To Catch a Sub – 004

To Catch A Sub – 004

Sasha could not resist any longer despite her own misgivings about not getting her chores done. She hurriedly retrieved the laptop from the cupboard, plugged it in, and waited for it to connect to the net. She poured one last cup of coffee and sat down on the stool and began what had become a regular routine. Her first stop on her internet journey was The Pillory website. She scanned Through the categories like she had done so many times now and didn’t see anything that interested her. She looked at some of the other offerings on the website.

Sipping coffee, she looked at the listings in the gallery section but looking at still photographs really held no appeal for her. She flipped through pages in the store section, but she was afraid to purchase anything online. It would be too easy for someone to discover if she had things delivered to the house. She saw the forums. She had been there before and read some of the postings. They were interesting butNot what she wanted at the moment.

She looked at the menu link to the chatroom section. Taking a deep breath, she clicked the button and waited for the page to load. She discovered that she had to create a second login for the chatrooms. She again typed in “Newandwilling”, set up a password and clicked go. She had to wait a few seconds for the validation email to arrive. Once the email was validated, she had access to the main menus and screens for the chatrooms.

She read quickly through the rules and then clicked on the menu box to expand the listing of the different chat rooms available. She saw the list appears with a number that indicated how many people were currently chatting in that room. She was amazed at how many people were online and active at this time of day.

The list of rooms was amazing. She saw chat rooms dedicated to almost every conceivable variation, kink, and special interest. She looked at the top of the list where the most active rooms were listedd. The first one was called “Welcome Newbies”. She decided that was as good a place as any to start.

She clicked on the room name and the screen quickly changed to the chatroom. On one side of the screen, she saw a list of all the people in the room. The main part of the screen was the actual chat. It was already scrolling so fast that she couldn’t see the lines that had appeared immediately after she came into the room. There was some other information on the bottom of the screen that she really didn’t understand. She sat and tried to read what was going on, but the scroll was almost too fast for her to comprehend.

Suddenly a box opened in the middle of the screen. It surprised her. She looked at the box and saw that it was marked as a private message.

FatherDom – Hello. Welcome to the chat. I don’t think I have ever seen you here before.

Sasha looked at the box and moved her cursor to the bottom box of the screen and began to type.

Newandwilling — Hello. Yes, this is my first time. I’m not sure exactly how this all works.

Almost immediately she saw his reply pop into the box.

FatherDom — No problem. It takes some time to get into the rhythm of this thing. I’ll be glad to help if I can.

Sasha smiled. She typed a reply and the conversation started in earnest.

Newandwilling — Thanks. I don’t even know what I am supposed to do. This whole thing is a little foreign to me and the room moves so fast.

FatherDom — That’s why it’s better to carry on conversations in private messages like this. Plus, it keeps the chat private. Everyone can see what you’re saying in the open chat room.

Newandwilling — That clears a lot of things up.

For the next hour Sasha passed messages with FatherDom. He was helpful, polite, and answered her questions. He explained some of the nuances and unwritten rules of the chatroom scene. At one point he had asked her what sort of gyms she found appealing. She had respondedshe really didn’t know yet because she hadn’t really experienced anything in real life. She was a little relieved to see him reply that this was a great place to learn. He did tell her to be careful and that there were a lot of the dominants that would try to take advantage of her by asking for pictures, personal information, or even trying to get her to meet in person. His whole demeanor online seemed just like his username, “FatherDom.”

She finally begged off saying she had things to do and needed to get busy. He expressed his pleasure at meeting her and hoped they would have the chance to chat again. She pressed the close button and left the chatroom area and was again looking at the main Pillory website. To her surprise, she found she didn’t really have a desire to look at videos. As she closed the browser and shut down the laptop, she discovered that she had a warm glow about her and a low level of arousal that put her in a much better mood. She put the laptop back in the cupboard and, with a smile on her face, got busy with chores she had been neglecting for several days.


It was almost 4pm when Anthony’s phone rang. He saw Mark’s name come up on the screen and immediately answered.

“Mark. What’s up.”

“I checked your survey log just a few minutes ago. There has been a change.”

“What kind of change?”

“Replace of streaming a porn video in the morning, your wife visited the chatrooms on the website.”


“She carried on a rather lengthy conversation with somebody called “FatherDom.”

Anthony’s brow furrowed a bit.

“What did they talk about?”

“Mostly it was above board and innocent sounding. Sasha was asking questions about the way the chatroom stuff worked. When this FatherDom asked questions, they were a bit more pointed as if he was trying to get information about what kind of kinks she enjoyed, how experienced she was, if she was single, married, etc. It was all phrased and worded to sound innocent and friendly. I have my suspicions.”


“First, he contacted her just minutes after she logged into the chat rooms. That tells me he was sitting and watching for what are termed’ newbies.’ Second, he is too smooth for words. It almost sounded like he was working from a script and had a check sheet that he was using to gather information. Third, he is using one of the best VPN systems available and it is expensive. Your average pervert doesn’t go to that kind of expense.”

“You think she is in danger?”

“Only if she gives up her personal information. You are behind the same sort of VPN system so I doubt that he could figure out where she is, much less a specific location. But this seems to be a step up in her activities. To this point, she hasn’t done anything but stream porn to her laptop. This is a big change. She is now actively talking to other people.”

“What do you suggest?”

“We watch closely to see how this developments.”


“I also have a friend who is a forensics psychologist. He knows a lot more about these kinds of behaviors than I do. He might make more out of what is going on than I can.”

“Will he takes a look at it?”

“Sure. But you are going to have to talk to him as well.”

“I can do that. Can you set it up?”

“Sure. Bring your checkbook.”


Two days later, Anthony showed up at a non-descript small office building across town. Inside he found the office to which Mark had given him directions and knocked on the door. He heard a voice.


Anthony opened the door to see a man in his late sixties sitting behind a rather well-worn desk. Mark was sitting in a chair to one side. Both men stood.

“Anthony, I presume.”


The two men shook hands over the desk.

“I am Peter Standwell. I am a criminal forensic psychologist. I am retired from the FBI. I now do consulting and private work for people like Mark. I understand you have some questions about your wife’s behavior. I need to ask you some questions to get an understanding of the background we are working with here.”

Anthony shut the door and Peter motioned to a chair.

“Ask away.”

For the next two hours, Peter kept up a steady string of questions, making copious notes on a pad. At times, Mark offered some additional explanation. Anthony was a little overwhelmed with the depth of the questions. Peter wanted to know a myriad of details about Sasha’s childhood and upbringing. He asked questions about her relationships with her mother, dad, and siblings. The questions continued with a lot of detailed questions about Sasha and Anthony’s relationship, how it blossomed, and what they did together. Peter seemed to home in on those times when they had ventured into the BDSM lifestyle before they got married and just after. He then began asking questions about their personal lives and their family life. When Peter got to asking questions about the last few months, he began to ask Mark questions about the email, internet and personal communications. When he was done, he looked at Mark.

“Is there anything else you think I need to know?”

“I think you have it. You have everything I have in my notes and the survey logs.”

Peter nodded.

“Anthony, is there anything else you would like to add?”

Anthony thought for a minute.

“I have noticed the changes. Sasha hasn’t seemed like herself for several months now. I just want the old Sasha back.”

Peter took a deep breath.

“Anthony, it will take me a few days to work through all this and get my report together. But at this point I feel safe telling you this. Something significant has changed with your wife. I don’t know yet what it is or how significant it is. I am afraid that the Sasha you knew before this started is gone. I doubt that you can go back to the way things were before.”

Anthony’s face fell and the others in the room could see the change in Anthony’s posture and bearing.

“I see. I guess I already knew that but just wasn’t able to process it and accept it. Hearing it from someone who is an expert makes it clear that I can let go of that expectation. What can I expect moving forward.”

“I can tell you more about that after I work though what I now know. If I need any more information, I will call you.”


Peter stood and looked at both the men.

“I think that’s it for this meeting. I will be in touch in a couple of days, and we will set up a meeting where I can present my conclusions, and recommendations.

Anthony and Mark stood, everyone shook hands and they left. Outside the office Mark turned to Anthony.

“How are you doing?”

“A little shell shocked.”

“Peter can have that effect. He is pretty intense.”

Anthony took a deep breath. Mark saw the despair on Anthony’s face.

“Let’s go get some lunch.”

Anthony nodded and the two headed out to find a restaurant.


Sasha sat at the kitchen island counter. The laptop was open on the counter, and she was reading intently. She was in a private room with FatherDom. He had opened the room and invited her in. He instructed her how to join the room. He explained that it would be much easier to chat in the room than by private message.

They had been chatting almost Every day since she first entered the chat site. She looked at the screen and read his latest message.

FatherDom — How are you today?”

Newandwilling — I’m great. How are you?”

FatherDom — Doing well thanks. Would it be too much to ask what you are wearing today. It gives me a way to make this a little more than just an impersonal chat.

The questions sort of took Sasha by surprise. He hesitated before she answered.

Newandwilling — I suppose. I’m not very glamorous. I am wearing a pair of jeans and a red T-shirt. That’s about it.

FatherDom — Thanks. That does make this a little more personal.

Newandwilling — Can I ask you the same question?”

FatherDom — Fair enough. I am wearing a pair of khaki pants and a black button-down shirt.

Newandwilling — Thanks

The conversation continued in a rather innocent manner. At some point, FatherDom changed the tone of the conversation just a bit when he began asking questions of Newandwilling.

FatherDom — Do you consider yourself a submissive?”

Newandwilling — I haven’t really thought about it. I guess I probably would.”

FatherDom – What makes you think so?

Newandwilling — I have spent a lot of time looking at BDSM websites and on Pillory looking at videos. I get really turned on watching those videos. I often fantasize about myself in those situations.

FatherDom — What kind of things get you really turned on?

Newandwilling — Almost anything where I am the subject of the scene. I haven’t found anything yet that didn’t affect me to some degree.

FatherDom — So, if I told you I wanted to tie you down and whip your ass with a leather belt, would you find that something you would find arousing?

Newandwilling — Probably. But I am not interested in doing anything with anyone else.

FatherDom — Oh. I understand. I wasn’t trying to lure you into anything. I was just curious. Are you married?

Newandwilling — Yes.

FatherDom — Your hubby doesn’t have the same interests you have?

Newandwilling — I don’t really know. We haven’t talked about it in ages.”

Just then Sasha’s phone rang. She exhausted herself on the chat and answered the phone. It was the school calling. Her oldest, the boy, was throwing up and the school nurse thought it best if Sasha came and got him. She agreed. She closed the laptop and put it back into the cupboard. Went up to change into more presentable clothes and then headed to the school.


Anthony pulled up in front of the office suite complex and headed in. Mark had called late the previous afternoon to tell him Peter was ready to talk to them again. Now he was here to find out what the expert had to say. He made his way to the office, knocked on the door and heard the voice inside. He opened the door and found the office just as it had been on his last visit.

“Come on in, Anthony. Have a seat. Before we begin, is there anything new I should Know?”

Mark looked at Anthony. Anthony shrugged.

“Things seem to be a little better. Sasha seems to be back on task about the house and herself. She seems much more like herself. The kids have been sick with some kind of bug. Both of them have been home for a couple of days.”

Mark nodded.

“That would tallly with the survey results. There has been virtually no use of her laptop for the last two days. She was on it the day we met last and suddenly closed it much earlier than she usually does. There have still been no unusual phone calls, trips, or activity.”

Peter nodded his head.

“That would fit in almost perfectly with my analysis of this situation.”

Anthony listened expectedly as Peter continued.

“Your wife is exhibiting classic signs of what I call porn addiction. I have seen it in a lot of individuals since the late 70s when the internet suddenly exploded and became so pervasive. There has been a lot of research into this phenomenon in the last 10 or 12 years.”

Peter looked at his notes before continuing.

“It usually starts quite innocently. It starts with simply browsing the internet and the discovery of porn sites. Interest in these sites seem to grow gradually, but snowballs at an almost insatiable rate. We see this more in men that we do in women, but it is not that rare in women either. In men the vast Majority of those with the problem gravitate to what I call normal porn. Graphic images of women. Some men focus on lingerie style pornography, some on body shape, and some on nationalities. However, there is a small percentage of both men and women who gravitate to the more extreme types of pornography. This can include bondage, discipline, sadomasochistic activities, and fetish activity of a wide variety. What we do see is that those who have a proclivity to these more radical types of pornography seem to react quicker and more strongly.

It becomes an actual addition. They are driven psychologically to feed the addition on a regular basis. We also see that the levels of escalation are more dramatic in those added to the extreme sorts of pornography. Looking at what you have described over the last 12 to 14 months fits perfectly with this model. The fact that your wife has not initiated anything but the briefest real time contacts with anyone else about this is a positive in my opinion. However, I must interject that if this goes unchecked and she follows the pattern, she will escalate her activities to alarming levels.”

Peter saw the questioning look on Anthony’s face.

“You have a question.”

“Could you explain what you mean to escalate?”

Peter set down his papers and lacened his fingers together on the desk.

“If she follows the pattern, she will begin to widen her activities to include contacts with individuals with the same sort of interests. She will eventually move from the fantasy life she is living, to a real life experience.”

“Are you saying she hasn’t cheated yet, but she eventually will?”

Peter took a deep breath.

“It depends on how you consider cheating. Some experts argue that when she becomes addicted to the porn, she is already cheating. Some set the line when she starts to talk to other people either on the phone or through emails or chats. In the current legal view, cheating doesn’t happen until she consumes a sexual physical act with another person. You have to decide for yourself where you want to draw this line.”

Anthony nodded.

“Ok. Go on.”

Peter referred back to his notes before he began speaking again.

“In my opinion, Sasha has stepped over into the next level. She has begun using the computer in the chatroom to talk to at least one other person. It is a subtle difference, but we often see a quick increase in the addition after this point.”

Mark broke in and spoke to Anthony.

“That’s why I was so confused. She has exhibited the classic signs of someone who is cheating but without some of the most critical parts. No phone calls. No trips or visits. Nothing like that.”

Anthony nodded.

“But why didn’t she just talk to me about it?”

Peter was the one with that answer.

“She is probably ashamed of what she is feeling. She loves you, obviously, and feels like that she is already cheating on you in some fashion, that what she is doing is degrading or immoral and she must hide it from you to spare your feelings. Guilt can be a strong motivator.”

Anthony got a puzzled look on his face.

“We sort of experimented with this stuff when we were in college and just after we married. I thought she knew I was interested in it. Then the kids started coming, business took off, and life got in the way. What should I do? Should I confront her and get it all out in the open?”

Peter thought for a moment.

“I’m not sure that is a good idea. The data shows that individuals in this process are in fact, very psychologically fragile. They are walking a fine line trying to keep their normal life intact while feeding their addition without being compromised. If you suddenly upset that balance, she could go either way. Unfortunately, data show that many tend to fall on the wrong side of the fence. When they are suddenly outed and don’t have the mental crutch of trying to have their normalcy, they abandon it all together and go the other way.”

“So, what do I do? You are telling me that if I don’t do something, she will eventually take this to some point where sheis actually cheating with someone else. If I try to do something, it could make matters worse. Is there not some solution that helps our family?”

Peter shuffled his notes and then looked at Anthony.

“There has been some research into this with some positive results. In those cases where these situations were stopped before it turned into a full-blown case of cheating required that a substitution be made.”


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