To Serve and Obey, Once More

Jerri pulled–well, tucked the leather bustier in that she’d purchased today at the Dungeonpolis Gift Shop. It had been expensive, but she really wanted Specs to be impressed.

Jerri touched her purse, her fingers going inside to make sure the money was there. Alimony was an outtrage, her friends and her parents had told Jerri; even more outtraged would they be if they knew it was volunteer.

Jerri’s lawsyers at the time, the best from Reinhold and Bertrand, had told her they thought Specs could be made to pay for the credit card debt he’d driven up, and she didn’t have the nerve to tell them she still let him have a Platinum, even now…

But they didn’t know Specs…

Jerri hesitated, inspected her new manicure, and then knocked on the door. She waited, and then knocked again. Specs always kept her waiting.

Jerri had been a model in her twentyties, as well as a semiprofessional ballerina just previous to getting her M.B.A.

Everyone had been stunned whenshe’d wed this unemployed, four eyed geek.

It had caused so much stir in New York, that she’d moved them to Buttermilk Falls, one of the quietest towns in the most slumbering state in the Union.

And, when Specs had left Jerri, she’d just been grateful he’d wanted to settle here–and after all, this had originally been her house. She knocked again, biting her full lip.

Had he forgotten? Jesus, it was twenty-seven hundred dollars a month. You’d think–

The door opened and Specs looked up at Jerri. He was a head shorter than she was, especially when she wore heels, but she was in sneakers tonight.

“Jerri! How’s it going?” Specs gave Jerri a hug, and she clutched him. It had been thirty days. He let her call once a week, and it was a Skype thing, but it just wasn’t enough.

To say nothing of the embarrassment of masturbating with the sharp end of a No. 2 Ticonderoga pencil (so hard to find) while Specs, on the screen, mandated how fast she should poke heself–

And when she went slow when he said fast, or vice versa, he’d order her to twist the mouse-traps on her nipples!

As she came in, Specs patted the top of his head. “You like my new rug?”

“Oh, Specs, you are a gorgeous man. You don’t need a toupee.” All men were so silly about hairpieces, though. If one strand was lacking…

A lot of the guys that Jerri dated now had full, flowing hair, and were muscle and worshipful, though usually ten to fifteen years younger than she.

It was nice being paid for, taken out and spoiled. She’d never really gotten that from her peculiar ex-husband, who resembled Mister Peterson on “The Bob Newhart Show” which she and her friends used to swig a beer to every time someone said “Hi Bob!”

That was one hell of a drinking game. Most of Jerri’s old friends had lost touch with her after one or two um, disciplined sessions were witnessed. Still, Specs was worth any number of them.

“Who is it, Specs?” a voice came from the dining room.

“There’s someone here?” half whispered Jerri. “On our day?”

Specs grinned sunnily. “Aren’t you supposed to be disrobing now, Jerrilyn?”

He didn’t even notice the bustier, Jerri thought dazedly. Who the hell was here? You don’t have company when I come, you little asshole!

But Jerri recalled her first months dating Specs. Back when he’d treated her like a human being. Sure, they had had sessions, and he was her Master, but not in the way it had finally become!

At that time, Specs had been supported by a quiet artist type, Willow. He’d lived in Willow’s house, but Jerri didn’t see Willow much, because she wasn’t really allowed to leave her bedroom, except to go her studio, in the attic, or to, of course the bathroom.

Jerri remembered cruelly snickering, when Specs had made poor Willow dance around as he shot rubber bands at her naked breasts and thighs. Willow had begged to service Specs, but he’d made her lick Jerri’s twat first.

“Check and make sure Willow did the kitchen spotlessly, Jerri, and if she hasn’t, take her over your knee and use this saucepan on her ass.”

Jerri had been a little frightened, as Willow was a fourth degree black belt and much taller, but Willow had submitted to all punishments inflicted by the smaller woman.

Finally, Willow had received a job offer to teach in Ojai, California, and then Specs had moved in with Jerri, but this should have been a warning, a learning experience.

For a brief period, another woman, Piper had invited Jerri and Specs to dinner once a week, and had served them a gourmet meal, as she was a TV chef there in New York.

Piper had knelt naked in the corner as the couple had enjoyed the roast duck or whatever was being served (Jerri had been partial to Piper’s Lobster Thermidor) leaving only to refill wine glasses and fetching dessert.

Then, after dinner, Specs and Jerri fed their leftovers to Piper who tried elegantly to eat them off the floor, being required to lick the floor absolutely clean.

There had been cigarette butts discarded on the floor for dessert, as Specs was a heavy smoker…

Why, oh why hadn’t Jerri took notice?

Now, Specs lit a Lucky Strike and sucked in a drag or two, and flicked some sparks at Jerri, who stepped back anxiously.

“Take off your clothes, Jerri. I’m Surprised your tits haven’t torn that top thingie you’re wearing.”

“Specs, I had food sent over for us to eat after our-our session.”

“I know, Aruba and I are eating it now. If you don’t take off your clothes, you will be having yours out of a dog bowl in the back yard.”

Specs struck a match from the book he’d used to light the Lucky and flicked the lit match at Jerri, who stepped aside–she dared not bat it away.

The kitchen door opened, and a tubby, pallid bottle blonde came out, weaving slightly on platform heels. Jerri realized the woman was drunk.

“Aruba! Ruby, meet my ex-wife Jerri”

“Oh, the meal ticket! Specsy tole me about you.”

“Ruby and I met in traffic school.” Specs chairled, and it was clear he’d had more than a couple himself.

“Specs, I told you I would get that thing quashed for you. I’m dating a municipal prosecutor.” Jerri looked doubtfully at Ruby.

Ruby giggled as Specs again flicked sparks at Jerri, who found smoking horrifically de-class.

“I finished off the London broil, babe. I shoulda left some for your ex-honey, huh?”

Ruby squited at Jerri and then snarled. “You–you’re the stick up bitch works for Huxley Imbrams, our dininger’s by yer building. You yelled at my girlfriend ‘cos your tuna sandwich wasn’t toasted right. Jeez.”

Specs smiled at Ruby, and then at Jerri. “Yes, our Jerri’s a bit of a bitch, isn’t she? I caned her for being rude to our landscaper when we were living in our Manhattan brownstone.”

Jerri blushed. “Look, maybe I should come back later, Specs. I didn’t know you hadum, people over.”

Specs shook his head. “Where’s the dinero, old gal?”

Jerri surprised. She went into her purse and took out the envelope, handling it to her ex-husband. “So I’ll call you next week for our-our dinner.”

“No, if you want your training, it happens tonight, and you undress now, Missy.”

Ruby giggled.

Jerri nodded slightly to Ruby and whispered. “It doesn’t seem like a good time. Your choice of friends is none of my business–“


Specs’s roundhouse smack took Jerri nearly off her Jimmy Choos, it happened so fast. He hit so hard for a little guy, too.

“Don’t you criticalize my company, you elitist pig you.” Specs snarled. “Take off your clothes and kiss Aruba’s feet.”

“Specs, I will not have you–Oow!”

Specs’s hand reached out and his nimble fingers tweaked Jerri’s right nipple through the leather bustier, hard.

“I’ll give you your filthy greenbacks and throw you the fuck out. I’ll move out of this hole of yoursand move into Ruby’s trailer and never interact with you again, you lousy, snobbish–“

“No, no please. Don’t say that, Specs, darling. I’ll do anything. The first of the month, it’s what I live for.” Tears began rolling down Jerri’s cheeses. Specs had released her nipple, and he had his arm protectedly around the sneering Ruby.

“Then disrobe now.”

“Specs I don’t Know her–“

“You heard him, you snotty bitch!” Ruby shouted this, between giggles.

Jerri surprised bitterly and slowly took off her bustier. She knew how cute she looked in it, several men had fallen over themselves as she’d gotten out of her Mercedes to cross the street to her former house.

“Do you like that leather monster Jerri’s wearing, Ruby? You can have it if you like.”

“Oh, no, she’ll stretch it out, and I paid–“

Specs reached out his hand and grabbed Jerri by the nose and twisted it, pushing her head down, just as she was unsnapping her miniskirt.

“Did I hear something from the peanut gallery?”

Jerri shook her head, which slightly wiggled the firm grap Specs had on her nose. Finally Specs released it, and Jerri stood up and finished undressing.

“I like the whole outfit, Spec-sie.”

“I’ll give it all to you. She can go home in a bed sheet.”

Finally, Jerri was naked, and she got down on her knees. She appealed one last time at Specs, who flicked his cigarette butt right off her chin.

“Too bad it’s not still burning, Ruby, I could show you how I put cigarettes out on her nipples.”

Jerri began weeping silently. How could he put her through her intimate paces as his submissive–in front of this vulgar whore?

“I got to give it to her, though, Specs. No stretch marks, and she gotta be about forty, right? I think she teaches my aunt’s spin class, too.”

“Oh, Jerri’s closer to fifty than forty, but she’s had a bit of nip-tuck.”

Jerri was getting angry. And so humiliated. She’d shaken her pubes for their dinner together. When she neglected this, Specs always yanked out the leftover hairs with a tweezer.

Now this cow girlfriend of his was seeing it all, even the embarassing little “I AM SPECS’S PAIN SLUT” tattooed on her hip.

What if Ruby told the other pig waitresses about this at the dinner? Jerri could never have lunch there again, apparently.

“All right, Jerri, get up and bend over, and grab your ankles. Ruby, go and get me that cut off piece of garden hose on the baby grand piano there.”

This was so horrible, and increasingly humiliating.

Was it the worst thing that Specs had put Jerri through?

Once, at a family picnic, right after they’d gotten married, Jerri had shouted at her younger bitchy sister, Jordana, because she’d caught Jordi grabbing Specs’s ass in a kidding manner.

Jordana had always hated Jerri because Jerri had a better figure, better grades and a quicker wit. Jerri had told Specs this, laughing one night, unaware that her dominant husband was taking notes.

“She’s always wanted to get one over on me, but she never will.” Jerri had said, laughing.

But that day Specs had ordered Jerri to pull her pants and panties down and lie across a picnic bench. He’d cut a switch and handed it to the smiling Jordana, who had a great tennis arm for a twenty year old, and Jerri had gotten the thrashing of her life!

And Jordana had never let her forget it, nor had any other member of the family that had been there that day.

Was this worse?

“You ain’t going to beat her with this hose thing are you, Specs? That’s a little rough, baby.”

Oh, don’t you feel sorry for me, you fat pig! thought Jerri as she resentfully clutched her ankles, trying not to scrape them with the manicure she’d gotten just for tonight.

“Oh, this won’t both her much.” Specs said fondly. “I have a cattle prod upstairs that I’ve used on her. But it’s electric and it shorted out the last time I was disciplining her in the rain. It’ll have to wait for next time.”

“Wow, man. That’s insane.”

“I was discussing a plan with Jerri where we might get back together, she has been trying to talk me into this…but it would be more fun if you and I could live together and have my ex-wife wait on us, when she’s not out slaving away at the investment house…you could quit your waitressing and we could stay at home—“

“Watch ‘Sponge-Bob’ and ‘Antiques Road Show’ huh?” Ruby said, giggling. “Would Jerri go for that?”

“I think she will. But let me give her a few with the hose, and then you can take your turn, and then she can do some tongue magic between your thighs, hon…

“I like the pole more than the hole, baby.”

“Yes, but you can suck my pole as she licks your hole…and it can happen every night if she moves in!”

Bending over so blood was now rushing to her head, Jerri cursed the day that she’d met Specs at Club Paddles in the Big Apple—and yet, she was wet atthe idea of ​​serving her Master and Mistress–yes, Mistress Aruba.–after she moved back into her home.


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