To Obey and Serve Ch. 03

Chapter 3

Lukas awoke Monday to his phone alarm going off for an 8am class. He realized he had slept well and had only awoken a few times throughout the night. Once again he realized Steven had been right, he would adjust to his circumstances and he already was beginning to notice how little he was aware of the cage.

That changed slightly as he dressed and put on a pair of pants. He was sure the bulge from the cage was clearly visible. But he had no choice he needed to do laundry and these were the only pair he had that were clean. He headed to class convinced everyone was looking at the bulge in his pants. He ignored the thought and figured if people wanted to look, they could all just assume he had the biggest cock they had ever seen.

The week started to go by in a blur, classes and homework ate into most of his time. The little time he had left, he spent at the gym or running to stay in shape for Steven, oh and he had even worked in a little time to do laundry.He also had noticed that being sure not to focus on himself and his desires had started leading to some other changes. His room was cleaner, he participated more in his classes, he was ahead or on time with all his school work and he seemed to be able to focus more on whatever task he was working on at the time.

His focused wavevered slightly on Wednesday evening when his phone alerted with a text message. He paused from writing his paper to see who it was from, of course it was sir. He opened the text and read,

“Lukas, I would like to spend some time with you this weekend if you do not have school work that would inhibit you from coming to my place.”

“Yes sir. I will be available as I have all my school work caught up, sir.”

“Good Lukas very pleased to hear you are focused on your school work as requested. Please go to the following address Friday evening and be there by 7:45pm. I will text more instructions later. Now back to your school work.”

“Yes sir,Thank you sir.” He hit send and noticed his heart rate had suddenly increased and he couldn’t deny the tension building within the cage. He hadn’t thought about much of anything over the previous few days instead focusing on his school work. But now just the thought of seeing Steven got him bothered and excited. His mind began to wonder and he started thinking of the chair again, would that happen again? What Other things may Steven do to him this time? He was getting harder and it was making it more difficult to focus. He decided a five minute break to fantasize was ok but no longer he would stay focused after that and put his desires aside once again. After a few minutes he was sure his dick would either be injured or he would break the cage with how hard he felt himself getting. The latter being unlikely as it was a metal cage after all.

After his allotted five minutes Lukas took a deep breath to refocus himself and turned back to his paper. He adjusted in his chair and something didn’t feel right, what was that sensing? He stood and undid his pants and pulled them along with is underwear down and as he did he noticed a wet spot on his underwear. As he started pulling them down further he noticed a long string of pre-cum going from his underwear to the tip of the cage. He looked closer at his underwear and noticed it was quite a large spot where his pre-cum had soaked in. He had Thought he wasn’t much of a leaker before, but then again after 16 days he was sure his balls were full and to the burning point. No need to focus on that now he couldn’t do anything about it. He pulled up his pants and returned to his school work.

His sleep that night had been restless as he had many dreams. Most about Steven and what Steven may do to him. Some had been dark, almost violent, They had all excited him though. He went through his Thursday grocgy and almost like a zombie, using all his will power not to think about anything sexual. It worked, mostly, he had felt the wet spot two more times throughout the day.

Thursday night he was finding it all but impossible to focus on anything as the anticipation of seeing Steven consumed his mind and the thoughts of what Steven would do to him. He had similar dreams that night most more aggressive than the previous night though what he remembered he had been excited by. His mind was consumed by these thoughts as he started his Friday schedule and as hard as he tried he couldn’t focus on much else, luckyly his Friday class schedule was light so he didn’t have to focus too much. He was in an afternoon class when he felt his phone vibrate and as soon as the class was over he checked it. Another message from Steven.

“Lukas bring your lock box with you this evening.”

Lukas’ heart skipped a beat at the thought of getting to be naked in front of Steven again. And bring the lock box, did that mean Steven would use his toys on him? Or did it mean he was taking his toys away? Either way it wasAll exciting to him so he replied with a simple “Yes sir.”

“Also, please go to this address before you get home. There will be a package for you and once you get home and open it, you will know what to do.”

Another package from Steven? What had he planned this time? Lukas googled the address and saw it was a store right off campus close to where his last class of the day was, so he Figured he head there after class. Those few hours seemed to drag on forever to Lukas. His mind wouldn’t stop racing through different things he hoped to experience with Steven. What could be in the package he’d be picking up. Would Steven be proud of the work he had done this week. Would he be able to handle anything Steven gave him during their time together, would it make him happy.

Finally the professor in his Last class dismissed them and he was done for the day. Unfortunately she had assigned them a large chunk of reading that Lukas didn’t think he’d be able to finish before he had toLeave to meet Steven. What should he do? Steven had demanded that he focus on school work above all but he really wanted to get to Steven’s place to be near him. He decided honesty would work best so he sent a quick message to Steven as he walked to the store.

“My professor just assigned me a large reading assignment sir.”

“How much time do you require to read it?” Came the reply.

“Maybe a few hours sir.”

“Very well Lukas, please bring the book with you when you come this evening.”

“Yes sir”

Lukas arrived at the store and picked up his package and headed home. He was always the first one home on Friday’s so he ran to his room to open the package. What he saw inside was different to say the least. A nice button down mesh style Shirt, a jock strap and leather looking lycra pants. He knew Steven wanted him to wear this outfit tonight, but he couldn’t walk by his rooms in it, he never dressed like that and the questions wouldn’t stop if they saw him. His mind began racing. How would he get this outfit on without his rooms knowing? It took him all of five minutes to formulate a plan.

He grabbed his backpack and took everything out but the book he needed. He throw in some clothes that he could change into throughout the weekend as well as Steven’s new outfit, being sure everything was folded neighborly so it wouldn’t wrinkle. He ran to the bathroom and grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste and with his lock box of toys in he really hoped Steven had shampoo and soap he could use because he was out of room. He throw on some work out close and headed out the door.

His plan had been simple, go to the library for a bit and do some reading, he’d head to the gym and get a work out in and shower at the gym. Then he’d put on Steven’s outfit and head to the address he had received earlier. When he had googled it he saw it was relatively close to the gym in a quiet neighborhood. The gym usually wasn’t busy on Friday evenings so hedidn’t think anyone would see him as he left.

His plan had worked. As he was getting dressed after his shower and checked the time he saw he had just enough time to get to the address. He didn’t know if he was suppose to go to the door of the address or wait outside. He was mulling this over in his head during his walk, lucky he had only seen two people on the walk and they were busy on their phones and didn’t seem to notice him. Should he knock on the door? That question was answered as he rounded the corner and saw the dark town car idling in the street in front of the house. As he approached the car, the driver stepped out and opened the back door for him. He climbed in as quickly as he could, there may be people watching and he didn’t want anyone to see him.

“Good evening, how was your week?” Lukas asked as the driver got in.

“Good evening sir, fine thank you.” Was the short reply.

Ok so this guy didn’t talk so he sat in silence as they drove towards Steven’s place. He was dropped off out front and before the driver could make it to the back door he had already grabbed his bag and was headed up the steps to the entrance. The car pulled away as he entered into the lobby of Steven’s building.

“Good evening Lukas. How are you today?” He heard Jeffery ask from the front desk.

“Good evening Jeffery, I am well, yourself?” Lukas could play the name game as well.

“Very well thank you. Do you need any assistance?”

“No thank you” was his only reply as he headed towards the elevators.

He arrived at Steven’s penthouse and stepped off the elevator and removed his shoes as he knew he was required to do. He turned towards the living room and saw Steven standing up off of the chair he had been sitting on. Lukas had to stop his mouth from dropping open. He hadn’t really seen Steven in a week but when he saw him again he was reminded of how sexy he had found him. Steven was wearing jeans and a tight fitting t-shirt. How didThis man makes such a simple outfit look so sexy? And the t-shirt confirmed to Lukas his initial thoughts from last time, Steven was fit and well built, he felt a familiar pressure in his pants just from the simple site.

“Please come and have a seat Lukas. I took the liberty of pouring you a glass of wine already.”

“Yes sir. What should I do with my bag sir?”

“Bring it with you to the couch, I am curious as to what you thought you needed to bring with you for the weekend.”

Lukas sat on the couch and was a little nervous by what Steven had just said. He had been told to bring his lock box and his book which he had. Some clothes and a toothbrush was all he had brought in addition, but maybe that was a mistake. He had some wine to try and cover his nerves and maybe it would help relax him.

“Please show me what you brought.”

Lukas removed what was in his bag with his dirty gym clothes in a separate plastic bag to help keep his other clothes from smellingtoo much. Steven took a minute to look over the items and then sat back in his chair and took a sip of wine.

“Lets start with the simplest thing. Those gym clothes need to be washed now. We don’t want your smelly clothes sinking anything up do we Lukas?”

“No sir.”

“The laundry room is located next to the powder room behind the kitchen. Please go start the wash.”

Lukas did as instructed. He throw his clothes in the washer and looked, he’d never done a load so small. But his master had instructed him to do this so he wouldn’t question it. He returned to the couch, had some wine and sat silently as Steven was typing on his laptop. Steven finished what he was typing and put the laptop to the side.

“Now onto the second set of items. Clothes? You will not need to bring clothes with you from now on Lukas. You will only wear what I want you to wear when you are with me. And as far as toiletries are concerned you won’t need to bring them either, I have purchased items for you to use when you are here.”

“Yes sir.” He didn’t think he was suppose to say anymore than that.

“I am glad to see you actually brought the two items I had requested you bring.”

“Thank you sir” he said feeling as though he’d already disappointed Steven by bringing more than he had asked.

“Place those clothes neatly back in your bag and put your bag in the entrance closet, you won’t be needing them for your stay.”

He did as instructed and as he was returning he heard Steven ask,

“No one saw you this evening? Did you tell anyone where you were going?” “No sir. I left before my rooms got home and only saw two people on my walk to meet the car, but they didn’t notice me as they were on their phones sir.”

“Good, please stand in front of me and slowly turn.”

Again Lukas did as instructed, knowing Steven wanted to see him in the outfit he had chosen.

“This fits you Lukas. I will have to think of other outfits that fit you just as well. You may have a seat again.”

“Thank you sir” Lukas took a seat all while thinking how the outfit made him feel self consciousness, the pants were tight and low rise, the shirt he was sure you could see through. At the same time he felt a bit of pride in the fact that Steven had liked it on him, it was conflicting but he decided to focus on the pride, not the self consciousness.

“Have you eat yet Lukas?”

“No Sir”

“Well I’m sure you must be hungry, it’s a little late and after a workout no more. Come let us eat.”

Lukas waited for Steven to stand first and grabbed both the wine glasses. He filled their glasses like last time, placed them in the proper spots on the table and stood behind his chair. He waited for Steven to sit and then sat in his chair. The Conversation during dinner was light. Steven asking about classes and how he was adjusting to the cage. Lukas had been truthful in how he was adjusting just like Steven said he would and filled himin on how his classes had been. They had finished their dinner and wine a few minutes ago and Lukas had just finished telling Steven about his last class and his assignment.

“Have no worries Lukas, you will have time to complete your school work while you are here. Now please clear the table and clean up.”

Lukas did as he was told instantly remembering the last time. When Steven asked for Something to be completed he was not to hesitate. He had expected Steven to get up and either head to the living room or the bedroom again. Instead he had sat and watched the fire as Lukas had completed everything. He had left the wine glasses for last in case Steven had wanted more. Lukas was finishing in the kitchen and turned and asked,

“Would you like another glass of wine sir?”

Steven snapped out of the trace he had seemed to be in,

“Lukas when you address me I expect you to be standing in front of me unless otherwise instructed not to be, please try again.” Anotherrule Lukas had to remember. He walked and stood behind his chair and looked at Steven.

“Would you like another glass of wine sir?” He repeated.

“Yes Lukas, we both will have another glass but not the red. We will have a fine dessert wine this evening to finish the meal. Please wash the glasses and in the cupboard to the left of the refrigerator you will find the dessert wine glasses. Please fill them properly with the dessert wine on the counter.”

“Yes sir” Lukas headed back to the kitchen, washed the glasses and found the glasses and wine easily enough. Lukas had never had dessert wine and wasn’t sure what to expect, he hoped he liked it. He returned to the table and took his seat. Steven raised his glass,

“A toast Lukas, to you for being a great student. What you have told me about this past week and how well you have followed my instructions tells me I have made a wise choice. You will learn a lot during our time together. I look forward to you learning to completely obey me.”

“Thank you sir” Lukas felt the pressure again. The thought of obeying Steven was exciting and whatever Steven wanted to teach him he would gladly learn. On top of everything, being as horny as he was, he was sure he would let Steven do anything he wanted. Lukas took a sip of wine to close the toast. He wasn’t sure what to make of the wine, almost like a sweet raising with a little hint of cinnamon, he liked it.

“How do you find the dessert wine Lukas? Do you enjoy it? Have you had dessert wine before?”

“I have never had it before sir. It is very good and I like it, like a sweet raison with a hint of cinnamon sir.”

“That’s good to hear. Not everyone enjoys dessert wine and let me add this. As we begin your journey and schooling with me I want to make something clear to you. I will push your boundaries to the edge in every way I can. However I will not maliciously harm you and if we ever enter an area or we try something that is too much for youor you don’t like I expect you to be forthright and honest with me and let me know. An example would be the dessert wine, if you hadn’t liked it I expect that you would have been completely honest and told me. I never want you to force yourself to try something or choke something down that you do not like just to please me. As I said I will push you to the edge and I expect You to go as far to the edge as you can for me, but never force yourself to cross the line you are not comfortable crossing. Do you understand Lukas?”

“Absolutely sir.” Lukas took in what he had just heard. He wasn’t sure what lines he had at this point but he knew Steven would find them eventually. One thing he was sure of, he’d get as close to the edge of that line as he could for Steven. They had a bit more light conversation as they finished their wine. When both glasses were empty, Steven pushed back from the table and said,

“Lukas please wash the glasses and meet me upstairs in the bedroom.”

Lukas instantly stood as Steven headed upstairs. Lukas washed and dried the glasses and put everything away and started for the stairs. Every step he took, his dick seemed to get harder at the anticipation. The last time he had joined Steven upstairs had been an experience like none he had ever had and he was excited to do it again. However, when he got to the bedroom he felt his heart sink slightly, no chair, no rope, actually the room looked just like any other clean bedroom. Lukas let the disappointment fade from himself. Whatever Steven had planned and wanted was what Lukas wanted as long as it pleased Steven. He entered and stood a few feet in front of Steven who was lounging on a small chain at the end of the bed. It seemed like forever before Steven finally spoke.

“Please spin for me again Lukas.”

He did as instructed and turned slowly, watching Steven take in every inch of him.

“Please remove your shirt and continue.”

Angain as instructed he did what hewas told, being sure to fold the shirt neighborly and place it next to him. He spun a few times before the next command came.

“Now remove your pants and socks.”

And again he did as instructed now down to just the jockstrap, then another command came.

“Remove your jockstrap.”

Lukas did as told and felt himself start to get hard. Knowing Steven was drinking in the site of him excited him like he hadn’t expected.

“You may stop spinning Lukas. You are quite attractive and your body has that perfect swimming build, be sure you maintain that for me.”

“Yes sir.”

“The shirt looked good on you and the cut of the pants was perfect, though I question whether black is the proper color, perhaps we’ll try something else next time. As for the jockstrap it was nice, but I’m not sure it was the right choice, I will consider what needs changed for next time.”

“Thank you sir” was Lukas’ reply and he felt himself grow a bit more at the thought of a next time with Steven.

“Come, follow me to the bathroom please.” As they entered the bathroom Steven continued. “There are a few expectations I have for your body Lukas and we will address them. First as I just mentioned you should stay in shape. Also, you should keep your pubic hair trimmed short, your balls and ass should always be shaken. It won’t be important tonight but you should also make sure you are clean and ready at anytime when with me so your diet going forward is important. However Lukas, like not crossing lines you don’t want to, if you ever feel you are not clean or not feeling well, I expect you to tell me. Do you understand these standards?”


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