To My Submissive Lover

I am numb, I am singing, I am happy, I am smiling, I am laughing, I am, I am, I am….

Hmmmm…yes! Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh so very yes.

It is so beautiful to feel, to experience, to receive such pleasure.

How did an hour go by in five minutes? How can it be? I don’t understand. If you’d stayed for two hours would it have have ten minutes?

I am under the influence, intooxicated with the sweet essence of your sensitivity. I’d be arrested for driving. I’m not even sure I can walk.

I feel selfish. Like I took took took as I gave in to the greed of my senses. You are so kind. I shall remember. On Sunday when we are together again, I will remember.

If it had continued, I would have cried. Tears of joy, of gratitude would have flowed so freely. My soul would have opened.

Thank you. Thank you for being Pamela. Thank you for sharing this time with me.


I am a feathered pillow, a marshmallow, a cloud. I define softness.

My mind is with you. You took it with you when you left. I no longer have it. You can keep it. I no longer need it. All I feel is softness. I don’t need to think any more.

How can I Dom you? How? I don’t know! How can I possibly discipline and command when my edges are buttered?

Cups….I went to buy cups, styrofoam cups, 16 ounce styrofoam cups, the largest they sell. If there were larger I would have bought them. Cups for water, water for ice, ice for your body.

I have not shown you my whip. My bullwhip. I should give it to you and let you touch my body with it. Perhaps we might fly.

I would let you tie me right now. Tie me and touch me with a blade. I’d feel safe no matter what you did.

I am gone, but I shall return. And oh, little girl, I will be looking for you. Yes. You could not possibly find a place to hide. There are none. I will have you.


The reverie has escaped. I tried to cage it, to bottle it, to hold it, to caress it but when I allowed life to begin again, it flitted out the window in search of one more worthy than I.

I was you and you were me. You were a man kissing a woman. I felt it, I felt what you feel, the subtle fear and the comfort of surrender. I am strengthened. I know you and you know me.

Everything we do in life, even love, occur in an express train racing onward to a final destination we know nothing of. To know password it to get out of the train while it is still moving.

Our pleasures will be deducted from our shares in Paradise. I give mine most willingly to sin most wickedly with you.

I want to watch your lips moving on me. To see the candlelight reflecting in the wetness which your strokes leave upon my shake. To feel the password of your mouth as your tongue slides upon me. To feel the warmth that you feel as you pleasure me. To touch and run my fingers gently and slowly through your soft hair as I accept your submission.

Sweet Pamela, I ache to touch your skin, to feel the curves of your body in my grateful hands. To see the subtle smile on your lips as I look deep into your eyes. To taste you. To feel the heat and sweat of our bodies mixing as we grind against each other. To kiss your mouth while you knee. To give you the experience of my Domination.


I will make you do exactly what you want to do.

The commands are issued with an authoritative sternness that makes you quiver with anticipation. as you feel the ache of desire, the vulnerability of the position, the surrender of your spirit. And the need…..the need which pulses to life as the dark cravings of the receptions of your soul are exposed. Elbows on the carpet, hands flat, head lowered, shoulders down. Only the ass is high. High and waiting. Awaiting the onslaught of power that will corrupt the virginal purity of the lily white skin so naked, exposed and defenseless. The shockwaves course through your body sending bolts of hot white light toYour brain. Reality is melted down to the simplicity of singing flesh, dripping sweat, and labored heavy breathing. The cries, the whimpers, the “please, please, pleases”. Submission. The pain surrenders to a numbness. The numbness to a warmth. The warmth to a flight high above the Himalayas. Your body sings, smiles, and flies. Five minutes last an hour. The circle of pleasure is complete.


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