“Kathy? Short for Kathleen? Katherine?” Thomas asked lightly as he poured them both a drink. A strong one for the pale redhead sitting in his easy chair nervously fidgeting.
“What? Oh, I’m sorry. I guess…I guess just actually being here…well, I’m very…this just isn’t me, something I would normally do,” she replied with a drop of her head. He could almost feel her shame as it poured from her. She crossed and uncrossed her legs. Thomas walked to her slowly and handed her the cool glass.
“Thank you,” she mumbled, her head still down to hide her face, her eyes. He could see that this would go one of two ways. She would either love it or hate it. There would be no in between with this one. But he sometimes liked girls like this, the ones that fight the desire so hard in themselves.
Thomas handed her the clipboard with the questionnaire. She looked up at him hesitantly.
“What’s this?” she asked softly.
“It helps us get started. There are some basic questions and some not so basic questions.”
“Oh. Okay.” Kathy said as she looked the form over. He saw her begin to blush as she read. That was his cue.
“And while you’re doing that, I’ve got something to take care of. I’ll be back in a bit.” He turned and left her without another glance. He went into his home office, checked some messages and then some email. Then he used a remote that dropped a screen down on the wall next to the desk. The screen was split into several smaller screens, the feeds coming from different video cameras throughout the house. He controlled them all with his computer and used it now to zoom in on the living room where the latest of his clients sat contemplating his much thought out questions. Hit and miss experiences early on led him to the belief that a little knowledge beforehand went a long way. He watched her hesitate on each question before filling it out. She took a long time to answer them. After his drink was long gone he saw that she had finished. He ran his hands through his short brown hair, noting that it was longer than he liked to keep it and making a note on a scrap of paper to remember to get a haircut soon. He waited a full five minutes, again watching her knowing that she was getting more nervous by the second.
Thomas wasn’t the garden variety Master/dominating looking person. His build was slight, his skin was pale. He appeared to be classmates upon first meetings to most people.
He liked to act the perfect gentlemen with clients before they began a session, especially the first time. He thought that the difference in his demeanor from that to when they began was quite a turn on for most of them. But this girl, she seemed so skittish. He would have to take it carefully.
Kathy looked obviously relieved when he returned to her.
“All done?”
She nodded, dropping her head again. She handed him the clipboard hesitantly not able to meet his light brown eyes.
“Can we just start now?”
Kathy wouldn’t look at him. Thomas resisted the urge to reach out and turn her face up towards him. He liked to keep all of the actions condensed to his special room.
“Follow me,” he said. For some reason, one that Thomas was struggling with, this girl annoyed him. It was a foreign feeling. When it came to his much loved domination he was an equal-opportunity kind of guy. There had only been one time before when he’d felt about a client like he was feeling now about Kathy. And that session hadn’t gone well. It was one he didn’t like to think about and generally didn’t have to; he’d never seen that one again.
Down a hallway on the right from the living room where they’d been, at one of several doors, Thomas stopped. This door looked like all the others and like them was closed but it had an electronic punch lock. He entered the combination and as the click of the lock releasing was heard he turned to Kathy and saw that her eyes were wide looking at the lock.
“It’s only on the outside. It doesn’t lock from the inside,” he said, wondering why he was trying to comfort her fear. She nodded her head in understanding slowly. He opened the door, just slightly. “You’ll have privacy to get prepared. I’ll be a few minutes.”
She walked through the door, again not able to look at him, and he shut it. He opened the next door, went it and shut it lightly.
The small room used to be the hall closet. When he’d renovated the bedroom to outfit it with the many contractions he used, he’d wasted no time in making this his space to get ready in. The first thing he’d done was install a large double mirror. And of course there was a small video monitor that allowed him to watch the girls if they chose to use the bathroom to change in. Nothing was safe from his eyes at this point.
Kathy wandered around the room as he looked through the special glass. He let the clipboard slide from his hand onto the barstool he’d placed inside his hidden space. She was walkingng around slowly, letting her hands touch things as she passed them. This was another part of the process he liked. He retired it, especially the first session, seeing what in the room caught a woman’s fancy. While he watched her look over the sex swing he was starting to relax about her and began changing. He kept his leather pants, especially made like most of his leather restraints, hanging in the darkness along with the boots liked to Wear. He liked to use things that lacened up, things that took time to close and secure. His pants were no exception, either were the restraints. Everything he’d had made lacened up.
Thomas was changed and ready. He noticed that Kathy still had not begun undressing. He picked up the clipboard and sat on the stool to read it over.
Kathy was short for Katherine. She was 33. Her answer to why she was Here was simply ‘to try it’. He rolled his eyes, but wasn’t surprised. It was hard for people to admit the things they wanted most times. His eyebrow raised when he read her answer to the question asking if the client wanted penetration. He was generally interested that she’d answered with a yes. With a pause in reading he looked at her again. She was starting now to undress and had removed her blouse. She was in the process of unzipping her jeans. He kept reading. She’d managed to answer every question, as the form required that all questions were to be answered, without directly answering most of them. Another glance up and she’d removed her bra. He skimmed through from top to bottom.
Call her Katherine, check. Penetration, check. Toys were OK, check. Some anal play allowed, check. Wants to be spanked, check. Nipple clamps were a ‘no’, check. Blindfold, check. And of course, as almost always, she’d been ‘naughty’. She wanted to be ‘forced to do things’. He committed all of this to memory, be it short term for now as he didn’t take the time to truly remember things until the first sessions were complete. Her chosen safe word was violent.
He checked her through the mirror again and whether or not she’d removed her panties was something he’d have to find out since she’d put on a, from what he could tell, a sheer white shift of a nightgown. An interesting twist, he didn’t see that often. He watched her uncertainly look around the room. She finally chose the padded bench in the center of the room and sat on it, fidgeting around. She looked up at the metal bar above her, the hooks and attachment points catching her attention.
Thomas liked to watch them wait for him. And he was enjoying now watching her, her nervousness filling the room. He began to rub his cock through the leather of his pants. And it began to swell with anticipation. He knew that maybe there was something not quite right with the pleasure he found in seeing the fear, be it slight or great, in someone’s eyes. Maybe not so much fear, maybe just the nervousness. Either way it made him rock hard every time. He looked once more through the mirror before he lightly touched the dimmer switch for his work room.
Where Kathy had chosen to sit really couldn’t have been better. The light before he dimmed it was quite bright in the room but after he lowered the level there was really only one bulb still shining and it was right above her, illuminating her deep red hair that fell down her back and accentuating the paleness of her skin and her gown. He watched her notice the change in lightning, she looked all around the room but of course didn’t see him.
Thomas took the riding crop he kept on a simple nail in the wall, relishing once again the feeling of it in his hand, the power washing through him. He left his small sanctuary and once again released the lock on the door with a few pushes of his finger. He walked through, slowly, and closed the door lightly. The room was silent, so quiet he could hear her every breath as she anticipated what was about to happen. His boots, well hurt, thudded heavily across the floor, each step seems to be more pronounced than the last.
Kathy’s head dropped as soon as she heard him, still she couldn’t see him. Thomas knew she could feel him the closer he got. Her body tensed, she sat up straighter. He kept his slow walking pace until he was before her, his crotch almost directly in front of her hidden face. Her breathing was shallow. His was steady, calm.
He put the end of the crop under her chin and raised her to him, locking on her shiny blue eyes.
“Katherine, did I tell you that you could sit on my bench?” he asked quietly. She made the slightest movement of her head to indicate ‘no’. Thomas didn’t move, didn’t let her chin drop. “I want you to answer me when I ask you a question. Now, did I tell you that you could sit on my bench?”
“No,” she whispered.
“Stand up.”
She did so with the slightest hesitation. Once she was fully erect he let the crop drop.
“Come forward a few steps.”
She did. He began to circle her, looking her over. She starred straight ahead, so uncertain of what would happen. He stopped when he was behind her. Using the crop he lifted the tail of her gown all the way to her waist.
“Panties. I don’t like panties. Pull them down,” he said as he let the crop release the flimsy material.
But really, he did like them. The ones she had on. Tight and white. Perfect for her, he thought, so innocent.
She reached to start removing them. Her fingers were shaking. He reached out and touched her hand.
“Not all the way, just under your cheeses.”
While she did as he told her Thomas walked to a plain black armoire in the further corner of the room from them. He opened the doors, not needing the light to find what he needed and removed it. He walked back to her, taking his time. He faced her. Her eyes, he could tell, wanted to look at what he had in his hand. They started to look down several times but never made it all the way.
His other hand found her breast, squeezing it firmly but not roughly. Her nipple hardened and he took it between his fingers, rolling it slightly. Still she didn’t look to see what he had.
“Some things are pleasant. Some things are painful. Sometimes the two are mixed. The key is control,” he whispered coolly into her ear. She was beginning to moan slightly as he increased the pressure on her nipple with his fingers. He stopped suddenly when she did. And he revealed what he had. “This is an egg.”
She looked over the item, blue and nubby with a cord and a remote. She obviously trembled.
“What–” she started to ask. He cut her off.
“I talk. You don’t unless I tell you to,” he said, stepping back. “Spread your legs further.” She did, just a little. “Hold your gown up, wait high.” She looked straight ahead, not at him but through him it appeared as she lifted the gown up in the front. Thomas looked between her legs, liking that she was very nicely shaken with just a small strip of hair remaining. He turned the egg on with the remote. A small buzzing sound filled the still room.
“Is your pussy wet?”
He almost got lost in the vision she presented. Legs spread, gown lifted, white panties exposing her, cutting into her legs. He almost missed that she merely nodded.
“Lift the gown in the back.” Thomas said a harder edge in his voice. Kathy did and quickly the pristine flesh of her backside received a singing slap. Her eyes widened in surprise. “I told you, you need to answer me when I ask you a question.”
“Yes,” she said her voice a bit raspy.
“Yes, what?” Thomas asked as he took his nipple between his fingers again. This squeeze was harder. After all, she’d answered no to nipple clamps but his fingers didn’t count as those. She swallowed hard.
“Yes, my pussy is wet.” Her voice was barely audible.
The vibrating egg buzzed in his hand. Thomas reached down and touched her lips. She drew a breath in quickly.
“Look at me,” he demanded. She compiled. His free hand explored her, spreading her. His fingers grazed her swelling clip. She closed her eyes, a small groan escaping her. Thomas then spread her wide and began to put the egg inside of her. Her body sweepled momentarily from the pleasure it was bringing her. When the egg was in place he handed her the remote to hold along with her gown, which was still being held up at her waist. “Leave it on the lowest setting. And stay just like that, don’t move.”
Thomas again went to the armoire. When he returned she was struggling with holding the remote, holding the gown, keeping her legs spread. Her hips were trying to grind against air. She was whimpering slightly in frustration. He stood behind her.
“You seem to have a difficult time deciding what to do with your eyes, Katherine. I’ll fix that Now,” he said as he brought a band of gauzy material over her face and covered her eyes. As he tied the blindfold he could sense her reluctance. With the low lighting he was sure she couldn’t see much at all now. “You can let go of your gown. And the remote. And bring your feet back together.”
She did all of those things, her panties falling to the floor after being stretched so tightly. Still he stood behind her. He picked up the first leather restraint. Gently taking her arm he pulled it behind her, still hearing the faith buzz of the now hidden egg..
Thomas guided her fingers through the fingerless dark brown gloves. He lacened it slowly the repeated the process for the other hand. The leather came to the middle of her forearms. There were stout metal rings that were secured inside of the leather and used a small chain with sliding clasps on the end to bring her wrists together and bind them.
“Not being able to see will enhance the sensings,” he whispered in her ear. He came around to the front of her now. He lifted her gown himself this time and pulled it towards him then twisted it and put the tail down the scoop neck between her breasts. “You can keep it on, but it has to be out of the way.”
Thomas noticed that her breathing was becoming ragged now, her Stance very relaxed.
“You like that, don’t you?” She breathed a ‘yes’ out quickly followed by a moan. He began unlacing his pants, letting his bulging cock spring free. He leaned slightly and retrieved the dangling remote, turning the intensity up a notch. She quivered.
“I…I…–” she tried to start to say. He put a finger on her lips.
“Ssshhh. On your knees.”
She kneeed with no hesitation at all. He cupped her face with his hands, still holding the remote in the left one, as he guided his cock towards her mouth. Her closed mouth. As the head of his engaged dick touched her full lips she turned her head. The pre-cum that glistened on him trailed across her face when she did this. His hands tightened on her turned her back to him. He pressed against the now clamped tight entrance. She pulled her lips in resistance. Thomas’ right hand snaked through her hair and took a handful and pulled down. She whimpered again, but this time it wasn’t out of pleasure.
“This can happen easy or hard, Katherine, but it WILL happen,” he said as he used a finger of his other hand to turn the control of the egg up a few more notches. She gasped, her mouth making a perfect ‘O’ as she started to sink towards the floor. He was quick though. His hand shot back to her cheek to stable her as he rammed himself into her mouth. She had no choice but to accept it now. A muffled grunt tried to escape her but it was useless. She filled with cock.
He slowly fucked her, making her take him fully into her mouth with each thrust. After a few minutes he stopped, leaving himself inside her hot orifice for a few moments without moving before he pulled out completely.
“Let’s try this again.” Thomas said softly. He released her face. Her lips were slightly parted, the sound of the egg buzzing away inside of her louder now. Her ragged breaths turned into moans as he watched her body began tensioning. She was near orgasm. He pressed his hardness to her lips again and this time she opened her mouth instantly, almost greedily, and accepted him.
“That’s much better. You’re a quick learner, Katherine.” Thomas said, the change in voice obvious as she sucked and licked him with her tongue. Her groans started to come quicker now. He was close himself. For good measure he held her face again as he was about to come. Her breathing quickened, her moans deeper, as an orgasm began to rip through her body. She slowed in her task. Thomas, his hold on her face tightening, began thrusting into her mouth quickly as his own started. He pushed deeply to her throat as he released his hot cum in her. She bucked against him, he felt her struggle trying to get away at the same time as her body twisted and trembled.
Spent, his knees feeling shaky though she’d never know that, Thomas pulled out, wiping cum onto her lips as he did. He backed the vibrator back down to the first setting. She was nearly breathless as she sank down resting her ass on her legs. Thomas pulled her to her feet.
“Did you enjoy that Katherine?” he asked. He was moving her towards the bench that she’d sat on earlier. She nodded, her breathing almost back to normal. Thomas raised the bench a few runs in its holder, bringing it to almost waist height. He bent her over the leather padded seat. “You seem to have trouble remembering to answer me when I ask you a question.”
She started to stand up. He pushed her back down, moving close behind her.
“Yes, yes I enjoyed that,” she cried out.
“Good girl,” he said. He put his free hand on her ass and she flinched at his touch. He drew his hand back and brought it back down to make hard contact on her vulnerable cheese.
“Pull your legs together.”
She compiled. Thomas began spanking her, though not hard. The flat of his palm made contact with each cheeseEach time he brought it down, now that her legs were together. He spanked her lightly until just the barest hint of red appeared in her pale skin. After her first surprised ‘ow’ she was quiet, though she did squirm a little. He knew he wasn’t hurting her after the first one, which was meant to hurt.
When stopped he paused in the quietness, wanting her to not know he was finished or not.
“So we are clear? If I ask you a question, you answer?”
“Yes.” Kathy answered quickly.
“Aaah, that’s much better, Katherine,” he said, turning the egg back up a level. “Now…if I offer myself to you, you won’t try to resist again. Is that understand?”
“Yes,” she answered, her voice dropping a bit with the vibrator turned back up.
Thomas began spanking her again, this time harder and quicker. As he did she squirmed and cried out a few times, though now it was from the mix of pleasure and pain. He turned the remote up again as he delivered the rapid slapses. She began moaning now. He stopped and turned the vibrator up again, higher than it had been yet. She groaned as her hips involuntarily moved against the table.
“Please?” she begged.
“Please what?”
“Please…please…spank me again.”
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