Mark led the way as they drove to another bar. This one was quiet, dark, and not at all well populated. Mark ordered two beers and they sat at a back table.
“Ok. Let’s think this through. You need to be two people at once, right?”
“Yeah. I guess.”
“How are you going to do that when she is only expecting one person?”
“I don’t Know.”
“You have to create a situation where she is believing one thing is happening when something else is actually going on.”
Mark looked at Tony exasperated.
“It’s the same trick magicians use. Misdirection.”
“I don’t get it.”
Mark made an exasperated sound.
“Gezussss.. are you really that dense? How does the magician get the girl out of the box while everyone is watching?”
“I dunno. Never thought about it.”
“He gets the audience’s attention somewhere else. He flourishes a big draw, or he drops his cane, or something like that. While the audience is looking where he wants them to look, the girl comes out of the box and goes straight back behind the stage curve behind the box.”
“So. how does that help me?”
Mark surprised.
“You will never make a con man or a private detective. Listen. Take away the one sense that she can use to identify you and you can make her believe you are whoever you want to be.
Tony still looked a little was made.
“Am I going to have to do this whole thing for you, including fuck your wife? Listen. I’ll lay it out in plain language.”
Mark began to take Tony step by step through what he was thinking. It took a few minutes, but eventually Tony saw the whole picture.
“You think it’s that simple?”
“No. It’s not that simple. A hundred things could go wrong and blow this whole situation sky high. I am not guaranteeing anything. I’m just saying this may be the best shot you have to pull this ruse off and leave her wanting nothing more than to have you give her what she needs.”
“Ok. I thynk I see how this would work.”
“There are a few things you will need. I’ll send them around to your office by courier.”
“Ok. Thanks Mark.”
Mark shook his head.
“You really are this naïve? Man. You need to get out more.”
Sasha was already sitting at the kitchen island counter with coffee and the laptop. She had retrieved it as soon as the kids were on the bus. Tony had come home a little early last night, and it was a pleasant evening. She had watched him playing with the kids and her heart was heavy. She wanted so much for him to be everything she needed. He was a great husband and the best father she could hope for. He provided well for them, and she lacked for nothing. Nothing except that part of her that kept pulling her back to the internet and the excitement that she felt there.
She saw SensualSadist come into the room. She already had a message keyed in and waiting. She pushed the send key immediately.
Newandwilling — Good morning, Sir
SensualSadist – Good morning. Little slut. How are you this morning?
Newandwilling — A little tired. I didn’t sleep much last night.
SensualSadist – I assume that had to do with our conversation?
Newandwilling — Yes Sir. It did. I thought about it all night.
SensualSadist – And what have you decided?
Newandwilling — I want to continue on. I want to experience it all.
SensualSadist – Even if it costs you your marriage and family.
Newandwilling — I am hoping we can be discreet and that doesn’t happen.
SensualSadist – That is a big gamble. Cheating almost always gets discovered. Are you willing to take that risk?
Newandwilling — I know. But right now, it’s one I am Willing to take.
SensualSadist – Very well. I have decided that I will accept your gift. There are some things you have to agree to.
Newandwilling — Yes Sir?
SensualSadist – I will plan for a three-day weekend. You have to agree to stay the entire three days. You must agree that you will give yourself over to me completely. You will do anything I ask, anything I tell you to do, anything I require you to do.
Newandwilling — I thought I would have a safe word?
SensualSadist – You will. And I will respect it completely. But if you use that safe word at any time, everything comes to an end. I will leave immediately, and I will have no more contact with you. Everything ends when the safe word is uttered.
Sasha gulped. That condition put a whole new spin on this possible situation.
Still. As she thought about it. She found it a little exciting and arousing to think that she would be under that kind of control.
Newandwilling — I understand, Sir. I accept that.
SensualSadist – I will make all the arrangements and send you the details at your email address on the video streaming site. By the way, you need to go check the account there. I think you may be surprised.
Newandwilling — Yes Sir.
SensualSadist — One other thing. Until you are with me, you won’t go online to any of the chat rooms, to the video streaming site, or watch any pornography of any kind. You will not have an orgasm and you will not make love to your husband. If you do, all bets are off.
Newandwilling — Sir! What if my husband wants to have sex?
SensualSadist — Put him off. If you are serious about cuckolding him, you might as well start now. Remember, this is your choice.
Newandwilling — Yes Sir.
SensualSadist – You will have the email by this afternoon. I want to know how much you made with that little show you put on. Message me with the total.
Newandwilling — Yes Sir.
Sasha saw his screen name disappear. She sat for a minute in a slight state of shock. The realization of what she had done was beginning to set in. His requirement for her not to have sex with Tony was unexpected and could prove to be a problem. She was disappointed that he had told her to stay away from all the other online sites, which was frustrating, but she thought she could do it. What she did discover was that his sudden taking control of her activities and sex life was thrilling and somehow satisfying. If this was what being owned felt like, she thought she was going to enjoy it.
Tony leaned back in his chair and looked at the laptop. He was wearing a smug grin. He had planned out what he was going to say to her carefully, except for that part about not having sex or an orgasm. That had popped into his head at the last minute. It was, he thought, a little payback. He was looking forward to making her life a little uncomfortable at home. He already had resolved to pay more attention to her, getting home earlier and romancing her a little more than he had been. The change to up the level of attention he was showing her knowing that she was going to have to somehow avoid his attention was an attractive ploy, he thought. He did hope it didn’t backfire, but he was determined to get a little of his own pleasure out of this situation.
Now he needed to start making plans. He looked at the calendar. He didn’t want to string this out too long. He settled on a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday a little over two weeks away. He had also decided on going back to the city where they had first met at the university. He leaned back to the laptop and began searching for hotel reservations and flights.
Two hours later he had everything in place. He had booked a conference suite at the newest luxury center in the city. The conference suite was on one of the very upper floors of the 30-story tower. It had three rooms, a sleeping room with a bathroom, a center room with a small kitchenette, tables, chairs, and a TV area, and a connecting room that the hotel could set up anyway he wanted. They could provide a conference table, theater-style seating, or simply leave it empty for a more informal gathering. He requested that they puta media center in with a big screen TV.
Next, he had booked a flight from where they lived to the city for the Thursday before the planned rendezvous. That would give him time to get things set up and ready. He needed a day to do some shopping.
He then prepared an email with instructions for her about when she should arrive, where to go, how to get there, and what she should bring. He clicked over to his SensualSadist email account to send the information to her and found an email waiting. He opened it quickly.
“Sir. I checked the video streaming account. Oh My God. There was over $800 in the account. I never realized that there were that many people watching.”
He smiled. At least she wouldn’t have to use family budget money to make this trip. He posted the email and sent it. Closing the email, he began to plan the rest of the steps he intended to take. It was nearly noon when a courier arrived with a box. The secretary brought it in and when she had left, he opened it. He found a note from Mark.
This handy little device may help you along. If you blindfold her, you can hide your visual identity, but your voice will give you away just as easily. This little gadget will transform your voice into something completely different. Just hold it close to your mouth and speak very softly. You will be surprised at what happens.
Tony took the small black box from the wrappings. It had a small red button on one side, a small microphone hole on the back and a larger speaker hole on the front. He held the device close to his lips, pressed the button and then spoke as a whisper as quiet as he could manage. His eyes went wide when he heard a booming voice come from the speaker in a guttural commanding tone that sounded nothing like his own voice. He grinned.
Tony found the next two weeks quite enjoyable. He watched Sasha grow increasingly nervous and jumpy as each day went by. He could tell that her level of sexual need was growing. On his part, he made it a point to be home each day just after the kids got home from school. He quit bringing work home, and he was being much more attractive to Sasha. He made it a point to stop on the way home several times to buy her flowers. He trapped her against the kitchen counter one evening, slide his hands around her and began to play with her tits. She gasped and tried to turn away, but he held her tightly and continued to cares her breasts through the shirt and bra she wore. She started to groan and then slapped his hands with a spatula.
“Anthony. Stop. What if the kids come in?”
“I’ll send them outside to play.”
She twisted away and again.
“No. I have to finish dinner. Go play with the kids. Keep them occurred until I get done.”
He had backed away. She didn’t see the self-satisfied smile on his face. He knew that she was aching for sex and an orgasm but was diligently doing her best to follow the orders of SensualSadist.
The day after he had sent her the email with the instructions and dates, he had come in from work and told her that he was going to a construction conference in Chicago, the weekend that SensualSadist had chosen. She asked some questions, and he had ready answers. She, of course, wanted to know when he would be gone. He told her he was leaving on Thursday on an early flight and wouldn’t be home until late Sunday evening. She nodded and made some notes on a pad.
“If you want to go, I can make the arrangements. I’m afraid I won’t have much free time. I will be busy going to seminars most of the day and then meeting with prospective clients and other construction people in the evenings. Pretty boring stuff for you I’m afraid.”
She had not missed a beat.
“No. That’s great. I was going to tell you that my old sorority sisters are having a reunion back at the university that weekend anyway. I wasn’t sure I would go, but if you are going to be away, I will get my parents to watch thekids and have a little trip myself.”
Tony tried not to smile too much.
“That sounds great. You and those gals will have a great time reliving the old days. Just don’t get carried away and try to recreate some of that nonsense we used to do. I don’t want you revisiting some of our old haunts and meeting some guy who sweeps you off your feet.”
She looked at him with eyes that he had a hard time deciphering. He wasn’t sure if it was shock, dismay, or fear. She finally shook her head.
“You don’t have to worry about that.”
He nodded and turned away to hide the look of anguish that crossed his face.
Tony packed the night before he was due to leave. In the morning, he woke Sasha just enough to give her a kiss and tell her he would call regularly and that he would see her Sunday night. She mumbled something as he left the room. He checked on the kids and found them sound sleep. He went out the backdoor and locked it securely. In minutes he hadthe BMW headed towards the small regional airport that served their area.
He arrived at his destination a few hours later. He rented a car at the rental agency at the airport. Sitting in the parking lot, he pulled up his GPS and picked the first of his destinations from the list he had worked on the week before. He started the car and headed out.
It was almost three o’clock by the time he checked into the hotel. The desk clerk was effective in her greetings. The room and floor he had booked was considered a VIP reservation which got him some extra perks. As she was finishing the paperwork, he casually mentioned a special request.
“I know this room is booked in my company name, but my wife will be coming in tomorrow. Would it be possible for her to pick up a key card at that time?”
“Of course. I just need her name and some identifying information.”
Tony gave the clerk the needed information. As she was writing it down, she looked up and smiled.
“What does your company do?
Tony smiled back.
“Fantasy Creations is an entertainment company. We do short films in some very narrow niche markets.”
He saw her interest go up.
“Oh. Do you ever use local talent?”
Tony stifled a chuckle.
“If you have an agent, have them get in touch with us. We might be able to use you.”
He saw the dejection on her face. She obviously didn’t have an agent or a clue how to find one.
“Oh. Ok.”
He took his keycard and got on the elevator. On the 30 floor he got out, found his suite of three rooms. He put his suitcase on the stand and tossed the large plastic bags with his morning purchases onto the bed. He checked the minibar and opened a beer. As he drank, he wandered the suite and began to visualize what he wanted to do. He went back to the bedroom and began sorting his purchases.
The next morning, Sasha was up a little early. She had made a list of the things that SensualSadist had instructedher to pack, as well as a few extra clothes just in case. She packed her hair care products and her makeup. Closing the suitcase, she headed downstairs to get breakfast ready and say goodbye to the kids as they boarded the bus. The kids already knew that grandma and grandpa were going to pick them up and they were spending the weekend there. They were excited and ready for the adventure. As soon as the kids were gone, Sasha tidied the house, grabbed her suitcase, and tossed it in the SUV. She headed towards the airport. Her excitement level was growing, almost as much as her appreciation.
She arrived several hours later and caught a taxi. She gave the driver the name of the hotel and he sped away. She sat in the back seat, holding her bag beside her, nervous. The closer they got to the hotel, the more her appreciation rose. She paid the hotel driver with her new debit card and turned. She paused. She looked at the hotel entrance and she heard a voice in her head.
“You can still turn around. You haven’t done anything yet.”
She stood for several minutes. The doorman came over to her and spoke quietly.
“Ma’am. Is anything wrong?”
She shook her head as if to clear the mind and smiled at him.
“No. Nothing. I’m fine.”
She pulled her bag along into the hotel and approached the front desk. She remembered what she was supposed to says.
“Hello. I’m Mrs. Appleton. My husband is staying here, and I am supposed to meet him. He said he would leave a key for me.”
The man behind the desk looked at the computer and then smiled.
“Yes Ma’am.”
He validated a key card and handed it to her. He also handed her an envelope.
“Room 3008. Your husband left this for you. The elevators are to your left. The restaurant is across the lobby with the bar.”
She took the key card and the envelope and headed to the elevator. She found she had to put her key card into a slot on the elevator panel to get access to the 30th floor. Once the elevator was headed up, she opened the envelope and took out the notecard. It was printed in a very precise block print.
Little Slut — When you arrive go to the room. You will find a box sitting on the chair in the room. Open the box and follow the directions that are there to the letter.
Sasha read the note carefully. On the 30th Floor she found the room, opened the door with the keycard. She entered a darkened room. The door closed behind her. The room was empty except for a wooden chair placed in the middle of the room facing that large screen TV on the wall. There was a box sitting on the chair. She set her suitcase to one side and laid the notecard on top of it.
She opened the box on the chair and found a single piece of paper lying on top of several items in the box. She picked up the paper and began to read in the dim light.
“If you are this far, then you have obviously made up your mind to continue. Excellent.
First, take your suitcaseand anything else you have with you into the next room. In the cabinet next to the kitchenette, you will find a small safe. Put your personal items in the safe including your handbag, your ID, everything in the safe and shut the door.
Put your luck in the closet. Take off all your clothes and put it in the drawer in the cabinet. Then return to this room.
In the box you will find several items. Put on the clothes items. There is a butt plug and a dildo. Insert them. There is a ring gag. Put it on and fasten it tightly around your neck. There is a blindfold. Put it on and make sure that you cannot see anything. Sit down in the chair. There are three sets of handscuffs. Use two of them to secure each ankle to a leg of the chair. Put your hands behind the back of the chair and put the last pair of handscuffs on your wrists securely.
Wait. I will come to the room.
Sasha read the letter carefully, twice. She went into the other room and looked at the safe. There was enough room for everything she had except for the suitcase. She got her handbag with all of her ID, cash, credit cards, phone and other personal things and put it in the safe. She shut the door. She tried the door of the safe but now it was locked, and she had no idea what the combination was. A sudden shot of fear ran through her.
Sash stood and took a deep breath. She was well and truly committed now. Her suitcase went in the closet. Hesitantly, she began to disrobe, placing her skirt, blouse, stockings, lingerie and shoes in the small drawer in the cabinet next to the closet. Standing naked in the dim room, she walked back to the other room and stood in front of the chair.
She began taking out the items in the box. As described in the letter, she found a butt plug, a dildo, a ring gag, a pair of cloverleaf nipple clamps and a blindfold. She also found three identical pairs of police issue handcuffs, but no keys. At the bottom of the box there was a pair of stockings,a garter belt and a pair of 6-inch black patent shoes, all in her exact size. She wondered briefly how he had known her sizes. She saw another piece of paper at the bottom of the box turned face down. She picked it up and turned it over to read it.
“If you are this far, there is no reason to turn back now. You are committed. You have no money, no ID. Even if you leave the hotel, you cannot get on an airplane or buy a meal. Your phone should be securely locked away so you cannot call anyone. The phones in the hotel room have been removed.
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