To Obey and Serve

Lukas stepped out of his uber and checked his watch, 5 min early. He always liked to arrive early when he was meeting a client, it gave him a chance to center himself and take stock before going in.

Lukas had been doing this a little over a year now and found each encounter to be different. He had been looking for a way to make money to help pay for college and honestly working in a restaurant wasn’t his thing. He had been at a party when he had met Ben through an acquaintance and got to talking. It wasn’t long after that Lukas had mentioned that he was trying to find something that would make him money, not take too much time and allow him to focus on school. Ben had mentioned the escorting gig to him and Lukas wasn’t sure what to make of it. Ben had explained that most of his clients were older women that really just wanted company or a dinner date and he rarely had sex with any of them. The pay was good and it didn’t take too much time out of his week. Exactly what Lukas had wanted, but woman? That definitely wasn’t Lukas’ forte since he was gay, had known he was gay for awhile. That’s when Ben made his proposal. Ben had recently been getting some male inquiries for his services and seeing as how Ben was straight he hadn’t taken them up. But if Lukas wanted to join Ben in the venture he could take the male clients and Ben would take the women. Lukas had thought a bit on the idea and after a week and not having much to eat because he had no money he told Ben he was in. That had been a little over a year ago and as Lukas started his senior year of college and thought back on it, it had mostly been fun.

He wasn’t a reserved person and had always been open to new experiences in life in general but also sexually. As he was preparing to go into the building he thought back over the start of His adventure with Ben. It had mostly turned out how Ben said it would. The first couple of outings had turned into either a long evening of listening and talking over some dinner and wine, or a night out to dinner with relatively the same thing. Lukas had enjoyed them, the men had been lonely and had either spent most of their lives alone in the closet or had recently lost their partner. He had listened and provided the company they wanted and he had honestly enjoyed hearing most of their stories. Besides even if he didn’t the money had been good to just sit and listen and ask some questions, plus he was usually getting a free meal out of it.

It was several months into doing the job before Lukas had been propositioned for sex as the evening had wound down. The gentleman hadn’t been elderlyly but was no spring chicken either and while not ugly, definitely wasn’t Lukas’ preferred type. But Lukas learned that when sex was propositioned it added to his pay and usually there was a tip as well. So Lukas being who he was had said yes, and it had turned out rather mechanical. The client hadn’t wanted any kissing and had requested Lukas jerk him off until he was hard and then to ride his dick and as Lukas generally leaned to the versatile bottom side of things he was ok with it. So he had done as the client requested, they had stripped, the client climbed on the bed and Lukas stroked his dick until it was hard, put a condom on him, lubed up and sat on his dick to start riding. The client had no facial reactions and had lasted about 2 minutes before it was all over and Lukas’ was dressing to Leave as he had been instructed. On his way out the client had tipped him and when he got home he was happy to see it had been well worth it.

Lukas had hoped for more of the sexual propositions as he continued to work, but quickly learned that those turned out to be far and few between. While slightly disappointed he still made good money as a dinner date. Over the year he had met many men and listened to Several stories and had actually acquired a few “regulars” and he always knew what he was in for when these men booked him. Most of theseRegulars would send a gentleman or two his way and sometimes he’d see them a few times before they just disappeared and sometimes it was a one time “date.”

Tonight was different. Lukas had finished up studying one evening this week and was checking his email when he saw an email from an address he didn’t recognize. When he opened it, it was very short and had simply said:

“I request your services this Friday evening at 8pm.” With the address that Lukas was now standing outside of and a list of a few instructions. Lukas had tried to determine who this person was but there was no way of figuring it out. He had reached out to his regulars to see if they knew who it was. No one had and he had wondered how this customer had found him. He realized that if someone had done a little digging they could have Figured out what he did. While he didn’t openly broadcast his escort services he definitely didn’t try to hide all of it either. He had a few clients this way and those wereusually the ones that had turned into evenings of sexual proposition. So Lukas had decided that his goal of paying off college as fast as he could mean he had to take any and all callers.

He looked up at the building from outside, he could generally tell something about his clients by where they lived. Nice part of town or a nice house usually means a wealthy and mostly older client, a so so area and a decent place usually means a one time client that had saved some money and wanted some company. This building had the hallmarks of the former and was located in a nice area of ​​the city.

As he approached the entrance he reviewed what the email had said starting with the outfit request. Not unusual, a lot of clients asked him to wear various things depending on what they were looking for, or if they were going to a dinner and he had to dress nice. Actually the requests had expanded his wardrobe quite a bit, but all at the expense of paying off college. The client had requested him to wear a nice fitting shirt, check. A nice pair of jeans, check, not skinny jeans but well fitting to accentuate his build. Armani briefs, check, Lukas actually owned a few pair of those and found them to be his favorite.

Lukas entered the building and the front desk guy looked up instantly.

“How may I help you this evening sir?”

“I have an appointment in the penthouse this evening.” Lukas replied as instructed in the email.

Their eyes lingered a moment until the front desk guy looked down at some papers. Honestly if Lukas didn’t have an appointment this evening he would have tried to get with him. Then again he may have tried to get with anyone. Between his clients and school work, not to mention his rooms being home every night when he got back had meant he hadn’t had any release in over a week. “I really hope this leads somewhere good tonight because if not I’m gonna have to take a long shower to relieve some pressure” Lukas thought. It had been not only a while since he’d masturbated but also some time since he’d had sex and he needed something.

“Yes I see, do you know where the elevators are?” The front desk guy said finally breaking Lukas out of his thoughts.

“I do, straight ahead to the left and I take the set on the right.”

“Correct, have a good evening sir and let me know if you need anything else.”

“Thank you” Lukas replied even though he was thinking of how he’d really enjoy getting the guy in the backroom to save some of his sexual tension. Masturbation was great and all but only went so far, and it’d been what felt like forever since he’d had sex.

Lukas found the elevators easy enough and hit the call button. “Even if this guy is old, ugly or not that great I hope this Goes somewhere.” Lukas continued his thoughts. The elevator arrived to pull him out of them once again. He got in and pressed the PH button. Not his first penthouse probably not his last. At first going to a penthouse had impressed him but no longer and even though they sounded extravagant after awhile he’d learned most of his clients that lived in them hadn’t remodeled them or updated them in forever. Usually they looked like an old collection of antiques with decor from times gone by. Why did people with money always think that was a good look? On the other hand when he showed up at the so so places it usually means sex would be involved and the tip could be anywhere from disappointing to absolutely great, and so could the sex. This building looked like the evening was going to be dinner and listening so Lukas wasn’t going to get the release he so wanted. So be it, he needed to focus on the evening and not his own needs he had learned from the beginning that it wasn’t about what he wanted but the client. If they felt satisfied in what they wanted it could mean a call back and that was more money in his pocket.

The elevator arrived and opened. Lukas looked out and took in the amazing site through the floor to ceiling windows. The view was amazing, the building hadn’t looked that tall from the outside. He started taking in the rest of the penthouse, modern decor with an open floor plan, a fire going in the living area, candles lit around the room. A modern kitchen with something cooking that smelled delicious and some sort of classical music playing softly in the background. Lukas didn’t know what to make of the situation, so he stepped into the entrance.

“Please take your shoes off. There is a pair of house slippers by the door if you care to wear them.”

Lukas couldn’t see the man that had spoken those words but did as he was told. He saw the slippers but didn’t feel the need to put them on, it’s not like his socks had holes in them and it wasn’t cold in here.

“I see you are right on time, I respect people who show up on time.” Lukas heard the voice again and turned in the direction of where it came from and saw a man coming down the floating stairs from anupper level.

“I believe being on time is required. After all it’s your time and I wouldn’t want to waste one minute of it.” Lukas replied.

“How very true.” The man replied and Lukas could finally see all of the man. He was taken aback. This guy was probably not that much older than himself, he probably came from money and in Lukas’ experience they could be total doouches. Suck it up and do your job he thought to himself. Lukas was also taken aback with how the man looked, sexy was the easiest way to sum it up. He was tall, with dark cinnamon skin, like he had a nice tan, short dark hair and he was wearing a clearly tailored shirt that showed he was in shape, with a pair of jeans that fit his form perfectly and showed he had a nice rounded ass. Lukas liked what he saw already and telling by the hardening of his dick clearly other parts liked what they saw as well.

“Please have a seat. Would you care for some wine?”

Lukas headed to the living area that the man hadindicated and took a seat on the couch.

“A glass of wine would be well appreciated.” Lukas answered.

“Very well then do you prefer red or white?”

“I’ll have whatever the host is having.”

The client walked into the kitchen and grabbed two wine glasses and filled them with some red wine from a decanter. He approached Lukas and handed him a glass with a slight smile. Now that he was closer Lukas could see his hazel eyes, red lips, some facial stubble and strong jaw line all making him even more attractive. “This man could do anything he wanted to me and I’d be happy” Lukas thought as he took a sip of wine.

“Welcome to my home and let me thank you for answering my request.” The client said.

“It is always my pleasure to offer my services to those who desire it.” Said Lukas.

“It can be quite hard to find someone like you Lukas. A person who offers the services you do don’t come easily to most. I do have a request though.” The man said taking anothersip of wine.

“Anything you request I will try to fulfill.” Lukas replied.

“Very well, before this goes further I ask for total discretion. I ask that you not tell anyone who I am, where I live, what we talk about or, that you were even here. It should be as if you never were here and the only people who should ever know anything are the two of us.”

“I take discretion to the fullest and your request will be followed. But I fear that there will be others who know that I am here sir.” Lukas quipped.

“I see so you have already told others about our engagement? Perhaps I was wrong in choosing you.”

“You didn’t choose wrong in the least sir. But I did take an uber here so the driver knows I am here, though I imagine he’s already forgotten who I was and where he dropped me. And then there’s also the front desk person who knows that I am here.” Lukas said with all honesty.

“Ah yes I agree with you about the uber driver so we won’t concern ourselves with him. And as far as Jeffery is concerned we won’t worry about him. His entire job is discretion, plus I pay his salary so he won’t say a thing. And you told no one else of your plans this evening?” The client inquired.

“I have not and will not based on your request sir.” Lukas said, all while thinking “Hmm Jeffery that’s his name. Well if this evening ends after dinner then maybe I can have a little talk with Jeffery about him providing me some services.” He needed to snap out of it. This was out of character for him. Usually he’d have made sure that he wasn’t this horny but between starting classes, taking care of a few clients and getting a new roommate in the place he shared with 2 other guys he hadn’t had time. “Focus on delivering the best experience for this person here right now.” He thought to himself.

“Very well then let me at least tell you my name, Steven. You however can continue to call me sir. I like the way it sounds when you say it.”

“It is nice to meet you St…, sir.” Lukas said with a smile on his face and a growing erection in his pants. He had many fans about role playing but had never experienced any and this little game was turning him on.

“Lukas, I understand you are in college, what year are you in? What are you studying?” Steven asked.

“I just started my senior year, and I am studying American History and Writing with a minor in European History sir” Lukas answered being sure to add the sir as he was getting into his role.

“Very interesting combination. Due you plan to write Historical Fiction or Non-Fiction? That is assuming the writing is part of your plan.” Steven inquired.

“Either really sir. I enjoy writing and have always enjoyed history. I have played around a bit with both fiction and non-fiction and I think I like the fiction best sir.” Lukas replied lifting his glass to take another sip of wine. He was shocked when he realized it was empty as it hit his lips. Had he really was drinking that fast? He needed to keep a check on himself or he’d end up a drink mess and that would not serve Steven well. He looked across and saw Steven had finished his glass of wine as well so maybe he wasn’t drinking that fast or maybe they were both a little nervous.

“I see we are both out of wine and dinner is ready. Shall we have another glass over dinner?” Steven asked as he stood up and headed towards the kitchen.

“I would enjoy another glass and whatever is cooking smells delicious.” Lukas replied.

He instantly saw Steven stop and turn to look at him with an almost evil look on his face.

“I believe I asked you to call me sir did I not? Have you forgotten that already?”

Lukas was slightly taken aback he was into the whole thing but he didn’t think the guy had been serious about it being every time he spoke. However, he was here to serve and he was being paid to fulfill his clients desires so he’d better do better. He lowered his head slightly breaking eyecontact.

“I didn’t forget sir and I apologize for the mistake sir.” Lukas replied.

“I knew you were smart, now come pour the wine while I get the plates ready.” Steven said with a smile.

How strange a second ago he looked like he’d attack me for messing up with the sir thing and then like a switch he just turned all happy again. Let’s remember sir from now on so we don’t have that happened again Lukas thought to himself as he poured the wine. He took the glasses to the table and for some odd reason a thought came to him.

“Which seat is yours sir?” Lukas asked bringing the thought to his mouth.

“Yes very smart indeed Lukas. I will be sitting on the right, I like to see the fire in the background.”

Lukas placed the glasses on the table and stood behind his chair. Steven approached with the plates and placed them on the table. He took his seat and Lukas felt it was ok to sit down across from him.

“Coq au vin with some mashed potatoes. I hope you don’t have any allergies I forgot to ask. And it’s not fancy but I find it to be a simple dish that is easy to enjoy.” Steven said.

“No allergies and it smells delicious sir.”

They both began eating and Lukas was amazed at how delicious it was. His clients had taken him to some of the best spots in the city and he’d eat amazing food in all of them. This though tasted amazing and while he I saw, what brought you here sir?” Lukas was trying to keep the conversation going as was his job.

“Mainly my job and my desire to see a new location.”

“What do you do that made you move sir?” Lukas asked

“What I do is not important, but it has to do with tech, that’s all you need to know. Let me ask you Lukas why are you doing what you do?” Steven responded.

“I needed a way to have money andpay for college, and this was a way that I could earn money while still being able to focus on school sir”

“Do you enjoy it Lukas? Do you want to continue doing it after school?”

“It’s not bad, I don’t think I’ll do it much after college as long as I make enough to pay for college sir.”

“And how close are you to paying for college Lukas?”

“Not as close as I wished sir. At the pace I’m going I’ll probably have to do this for a few years after I graduate to pay for everything sir.”

“I see. Well I hope you have enjoyed your dinner. I have to go upstairs for a moment, please clear the table. You can put everything in the dishwasher. I will return shortly.”

With that Steven pushed back from the table and went upstairs. Lukas sat for a moment, this was new usually he didn’t have to clean up and he wasn’t sure he had delivered thus far on services. He checked his watch and noticed the time they had scheduled was almost up.

“Lukas, when I ask for a task to be completed I expected it to be started right away.”

“Yes sir, sorry sir.”

Lukas did as he was instructed and cleared the table. He made sure to wipe everything down and was clean, he even hand washed the wine glasses as he didn’t think they should go in the dishwasher.

He returned to the couch to sit and wait and saw the time Steven had paid for had come. He figured Steven must have gone upstairs to get his payment and that was going to be the end of the night.

Steven returned and sat in the chair across from him and looked him in the eyes.

“Lukas, I’d like to have you stay a bit longer. I can pay you at double the rate that we agreed upon since this would be extra time that neither of us had planned.”

“That would be fine sir. I have no other engagements tonight. I can stay as long as you wish sir.”

“Very good. I am a straight forward person so I won’t beat around the bush with this. I find you attractive and I have enjoyed your obediencethus far this evening Lukas. I have a proposition for you.”

Lukas felt the bulge growing in his pants, was it possible that he would get release tonight finally and out of all the people who he had worked with this sexy guy may be about to ask.


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