To Obey and Serve Ch. 02

Chapter 2

Lukas stepped off the elevator and walked towards the exit. As he entered the lobby he looked over and saw Jeffery still behind the desk. He looked up at Lukas as he continued to the exit.

“Have a good night Lukas.” Jeffery said.

How did Jeffery know his name now? Of course Steven had said he paid his salary so he was sure that Jeffery knew who he was the entire time. It seemed to Lukas that Steven had a lot more influence and power than he had first thought. He definitely felt that somehow Steven had exerted his power over Lukas. He had agreed to so many demands from Steven and he wasn’t sure why he had but he knew he was excited to be entering into them with Steven.

He stepped outside and saw a black town car idling in the street down the steps. A driver stepped out and approached the back door. He opened it and Lukas got in. This was a first, he’d never had a private car take him home it was always an uber on Lukas’ dime. The driver got in the front and Lukas started to tell him his address.

“I know where you live sir. I have already been given instructions no need to tell me.”

That’s all he said as they pulled out and Lukas was left in the back to look out the window and watch the city roll by and think back on the evening. The wine, the food, the conversation all the things Steven had requested and how easily he had said yes to them. He didn’t know why, couldn’t get his mind wrapped around everything that had happened. Steven was sexy and Lukas knew he was attracted to him. But he had essentially agreed to become Steven’s slave, hadn’t he? Lukas had had the fantasy of a master/slave relationship for a long time. He took that in with the fact that Steven had been sexy and up front on everything as the reason why he had said yes so willingly. He was excited thinking of the things that would be coming. He now had a very steady income for as long as Steven wanted him. Time to focus on school, a man he had an overwhelming desire to serve and the control he had long fantasie about.

Lukas thought back to the chair and the feeling he had had as he was blindfolded and tied up. He felt the areas on his skin where the rope had held him in place. The lack of control and deprivation of one of his senses had heightened everything for him. The edge session had taken him to the point of almost total ecstasy only to be be pulled back from the edge time and time again. He felt the growth in his pants and tried to think of other things but it was too late. He felt the pressure of the cage pushing back against everything in his pants and tried to adjust the way he was sitting. He kept moving and finally found a position that helped slightly. This was an adventure he was going to enjoy, a role that he had always wanted and with Steven no less.

The car pulled up outside of his apartment building. He thanked the driver and headed inside. He got to his apartment and opened the door. Two of his roommates were in the living room playing video games again. They didn’t pause but said hi and asked how his evening was. His rooms had known what he did for money so they were always curious about his customers and evenings. Lukas remembered Steven’s request that no one know where he had been or what had happened or who Steven was.

“Turned into a total bust. Guy never showed up so I had some dinner and took a long walk before heading home.”

“Awww man that sucks, you’ll get him next time.” Was their response.

“Yeah I guess, I’m heading to the shower and bed.”

Lukas headed to the bathroom, while he had shown at Steven’s he still wanted to take a full shower and wash his hair and be clean before getting into bed. He closed and locked the door and took off his clothes. The clothes Steven had requested he wear that evening and stood naked in front of the mirror while the water heated up. Lukas took in the site of his dick in its new cage, locked away and thought aboutt his lack of release. He had wanted to cum so bad all evening and he had been so close so many times at the hands of Steven. There was no release coming tonight or in the near future as far as he could tell. He resigned himself to this fact and jumped in the shower.

He washed his hair and face, brushed his teeth and grabbed the sponge to later up to wash his body. He began washing his body and as the sponge ran across his nipples he felt a wave of horniness wash over him. His nipples were still overly sensitive from the work out Steven had given them and he felt that warmth wash over his body setting in his groin. He continued washing his body and got to his groin and washed it as best he could. He felt his dick getting hard once again from his horniness and felt the pressure once again. How was he going to make it another day with the cage on let alone at least a week until he saw Steven again he wondered. He rinsed off and stepped out to dry off, wrapped the towel around himand gathered up his clothes. He held them in front of himself as he walked to his bedroom to ensure none of his rooms saw the bulge from the cage.

He got to his room, thankfully he had a room to himself since he paid more in rent, and locked his door. He didn’t need any of his rooms just walking in any more, not that it happened often but better safe than allowing them to see him locked in a cage. He gave himself one more once over with the towel and hung it up on a drying rack in his room to dry, and sat down naked, well maybe not completely since he was locked up, in front of his computer.

He opened his escort gmail account and saw he had received two more requests for services. Well he thought those won’t be happening. He had thought on the way home the best way to handle the emails and figured he would just send the same message to everyone and he would send them all at once and then delete the account before they could reply. So he began typing and had simplydecided to send an email saying he was ending all his services, thank them for all the wonderful evenings spent together and wishing them all the best in the future, just as Steven had recommended. He typed the first and copied what he had written and started pasting it into new emails for each client being sure to copy Steven in the bcc section so he knew it was being completed. He hit the send button on all of them and opened the setting for his account and selected the option to delete his account as soon as they were sent. With that task done he had decided to do one more thing to close out his services.

He picked up his phone and dialed Ben, the guy that had introduced him to this world and gotten him started. Ben answered on the third ring.

“Hey man what’s up? How was the evening?”

“Hey, not much.” Lukas replied. “It turned into a bust, guy never showed. But I spent some time thinking and I just wanted to let you know that I have decided to stop doing this. I just emailed all my clients to let them know and I deleted my account so they may reach out to you.”

“What? What do you mean? I thought you were having fun and enjoying it?? Money’s not good enough for you? I mean this is sorta out of the blue dude.” Ben said with a rising voice.

“I think I’ve just had enough Ben. I got a shit load of school work coming to me in the coming year and I really need to buckle down and focus. It was fun but I just think I have hit the end.”

“Ok, ok, I guess I understand, it’s your decision. I mean your clients are going to be disappointed but they’ll get it. I’ll have to try and find someone else to take your place…..I mean what are you gonna do for money now?”

“I have enough saved to get through the year and I’ll figure out how to pay for school once I’m out.”

“Alright, I’m a little shocked, but also not shocked. I kinda was getting the sense that you were not enjoying it as much as you thought you would. I’ll cover for you with your clients and if you know anyone that wants to take your spot let me know. And hey if you decide to come back after a few weeks you’ve got my number, give me a call.”

“Thanks Ben, I appreciate everything and I’ll let you know if I change my mind or hear of anyone that’s interested.”

“Alright man take care, good night.”

“Thanks, you too. Good night Ben.”

With that Lukas ended the call, all loose ends tied up nicely he thought. He sat and just stared at his computer for a few minutes taking in everything that had happened since the start of the evening. It was a bit overwhelming how so much had changed in such a short amount of time. His phone vibrating pulled him out of his thoughts. He grabbed it and look at the caller id, it said Sir. Lukas hit the accept button and held the phone up to his ear.

“Hello sir.”

“Hello Lukas. You have done what I requested and I wanted to thank you for obeying. You have done a good thing for me and I wanted to show my appreciation.”

“Thank you sir. I promised that I would obey your commands and I still aim to please you sir.”

“You definitely have thus far Lukas and I have no doubt that you will continue to please and obey me. I wanted to make sure you were doing ok. It can be a little overwhelming entering into the agreement we did this evening. Do you feel ok? Do you have any questions?”

“I feel ok sir. I think I am still processing everything but I should be fine, thank you for your concern sir.”

“Very well Lukas. If over the next week you feel the need to talk to me or ask me any questions please feel free. Just send me a text message and I will let you know when we can talk. This is not something I will allow you to do every time After we part, but as I said entering into our agreement can be overwhelming at first and I want to make sure you are comfortable.”

“I will let you know if anything comes up sir, thank you.”

“Very well, get some rest then. We will speak later, good night.”

Steven hung up before Lukas could even reply. He put his phone down and looked at his computer again. He had school work to do but he was processing too much right now to focus on it. He stood up and felt the weight of the cage pull on his groin, he had almost forgotten about it. He grabbed one of his school books that he had to read and climbed into bed. He opened the book and started reading.

The light pouring through the window, and the loud noise his rooms were making pulled him out of his sleep. He hadn’t slept well, several times throughout the night he had gotten an erection and the pain from the cage woman him up. Steven had told him it would be rough at first he hoped it didn’t last much longer.

He rolled out of bed, through a shirt on and grabbed a pair of sweat pants and pulled them on. He looked down and he could clearly see the cage sticking out. How was he going to get around that, he wondered. He pulled the pants off and grabbed a pair of underwear, pulled them on and put the sweat pants back on. Surprisingly you couldn’t really tell that the cage was there now. One way to find out, he headed to the kitchen.

His two rooms were on the couch again playing games, or maybe they hadn’t gone to bed and were just still playing. He grabbed a bowl, poured some cereal and headed to the living room to watch them play and eat breakfast.

“Morning man. We weren’t too loud were we? Jackass over here totally ruined the mission we were on.”

“Hey it wasn’t my fault I told you what I was doing and you didn’t cover me so we both got killed.”

They did this a lot, both serious games or at least as serious as college guys could be.

“Nah, it’s alright I needed some breakfast anyway.”

Lukas ate his breakfast as he watched them play and continue to biker with each other. He smiled at a few of their insults and throw in some of his own. He wasn’t a gamer but appreciated that his roomswere into it themselves.

He finished his cereal and walked to the kitchen and put his bowl in the sink. He took two steps and stopped. In his mind he heard Steven telling him to clean up the kitchen when he went upstairs last night. He turned, he knew Steven would never let him leave a bowl in the sink so he went back and washed it and put it in the rack to dry. He headed to the bathroom to brush his teeth and then headed back to his room.

This was weird with no clients to service he had no direction for the day. Normally he’d have gone for a run or to the gym, came back and worked on some school work and then get ready for the evening. He didn’t have to do that now, but yet he did. He knew Steven liked that he was in shape and he would have to stay that way. So he grabbed his shoes and headed out for a run. An hour later he was back at his apartment and jumped in the shower. He got dressed and headed out to the library. No use in letting school work pile up, he had time and had to stay ahead of it in case Steven called for a visit. He spent most of the day in the library working on school work. After he had finished up, because he had no clients he decided to hit the gym today as well. A quick work out would do him good.

Work out completed he was back home and showed sitting in his room naked again, wondering what to do with his time. He grabbed his laptop and jumped on his bed, making sure his door was locked. He started scrolling around the internet and landed on one of his favorite porn sites. He saw a video that looked good and clicked on it. He started watching and fast forwarded to the fucking part and instantly started to regret it. His dick was trying to get as hard as it had been with Steven the night before, but couldn’t because of the cage. This was going to be a challenge, one he didn’t know how to get around. He closed the video and started scrolling through some news to get his mind off his burning desire between his legs. Hestarted reading an article and got a few sentences in before his mind wondered and started to think of other things, sexual things and he felt himself growing again. The frustration was getting to him, 12 days, he hadn’t gone 12 days since he started masturbating! Why hadn’t he took care of things before he went to Steven’s? Well he hadn’t expected to end up in the situation he was currently in before heading over there. How was he suppose to focus, even when he was at the library earlier he had felt his mind wondering.

Lukas closed his laptop in frustration and throw it on the bed, stood up and started pacing, what could he do to get his mind off of things? An idea came to him as he grabbed his phone. Sir had said he could text when he needed to talk and he felt he needed to talk. He opened a new text and simply wrote, “I feel I need to talk sir” and hit send. He had figured it would take Steven time to reply, but he had barely hit the lock button when his phone rang and the caller id said Sir.

“Hello Sir.”

“Hello Lukas, I got your message what do you need?”

“Sir, I have done all my school work and worked out twice today and I feel frustrated and a lack of focus. My sexual desire is at a peek right now and I am not sure what to do to overcome it, do you have any advice sir?” Lukas asked talking softly.

“Lukas, you agreed to obey me. I have asked that you not cum until I desire you to cum. That should be enough, however I know this is new to you so let me put it another way. Cumming is not the most important thing Lukas. Do you not have a desire to please me, to obey my requests?”

“I do sir.”

“Then that is where your answer lies. If you aim to please me as you just said you did, then the idea of ​​cumming shouldn’t be at the forefront of what you do and think. It should be about how best to please me and for the time being not cumming is how you please and obey. I asked that you focus on school work so that should be the first thing you think of, not sex. Do you understand Lukas?”

“I think I do sir.” Lukas replied and he really did. If he was going to service Steven then he had to think of what Steven wanted, not cumming is what Steven wanted so he must obey that command.

“Very well Lukas. I will be here if you need to talk about anything further until our next meeting. A final piece of advice to you Lukas, try to spend as little time naked as possible, that will help you not focus on your body’s wants and desires. If you sleep naked try sleeping with some clothes on to help, try to be naked only when you shower.”

“Yes sir.” Lukas replied and the line went dead. Did Steven know he was naked? He didn’t think he did, but he was beginning to think he didn’t know how much Steven actually knew or what all he could see.

He put the phone down and went to his dresser and grabbed some sweats and a t-shirt. He grabbed the laptop and sat down at his desk and started looking through his classs syllabus’ he had time so why not try and stay ahead if he could. Before he knew it he had opened up word and had started writing a paper that was due in a few weeks. He was focused on the task and when he took his first break he realized that it was approaching midnight and he was feeling tired. He saved the document, closed the laptop and stood to stretch and head to bed.

As he climbed into bed he realized what Steven had said was true. It had seemed so simple and he had thought at the time there was no way that it would work. But it had, he had dressed and as Steven had commanded focused on his school work. He had a great start to a paper that he probably wouldn’t have started for at least another week, and he hadn’t been focused on sex the entire time. He would make Steven proud and do what he was told. He drifted off to sleep with a slight smile as he thought of making Steven happy, of making his sir happy.

Lukas slept in late on Sunday. He had slept better than the night before but not much. The pain of a nighttime erection was something he didn’t think he’d ever got used to with a cage on. He hoped out of bed and decided breakfast was in order for the morning. He knew his rooms weren’t home, they played intramural football on Sundays and usually went out for drinks after so he’d have the place to himself until the evening, so he didn’t both putting on underwear to hide the cage.

He headed to the kitchen and got some cereal and sat on the couch and turned on the tv. He spent the rest of the morning lounging and watching tv before cleaning his bowl as he knew Steven would want him to and heading to the shower. He stood again in front of the mirror looking at his cage. Such a simple device to deny so much was his only thought before another came to him. His rooms wouldn’t be home, maybe grabbing a dildo and playing for a bit would help. He throw a towel on just in case, checked that the place was still empty and went to his room fora toy. He had 3 total and grabbed his favorite before heading back to the bathroom. As he was closing the door he heard his phone’s notification that he had a message. He picked it up and opened the messages seeing there was a new one from Sir.

He opened the message and about fall over.

“Lukas, I ask that you also not use any toys on yourself until I give you permission. Please Response letting me know that you understand the command and tell me how many toys you have.”

How? How did this man know? It’s almost like he could see him or maybe he could read his mind and know what Lukas had been thinking. Lukas looked at the dildo and turned back to his phone to type his response.

“I understand sir. I own three toys sir.” Was his simple reply.

“Very good Lukas, please head down to this store and pick the item up that is waiting under your name. Please respond once you have picked up the item and returned home.” There was an address listed below that message.

“Yes sir.” Lukas said and closed the phone. Picked up the toy he wouldn’t be allowed to use to take back to his room, before returning to shower.

He had looked up the address after his shower and realized it was only a few blocks away so he had walked down. He entered the store and walked up to the “pick up” counter. The lady behind the counter asked for his name and she returned with a plain wrapped box so he couldn’t tell what was in it. He figured Steven hadn’t wanted him to know until it was time. He headed back home with the box and once inside his room he sat on his bed and got his phone.


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