To Serve Ch. 02

This is a continuation of “To Serve” in which Anne discovers her true vocation – to serve Mike Andersen the Marketing Director of Fulcrum where she has now accepted a job as his special personal assistance. Many thanks to those who provided feedback to the first part of this story and helped me frame this continuation.

Anne returned to the office after Stockholm and spent the first few days moving in to her new Office. Mike had not returned with her but gone off to another client elsewhere in Europe. He had however told her that they should spend the long bank holiday weekend together at his beach house. So when an e-mail arrived in her in-tray from Mike Andersen she opened it without delay. The message was however, short and very much to the point.

“Pick you up from office at 5 o’clock. Don’t bring anything else than a toothbrush. Don’t be late.”

Anne had expected something more, perhaps some words of affection, but then again it was the office e-mail systemm and it was Mike sending the message. He was not one to waste words.

She thought long about what to take for the weekend. She looked at her clothes wondered if she needed a bathing suit, some smart evening clothes. She also remembered that he had said just a toothbrush. Was that just a figure of speech or did he mean it. Mike usually means exactly what he said, but just a toothbrush for a long weekend? No, she had to take something more. In the end she throw a spare pair of jeans a couple of tops, some clean underwear and her toilet bag into a bag.

That was how she stood outside the office building on that Friday. A T shirt blue jeans and small grip bag in hand. 4:55 at least she was not late, although everyone else except security had already left for the long weekend. She saw Mike in his open top dark blue Porsche drive round the entry road and come to stop in front of her.

“Some toothbrush.” ​​His opening words took her by surprise. She at least expected a Hello!

“Just a few things” she smiled back at him “nothing much.”

His fixed emotionless face told her before his words that she had got it wrong. “I mean what I said” he said “lose the bag inside and come back with your toilet bag only. And hurry”

“I’m sorry Mike, I just thought that…” she stopped, knowing that excuses were not required and quickly turned back into the building and hurried up the stairs to her desk. She took out her small toilet bag from the grip and pushed the rest under her desk. Retracing her steps as fast as she could, she climbed into Mike’s car. She barely had time to fasten her seat belt before Mike drove off pointing the car into the weekend traffic and the rush to the coast. “Don’t disobey me like that again.” Mike’s simple statement said volumes “when I ask or tell you to do something, I expect you to do exactly as I say.”

“Yes Mike. I understand I will try and do as you say.” She looked downwards, her eyes fixed on a small mark on her jeans.

No further words were said. As the car weaved its way through the traffic they talked about the job in Sweden, her new office, her next project and Mike’s recent visit to Germany. They stopped for a light meal at a small restaurant and talked more about work. Then they were on open roads once again and the noise of the wind rushing past the speeding car means that no further conversation was possible.

At about 9 o’clock, Mike pulled off the main road and drove down a narrow lane. Anne could smell the salt water in the air and knew that they must be getting close to their destination. Eventually, when Anne thought that they may not see another house, Mike pulled the car through a gap in the hedge and stopped outside a small weather boarded house.

Anne imagined that Mike would own something bigger, but she could tell what the attention was. She thought it beautiful, probably about 100 years old, two storied and painted a pale eggshell blue. At the front was a small veranda which looked through a gap in the sand dunes to the beach.

When Mike unlocked the door and led her inside she was surprised. She was expecting small rooms in keeping with the exterior impression, but instead she saw that the whole interior had been opened out. The ground floor was just a single room with a small kitchen dining area in one half of the house and a blinding sitting area in the other, dominated by a stone-built open fireplace. A log fire was already light so (Anne assumed) Mike had somebody to look after the place for him.

Above the kitchen area was a balcony floor supported by large wooden beams adorned by hooks, ropes and other fishing gear. She could just make out the shape of a single large bed and a small room. The house was simply but comfortable furnished, the whole giving a gentile, comfortable air. Mike has good taste she thought to herself.

“The bedroom and bathroom are upstairs” Mike’s voice broke the silence and her thoughts.

“Go andhave a shower and come back down.” Anne was not going to question or disobey. “I will get some coffee and drinks. You will find some clothes hanging in the small wardrobe, wear the blue tonight.” “And only that” it was the first time he had looked at her properly since they had arrived. She could see in his eyes that this was another order that he expected her to carry out exactly.

Anyway, He had said clothes? This man had clothes for her? He had bought them for her? It explained why she only needed a toothbrush. She was intrigued.

She grabbed her small toilet bag and ascended the stairs. The balcony was dominated by a large wooden king sized bed covered in dark blue satin sheets. Above it, a roof light gave a view of the evening sky. To one side was a large triple wardrobe, the other side a smaller one with just a double set of doors. She pulled the doors open.

Inside were about ten hungers, each with a different garment, all of which looked expensive. She brushed her hand across them before picking the blue one off the rail. It was a silky smooth satin in royal blue. She looked at the label – Victoria Secrets – and checked the size. It was correct. How? Then she looked properly at the dress. The back was plain but the front was buttoned at the neck with a deep slot below that which would, Anne estimated, reach down to her navel. Then she noticed the sides, the two halves of the dress were laceled together loosely so that the wearer would be partially open to view. She immediately became embarrassed. She knew she did not have the figure for this type of dress. She had seen models and film stars wear them, also much better endowed than her meagre 34B bus line. She quickly looked into the drawer below, inside a range of silk and lace lingerie. She wanted to look but the noise of Mike moving around below told her that she had better get on with complying with his wishes.

She opened the only door and walked into a surprisingly large bathroom. Itcontained a Jacuzzi corner bath, a large shower cubicle, toilet and washbasin all of which were in white and set against dark blue wall tiles. Spot lights lit each area of ​​the bathroom.

She quickly stripped off her jeans, T-shirt and underwear and stepped into the shower. She found some sweet smelling shower gel and turned on the mixer tap. She washed herself thoroughly, luxurying in the warm water, in her mind comparing her surroundings to the simple over-bath shower in her own small little apartment.

Time was must be ebbing away she thought so she turned off the tap and stepped out grabbing one of the large fluffy towels. She looked to wear she had hung the dress and noticed that her clothes had gone. Mike must have taken then while she was in the shower, hidden from her view by the condensation on the shower door. Satisfied she was dry; she took the dress off the hanger and stepped into it. The material seemed to glide over her as she pulled it over her shoulders. Shereached up to the neck and fastened the single button, then looked at herself in the full length mirror at the end of the room. She admitted the way the dress moved around her body as she altered position. She had been right about the front, it did indeed reach down to her belly button and she wished she had more breast to do justice to the line of the dress. She felt wonderfully naughty, it was like being naked and clothed at the same time. She walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs to Mike who was sitting on the large sofa in front of the fire. The material felt wonderful on her naked flesh, she enjoyed the sensing, especially as it moved across her breasts. She could feel her nipples harden in response to the silky care of the dress.

Mike handed her a drink and motioned for her to sit alongside him. She sipped the tall clear liquid; vodka and tonic, her favourite, how did he know?

“Anne” Mike began his voice still firm and authoritative but now with a hint ofwarmth “first, let me tell you how wonderful you look in that dress. Blue is my favourite colour and it suits you”

“It’s lovely Mike. Not what I would normally wear,” she smiled as she said it “but it feels wonderful and I like to wear it because you like it.”

He smiled “It is yours Anne, everything in that wardrobe is yours; yours to wear every time you come to this house.”

“I don’t know what to say” Anne started, embarrassed by his generosity, pleased that they would apparently be doing this again.

“Say nothing and listen” Mike’s voice was serious now.

“When you are here you will wear only the clothes that I tell you to wear – nothing else”

“This will be our special place. A place where we will enjoy each other to the full. You will have experiences beyond your dreams, but to enjoy them will involve trust, a trust that I will never ask of you anything that you do not want to do.” He held his hand up to stop her reply, before continuing.

“I want you to know that I think you are a very special person, one with whom I want to share my desires and fansies. If you want to share in those, as I think you will, you must place your in trust me and obey my instructions.”

“I told you in Stockholm that I will ask you to submit to me totally; that if you make mistakes you be punished. In exchange I will care for you. We will have a contract, a contract of trust.”

Anne was confused, what was this man saying? She loved him, wanted him, and wanted to please him. Of course she trusted him.

Mike continued “Some of my instructions will seem strange to you today, but it will test your trust if you are to obey them. My instructions will be born out of my desire for you and will satisfy your inner need to meet my own.”

“If that trust fails you, then you must tell me. We will have a code word, a word which you can use only when you believe that the trust has left you. Use it and I will stop and release you from our contrac” he paused, “Release you from our relationship. It will finish there.”

Mike looked at her, waiting for his words to sink in. Anne was confused. What was he asking? What could he ask of her that would make her want to break a relationship with the first man she believed she truly loved; truly desired?

He continued “This is our first weekend and I will be lenient with you for the next three days. If you feel that you can not obey my instructions over this weekend – and only this weekend – you should say the code word ‘Purple.’ If you feel that you can not trust me totally now, or at any time in the future, you must say the code word ‘Violet’ – but think hard before you say it; that word will terminate our contract and relationship.”

“Do you understand?”

Anne was not sure what she understood but she loved this man so she said simply and as sincerely as she could “Yes Mike I think I understand – Purple and Violet.”

Mike looked at her, knowing that she didfully comprehend what he means. What he saw was a loving face framed by her shoulder length dark hair.

“Now Anne, this is our first evening. What would you like?”

“To make you happy” she smiled a warm smile “to make love to you. To show you how much I want to make you pleased with me.” She looked into his eyes and then down. “Please Mike tell me what will make you happy.”

Mike put his hands to her face and lifted her chin so that she once again looked into his blue eyes. “Show me your beautiful body Anne.”

It sounded like a request, but Anne knew that it was a request she must comply with. She had never stripped for another man, Mike was the first and the thought of that night in Sweden when he had made her undress in the large window looking out over Stockholm came back to her mind.

She placed her glass on the side table and stood before him. Her eyes held his as her hand went to her neck and undid the button. She waited for a few moments before gently easing the material off her shoulders. The dress fell silently to the floor. She felt his eyes roaming her body and enjoyed the sensing.

“You are quite beautiful. You have a lovely body.” His statement made her feel embarrassed, he was just saying that; he must have seen better.

“It could be better” a pause “I’m not well endowed and my hips are too big and….” Mike put his finger to his lips to indicate that she should be silent.

“Your breasts are lovely to my eyes and your hips frame your pretty pussy perfectly.”

She flushed, she did not believe that her lower regions could ever be described as pretty.

“Now stand closer to me. Let me look at your body closely.” She did as he asked, aware that his head was now in line with her bush.

For a few moments he did nothing, and then his hand slowly rose; his fingers extended to trace the outline of her sex. His touch made her gasp; it was so light yet so intimate. She could feel his finger gently easing pastHer lips, slipping into her folds, stroking upwards to softly touch her clip. She fight for balance as his gentle care created waves of desire and password within her. His fingers continued to explore, teasing her, probing her wet slit, tickling her clip from its hiding place. She could feel herself responding to his touch but also knowing that she must hold back the urge to cum. Just as she thought she would lose the battle, Mike withdraw his fingers.

Mike put his fingers to his lips to taste the musky essence. He slowly licked them clean before raising his hand to cares each of her breasts in turn. First they were light caresses, and then he rolled her nipples between his finger and thumb making them stand to attention the way they had done that first night. We watched as they grew in his hands, the dark pink nubs of flesh standing upright on her small firm breasts. The sensings once again threatened to overpower Anne; he was close to making her cum simply by playing withher nipples. Mike could sense the tension building inside her, he applied more pressure then as he watched her eyes close, he released them. For the second time Anne had come close to release and for the second time Mike had stopped before she lost control.

“Turn around”

She slowly did as he asked, curious as to why. She wanted to drop to her knees and free his wonderful cock; to pull him to the floor and feel him inside her once again.

She felt his hands cup the cheats of her ass, holding them like pretty globes in his hands. Slowly she felt his strong hands separate them until she knew that he must be staring at her back entrance, her private place that no man had looked at before.

She felt him move, then the warmth of his breath inside that divide and then, finally, the soft feel of his tongue as it slowly cared her dark hole. “Ohhhhhh Mike” she could barely utter the words as new sensings flooded through her body. She felt his tongue becomes more insistent, probing her entrance as if trying to breach the ring of muscle. She tried to relax but the sexual tension she felt made that impossible. Her legs barely held her weight as she fight to hold back the urge for release, it was only his tight grip on her cheeks which provided the additional support she needed to remain standing. Then, as the intensity mounted, she feel his hand move; feel a fingerprint join his tongue to probe her tight hole. She fight for control, telling herself to relax.

The she felt his finger enter her, feel it press forward deep inside her, slowly burrowing into her hot channel until she felt she could take no more. Mike stopped and lent back, looking at how Anne’s flesh grippe his finger, before pulling his hand back until only the tip of his finger remained inside her. He worked itp around in circles, stretching her slightly before thrusting his finger back into her. Anne winced at the forceful intrusion before letting that pain turn to pleasure as his finger probed her insides. Again he withdraw and again he thrust his finger back. She len forward, her hands on her tights to provide support and the means to stay upright. His finger withdraw again; she felt her anus being stretched as a second finger was squeezed past the ring to join the first. Now two fingers plunged into her; again she felt an initial pain which slowly melted away into a deeper feeling of lust and desire. Mike watched as his fingers started to fuck her rear, grasped that Anne was passing this first test. He knew she must have experienced disappoint if not some pain but was pleased how she had found the strength to withstand that to find pleasure. He continued to explore her ass; on each stoke trying to probe deeper, letting his fingers stretch her a little wider. He removed his other hand from her body and used it to open his slacks, releasing the pressure on his engorged cock which now stand long and broad from his groin.

Abruptly he withdraw his fingers.Anne felt as if part of her being had been removed. She looked behind her and saw Mike still sitting on the couch, saw his massive cock rising from his open slacks. Instinctively she knew what was required. She turned and knelt at his feet. She looked up into his face, seeking confirmation.

Mike nodded and Anne bent her head down to take the head of hic shake into her mouth. She had performed this once before on Mike and he had cum in her mouth with a force that had made her year for more. Her tongue ran around the head, her small hands encircling him, holding him steady as she bathed his cock head in her saliva. She felt his hands cares her hair as she took more of him in her mouth while her hands started a slow rhythmic care of his shaft. She felt him press down on her head and she allowed more of him to enter until his dome pressed against the back of her throat. She had tried to swallow him before –she tried again, but he was simply too long, too big for that.

Mikereleased the pressure slightly and Anne withdraw his organ to resume her tongue cares of the purple head. Then she tried to swallow him again. Again she failed. Anne continued to repeat the process hoping that she would be able to show him that she could do this task for him. She was not to know that Mike had only been deep-throated once before and that the girl in question was highly experienced. He knew that it would take a lot of training before Anne could take him down that tight opening. For now he was content to let her fuck him with her mouth.

His hands left her head and slowly caresed her shoulders before moving down to cup her breasts once again. As she len forward, they fell free of her rib cage and he took them fully in his hands, feeling their weight. His fingers closed around the elastic flesh gently building the pressure until he He pulled her breasts down, letting the skin slowly escape until he held just the hard flesh of her nipples. Here he stopped and squeezed again, wanting to inflict a small amount of pain so that they would reach a high level of sensitivity.

Anne winced again as she felt the seizing sensing at the tips of her breasts; it stopped her from her oral attentions to Mike’s cock. Her brain thought of the colour purple. She wanted to say it but she did not want to let herself down in Mike’s eyes by giving in at the first opportunity. She fought back the desire and forced herself to continue to cares his penis.


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