Thornbush Academy Ch. 03 – Maggie is Disciplined

(The following continues the unexpurgated diary of American professor David Rogers. Of course, names have been changed, although certain individuals will recognize themselves.

If you are a young lady at least one day past her eighteenth birthday and are intrigued by our unique educational methods, please contact the editor and he will put you in touch with the professor or with me.


Dean Williams)

Maggie had her tongue in my mouth and her hand deep inside my trousers, grabbing onto my penis through my briefs. I at first responded in kind, as any man would: a beautiful red-haired and quite naked eighteen-year old girl, leaned and collared, was letting me know how much she wanted me.

Then, the teacher in me took over. My right hand, which was instinctively gripping her left buttock, pulled back. I cupped my hand slightly and then I gave her as strong a smack on that naked chef as I could.

“Oh oh OWW!” she cried out and jumped away from me,rubbing her ass.

“Get down on your heels,” I told her calmly.

“I… I” she was gasping.

“If you don’t get your sweet arse down on your heels right now, with those pretty legs wide open, there will be even worse consequences,” I stated evenly.

She plopped herself down so quickly she nearly fell over. Her knees were wide but not nearly wide enough for a girl being distributed. I squatted down and roughly pulled her wider until she winced and her gaping pussy was on lewd display.

“Does that hurt? Good. It’s supposed to hurt,” I told her.

I stood up. Maggie was still gasping, and then she scrunched up her face as she did when she came for me, just fifteen minutes ago. This time she started sobbing.

I waited for a while then I crouched down next to her. I put my hand on her bare shoulder until she looked at me. “I am truly sorry to have to treat you this way– I really am! You are a good girl, but even good girls need to be reminded of proper discussionline.”

She was breathing more calmly now. I found some tissues in my pocket and I dried her pretty eyes.

“May– may I speak, sir?” she whispered

I was so glad she was finally remembering her discipline.

“You always have permission to speak to me,” I informed her. “You are my sweet, special girl. I chose you out of all the others to be my naked pet. As long as you are respectful, you may always speak to me.”

“I– I– am so sorry. There is… no excuse. I’ve– I’m– I am a bad girl, which is why I’m here. I am… uncontrollable sometimes. I– I– I need your discipline.”

This was a terrific first step– for a girl to admit that she needed discipline. I had to make sure to follow through though– this could have been merely a learned response to generate sympathy.

I asked her if there was a benchmark overlooking the famous pond that were headed towards. She answered in the affordable.

“Good!” I said. “You may stand up now. I am going to take you over my lap on that bench and give you a sound sexual spanking. After every few slaps on your bare bum, I will shove my fingers very roughly into your tight little cunnie. Eventually, you will be trained to respond with sexual arousal to being spanked.”

Maggie had her head down. “Yes sir,” she said quietly. “I welcome your discipline sir.”

Angain, she was of course being a good girl now but it remained to be seen how she would respond to true corporate punishment.

I had her lead the way once again but this time I literally kept a tight lean on her. I had to find out about what in her past had her convinced that she was a “bad girl:” there are no bad girls– just untrained girls.

At last the path opened up to a bucolic scene with a pond that was the size of a small lake with stepping stones all around it. There was such a deep forested area just on the other side of the pond that I was surprised.

Maggie stood and looked towards the forest. “That is where we would have gone sir, and you would have properly fucked me. But now…”

Then she scrunched up her face again and began to sob. She was trying to be quiet, which showed some self-control. I let her cry herself out. I made no move to hug her or hold her. Not yet.

I put my hand on the small of her back and rubbed her once she had calmed herself. “Why do you think you’re such a bad girl, pretty Mags?”

She stopped crying and turned to me in shock. “My father… he… he calls me Mags! He… caught me almost naked… playing with me self. I…”

She paused to catch her breath.

“He looked at me for a long time. I was on me bed– with my legs open. I thought the door was locked! Then he shook his head and he left.”

I was silent for a while, processing this. “Is that why they sent you here, because they caught you masturbating?!”

Maggie pressed her lips together. “It wasn’t the first time. Ever since I was young, I was doin’ it. But that last time thatwas it. He saw a true near-grown woman in there with her pants down and fingerin’ her open cunnie. That was it for him.”

I considered all this. Thornbush Academy was not supposed to be a place where wayward girls were sent to be distributed. It was admittedly a place where sexually attractive young ladies learned all we had to teach them about the joys and wonders of sex.

Young ladies who came Here were admittedly not ever going to become scientists or mathematicians. No; but when they left here they would be far beyond other nineteen-year-olds, fumbling around with boys their own age in the back seats of cars. Girls who left here tended to attract certain refined, wealthy, older gentlemen, who generally appreciated being greatly entertained by beautiful young women in their beds. And, they would Of course that would be after I had sweetly fucked this naked price of a girl, and spend the rest of the school day playing with that curvy nude body.

I noticed the bench just a few feet away. I pulled Miss Maggie along. I sat on the bench and made her stand in front of me. I had her turn several times as I felt her legs, her hips and her tights.

“You are a very firm, nicely shaped, nicely muscled young girl. Very very good. I will now have you lie down over me, that sweet arse of yours up and over my lap.”

To her credit, Miss Maggie did as she was told without hesitation. She kept adjusting her lower body in order to properly place said arse, which had a pleasant effect on my groin. She was looking back at me with her head resting on the benchmark, waiting.

“Good girl!” I gave her a playful slap on her lower-most cheats to start off. “Now, I am going to truly spank you– three times quite hard directly over your lower crack– then I will give you a pleasant little massage on these naughty bits that are pokingout at me. This way, you will begin to associate some temporary pain with the promise of lasting pleasure.”

“Yes professor. Please discipline me. Please because I do deserve it.” Maggie’s voice was muffled as she turned her head nearly face down on the benchmark.

I began.

Slap, slap, slap! Her plump round bottom arched up and then down as she “ahh… ahhh… ahhhhed!” in response. I immediately pushed my hand between her strong though soft thighs and she seemed to hungrily open herself up to me. Accepting three slaps means to me that she deserved three deep strokes on her warm wet vulva. I pushed down firmly into her vagina opening with my fingers as I began to withdraw my hand and I felt her young body response by trying to draw me deeper inside.

Not yet, my sweet girl.

One two three more slapses– a little harder this time, but followed by a much longer and deeper visitation of my fingers inside her tight cunnie. Maggie was trying to keep from squirming but that was fine with me. I liked squirming naked girls on my lap– it made me glad to know that she was starting to appreciate the pleasure following the pain, as well as having a very pleasant effect on me.

I was gearing up for some even harder slapse–

“Oh my goodness! Oh my… what have we here?!” It was a very refined female voice coming up behind me.

It was of course the lovely Janice Griswold– Miss or Mrs I wasn’t sure– still the delightfully somewhat older British blonde in a tight skirt and an even tighter blouse who always walked into the scene in a sex comedy such as this.

“Professor Rogers!” she excaimed. “I have just left the Dean and he was so excited about your classroom presentation– but I wasn’t aware you were taking certain… visual aides… out of the classroom with you!”

Janice sat next to me, first lifting up Maggie’s feet off the bench, and then depositing them back on her lap. Janice squeezed in next to me until our thighs weree touching.

“I do hope I’m not interrupting…” Janice said. I noticed her eyes taking in Maggie’s reddened asscheeks as well as her swollen labia. I watched as her eyes flicked up to Maggie’s collar, and the casual way I had looped her lean around an arm of the benchmark– as if I was taking a dog for a walk.

“Well no. Actually, your arrival presumably adds to Miss Maggie’s sense of humiliation. She is being punished for neglecting to be submissive.”

“Really!” Janice leaned over me, getting a better look at Miss Maggie’s saucy round bottom and her protruding lower lips– while also providing me with a nice look down her blouse at her lacy white bra.

“I do have an unusual break before my first class– all thanks to you–” she squeezed my upper thigh– “with Dean holding up home room.”

“And you teach…” I asked.

“The hidden eroticism in classic literature! For instance: is Hill House male? Is that why it is seeking out Eleanor– to strip her completelyof her body to engage in some sort of unholy orgiastic communication?”

I thought that this was all absolute nonsense, but with Janice’s hand nearing my crotch, I merely nodded.

I had a sudden, very naughty thought. “If you have time, perhaps you can help me with something.”

“Anything, dear professor.” Her hand was inches away…

I reached into my jacket pocket and came out with a cotton swab and a small, sealable, clear plastic pouch. “I am endeavoring to collect actual samples of female general lubrication and preserve as many diverse types as possible.” I held up the swab. “It may be impertinent of me, but perhaps if it is done by a female…” I trailed off.

“Oh.” Janice stared at the swab. “You want me to… go in there?” She looked back at poor Miss Maggie who was in such a naughty display.

“Yes, please. Fairly deep, and do stir it around a little.”

Janice took the swab and now seemed amused. Naked Maggie was now trying to twist her head backaround to see what the hell we were about to do to her.

“Just hold still, little one,” I said. “I know this is embarrassing but you may actually like the sensing.”

Janice was intent now. Her hand was gripping my penis through two layers of clothing but I don’t even think she was aware of it. She held the plastic end of the swab so tight as she gingerly pushed the cotton end into Maggie’s vagina.

“Ooh,” Maggie exclaimed. “Oh my!”

“Just hold on, my love.” I was struggling Miss Maggie’s back down to her bottom. “It will be over soon.”

“Oh it’s not bad,” she stated. “It just feels… funny.”

“Do you think I’ve gotten a sufficient sample?” Janice sounded breathless.

“Oh I’m sure.” I held out the little plastic baggie. “Just drop it right in here and I’ll seal it up.”

Specimen safely tucked away, Janice leaned back as if collecting herself. She had released her grip on my crotch, now I had my hand on her bared left knee, attempting to slowly push up her tight skirt.

“How do you… classify your samples?”

“By the age of the subject; her primary and secondary causes of arousal.” I looked down at Maggie who had turned away and looked as red as her hair. “This one’s primary cause is her recent sexual spanking; secondary causes are forced public nudity and a recent rather intense orgasm.”

My hand– and Janice’s skirt– seemed to have gone about as high as they could go. “It would be so nice if I got another sample from a different woman– at about the very same time…”

Janice looked down at my hand and her eyes widened. “From me?!” I noticed she was not protesting my skirt-lifting activity.

“I am being much too forward!” I exclaimed. “I am beyond impertinence!”

Janice was quiet for a long moment. “This damned skirt is much too tight. You are never going to reach the object of your quest that way,” she nodded towards my roaming hand. “Also, you are assuming that I am… sufficiently aroused.”

Janice smoothed down her skirt as she slowly stood up. To do so, she had to lift poor Maggie’s feet off her lap. I heard Miss Maggie sight. I’m sure she was not too happy at the turn of events– her body was either being used and abused or merely pushed out of the way.

“As I said, this skirt is much too tight. But I do know what might arouse me…” Janice’s hands went to her zipper as she stood in front of me. She pulled the zipper down all the way and then slinked her grey pencil skirt to just below the crotch of her lacy white knickers.

I was breathless and still. Even Maggie turned her head to take in the sight of one of her teachers half-undressed in the great outdoors.

“I trust that it will be alright if I go… under things to collect your sample? I do know my own body, and I don’t believe I need to undress to any greater extent– for now!”

I was speechless as I handed her a clean swab. She lifted the waistband of her knickers out and away from her bodyy and lowered her hand inside. She was staring at me as the hand clutching the swab went down to mound level and then she suddenly gasped as the swab apparently went in.

Janice was licking her lips as she was swirling that swab around inside of her. I was ready to burst out of my clothes at the sight of all the movements of her hand under that silent garment. At last she breathed out as she withdraw the swab from her opening, and then held out the fabric of her knickers again until it was once more out in the open. I held another sterile bag out for her as Janice dropped the presumably very moist swab in. I resisted a sudden impulse to take a sniff.

Janice pulled her skirt back up and zipped it, never taking her twinkling hazel eyes off mine. “I wonder if you’ve ever taken a second sample from the same female, say” she looked at her watch “twelve hours from now. With different, more intense genital stimulation.”

“No,” I gulped. My mouth was dry.

“Well then you shall have to try it.” Janice kissed the top of my head as she walked away. I started breathing again. Then she stopped and came back behind me and spoke quietly into my right ear.

“I am a thirty-six-year-old female, and my primary cause for arousal is being in your proximity!”

Maybe NOW I could start breathing…

“You’re gonna fuh… make love to her tonight.” Miss Maggie was pouting. “Of course you don’t want the likes of me.”

I actually laughed. “Maggie, stand up.” She did so. “Come over here, in back of this bench.” We walked around as I untied her leanh. “Now, lean over the bench with your pretty bottom out.” She did everything she was told.

I unbuttoned my slacks and pulled down my briefs. “What are you doing?!” She whirled her pretty head around.

“I’m going to fuck you right now: I can’t stand it anymore, and I certainly can’t wait twelve hours!” I pushed my throbbing cock between her thighs, staring down at her jutting ass. I adjusted my standfor this angle of entry. I pushed her thighs open even more. Then I entered her.

“Oh my god, oh my god! Oh, I can’t believe you’re fooking me!” Her accent got stronger along with her emotions.

“You don’t want it?!” I was pounding this sweet girl’s tight little body hard. Oh my god she felt so good!

“I do want you so– but you’re taking me here? Oh god… no no NO! Oh no… fuck me, oh my god!!”

I was all out of words. My hands were roaming all over– inside her mouth, grabbing her tits, playing with her clip. I could not believe I was that long and that hard and I still hadn’t cum yet.

“Cummming…. cummming!!” and she clamped down so hard on my penis it hurt! There was something to that combination of pleasure and pain that sent me over the edge. I swear that I nearly jumped off the ground and almost topped that poor girl literally head over heels and over the benchmark.

I kept cumming and cumming and cumming. She felt so hot and so wet and so tightas if she had taken a mold of my penis at its full eight inches and magically transformed her vagina into that exact shape.

I had to stop… I had to breath once again. “Maggie Maggie Maggie” I was mumbling.

“Oh David, my sweet David.” she mumbled back.

My hands ended up around her soft belly. Maggie turned her head to look at me and for some reason we both burst out laughing. It was the laughter of pure joy– of two completely crazy people who had just fucked each other royally (well: we were in England!) while leaning over a benchmark in the Autumn sunlight.

“I still have so much to teach you,” I murmured into her shoulder.

“If every lesson is like that,” she replied, “I will be so eager to learn!”

And we both laughed again as I turned her around to me and I held onto her so tight.

“So, professor… what are going to do the rest of the day?” Miss Maggie murmured back into my shoulder; then she looked up at me and smiled.


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