Author’s Note: Welcome to the fourth and final (at least for the moment) installment of the Gary Galloway Universe.
I knew, upon finishing the book Jessie, leaving our hero and heroine dying next to each other, that there was more story to tell. I’d alluded to several formative moments in Gary’s life that, while I knew the backstory to them, the readers only knew a hint. I wanted to tell these back backstories, to paint a complete picture of the hero that’s generated so many votes and comments.
I decided upon a series of vignettes, 11 chapters in all, outlining the pivotal moments in Gary’s life. They start in college, with his first love, and continue forward through his life, the last one taking place approximately a year before the events of Jessie Ch.01. Its a completely different format than the previous three books.
As before, these chapters may contain either explicit or alluded-to violence, description of injury, disturbing content and language, and of course sexual content. ALL characters participating in sexual activities are over the age of 18, though we meet several who are necessary to the plots in a nonsexual manner before they reach adulthood.
Thank you again for your support, both in votes and comments, public and private. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Early December
I woke up to an explosion.
I shook my head in the dimness, looked over at my dead arm. Cady was sleeping on it, that’s why it was dead. Her red hair practically glowed in the dark. I slowly extracted my arm from under her head, rolled to sitting on the edge of the bed.
Where had that sound come from?
My dad left me his Browning when they went up north, and I retrieved it from my nightstand, checked it, and headed for the bedroom door. A rustle behind me on the bed, and Cady spoke blearily. “You ok?”
“Yeah, just heard a weird noise. I’ll be right back.”
I checked the second level of the townhouse, trying each dead switch, then walked stealthily down the stairs. Bathroom lights dead, kitchen, living room, basement stairs, all dead. I rifled through the junk drawer in the kitchen, came up with an ancient maglight, took the steps down to the basement, illuminating my parents’ layry room, my dad’s immaculate workshop in a cone of yellow light.
Flipping the breakers off and on did nothing to illuminate the situation. I climbed the steps and tried the living room, stupidly hoping the lights would come on.
From outside I heard beeping, saw flashing yellow lights. Peeking or the window, I saw emergency crews beginning to assemble around a power line sparking in the street. Shit, was that a car? Yes, it was. Someone had slip into a telephone pole, knocking it down into a yard. The exploration I’d heard must’ve been the transformer. First snow of the season and people were already skidding off the road.
Cady joined me as I gathered candles in the kitchen, melting the tips of the skinny ones and sticking them upright in bowls. “What’s up? Why is it so dark?”
I looked up from the flickering array of candles and stands. “Car versus telephone pole. Car won.”
“Ah. Need some help?”
She helped me carry the candles up to the bedroom, and I put the Browning back, checked the text messages on my flip phone. A couple of tenants of the row asking why they had no power. I dashed off replies saying the power company was working on it and wished them a warm night.
“Fuck!” I leaned forward, hanging my head as pain arced through my temples.
“What? You ok?” Cady sounded worried.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine. Feels like a migraine coming on or something.” I rose uneasily and feel my way down to the bathroom, found the Tylenol in the dark, popped three and drank water out of the faucet.
I called my parents as I headed back upstairs. My mom answered on the first ring. “Hi, honey. How’s been your day?”
Igrimaced as pain blasted through my head again. “Good. Worked at the bank. Did some studying. How about you guys?”
“Lots of snow. Dad shoveling the deck. What’s up?”
“Just wanted to let you guys know that power was out to the block. Car versus telephone pole. Power company is working on it. I already replied to the tenants that texted me, let them know what happened.”
“You ok?”
On the bed, Cady was wearing one of my dress shirts. The tails were wide open, and she was pumping two fingers back and forth in her pussy. “Yeah. Bit of a headache, I’m fine though. I’m gonna try to take a nap, sleep off this headache. Just wanted to let you know about the power.”
“Ok. Have a good weekend, sweetie. Love you.”
“Love you too, mom.” I hung up and felt a weird sense of relief like I hadn’t expected them to pick up. I shook my head, regretted it. I flopped over on the bed and surprised.
“Head still hurting?” Cady was instantly at my side.
“Yeah. It comes and gos.”
“Blowjob?” she asked brightly. “That might take your mind off it.”
I could feel my prick stiffen before she had even finished speaking.
“Can’t hurt.”
Cady tugged down my boxers and wrapped her fist around my meat, slowly pumping my half-chub to life. She smiled cutely at me before lowering her head to ticket the crown of my cock with her tongue, a flutter of teasing licks before engulfing just the tip in her warm, wet lips.
“Fuuuuuck…” I groaned.
Her hand released my erection, and her mouth engulfed me instead. She sucked all the way down to my groin, swirled her tongue around my shaft as she held me deep in her mouth. When she pulled away, she pumped my slimy rod, then lowered her face to it and began licking up and down like it was an exotic popsicle.
“I’ll finish you this way if you want, but would you rather cum inside me? I know that’s what I’d prefer.”
“That sounds fantastic.”
Cady straightened, shrugged out ofmy shirt, and straddled my wait, reaching down to guide me into her deliciously tight pussy. She groaned as she lowered herself down my shake, then leaned over me. “Thank you,” she said, kissing my nose.
I laughed and pulled her to me, my lips finding hers with ferocious password. My hands roamed over her back and sides and ass, firm and lean and tight as only a nineteen-year-old cheerleader can be. Cady fight her way free of my bruising kiss with a moan of pleasure, gave me a little cry when her push back was met with my thrust up. “I’ve got a question for you, Gary.”
“Now? Really?”
“Yeah, I’m curious.” Cady sat upright, grinding herself on my dick. Her body was gorgeous, leanly muscled from countless hours on the college dance team, full, firm breasts sitting high and perky, soft but angular face framed by long, straight, fire-red hair. She shifted her legs, pulling them up beneath her so she could squat over me. “One, when you’re doing me from behind, why do youhit me?”
“Hit you?”
“Spank me.”
I thought about it. “Seems like the thing to do. You’ve got such a gorgeous ass, it would be wrong not to smack it when I’m riding you. If you don’t like it, I’ll stop.”
“Just curious. You don’t need to stop.” Cady squatted up and down on my shaft, hands on my knees to arch her body. I watched my wood Disappear into her and reappear as she pulled away, moaning softly the entire time. Finally, breathing hard, she tipped forward again to lay on top of me. “Next question, same position. You almost always put your thumb in my butt. Why?”
I twisted my neck to see her more clearly. “It’s hot. You seem to get off harder on it. It’s a power thing, I guess? I can do it, so I do it. Also…”
I grinned, suddenly nervous. “I wish my thumb was my dick.”
“You want to do that to me… There?” Cady blushed.
“Fuck yeah. I think you’re ridiculously hot. Why wouldn’t I want to fuck a nineteen-year-old cheerleader in the ass, any guy would want to.”
She rolled her eyes and laughed. “Wow, tactful.”
“You asked, I answered. If you didn’t want honesty, should’ve specified it.”
“So I guess that answers the question of whether you’re a tits or ass or leg guy.”
I pulled her into another kiss. “I’m a YOU guy. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Cady pushed off of me and straightened, and I grinned wolfishly at her naked body riding mine. “Dammit, you’re gorgeous.”
“Aww, thank you.” She rose up off of me, letting my slick, wet member slap down onto my stomach. A quick, deep suck as she turned around, and she mounted me again, guiding me into her pussy and then reaching around to pull her ass cheese apart. The view was gorgeous, my cock stretching her pussy open as it slide back and forth with her movements, her tight, pink backdoor pulled barely open. Cady turned her head and gave me an enigmatic smile, red hair sliding across her shoulders as she probed her spincter with a finger. She groaned as she pushed it through. “I bet you like this view better though…”
I edged through the crowd, looking for my friends. A long shift at the bank was over, and I was looking forward to seeing my girlfriend and former classesmates. This late in November though, the crowds in the Mall Of America were thick, and I had to practically walk sideways. It Felt like being a blood cell in a singular, living organism. Far from being annoying, I actually enjoyed it. After a day of face to face interactions, it feel kind of nice to be just a random member of this sea of humanity.
I found Cady sitting with Mike and Colette by the railing with one of Colette’s friends.
While Mike and I were out of high school already, Cady and Colette were seniors, but Colette’s friend was a few years younger and didn’t really seem like she belonged in this group of adults. I tolerated her presence though, Nina came from an abusive, controlling home, and we were probably the only semblance of peace and normalcy she found outside of school.
Like right now — I could tell from the fact that she’d taken out her cornrows and gone to a more drawing hairstyle that she was probably hiding a bruise on the side of her face.
Mike stood and shook my hand. “How’s the money man?”
I was still getting used to his tattoos. Mike took his family’s Maori heritage seriously and had started getting tribal tattoos on his torso in high school, a look that shocked his basketball coaches and teammates. Now he was working on his face, slowly. His hulking physics was made even more intimidating by the ink, but I knew my oldest friend was quite peaceful. Colette doted on him and constantly spoke of how lucky she was to have a gentle and attentive boyfriend.
“That was a long day. How are you doing?”
He stretched and sat. “Good day. Homework, some time with my girl now. Was wondering if you guys wanted to catch a movie after weeat.”
I shrugged, sat, caught Cady’s eye as she stuffed her face full of French fries across the table. “Gotta see what’s playing,” she said around a mouthful of food.
“Fair enough. How was work today?” I leaned across the tiny table to steal a fry, and she slapped my hand playedfully.
“Pretty good. Got some commission, that was nice. How about you?” Cady had have been working at a jewelry store here in the mall since she was a senior in high school, and made pretty good money at it. Something about a gorgeous, friendly woman made people want to drop lots of cash on sparkly rocks.
I didn’t get it.
“I got yelled at by a bunch of customers. Also, whoever determined that programming majors should have to study English in college should be tarred and feathered and hung in effigy.”
Colette snorted. “Tell us how you really feel.”
“Like I and my parents are wasting a lot of money on bullshit.” I glanced over at Nina, sitting quietly at the end of the table.”Sorry.”
She smiled. “I’ve heard worse.”
“Still…” I glanced around the bustling food court, reading the restaurant names. What did I want to eat right now…
A sandwich. Definitely a sandwich. I rose, leaned over, and kissed the top of Cady’s head. “I’m gonna go get something to eat and then let’s check the theater.”
I should feel guilty about going to get a sandwich when I’ve got such a gorgeous girlfriend, but the chick at the counter was so hot…
Amy smiled when she saw the crowd advance me into her register line, have me an even bigger smile when my turn came to order. “Hi, Gary, how’s it going?”
I fished out my wallet. “Good, Amy. You?”
“My day is even better now.” A blush infused her golden-brown skin. “What can I get for you?”
I stared up at the menu. What did I want…
I ordered a chicken club and fries and watched as Amy diligently punched the order in on her register, her long hair swinging around her shoulders. Not actively involved in the preparation of food, she didn’t have to tie it back. It was impossible not to notice that she’d dyed the last two to three inches flaming red, a color that reminded me of Cady.
I should really feel guilty ogling this gorgeous Asian girl… but she was so damn hot, I didn’t. Not quite. Amy was about half a foot shorter than me and looked like she weighed about half what I did. Her heritage obviously ran south eastern due to her golden-brown skin, and her oil black — now oil black and red — hair looked incredibly fine. I secretly imagined running my fingers through it, gathering it in my fist, and pulling it to tilt her head back so I could kiss her slim neck.
She caught me staring and we both blushed, an adorable smile speaking across her fine-featured face. “How’s the day going?” I asked.
“Busy, this time of year. How’s your work? I imagine lots of people want to get money out this time of year.”
I shook my head. “Nah, busy season at a bank is after Christmas. It’s pretty boring.”
“That sounds nice. You should come work here part-time, you could be busy before AND after Christmas.”
My order was called and Amy passed the tray to me, after tossing a piece of paper on it from her apron pocket. “Have a great day, Gary. Merry Christmas!”
“You too, Amy.”
I turned around and almost bumped into Cady. “Hey, you.” I felt guilty, like I should be talking to keep her from thinking anything untoward. “What are you getting?”
“Just wondering what’s taking you so long. I’m gonna go over and get some Italian.”
Her voice was… Different. Shit. She must’ve seen me talking to Amy.
“Meet you back at the table.” I flashed her a smile and leaned in to give her a peck on the cheek.
Mike dove into my fries immediately when I returned, and Colette smiled at me. I blushed. “What?”
“Pretty sure your girlfriend is mildly pissed at you.”
I reached out and took the piece of reception paperfrom my tray, turned it over. Fuck. A phone number and an address.
Another smile from Colette. “If I were your girlfriend, I wouldn’t be pissed. I’d get her to join in.”
“Hey!” Mike looked up sharply. “Knock it off!” He slapped her hand away when she reached for my fries. “Bad girlfriend, no treatments!”
Next to Colette, Nina laughed at our Discussion, went back to her texting.
I looked over the phone number, and pocketed the paper. Cady didn’t need to see that, she’d get even more pissed.
Late December
“What do you think?” Cady asked. “Chicken or fish?”
“What’s Max eating now?”
“I think you should stick with fish then, or you’re liable to get void, horrible farts, or both.”
She giggled. “Salmon or perch?”
I surprised. “Whatever he’s eating NOW.”
We were wondering through the harshly fluorescent-lit aisles of an almost deserted pet supply warehouse at eight at night, looking for food for Cady’s Dalmation, Max. She couldn’t seem to grap that bad, shit-related things can happen when you radically alter a dog’s diet on a whim.
I looked over the bags, a riot of colors and animal illustrations, each one promising to be more healthy, more authentic. “He currently eats this one?”
“Yeah. I think that’s what my mom bought last.” Cady shrugged, the motion almost hidden by the thick winter coat. She wrinkled her cute nose at me.
“I remember seeing it at your house.” I pulled the massive bag off the shelf and hefted it onto one shoulder. “Anything else we need?”
“Not really.”
We passed through the leashes on the way to the register, and Cady stopped dead in her talks, looking around at the nylon dog collars.
“Did Max break his?”
“Nope!” Her voice was high and bright and excited, and she stepped over to one display, fingers moving quickly through the pegs to find a particular package. She unhooked it from the peg, held it up for my inspection.”What do you think?”
“I think your dog’s name is Max, not Princess, and he really doesn’t look like the pink and rhinestone type.”
“Not for Max, silly. For me.”
“What do you need a dog collar and lean for?”
Cady rolled her eyes, exasperated. “You have no imagination. Think about using it in bed.”
I couldn’t picture it, but the Thought sent blood course through my body at a higher speed, most of it going to my groin. “Still not picturing it.”
“Using it on me, like… When you’re behind me, or I’m kneeing…” Her voice had dropped to a conspiratorial, almost sultry whisper, and the imagery her words were conjuring made me glad my coat was long, so that no one could see the bulge in my jeans.
“Now I get it…”
“You need to take a shower,” Cady told me. “I’m gonna need to have this car professionally detailed to get your funk out.”
I was so tired I could barely think. I’d played every minute of thebasketball game we’d just won, and the opposing team had never slowed down. Not once was there a moment where I’d not been running. “You wanna jump in with me?”
“Any other night your parents are out of town, yes, but not tonight.” She was driving me back to my parents townhouse. Kim had left for college almost immediately after Christmas and my parents were still enjoying their cottage up north.
“Ok.” I rested my head against the cold window and tried to slow my breathing and relax into a puzzle. It wasn’t working. Although the aching exhaustion in every sinew, fiber, bone, muscle, and synapse, I was still wired from the close game. I kept replaying every play in my head, analyzing my performance, looking for little failures I could improve upon next time. I’d played well, but I knew there had to be an area where I could do better.
Cady put a bottle of ice water in my hand and pushed me towards the shower as soon as we set foot in the door. The warm house made for a nice contrast with the freezing Minnesota weather, and I was still smoking underneath my coat. I stripped naked in the living room and Cady wolf-whistled at me, bit her lip in an alluring way.
“Sure you don’t want to join me?” I motioned towards the bathroom after coming up from putting my uniform in the downstairs laundry.
“Yes! You stink!” The redhead wrinkled her nose cutely at me.
“A kiss instead?”
“From over here.” She blew me a kiss.
Headlight beams swept across the kitchen and living room as someone pulled into the parking lot behind the row of townhouses, and I walked to the back door, pulled aside the curtain just in time to see a small woman in a puffy jacket, dart to the door of one of the neighboring houses, long black hair whipping in the cold winter wind. I’d have to have a talk with the guy next door about approved parking.
The headache hit in the shower, sinuses probably, my head throbbing from the transition of dry frigid outdoor air to the hot humid bathroom, and I leaned against the tile wall, letting it bear the weight of my exhausted body rather than my legs. Dammit, I was sore. My thighs felt like I’d run a marathon, and my chest was tight and painful, a spike of fire through my side.
I witnessed and sat down, lifted my head to catch some falling water in my open mouth. It felt good to rest.
Cady pushed past me with her overnight bag as I exited the bathroom, and I fired up my laptop, after pouring myself some Gatorade and flopping heavily down on the sofa. I looked at my coding homework, decided it could wait until tomorrow. Seemed easy enough, one Linux class, one See Plus Plus class. No big deal. I closed out of the school portal, sucked down some more electric blue hydration, and started checking the tech forums to see what the news was about Google’s new operating system and phone. The programmer in me was excited for every rumor, every bit of electronic gossip. This was the next frontier of technology.
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