To Catch a Sub – 002

To Catch a Sub – 002

Anthony was up early and on his way before 5:30. He headed to the office and unlocked. After he started a pot of coffee, he sat down at his desk. He liked this early morning with no one around. He got a lot done and found it very productive. He was soon done with the mail that had come in the previous day, emails that had accumulated and checking a contract that had been delivered late that afternoon. The project was for a major renovation in the same area of ​​town as Franky’s. He frowned just a bit because it would mean that the crew, he had meant to start work on his house would be needed to get the new contract underway. He shrugged. There was no real worry on the house.

With the usual stuff out of the way, he checked to see if there was anything else that needed his attention. The phone interrupted. It was one of his old customers wanting a bid on another job. Anthony agreed to meet him at the site and asked that the man bring the plans. It was almost 11AM. He decided to grab an early lunch and run some errands before his meeting at 2pm. He let the secretary know his schedule and was in his truck and out of the yard.

Lunch was a quick bite at the local greasy spoon dinner. He opted for a hamburger and fries again. He ate quickly and then headed out. He stopped at one of his suppliers to talk about a problem with a recent delivery and they got that sorted quickly. Another stop to visit with an old friend and one of his sub-contractors. He could have done that on the phone, but he enjoyed talking to his suppliers and subcontractors, so they maintained that close relationship. He still had almost 90 minutes before he needed to meet his customer. He decided he would just go to the job site, look around a little and wait for the meeting.

As he was driving to the site, he realized that he would have to pass by Franky’s. He was surprised to see cars in the parking lot. He pulled in and headed to the front door. He was curious if they were serving lunch. Just inside the door the older woman met him with a smile.

“Do y’all serve lunch?”

“Oh no. We don’t open until 5.”

“AH. I saw the cars and thought you might be serving lunch.”

“I’m sorry. No.”

Anthony nodded as the one of the inner double doors opened and a young woman came out. She was smiling and had a handful of papers in her hand. She said goodbye to the older woman. Anthony smiled.

“I see. Job interviews.”

The older woman looked at him.

“Sort of. You were in here Saturday night, weren’t you?”

“Yes. My wife and I had dinner and drinks. We danced. It was a good time.”

She nodded.

“You didn’t stay for the entertainment?”

“No. The price was a little step for us.”

The woman nodded. She stepped to the standup desk near the door and brought back a card. The card was the size of a half sheet of paper and printed on both sides.

“Here is some information about the late entertainment. Your wife is exceptionally good looking. This is something you might want to think about.”

Anthony looked at the card perfunctorily and then smiled.

“I really don’t think this sort of thing is for us, but I appreciate that you think enough of my wife to make the offer. Thanks again.”

The woman smiled, almost knowingly.

“You’re welcome. I do hope you Come back at least to dance and eat.”

Anthony stopped halfway out the door.

“I am sure we will.”

In his truck he tossed the card on the dashboard and headed to his meeting. His customer was already there, and they spent the rest of the afternoon walking through the derelict building and talking about what he had in mind. As they finished up, Anthony rolled up the plans.

“Can I keep these for a few days?”

“Those are yours. I knew you would need a set to do your estimate. When do you think you can have it.”

“I’ll get it to you before the end of the week.”

“Great. Have agood evening.”

They parted ways. Anthony tossed the plans on the dashboard and looked at the clock on the truck. He had just enough time to stop by one of his project sites and check up on things before he needed to head home.


Sasha had spent the day doing the chores she usually did on Saturday and Sunday. She ran several loads of clothes, cleaned up the kitchen and started dinner for that night. She had a roast in the over and vegetables ready to cook. It was still only lunch, and she was almost caught up.

She took a break and had a light lunch of a salad and a soda. After she cleaned up, she looked around and decided to clean a little upstairs. She decided to start in the study. She vacuumed and then began to dust. She worked around the room wiping the flat surfaces and some of the pictures and knick-knacks in the room. She usually didn’t disturb Anthony’s desk, but she saw the empty beer bottle and shook her head. He knew better than to leave a bottleSitting on the wooden desk without a coaster. She picked up the bottle and tossed it in the trash and decided to give the desk a wipe for good measure. She wiped one side and then picked up the laptop to dust under it. When she picked it up, she inadvertently hit a key and the screen came on. She didn’t pay much attention until she sat it back down. The list of websites that Anthony had found the night before came up and she glanced at it. She looked closer and then sat down at the desk and began to read.

Much like Anthony had done the night before, she worked her way systematically down the list, visiting the website and sometimes looking even further. She paused longer than usual when she found a website called Dante’s Inferno. It had a blog site, chat rooms and forums, advice and help sections, galleries of photographs, videos, and even a store where they sold all kinds of BDSM related paraphernalia.

She found another site called Fetish Reading. It was nothing but stories written by the website users and members. She glanced at some of the synopsis blurbs and her eyesbrows went up. The stories ranged from tales of submission and cuckoldry to the most extreme and bizarre content she had ever read. She clicked on one story and by the end of the first page, the victim in the story was bound in a dungeon and being graphically rapid and tortured. She hastily hit the back button. It wasn’t because she was mortified by the content. It was because as she read, she felt herself getting aroused. That scared her more than anything.

Her next stop was one of the fetish clothing websites. She was amazed at what could be had. She giggled to herself when she saw the latex panties with a large dildo in the crotch pointing inward and another outside pointing out. She found all sorts of whips, gags, restraints, and other toys that she was exactly sure that she knew their purpose.

She kept looking until she realized she had been at the desk almost 2 hours. Shequickly put the browser back to the place she had found it, shut the laptop and gathered her cleaning equipment. Once that was all squared away, she went downstairs to put a snack together for the kids and to start getting dinner ready. She stopped as she started downstairs and then went back upstairs. She pulled off her jeans and then stepped out of her panties. She was somewhat horrified to find that her panties were soaked Through. She tossed them in the hamper, wiped herself with a washcloth and tossed that in the hamper. She pulled on fresh panties and then her jeans.

As she prepared snacks and then started on the meal preparation, her thoughts kept drifting back to what she had seen and read on the internet. What was foremost in her thoughts was how it had affected her. She wondered if she was some kind of pervert.


Anthony Pulled into the driveway and parked in his usual spot under the deck in front of the garage door. His big truck didn’t fit comfortablein the garage. He still berated himself for not taking that into consideration when he built the house. He walked up the steps to the deck and in the backdoor. Sasha was at the stove and turned to grin at him.

“How was your day?”

“Interesting. We picked up a new contract on a renovation about two blocks from that restaurant we went to.”

“What kind of renovation?”

“It’s an old retail department store space. Close to 40,000 square feet. They guy is putting in a wholesale supply house. It should be a relatively easy job. Unfortunately, the guys I had chosen to start here will have to go to that job.”

Sasha shrugged.

“It’s not like we are needing the space right now.”

“I know, but I hate to have the materials just sitting around.”

“They will be ok out here. Have the guys come put some tarps over it.”

“I will, later in the week. What’s for dinner.”

“Roast beef, potatoes, green beans and a fresh chocolate cake.”


Just then the kids came bursting into the room from upstairs. Anthony knelt and they left to smooth him in hugs. Sasha watched appropriately. Anthony picked them both up and carried them into the living room asking about school and what they had learned that day. Sasha finished getting dinner ready and put it on the table, calling the others to come sit down.

Dinner was lively and there were cheers when Sasha bought out the chocolate cake. When they had finished dessert, Anthony gathered the kids and headed upstairs to get them ready for bed. Sasha cleared the table and soon had the kitchen clean and back to normal. She wiped her hands on a dish towel and then saw the roll of plans on the counter where Anthony had put them when the kids came running in.

She picked up the papers and noticed the card lying under the plans. She picked it up as well and headed upstairs to put it on his desk. As she laid them down, she glanced at the card and saw the name Franky’s. She read the front of the card quickly. She heard Anthony tucking the kids into bed and quickly turned and left the study, turning off the light.

Anthony met her in the hall, and they walked downstairs, holding hands. They turned into the living room. Anthony plopped down in the recliner and Sasha sat down on the end of the couch closest to him. They were soon involved in watching some detective show on TV. When it was over, Anthony stood up, stretched and yawned.

“After our big weekend and work today, I’m beat. I’m going to bed.”

“I’ll be along shortly.”

He nodded and headed upstairs. Sasha kept browsing idly though the magazine she held. She gave Anthony a few minutes and then turned off the lights downstairs and moved quietly upstairs. She opened the bedroom door a crack and could hear Anthony snoring. She pulled the door shut and went to the study, closing the door before she turned on the small desk lamp. Her first intent was to find the card and read the rest. She found it where Anthony had tucked it into the desk drawer, and she read the other side. It really didn’t tell her much except that whatever was going on with the late entertainment was adult in nature.

She opened the laptop and touched the mouse, and the screen came back to life. It was then she noticed the tab on the browser that said Franky’s. She clicked on the tab and found the review by the blog writer that Anthony had Found earlier. She read the article one time and then went back to reread some of the parts, especially the description of the actual show. She continued to search but didn’t find anything else about Franky’s until she found a search listing almost 5 pages into the browser history. She clicked the link and found herself looking at a rather plain website titled Perverted Pleasures. The link took her to a page on the website where several people were having a forum discussion, apparently about Franky’s.

Whipster – Not a bad show but a little pricey for $100.

LadyJane — What did you see?

Whipster — They brought some chick out almost naked and whipped her ass with a paddle.

LadyJane — Is that all?

Whipster — The four men in the show then fucked her in the pussy, the ass and in the mouth.

LadyJane — That sounds pretty tae considering some of the shows I have seen in other places.

Whipster — Yeah. But they then opened it up to anyone in the crowd. About 20 guys lined up.

LadyJane — No shit? How the hell are they getting away with that?

Whipster — Private club, private members and they make a big deal about it all being consensual.

LadyJane — I’ve never heard of that before. And the woman really doing it willingly?”

Whipster — That’s what they say, and the woman Surely weren’t fighting too hard.

Sasha kept looking but didn’t find any more references to what was going on with the late entertainment. She put the laptop back where she found it and turned in the chairto stand up. She gasped when she saw that wet spot on the upholstery of the chair. Her jeans were wet through the crotch. She scrubbed the chair with a towel and then headed to the bedroom.

She stumbled to the bathroom in the dark and shut the door. She pulled off her jeans and dropped them in the hamper followed by her damp panties. The t-shirt she had been wearing went in as well before she slipped on her gown, turned out the light, and opened the door. Slipping quietly into bed she pulled the covers up to her neck. She lay on her back, looking up into the darkness. It was a long time before she was able to go to sleep.


During the week, Sashe returned several times to the laptop. She continued to search on terms like bondage, discipline, sadism, and masochism, among others. The information she was finding was almost overwhelming and oftentimes left her confused. She wasn’t sure what to make of the information or how it made her feel. Often, she would find herself aroused and excited. Other times she was horrified.

She was always careful to put the laptop back exactly as she had found it on the same page and in the same location. She didn’t say anything to Anthony about what she was learning or finding. That sort of bothered her as well. It felt like she was singing behind his back. Almost like she was cheating on him. The bad thing was that no matter how hard she tried, she kept coming back to look at more.

On Wednesday, she was sitting in the study looking at the laptop. She had searched on BDSM Clubs and some of the paid advertising listings came up. She saw a website called The Pillory. They were advertising streaming videos of a whole array of BDSM activities. She clicked the link and was soon looking at a list of free sample videos. She saw one woman that looked About her age, hanging from some sort of metal frame and screaming. She followed that link and in seconds, the computer screen showed the lead-ins to the video with all the legal disclaimers. The screen dissolved and came back into focus to show the woman with her arms tied to a pipe which ran across her shoulders. She was leaning forward, hanging from the pipe. A rope around her waist was tied to another upright pole behind her and a smaller post held a massive dildo that was impaled deeply in her vagina. The angle at which the woman was held made her large heavy tits hang down in front of her.

Sasha watched as a man approached her. The camera angles shifted so that there was a clear view of the woman and the man holding a short black whip. Suddenly, the man began to work the whip back and forth. Each stroke struck the woman’s breasts on the sides causing them to jump and jerk. The woman grunted at first and then began to scream as the man continued to cut across the sides of her tits with the whip.

The scene cut away and the woman was now tied down to a heavy wooden table. She was supported at the wait by a pipe that lifted her hips up while her shoulders were left on the ground. Her ankles were tied to rings on the side of the table. Sasha watched, expecting more whipping, when the man with the whip stepped up on the table and roughly rammed his cock into the woman’s pussy. A long shrinking wail came from the laptop as the man viciously pounded into her over and over again.

The sample video came to an end and provided a link to purchase a subscription to the website. Sasha sat somewhat stunned, breathing heavily and suddenly realized that her hand was rubbing on her own nipple through her blouse and bra. She quickly dropped her hand and looked around.

She returned the laptop to its usual state, shut the top and headed to the bedroom. She checked the clock and saw that it was just after lunch. She had not stopped to eat. She closed and locked the bedroom door. In the bathroom, she closed and locked that door as well. Without the lights on she sat on the closed toilet and pulled her jeans and pantiesdown to her ankles. Her panties were soaked. She began to rub on her clip. It didn’t take too long for her to have her head laid back on the wall, her eyes closed.

One hand was under her blouse with her bra pushed up. She was squeezed and twisting her nipple. Her other hand was between her legs. Two fingers were working in and out. Sasha groaned. The images she had in her mind were the woman having her tits whipped and then getting savagely fucked. In only a few minutes, she shuddered in a hard quick orgasm that left her panting and weak. She sat there for a few seconds trying to recover and then leaned forward and put her face in her hands and sobbed slowly.

What the hell is going on with me? What is wrong with me? Why am I having these kinds of thoughts? I love my husband. I feel like I am cheating on him.

She wiped her face and resolved to tell Anthony what she had been doing and what she was feeling this weekend. Blowing her nose, she put on fresh panties and headed downstairs to get ready for the kids to come home.


Anthony was out of the house early every morning for the next week. The new contract had him occupied doing the take-offs and preparing the estimates. In addition, there were four other jobs going on at the same time and he found himself snowed under. He didn’t really think about anything else except work, Sasha, and the kids. By the time he got home at night, spent some time with his children, had dinner and spent some time with Sasha, he was exhausted and ready for bed.

It wasn’t unusual when the business was jumping for him to have this kind of schedule. Sasha didn’t mind, she understands and did what she could to make his life as easy as possible. Finally, Saturday rolled around, and Anthony decided to take Saturday off and spend it at home with the family. There was a county fair going on and they loaded up that morning and headed to the fair. They rode the rides, played the games, ate junk food, and geNerally had a great time. There were free shows, roving clowns and other attractions and both the kids came home with huge stuffed bears thanks to Anthony’s prowess with a baseball and the injection of almost $100 into the carnival operators till.

It took a while longer than normal to get the kids settled, bathed and into bed. The cotton candy, chocolate covered peanuts, and the strawberry lemonade didn’t help, but at least They were both in bed and quiet. Sasha and Anthony both collapsed wearily.

“What a day!”

Anthony laughed.

“Yeah, but it’s one we will remember forever. They had such a great time. I’ll never forget their faces with that rollercoaster that went over the top. Priceless.”

Sasha laughed.

“Yeah. You should have seen your face when that big ride turned topsy turvy while it was going backwards. I thought your eyes were going to pop out of your head.”

They continued to talk about the day until they both agreed it was time for bed. Sasha thought about her resolution to talk to Anthony, and she was about to raise the subject when stood up and stretched.

“I am totally exhausted. I’m going to bed and get some sleep. Are you coming?”

She became off saying she has a few things to do in the kitchen to get ready for the next day. She headed to the kitchen and rattled around for a few minutes then turned off the light and started upstairs. She was headed to the bedroom but as she passed the study, she turned and went in quietly. She left the light off but sat down at the computer. In minutes she was at the website with the videos. She clicked the subscription link. Hesitantly she filled out the form. When the site asked for her username, she thought for a moment and typed in “Newandwilling.” She didn’t know why that came to mind. The site asked for a credit or Debit card to charge the $29.99 a month subscription fee. She hesitated again and then reached into the pocket of her jeans and pulled out her small billfold and retrieved the debit card she used for groceries and other household expenses. She typed in the numbers and almost immediately, her cell phone pinged. She opened it and saw the message from the website with the authentication code. She typed the code into the laptop and was rewarded with a welcome message.


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