Anne was just approaching 30, she had struggled her way through a number of jobs before joining Fulcrum. She had trained as a nurse, worked in a hospital, then an old peoples home in her quest to find herself something which enabled her to work and help other people. All had been a struggle and in the end she had given it all up, taken a secretarial course and, after several attempts, landed her current job in the support team.
Fulcrum had only been in business for seven years and had grown rapidly on the strength of their main database product which now powered many of the major corporate web sites. Most of their customers were major wholesales using Fulcrum software to support on-line catalogues and ordering, but they also has won many contracts with porn sites where it was used to hold the files of pictures sent in by so-called amateurs. This part of Fulcrum’s business while profitable, was not mentioned in most of their publicity!
Much of their success had been largely down to Mike Andersen, a brash 35 year old sales and marketing director who worked hard long hours and traveled extensively. He had a support team of 10, four of which had been there from the start, the rest were all short times. The reason for the high turn-over was simple, Mike was a hard guy to work for, he demanded that his staff worked similar hours to himself, seemed to care little for their home life and was in the habit of swearing and shouting at people who he believed were not pulling their weight. He had recently fired two of his team for being drunk on a Friday evening when he needed them to put together a proposal for a new client. The fact that they had already clocked up over 60 hours each that week mattered little.
Mike seemed to have no social life of his own. Everybody knew he was divided (but everybody Thought they knew why his wife had left him), nobody had heard him mention a girlfriend or seen him with a woman who was not a client, and several thoughthe must be gay!
So when, on a winter’s morning, David called Anne into his office to say that she was being temporarily transferred to Sales & marketing, her heart sank. She wanted to ask what she had done wrong to deserve this transfer but, as was her nature, she kept quiet and accepted the situation. She believed that she would not be able to cope and would be out of her job in a few days, especially if she had to do any work for Mr. Andersen!
She was relieved to find herself working with two others on a new account for one of the junior salesmen. She was amazed to find that the work was within her capabilities. She even enjoyed it and worked long hours because the time seemed to fly past. It also enabled her to observe the all powerful Mr Andersen from a safe distance. This tall blond haired man Did not seem to her to be the ogre that everybody said he was. Yes he shouted a lot (but always with just cause), he was demanding and worked at least as hard as his team. She found the power and authority that he seemed to exude attractive and the fact that nobody knew anything about him outside work added that touch of mystery.
It was on one such day when she was musing over his qualities while collating several copies of the latest proposal that she was jerked back into reality but the sound of Mike’s booming voice right behind her.
“Anne. Come into my office” an instruction from the master. The rest of the team looked up to see what was going on and she felt their eyes on her as she followed Mr. Andersen into his office. What had she done wrong? What mistake had she made?
She felt the carpet under her feet as they entered the office. Andersen slammed the door shut behind her.
Anne” he began looking down at the papers on his desk “you have done well helping Angus.” He looked up briefly to see a nervous young woman looking back at him with downcast eyes. “It’s OK Anne I’m not going to eat you” he smiled (slightly but a smile nonetheless), the first one she could ever remember seeing on him. “But I have an important project coming up and want to know if you will stay with us longer and join the team?”
She did not know what to say at first, totally unprepared for this new turn of events. “well yes” she eventually managed to stutter, “but I have still to finish up on the other project for Angus.”
“Oh that” he went back to the papers on his desk “well they can do all that. I doubt we will win it anyway.” She wondered if Angus knew that four weeks of his work were likely to end a loss! “Report to Margaret my secretary tomorrow and she will sort out your tickets.” Tickets? What tickets?
He looked up and saw the question written large on her face “Oh sorry the client is in Sweden, we leave next week for Stockholm. Make sure you pack some warm things its cold and dark over there.” He gave another half smile and waved her out of the office. Two days later she found herself sitting in business class on a jumbo jet bound for Europe. Mike had apparently gone on ahead and there was just her and Margaret now jetting over to join him, weighed down with a combination of laptop computers and winter clothing.
Anne had never really spoken to Margaret before but during the nine hour flight they chatted amiably about Fulcrum, work (but not Mike himself), their backgrounds. Anne discovered that this smart dressed red-head had worked for Mike for three years. He had always been aloof but fair and had made sure she always did well out of the annual bonus scheme. The extra money had bought her designer business suits and good holidays. Holidays she had shared with her girlfriend of several years. Yes Mike knew she was gay but seemed unconcerned as log as she did her work.
Margaret complimented Anne on her work, not many had made such a quick impression, and said Mike had commented that she was probably the most accurate and diligent Admin. Assistant they had. Praise indeed!
Anne could not help compare herself to Margaret as they chatted. While Margaret had the sort of curves men drool over and dressed well to show off her figure, Anne usually dressed very conservatively. Nobody would call her beautiful or even pretty. Her dark hair framed an attractive enough face and she used some make-up to enhance her looks. However her slight, almost boyish figure, was usually clad, as today, in jeans and a loose fitting top which did nothing to enhance the few curves she had. Perhaps one day, she mused, if she did well and got a good bonus, she would buy some nice clothes, perhaps even some nice lingerie? Who for? Was the question that flashed through her mind. She had a number of boyfriends, but none had stayed around long. A doctor had taken her cherry during her first year of nursery school. It had been a quick painful experience and he had cared little for her satisfaction. One boyfriend had stayed longer than most and she had tried hard to keep him. He had taught her togive oral sex and she allowed him to penetrate her rear with his finger, but had baulked at anything larger. Looking back on it, she had never really had true happiness in her relationships, her desire to help and look after her partners had often sent them running as they accused her of trying to mother or even smooth them.
Anne quickly found out that the job in Sweden would be Fulcrum’s biggest ever contract if they won it. The three of them worked hard, putting in 12 or more hours days throughout the first week. At the weekend Margaret went back to Head Office to work on one part of the proposal leaving the inexperienced Anne with Mike. She made mistakes, he fired her twice, she cried and ran out of the room on both occasions before pulling herself together and returning to carry on as if nothing had happened.
Another week went past and the shouting got less, she had not been “fired” for three days now and by Saturday they had virtually finished the proposal and presentation. Mike wanted to complete it before Saturday was out so, she found herself knocking on his hotel room door at 7 o’clock, laptop under her arm. He opened the door wearing a bathrobe, he smelled good to her – just from the shower – and she was glad she had also found time for a quick shower before returning to her work.
He ushered her into the room directing her to the desk in the corner where she put down the PC, fumbling under the desk to plug it in. As she was down on her knees she noticed that the TV was on in the corner of the room. Two naked figures were writing around, a well hung stud, sliding his massive cock into the pussy of a well endowed (enhanced Anne thought) beauty. She was mesmerised, looking at the images, only come back to real-life when a rather flustered Mike mumbled a “sorry about that” and turned off the set. Perhaps he is not gay then she thought.
They worked into the evening, gradually refining the presentation until Mike seemed to be happy withthe format, contents and style.
“A job well done” he beamed “thanks for all your help. I hate putting these things together.”
“I have enjoyed it Mr Ander… sorry Mike” she could not get used to calling him that. “I like doing this sort of thing.”
“Well you have done well lets toast to a job well done.” Mike went to the mini-bar and took out a bottle of champione. He did not wait for a response from Anne. He poured two glasses and handed one to her.
“To success” He linked her glass and took a mouthful. Anne sipped hers; it was only the second time she had tasted champione and knew that it would go straight to her head.
Mike looked at her “Anne,” he started, “you have done well and say that you like the job. How would you like to join me as a special personal assistant?” The offer took Anne by surprise and she was lost for words. Not that it mattered, Mike continued, barely pausing for breath “You have done a great job, you put up with my moods and shoutingand I think you would be a great asset to the team and to me personally.”
Anne stuttered “I don’t know what to say” she paused “why me?”
“Well you should say yes and as to the ‘Why me’ question, I know you need the money, I can depend on you to get the work done.”
“But you don’t know me, we have only worked together for a couple of weeks and ….” Mike cut her short.
“I know you well enough” he looked into her eyes, “I know you don’t have a regular boyfriend, that you have drifted from job to job, and I know you take orders well and without question.” How did he know about her personal life? The question did not linger long in Anne’s mind as she pondered the job offer itself. The personal part of the job description came to the forefront of her mind.
“Errrrrr Mike you already have a PA, I am sure Margaret is very good at her job?” Anne said this more like a statement than a question. She looked back into these steely blue eyes for an answer.
Mike lookedserious and after an unusually long pause said in quiet, measured tones “She is good, but I think you may have special qualities which Margaret does not enjoy.” Anne looked confused but did not say anything. Just as she was about to ask what these qualities may be Mike put up his hand to stop her.
“I think you have an inner need to serve somebody, to place yourself into their hands, to let They guide you and instruct you, in return for which you would be happy to submit to their needs.” He looked into her face, her eyes looked downwards. “Am I wrong?”
Anne felt the words sting her. Here was her new boss, somebody who she barely knew, summing her up, speaking her innermost feelings. Was she transparent or was he merely very perceptive?
“I know people in the office wonder about me” Mike continued ” they probably think I’m gay” the small change in Anne’s expression told him he was correct. “But I believe in keeping my private life, just that, private. I am not like mostmen, I enjoy using my power, such as it is, and my authority to get what I want in both my business and private life. If you take this job, I want you to share both with me.”
There was a long pause. Anne’s thoughts rushed through her head. There was no doubt about his meaning. She was not a whore, but she was attracted to this man. She respected him, respected his power and authority. There was also the job which she wanted, no needed. Could she live up to his expectations? What were his expectations?
Mike sensed the inner turmoil as she sat, head bowed before him, fidgeting slightly, gripping her glass. “Look at me” he said softly but firmly. She hesitated “Anne look at me now” she raised her head, again those deep blue eyes.
“I don’t like repeating myself, but you are new, you will learn. We will start now.”
Anne did not know where the words came from but from her mouth she simply said “Yes Mike, I would like to learn.”
“Come over here and knee by me”she looked at him, put down her glass and moved to knee on the carpet by his feet. She knew that in that short move, she had already crossed a chasm. She looked forward, staring at his robe, avoiding his eyes, awaiting her next instruction.
It was a question “Have you ever performed oral sex on a boyfriend?”
“Yes Mike” her barely audible reply.
“That is how we will start Anne, I Need to feel your lips around my cock. I want you to show me how well you can suck my cock.”
Her first challenge, one she would surely fail, given her limited experience. As if on some form of autopilot she saw her hands rise and undo Mike’s robe and open it up. He was naked underneath his semi-rigid cock rising from his groin. Even in this state Anne could tell it was bigger than anything in her previous experience. Her small hand could barely closed around the shake as she lifted it to her lips. It had to be six inches long already and it was not fully hard.
She took the tip betwe her lips, for the first time tasting him, the sweet droplet of pre-cum washed over her lips as she bent her head to envelop the whole head. Her mind raced, what had she heard others say about giving a good blow-job? Yes, use your tongue; and hers snaked around the head, caressing his purple dome. She continued to lavish attention on his cockhead, taking a little more of him into her mouth, taking comfort that she was doing well from the increasing size and hardness of his cock.
Mike looked down at the slight figure trying to please him. She was not the best, but she would learn and she had not been frightened by his size like some in the past. He reached down and touched her hair, smoothing it down with his palm, running his hand through the fine strands, resisting the urge to take her hair in his fist and force himself deep in her throat. Another time; he was content to let take things slowly. He placed his hand on the top of her head and pressed down lightly. Anne swallowed more of him until his cock hit the top her throat. She felt herself gag, but forced herself to continue to use her tongue to coat his organ with her saliva.
Mike released the pressure and he let an inch of him escape. Breathing more heavily she swallowed him again, wanting to take him deeper but knowing his size would not allow it. “Use your fingers to stroke me” he said simply. She compiled, her hand stretching around his hard flesh, moving slowly up and down while she continued to lick the engaged head which now nudged the top of her throat again. Mike held her head in his hands, helping her increase the tempo as he started to move in and out of her mouth. Inexperienced she may be, but the sight of her moving over his shake was erotic enough for Mike to feel the tell-tale signs of his imminent cum. He quicklyed the pace now banging his cock against the roof of her mouth as he directed her head to bob faster.
Anne could sense the change. His hands were becoming more insistent and she could feel the hard veins in his cock pumping. She knew he must be close but was totally unprepared when his hands pushed down on her head and his cock spewed what seemed to be a large quantity of cum into her mouth. She felt him spasm again and had barely time to swallow his first load when a second, bigger quantity jetted into her mouth. His hands kept her head down over his cock; she tried to swallow but chooked on the large quantity in her mouth. She managed to swallow again at the second attempt and was rewarded, if that was the right term, with a third gush of cum into her mouth.
He released the pressure and let his cock slip back so that only the head remained in her mouth, A fourth much smaller jet of cum sprayed the roof of her mouth. Again she swallowed, allowing her tongue to taste him; a viscous salty taste, even sweet, not unpleasant, just different.
Mike looked down at her, his wet cock barely inside her mouth, traces of his cum seeing around onto her lips. For an inexperienced girl she had taken all he had and swallowed, perhaps she did not need so much training after all? He pulled his weakening cock from her mouth, letting it rest against his thigh.
Anne looked up at him “I am sorry Mike, I have not had much practice I…..” his hand went to her lips, silencing her. “You did well Anne, you suck cock well.” He wanted to reassure but not sound too convincing. It was important to leave an element of doubt in this girl’s mind. He knew she would try harder next time. And the next!
“Now Anne, I want you to please me more.” She looked at him, The authority was still in his voice. What must she do to please this man more? She had taken his seed. She had done what was asked.
“Please stand and go to the window.” She knew better than to question, but the request seemed strange to her. She went to the large picture window and looked out over the night sky of downtown Stockholm. Although modern buildings, the scene looked strangely beautiful, the cold air made the lights in the street, six floors, below sparkle.
“Undress Anne. I would like to see your body.” His request snapped her back to the reality of the room. Now she was worried, he would see her unattractive body for what it was worth; he would not like her slim form, she knew it. She hesitated. “Now Anne.”
She had no desire to disobey; she started to move back into the room, away from the window. “No Anne. By the window.” Anne was close to tears, not only must she show Mike her poor little body, but he wanted her to show it to the whole world. With a nervous hand she moved her fingers to the buttons of her shirt. She fumbled with them but eventually the front fall open, offering Mike his first view of her. A wave of his hand showed that he was getting impatient and she Quickly took the shirt off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Her fingers fumbled at the stud on her jeans before gripping the zip and loosing them enoughfor her to slide them over her slim hips. She stepped out of them.
Mike looked at her- in his eyes she was beautiful, he much preferred the slim almost boyish figure and hated the over endowed form so often seen in the porno movies. Even in the cheap cotton bra and panties that she wore she was alluring. He had chosen well. He made a mental note to get her to Victoria Secrets when they got back.
Anne was now trapped Between Mike’s eyes and any in the street which may be watching the scene being played out in the room. If she turned her back on him, he would be displeased and she would show herself to the street. If she looked at him she would see the look of displeasure as she revealed her meagre breasts. She decided that Mike was only slightly the better of the two and reached behind her for the clap. Unhooked, the bra dropped forward, the cups falling away from her chest. Her 34b (just) breasts now displayed to Mike; the nipples hard against the small brown aureoles.
“And the panties” Mike tried desperately to remain impassive although his heart wanted to tell her that he thought she was a perfect specimen of womanhood. Her fingers hooked into the waistband and she pushed them down her legs, her small breasts barely moving as she lent forward to ease them down over her knees.
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