To Protect & Serve

She caught up with the car just where she had expected to find it, on a county road paralleling the Interstate. ‘Over the speed limit as well’, she thinks, after a quick glance at the radar gun. ‘Did you really believe you could avoid me that easily?’ she says to herself. Narrowing her eyes in concentration she flips a switch on the dash – blue and red lights start to flash. She doesn’t think he will try to run but she isn’t sure. She knows he might try it. The uncertainty causes a tightness in the pit of her stomach as she waits for the reaction of the driver. She relaxes as she sees the late model Ford’s brake lights come on. Then the indicator light blinks as the car turn off into a dirt farm road. ‘Didn’t even need to use the siren. ‘ she whispers aloud to herself, almost disappointed. ‘He’s giving up quiet as a lamb. ‘

She follows a few car lengths behind as the vehicle dumps down the unmade and deserted track until it pulls over and stops. She sits in the car for a fewminutes, letting him stew, before putting on her wraparound mirror shades and hat and exiting the car. She ‘saunters’ towards the Ford, hands resting on her equipment belt. She knows that she won’t need her gun with this guy, but the hand on the butt of her Colt is part of her ‘saunter’; and she is very proud of her ‘saunter’. Sometimes she even practices it; when she is sure no one can see. As she comes up to the driver’s side she gives the car a practiced ‘once over’, checking the back seat, seeing that the driver’s hand are in plain view on the steering wheel and that his window is wound down. ‘Good’, she grunts to herself. Then she gives the driver a practiced ‘twice over’. ‘Better’ is her first thought. Mid 30’s, a well built Caucasian male.

Smartly dressed with white shirt and colorful tie, his suit coat slung Carelessly over the back of his seat. Looking down at him she notes the wavy, dark hair, almost to the collar. Then she catches his glance. He is looking up at her and his blue eyes are zeroed in on her face. She takes off her sunglasses to get a better look. She feels his gaze pierce her, but she feels the ‘piercing’ a fair bit lower down than where he is looking. A deep, gusty breath swells the policewoman’s lungs, causing her uniform shirt to stretch tight across her impressive breasts. It is a reaction that is not un-noticed by the driver. ‘I think I better upgrade that ‘better’ to a ‘best” is the mental note she makes to herself. Then she is brought back to business when she sees the ‘shit eating’ grin he is wearing on his handsome face. ‘What seems to be the problem officer?’

‘Why do they ALWAYS go for that line?’ she sights to herself. Hitching up her belt she begins the ritual. ‘Were you aware that you were exceeding the speed limit on this road by 15 miles per hour (pause) Sir?’ She knows this guy’s name well enough. ‘And this is not the first time I’ve had to stop you for speeding is it Mr Cooper?’ Suddenly exasperated the driver slams both hands down on the steering wheel. ‘Look sweetheart, if you think I have time for any more of your games then you ha… ‘

The policewoman’s response is explosive, cutting across his words. ‘Where do you think you get off calling me ‘Sweetheart’?’. Wrenching the door open she steps back, hand now very much on her gun. ‘Get out of the car. Hands on the roof and spread your legs. ‘ She watches as conflicting emotions sweep across his face. Before she gets any more protests she bellows, ‘Just do it! NOW!!’ She is gratified to see him leap to obey, undoing his seat belt and unfolding his length from the seat. As he turns to put his hands on the roof she admires the width of his shoulders. ‘This guy must work out. Bet he’s real strong. ‘ She thinks to herself. As he obeys her orders he has his head turned over his shoulder, smiling now, trying to turn on the charm. ‘Look, I’m really sorry I reacted like that. I was wrong, but I’m already late for a big appointment. Can’t we…’ Her reaction is to stay silent and kick his legs further apart, which shuts him up.

She commences a thorough ‘pat-down’, a search that wouldn’t have pleased her instructors at the Academy. She runs her hands up his arms, pausing to ‘cop’ a feel of his rock hard biceps. Then she moves closer, mashing her breasts against his back as she feels her way across his chest and stomach. He flinches as she feels Around the waistband of his trousers. Was this reaction because he was ticklish? Or something else? She feels her nipples tighten in a reaction all of her own. She croouches down and begins to feel her way up his legs, a lot slower than she might have done with any other suspect. She can feel him tense up as she works her way higher. From her close-up position she can actually see his buttocks clenching inside his tight trousers. ‘Nice buns!’ is her immediate judgement. As she reaches the top of his thighs she doesn’t stop, continuing until she can cups his balls in the palm of her hand. She finds herself impressed with the handful. This part of the search brings an immediate response. ‘Hey! What do you think you are do… ‘ A quick squeeze of what she has hold of brings an instant silence. She smiles as she thinks to herself. ‘However you hold a man’s cock you have him in your total control. ‘ Having this degree of power is an experience that she enjoys. Or it might be More accurate to say that she used to really enjoy it. She had plenty of chances to exercise it as a police officer. But just lately she has surprised herself by day dreaming about what it would be like if ‘things were the other way round’.

The guy tries again, more politely this time, stammering in a rather high-pitched voice. ‘Look,… Officer, would you mind letting go of the family jewels. It makes me nervous. ‘ She laughs out loud as she stands up, dusting her hands. ‘Just got to make sure you ain’t carrying a concealed weapon Mr Cooper. ‘ The search obviously over he turns around toface the smiling policewoman. From the bulge in the front of his trousers it is obvious that her ‘special’ search had produced the desired effect. Laughing again she comments, ‘Looks like a rifle in there, rather than a handgun. The driver looks embarrassed, staring down at his shuffling feet. ‘What happens now Officer, (looking up to peer at her name badge), Pederson? Are you going to give me a ticket as well as humiliating me? Another ticket and I could lose my license, as you well know. No license, no job. ‘

The policewoman stars the guy up and down, slowly, until he looks at his feet again, blushing under her examination. She knew, even before she stopped him, what the outcome of this encounter would be. Now is the time to let the driver in on the plan. ‘I bet, Mr Cooper, that you are one of those guys who thinks it’s real unfair for pretty girls to get out of a ticket if they are stopped by a policeman. Am I right?’ Without waiting for a response she carries on. ‘I can justhear you with your buddies, after a few beers, ‘It’s discrimination! We don’t get breaks like that. ‘ Is that what you say?’ Puzzled, the driver says, ‘Yeah, I might think that. I might even say it. So what of it?’

‘Well Mr Cooper, I’m a modern woman, I believe in equality. I’m going to give a break like the ladies get. ‘ She watches his dumbfounded expression and realitys that she is not getting through to her ‘perp’. Time to get basic. ‘Let me explain in words of one syllable Bud. If you blow me you get off the ticket. ‘

The driver could not have looked more stunned if he had been hit over the head with a baseball bat. His mouth opens and shuts like a goldfish for several seconds before he manages to produce any recognize words. Finally he manages to say. ‘B… b… bl… blow you? You mean… like… go down on you? Here?’

‘You catch on real fast Mr Cooper. Do a good job, make me cum, you get away without a ticket and you keep your license. Otherwise it’s downto the station house, in cuffs, for speeding and driving with a faulty taillight. ‘ Before he can even finish his obvious question, ‘What faulty taillight?’ her night-stick is out and one tail-light is a ruin of tinkling glass. ‘You have just five seconds to make up your mind Mr Cooper or that will be TWO faulty tail-lights. ‘ Tapping the truncheon on her thigh she adds, ‘DON’T make me count it down. ‘ Overwhelmed the bemused driver gives in and nods. ‘Alright I’ll do it. Just don’t do anything else to the car. My boss will kill me. ‘ ‘Besides’, he thinks to himself, ‘it’s not like she’s a dog. She’d actually look pretty good without the shades and the dull-dyke uniform. Nice tits somewhere under that shirt as well. ‘

Thrilled by his capitulation Officer Pederson strips off her belt and dumps it on the roof of the car. The shiny boots are off in a flash and the trousers soon follow. She feels dampness soak her panties as she imagines her handsome captive kneeing between her legs. Those same panties cause an amazing reaction in the driver when he catches a glimpse of them. This scanty scrap of fabric is obviously not standard police issue. (which makes him wonder. ‘Do the police actually have standard issue underwear?) He watches as she bends into his car to throw her trousers on the passenger seat. The strip of material at the back rides up between her lovely ass cheeks and he feels his cock stiffen. He Also notices the tattoo on her left buttock, a small police badge and the motto, ‘To Protect and Serve’. What kind of policewoman WAS this? Naked from the wait down she sits down in his seat and spreads her legs. She pulls her panties to one side to reveal a mostly hide’ and obviously wet, snatch. Crooking a finger at him she purrs, ‘Come and get it, Tiger. ‘ By now he is in no way reluctant to obey.

He drops to his knees on the dirt road between her wide spread thighs and gets his first close glimpse of her pussy. It looks delightful. Her clitoris isalready hard and protruding from its hood. Her lips are swollen and glistening with excitement. He takes a deep breath through the nose and is rewarded with the sweet aroma of clean, excited, eager cunt. ‘Here goes nothing’, he thinks and extends his tongue for a first tenative lick. He is immediately rewarded with a squeal of pleasure and begins working on her with mounting excitement and application.

He rasps the whole of his tongue across her clip and feels her strong thighs clnch around his neck. Her cries of delight are getting louder. He takes one of her pussy lips into his mouth and sucks, drawing it out to its full extent, then he does the same for the other. Working his tongue into the center of her excitement he relishes her taste. Building up a rhythm he starts tongue fucking her. Soon she is shouting obscenities as he eats her out. ‘Fucks!’ and ‘Shits!,’ interspersed with long, sibilant ‘Yesssses’. He can feel her hands entwined in his hair, pulling him closer. He can feel her orgasm approaching in what seems like next to no time, so he starts to concentrate on her clip. He sucks it gently into his mouth and flickers his tongue across the hard bud in a steadily increasing pace, like a living vibrator.

The vice like grip around his neck increases and he feels his hair being tugged as she loses control. He knows that she is past the point of no return and decides that the time is right to risk a little pay back. Taking her clip between his teeth he gives it a sharp nip. It has the opposite effect to the one planned. The sharp pain only serves to intensify her on-rushing orgasm. Grabbing his head she grinds her cunt all over his face as she cums and cums and CUMS! She rubs her clip across his nose and upper lip until he is convinced she will do him permanent damage. At her climax he Feels her juices gush into his mouth and he can do nothing except drink it down. All he can hear is her sobbing what seems like a religious litany, ‘OHMYGODOHMGODOHMGODOHMYGOD’.

After what feels like minutes she finally stops her spasms and looses the death grip around his neck and he is able to stand up. He is only conscious of the throbbing erection in his pants and the copious smearing of cunt juices across his face. Extending a hand he helps the rubber-legged policewoman out of the seat. They star at each other for a long moment without saying a word. Still without Speaking she turns and leans into the car to retrieve her uniform pants. Virtually without conscious thought the man seizes his opportunity. Grabbing her handcuffs off the equipment belt on the roof of the car he has one wrist behind her back and cuffed before she is aware of what is going on. Still dazed by her monumental orgasm she hardly resists as the other arm is pulled behind her back and secured. Considering he is not a police officer he shows a remarkable dexterity with the quick action cuffs. Now she is helpless. How stupid had she been?

Twirling her aroundhe stars into her dazzling blue eyes once more. His eyes still have the same effect on her. She can see the heat of anger and un-spent lust burning behind his pupils and she feels even more helpless. Quietly, through clenched teeth he whispers. ‘Seems that going around all day in your butch uniform makes you feel pretty powerful doesn’t it, (sneering) Officer Pederson. Seems you need to be took down a peg or two. You can dish it out alright, let’s see if you can take it shall we?’

With that he grabs the front of her dark blue bloom with both hands and rips it open. As her buttons bounce on the dirt road he drinks in the sight revealed. She has breasts just the way he likes them, big but not too big. At this moment they are heaving inside the fragile restraint of a lacy, low cut bra, her nipples barely covered. If he hadn’t previously seen her sexy panties then this undergarment would have been a bigger surprise. It is such a contrast to the starched and masculine uniform. Theother surprise is to see her nipples, hard as diamonds, poking through the lace. Dragging his eyes away from this vision he manages to look at her face, trying to read her thoughts. ‘Those nipples look pretty stiff little lady, but it’s not as if it’s very cold today. ‘ She drops her eyes, blushing rather attractively. ‘I also figure that a policewoman like you knows all kinds of self-defence stuff. I bet you could take me down even with your hands cuffed behind your back. But you haven’t even struggled since I got you hog-tied. Bit of a change to how you were a few minutes ago. I wonder why that is?’ He takes her chin in his hand and raises her face until she is looking at him again. ‘Perhaps you like being helpless like this? Is that it?’ When he gets no answer he pulls down one cup of her bra and takes the exposed nipple between his large fingers. ‘I’m only going to ask one more time. ‘ With that he gives her nipple a hard tweak. ‘Do you like being helpless like this?’

The woman bites her lip at the pain and shakes her head in denial. Moving closer to her the man slides his fingers up the inside of her thigh, still holding the nipple between his fingers. Her panties provide no barrier to his searching, probing fingers. They discover a virtual swamp of wetness, seeing from her pussy. Leaning his mouth closer to her ear he whispers, ‘You’re cunt says your lying – sweetheart. ‘ This time she doesn’t react to his use of this word. With excitement in his voice he asks, ‘You DO like it, don’t you?’ Another, harder, twist of the nipple accompanyies the question and this combination causes the policewoman to crack, quietly. ‘Yes,’ she whispers, eyes downcast, ‘I like it. ‘

‘Yes what?’ the man snaps back. Suddenly at a loss the woman stutters, ‘Yes… erm… ah… Mr Cooper?’ Not satisfied he gave her tortured nipple a pinch, causing her to wince. ‘I think a public service like you should be a bit more polite. I am a member of the public after all, thereforeyou are my service. Let’s see if we can’t get it right this time. Yes what…?’ She understands what he wants to hear this time and to save her poor nipple she says, ‘Yes… SIR… I like being helpless like this. ‘ Then, out of character, she adds, ‘With you. ‘

‘In that case let’s see you be a bit more helpful to one of your employees. ‘ He says, ‘I think it is about time you returned the favor. Let’s see you on your knees and sucking my cock pretty damn quick. ‘ A hand on her shoulder forces her down in front of his crotch. As he undoes his zip he warns. ‘If you even think about taking some revenge whilst I use your mouth you will be in more trouble than you can imagine. It is a long walk back into town and I don’t think you’d like to walk it naked, especially with your hands still cuffed. ‘

As he speaks he releases his cock from his pants. Revenge is the further thing from Officer Pederson’s mind once she gets a look. His cock might have FELT impressive whilst she was sfeeding him but it LOOKS even better. Just the way SHE likes them. About 9 inches, circled, thick and best of all, HARD. A large bead of pre-cum is oozing from the slit and the policewoman is thrusting her face forward to get at it, even before the man is ready. Excited by her eagerness he pauses for a second. ‘What kind of cock-hungry little slut have I caught myself here? You just can’t wait can you?’ With that he takes his cock in one hand and gently starts to slap her face with it. This action causes the blob of jism on the tip to splatter on her cheek. He slaps her cheek with his cock again, asking, ‘You want this?’ Without answering, she moves her open mouth, following his cock, trying to taste it. She looks like a baby bird waiting to be fed. The man amuses himself by Keeping his cock head away from her searching mouth, ‘drawing’ lines of pre-cum across her cheeks, like snail trails. Growing bored he rests it against her lips and asks again, ‘You want this?’Finally finding her voice the kneeing, handcuffed woman answers, ‘Yes I want it. ‘ Then without further encouragement she continues, ‘I want your cock in my mouth. I want it in my throat as deep as it will go. I want you to fuck my mouth like it was a cunt. I want you to come in my mouth and I want to drink all your spunk.’

This torrent of filter causes the driver’s cock to swell and his heart to race. In a voice thick with lust he growls, ‘OK slut, open wide and see if you can cope with this’. As her lips part he thrust his pelvis forward and buries the entire length of his prick into her mouth in one stroke. She feels his balls slap against her chin and desperately tries to relax her throat to cope with all his width and length before she chokes. She manages; just in time, as the man starts to piston his cock between her wide stretched lips. She swirls her tongue around his pulsing, thrusting shake in an attempt to increase his satisfaction. But she is wasting her time, nothingcan add to his enjoyment. He is revelling in the liberating feeling of concerning himself with his sexual pleasure alone. With no interest in the bound woman’s gratification he can concentrate solely on enjoying himself, walking in that most base and simple pleasure; sex!

As a result of this single-minded concentration an orgasm is not long in arrival. She feels his cock swell in her mouth and his thrusting increase in pace. Entwining his fingers in her hair his entire body goes rigid and his back arches until the head of his prick feels as it is going to come out the back of her neck. Then he erupts in her mouth and she feels his hot seed spray across her tongue and pump into her throat. Sucking desperately she manages to capture his entire load in her mouth. She waits until the spastic spasms of his orgasm have passed and he is looking down at her. When she has his attention she opens her mouth to show him the jism that is pooled there. Provocatively, still staring him straight in the eye, she lets the mixture of sperm and saliva run from her mouth, dribble over her chin and splash onto her hard nippled breasts.


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