As I had imagined in any number of on-line, Second Life scenarios, I heeled behind Her … two steps back, slightly to Her left, gaze focused on Her black boots, which were the style that season and didn’t necessarily give Her away as a Domme. She led me up from the basement of the community center where the meetings were held, out into the cool night air of the parking lot.
“Did you come by L, lee?”
“No, Ma’am, I drove.”
“Do you mind leaving your car here?” She asked. “I assure you, I’ll get you back safely.”
Smiling a look of trust, I replied. “Not at all, Ma’am”
Without another word, She led me across the parking lot to Her car, a late model Volvo, which She unlocked and waited, while I opened the door for Her. “Get in,” was Her only response.
After I had buckled myself in, She cleared Her throat and turned to me. “As I hope you realize, lee, I’m a very serious Woman … serious about all aspects of my life, but especially about Gynarchy and Female supremacy. I have watched you for a while now at these meetings, and you interest Me.” Perhaps registering the look of surprised appreciation that flickered across my face, I sensed rather than saw Her smile. “That surprises you?”
“Yes, Ma’am, I guess it does.”
“Good. A boy should be a bit unsettled. Now, as I was saying, I’m interested in you and would like to get to Know you better. But, and I stress this in all seriousness, as in all things, W/we will do this MY way. Period. Full stop.” She paused a moment, letting Her words sink in. “Let Me assure you, lee, that I know the difference between hurting and harming … and I will NOT harm you. I will ask you to trust Me on that point. For I am used to be trusted … and obeyed. When I give you an order, I expect it to be obeyed, quickly.” Again She paused. “Of course, you can always refuse an order. But, if you do, this” – and She left ambiguous exactly what “this” was – “is over. I will wish you well, but W/we will not see each other again. I’ll stress this one more time, W/we will do things my way. Understood, lee?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” I said, hoping my voice did not betray all of my trepidation.
“Good,” Her tone lightened a bit. “W/we will see how this goes. I am strict and demanding by the lights of most in the lifestyle, but not unreasonable. I may ask you to do some difficult things, lee, but I will never put you in harm’s way. I take my responsibilities as a Domme as seriously as I take my prerogatives. And I fully expect you to take your responsibilities seriously, too … and W/we would not be sitting here now if I didn’t have a good sense that you will.”
Putting Her hand to the key, She spoke again. “So, lee, it’s your choice. You may leave now with My best wishes … or stay … and obey.”
It didn’t take me half a heartbeat to reply. “I will stay, Ma’am.” And, without another word, She started the car.
W/we drive for some minutes through the nearly empty night-timestreets for several minutes in silence, me with my eyes lowered, just barely able to take in which direction W/we were heading.
“Are you curious where I’m taking you?”
Nodding, I spoke softly. “Yes, Ma’am, I am.”
“But you have not pestered me by asking, which is good. Trust me. When I want you to know something, I’ll tell you.” She gave my knee a quick squeeze with these words before returning Her hand to the steering wheel to pull us into the small parking lot of a small dinner, locally famous for being open 24 hours and serving excellent greasy-spoon food to a diverse clientele.
Seeing that I was poised to jump out and get Her door, She laughed, amused. “Calm down, lee. I’ll tell you when to get out.” Turning to me, She said, “But first a few rules. I expect your best behavior, even – especially – when W/we’re out in the vanilla world. Do NOT be overly explicit, but I want constant and subtle expressions of your submission. I suspect I don’t have to tell you this, but just to be clear: keep your gaze lowered and your mouth shut. You are to speak only to Me and only when spoken to. Clear?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” I responded, at which She granted me permission to get out and open Her door.
Leading me into the dinner, She greeted the hostess, who sat us in a booth at the very back. She slide into the seat next to the wall, leaving me to take the faceting seat, where I could see only Her. A slight look of irritation crossed Her face. “I won’t make you do it again, lee, but next time wait for My permission to sit. I’ll tap my nail on the table when You may do so.”
“Yes, Ma’am,” I whispered, voice lowered in the public place, although it was nearly empty.
As She opened Her menu, I did the same until Her glare and sharp words stopped me, causing my blood to run cold for a moment. “No,” the word was spoken like an order given to a misbehaving puppy and caused me to set the menu down immediately. As She perused the offers, She saidnothing more until She’d closed Her menu, decisions made. “When you are with me, I don’t want to see you even touch a menu. Menus imply choices, lee, and when you’re with me, the only choice you have to make is whether you’ll obey me. I will make all other choices for you. Are W/we clear?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” I replied meekly, my intrigue with this Woman increasing.
When the waitress came, She ordered a cup of coffee for Herself and – after soliciting advice about what was freshest – a slice of blueberry pie. Nodding to me, She told the waitress: “He’ll have a glass of water, no ice.” If the waitress was nonplussed by the fact I did not order for myself, she did not show it. In this part of town, at this time of night, I’m sure she saw all kinds of human behavior.
As W/we waited for the coffee, pie, and water, She began to tell me a bit about Herself. I learned that She was of Hungarian extraction, a medical doctor specializing in Women’s reproductive health, divided, no chidden. She mentioned that Her interests outside of BDSM included travel and modern art, expressing a vague dissatisfaction with the fact that Her career afforded the salary for such pursuits, but not nearly enough time for them.
When the waitress had served U/us, She sipped Her coffee and examined the delicious looking pie. Seeing my gaze shift to the pie, She chuckled. “Don’t get your hopes up, lee; you’ve had your treatment for the evening. But I must say that I’m impressed that you seem to learn quickly and have not taken the liberty of drinking your water.” Saying this, She tapped Her nail twice on the table top … and I lifted the glass to drink. “One small sip, boy, then put the glass back down.”
“Thank You, Ma’am,” I said softly after I’d swallowed the allotment of water, which felt wonderful in my mouth, parched as it was with anticipation.
As She sipped Her coffee and enjoyed the pie, She occasionally allowed me to drink from my water glass and quizzed me about my life. As W/we chatted, it became clear that She already knew a good bit about me. I almost physically squirmed at the thought – extremely concerned and aroused – that She had been stalking me. Stalking … not in the perverse sense of that word, but in its original sense … I felt like Her prey.
When She had eaten the last bite of the pie, She dragged Her finger across the plate and held it up, smudged with a swipe of the blueberry filling. “Lick,” was all She said.
Having no idea who was watching or how they might take this, I hesitated for a moment before obeying, leaning across the table and sampling the sweet taste from Her finger. When She withdraw Her finger, I leaned back, noting the frown on Her face.
“You hesitated, lee. I thought I’d made myself clear about that. Do it again and you’ll regret it.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
Collecting Her purse, She stood and ordered curtly: “Pay the bill, leave a VERY good tip, and then come back to the car.”
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