Exiting the dinner, I saw Her leaning against Her car, watching me as I crossed the parking lot. I kept my head bowed as She stepped aside to let me open Her door. “Good boy. Get in,” She said, closing the door.
As She edged out of the lot and onto the street, She activated the car’s GPS system and spoke aloud my home address. Noting my surprise, She turned to me and smiled. “As I told you, lee, I know a lot about you.”
Except for the voice of the GPS giving occasional directions, W/we drive in near total silence to my small bungalow. As we rolled along the late evening streets, my anxiety grow and I pondered exactly what I was getting myself into. When W/we had parked in the short, tree-shaded driveway, and I’d opened Her door, She led me around, to the back entrance. When I’d unlocked and opened the back door, I stepped back for Her to enter. Before doing so, She turned to me and said softly, but firmly, “Give me the keys, lee, then get on all fours; that is how you’llenter a house with me, if possible.”
Taken aback by the command, I nevertheless obeyed quickly, reasonably confident that the hour, the darkness, and the relative section of the small back yard shielded me from any neighbor’s eyes. After I’d crawled into the small entry way, She closed and locked the door behind me, then strode into the kitchen. As I heeled behind Her, my mind reeled, suddenly cognizant of how ill-prepared my home was for a visitor. Funny what the mind focuss on in some situations; mine literally swirled around the house, seeing the magazines that had been left lying beside the sofa, the unwashed mug on the counter, the mail scattered on the table, the vacuum cleaner left sitting out in the study, the unopened box from amazon.com by the front door. Not messy or dirty, but “bachelor casual,” as I liked to call it.
“You may stand, lee,” She said to me, an order I obeyed promptly. “Go into the front room, close the draws, and knee there.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” I replied, doing as told, as She began to walk slowly through the house. Following the sounds of Her heels echoing on the hardwood floors, I could follow Her in my mind’s eye as She inspected every room.
After some minutes, I heard Her approaching, entering and circling the front room, stopping to examine several pieces of antique furniture and arts objects bought abroad. Moving to stand directly before me, She tucked a finger under my chin and lifted it. This brought a smile to my face, which was immediately wiped away with a hard, unexpected slap to my cheek. Stinging, having to blink back tears, I heard Her say. “This place is a mess, lee … and I won’t have it. When I visit next, I expect the house to be spic and span, floor to ceiling… no papers thrown about, no clothes on the floor, no unwashed dishes, no dust. Do I make myself clear, boy?”
Taken aback, I nonetheless nodded. Swallowing hard, I hear myself answering, feeling almost sickembodidied: “yes, Ma’am.”
“You do NOT want to disappoint in this, I can assure you, lee. Now, stand and heel.”
When I had compiled, She led me back into the bedroom. She surveyed the rehabbed suite with its remodeled bathroom with a critical eye. When She spoke, She did so in a matter of fact tone. “This is now my bedroom, lee. I will use it when I visit. Clean all of your clothes and personal items out … and I mean everything. For the time being, you may use the guest room. And you will replace all the lines and towels. I want these dark shades gone … and replaced with fine, light, feminine colors. You will be redecorating this room for your Goddess, lee … do not forget that. Do you have any questions?”
“No, Ma’am,” I shook my head.
“Good,” She said. “Heel.”
Leading me back out into the front room, She had me knee again there. Looking at Her watch, She told and said, “It’s late, lee, and I have a long day tomorrow … and you have a good bit of work to do. Do you haveAnother set of house keys?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“Good,” She said, removing the key from the chain and tossing the rest on the floor beside me.
“You can get back to pick up your car tomorrow?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
Nodding, She circled me. “When I want to see you again, I’ll call your cell phone … and yes, I have the number. It may be this weekend or next week … or longer. I will expect you to be available, whenever I call. And I will expect this place to be ready when I visit next. Are W/we clear on this?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” I nodded.
“Good. Now, lee, I’m going to grant you a privilege I suspect you’ve been thinking about for much of the evening.” She had moved back to stand fully in front of me. “You may kiss my boots and thank me, boy.”
Cheeks flushing deeply, because She was exactly right, I had been hoping for this, I lowered my lips to the rich, fragment, poisoned black leather of Her boots, kissing each repeatedly, savoring the moment, before sayinging, “thank You, Ma’am.”
Above me, I heard Her low laugh. “I think W/we’re beyond that now, lee, don’t you? Not ‘Ma’am’ … from now on ‘Mistress.’”
I literally feel my heart skip a beat. “Yes, Mistress, thank You.”
“Good boy. Now, lower your forehead to the floor and remain still and silent, reflecting on this until I have left.”
When I had compiled, She waited for a moment and I could literally feel Her gaze taking me in. “I will see you soon, lee.” And with that, She departed. I followed the sounds of Her exiting, closing and locking the back door, starting Her car, and backing out onto the street. Only when She had pulled away, the last sounds fading into the distance, did I lift myself, take a deep breath to capture a final whiff of Her perfume, and begin the task of turning my bedroom into Her bedroom.
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