looks down at the bitch nigger spread open for his use “My god, there is no sight better than a nigger ready to be used as she is intended to be used! Taking her Masters’ cock and seed if she pleases him fully!” Then with a drawn out groan of pleasure James shoves his cock all the way into her cunt with one thrust. Pauling deep inside her, he can feel her body adjusting to the invasion of his cock, then he pulls out until the head of his dick is just parting her pussy lips before driving fully into her again and again. “That’s a good nigger! Take this cock like a good little whore!”
“Oh, GOD yes! Fuck this nigger cunt Master! Use me for your pleasure! OH! OH! YES! Take your pleasure Master, that what this nigger is for! I exist for your use Master!”
Slowing his thrusts, James grabs both of her tits, squeezing her nipples and twisting them both hard and pulling them up away from her chest until she grosses in mixed pain and pleasure. And then, without any warning, he pulls out of her pussy and jams his cock deeply into her tight dry asshole. Driving in until he feels his balls press againsther. “Take it, nigger! Take it all!”
“OH! FUCK! Ow! Ow! God yes, Master! Use this black ass! Fill it with your big white cock!”
“Do you deserve my cum, nigger? Should I allow you to take my seed in this nasty black asshole?”
“Oh, please Massa! Shoot yo cum deep in this asshole! Please Master! I’s a good nigga ho! Please use me like a dirty nigga ho and cum in this ass!”
“God this ass is sooo tight! Here I cum nigger! Take my cum you fucking whore! UHN! AHH! YEESSSSS!!”
“Master, I can feel yo cum shotin inta my ass! Thank you fo cumin in you nigga! Thank you Massa!”
Holding himself deep inside her as his cum blasts into her bowels, he can feel her muscles milking the cum from his cock. Pulling his cock out of her, he grabs her by the hair and pulls her off the desk and onto her knees on the floor, “Suck my cock clean, bitch! Get all my cum and your slip off!”
“Yes, Master! Thank you fo letting yo nigga ho clean yo cock.” As soon as she is donesucking him clean she goes to the “present” position and asks if there is any further use she can be then awaits her Masters instructions.
“Yes, girl, there is something you can do. Pack a set of locking wrist and ankle cuffs and collar. Also pack a steel chain shirik with all matching padlocks. As well as four twenty-five foot lengths of rope, and a heavy flogger and riding crop.”
“Now, I have work to do, and so do you, so get you black ass out of my office and get to it nigger!”
“Yes, Master. Everything will be ready as you wish.” Standing and turning to leave the office, Traci has a smile on her face because she knows she has pleased him and that she is prized and valued by her Master.
As if he is reading her mind (which would not surprise her), just as she puts her hand on the door knob he calls for her to stop and come back. Turning around and returning to the present position she again awaits what her Master has to say.
Stepping up to her, he puts his hand under her chin and lifts until she is looking him in the eye. “My good girl…such a wonderfully lucky man I am to have a nigger as good as you are. I want you to take some time off while I am gone on this trip. You and your husband should go away for a week.”
Smiling broadly back at him she says “Thank you, Master! We could use the time together and away from our two girls. But we cannot afford to go away for a week. Maybe we can get out of town for a couple days.”
“Mmm, no. That is not good enough. You have a card for my home account, use it to pay for whatever you need to. This trip is a gift from me to my nigger.”
“Oh! Master! No, you can’t do that it is too much!”
Still smiling at her and chuckling he replies “Oh? Did I miss something or are you telling your Master that he cannot do what he wants to? Now go get me packed and call your husband.”
“Oh, one other thing. Let that buck know that I am allowing him to use your ass but he cannot cum inside you!”
“Yes Master! Thank you for allowing your nigger to please her husband.”
Returning to work with mixed feelings swimming through her mind, Teena is surprised to find a pile of luggage beside her desk and a new heap of paperwork waiting for her with a note telling her to review all of it before the first meeting in the morning. In the middle of contemplating a long and sleepless night, she is brought back to reality by her boss’ voice over the intercom. “Miss Jones, come in here. Now…”
Hearing again that tone of absolute command sends a shiver down her spine and straight to her pussy. With embarrassment she realizes that she is wet and aroused as she enters his office.
As she enters, his demeanor does nothing to put her at ease, instead replacing arousal with anxiety.
James is standing in front of his desk with his feet apart and his hands on his hips, drawn op to his full six foot two inch height. The expression on hisface is a stern scowl. “We will be driving to the airport in a few minutes so get you shit and put in my jeep with my luck. Do not forget the files I put on your desk.”
“Yes, sir.” She responds, wondering why he wants to drive himself instead of calling a car service.
On the drive to the hotel, James tells Teena the reason for the sudden trip. He tells her that his partner, Mark Wilson and he have been monitoring a problem with one of the business checking accounts. And, that there is someone stealing from the company!
Later that night in the hotel, James calls Teenas’ room and tells her that they will be going by helicopter to an off-shore oil rig, and to only bring what she will need for two days. And that the rig they are going to is being refit and is not in production.
“Uhm, ok… What time are we leaving?”
“Just have yourself ready to go any time after six AM. By that I mean that your ass needs to ready to walk out the door at six! Got it? Goodnight.”
Teena says “Goodnight, Sir.” Before she realizes that she is talking to a dead phone line. In the solitude of her room, Teena fumes about how her boss has been acting for the last few hours, “Damn him! Who the fuck does he think he is? He can’t talk to me like I am some kind of servant just waiting for him to grace me with his attention! I am Not like the dumb ass nigger that he says is so damn special! That asshole needs to learn how to treat me properly or I am going to quit this job!”
The next morning promptly at eleven, James calls her on the room phone to tell her it is time to go to the airport and to get downstairs in a hurry.
Arriving at the airport, Teena is surprised to see Mr. Wilson, James’ partner waiting for them next to the helicopter. She had met Mark Wilson soon after being hired. She felt now like she did every time he looked at her; like she is on display and that she is being judged.
Walking over to James, Mark does not even glance at Teena. The only clue that he even knows she is there is that when he passes her he says “Load the baggage on the ‘chopper, like a good girl.” Then he is past and talking in a low voice with James. With a grimace and a snort about the attitudes of the two men for the last two days, Teena goes to the backs of the two cars and collects all the baggage the three have. As she begins moving it to the cargo hold of the helicopter, she can’t help wondering what in the hell the two partners have brought with them. Each of them has packed three bags, while she has only packed one overnight bag! With a chuckle she thinks to herself that it is funny that men say women pack too much!
While she is out of hearing range, Mark turns to James and asks “Are we sure about her? We cannot afford to make a mistake! This has got to be one hundred percent certain or it will blow up in our faces! Hell we can always find another way to turn her to our purposes!”
Shaking his head, James tells his partner that he has been to the bank and to the stores. “Hell, Mark, I have spent hours going through video and paper work! I have enough evidence to take to a trial and with what I’ve found; she is looking at twenty-five years behind bars at the county farm! She has three family members that have done, or are doing time there. She will not want to take the chance. She knows what it means to be sent to Dave Kruger’s work farm!”
With a big smile on his face and a pat on the shoulder, Mark tells James “Well, let’s get this started! I just love breaking a new nigger and putting her in her proper place!”
Chuckling, James agrees saying that it will be fun watching this bitches attitude change when she realizes that there is no way out of the situation she is about to be in.
For the hour and a half flight out to the oil rig, conversation is minimal and the tree passengers are lost in their own thoughts. Teena, in particular is in the midst of a whirlwind of thoughts. She is trying to figure out how she can turn this trip to her advantage, all she has to do is exploit every chance she can to show that she is too valuable and versatile to just be a secretary or “executive assistant” in a one man office in a one horse town! Once she can show Mr. Wilson her true value, she will have no trouble wrapping that old white man around her little finger! And then…and then… she smiles an evil, greedy smile. Oh, the bank accounts she will have access to and be able to siphon money from! Millions of dollars just waiting for her to come and take ’em! These dumb-ass white boys won’t know what hit ’em until she is long gone to a non-extradition country with all the money she can lay her hands on!
As the chocolate circles the rig before landing the three look down on an oil rig that is in the middle of construction for upgrades on the living quarters for the crew, as well as many other upgrades.
As Teena finishes unloading the baggage the pilot lifts off with a wave and turns back to the main-land.
Once the helicopter is gone, Mark tells Teena to take the bags downstairs and put them in the three rooms that have been set aside for them with hers in the center room. While he and James take a look around. “Also, be a good girl and find a meeting room of some kind and set up all the work stuff in it.”
To that James adds “Set up my laptop for a presentation and meet us there in a half an hour.”
“Yes, Sir! I’ll have everything set for you.” As she walks away to do as she has been told, Teena is once again fuming about being spoken to and dismissed as if she is a service or worse, one of those black people who allow whites to treat them like an old time slave! They want to try and treat me like I exist to do their bidding like some old fashioned house nigger or something! Well, we’ll see about that! She muses with grim look on her face!
Anhour later she is still waiting for the partners to show up. “What is wrong with these two men? Why can’t they ever show up on time for a meeting that they set the time for?” is what is going through her mind when the door is yanked open and James and Mark come strutting in.
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