To Be Used or to be Spoiled

My work trip is coming to an end. It was uneventful, yet the deals I was hoping to make, did come through. So that’s great. There were no flirtatious nor sexual encounters, I called my wife every day and we messaged regularly.

Kinda boring, right? Well, as it turns out, she had a surprise prepared for me.

“To be used or to be spoiled?” reads the single line of text she sends me on the Evening before I return home.

I send only a single question mark back to her via text, as I don’t understand what she means.

“Don’t be naive. When you come home I want you. What do you choose?”

Her text message makes me pause for a moment, I am surprised by the direct tone and, even more, by the content that slowly dawns on me. I don’t have to think long. Of course I want to be spoiled, but the need to be used is stronger. So I text back “Being used.”

When I come home after my trip, I am not met at the front door as usual with a sweet smile and a kiss. Instead I seea handwritten note. “Shower, don’t put on any clothes and go to the attic.” Amazed at how this homecoming turnes out in the first minute, I walk up the stairs. I don’t see her there either. The light in the bathroom has been turned on, a freshly washed towel is ready. Although I am surprised at the turn of events, I follow the instructions, shower quickly and then go to the attic, expecting to meet her There.

All I find is another note: “Put on the eye mask, knock on the door, keep your mouth shut and don’t make a sound.” Boy, what is this? I think to myself. I’m too curious and find it too excited not to follow the directions. So I do as it says.

In a case next to it is a black eye mask. I know the thing, this really doesn’t let any light through; in fact it is a blindfold. After I knock, I hear the attic door open. The first thing I notice is the smell of her shower foam. Funny how details like that stand out when you can’t see anything anymore. I am led in by my wristto what I estimate to be the center of the room.

Rose kisses me. But her kiss is not sweet, rather businesslike. She doesn’t say a word, that’s also unusual. It is clear who is in control here and I feel like there is a charge in the air, in anticipation of what is to come.

Rose tells me to lie down. Fortunately the hot air heating is on, I recognize the sound and feel the warmth. She has clearly planned ahead. That is also typical for her. I feel the carpet beneath me and am glad that at least I’m not lying on the cold vinyl.

As soon as I lay down, I feel her carefully putting a band around each of my wrists. She tells me to spread my arms and of course I oblige. I hear her shuffling around me and first I feel my left wrist and arm being tied, then my right wrist and arm are Also being fixed. If I didn’t find it so exciting, I would protest against the force with which she fastens my arms outstretched.

Soon she is done and the next command I hear is “put yourlegs together”. She wraps something around my knees to my ankles. No half measures now either, she wraps me up very tightly, it seems like here too with some kind of band or belt. And now she pulls everything very tightly and turn my legs into a bundle.

I hear her get up and walk away. A signal that this is it? Fortunately, I can still move my legs, shift a bit from left to right and Even lift them up a bit. It turns out to be an illusion if I think that this freedom is still granted to me; I am again mistaken in her carefulness and preparations. At my ankles she attaches another rope or something to my tied legs and pulls that very tight too. Judging by the toilet and stumbling, that rope is being secured to something. I immediately notice the effect: she has also denied me the last freedom of motion in my legs.

She pushes a pillow under my head and then Rose says with audible satisfaction that she has finished the preparations. Although I still find it all exciting, Iam beginning to doubt whether I have made the right choice between being spoiled or being used. If she makes these extensive preparations, I don’t really dare to think ahead.

I haven’t seen her up to this point and there wasn’t any touch, other than the positioning and tying of my body. I only notice she’s naked when she rubs her breasts and the rest of her body on me. Of course that doesn’t miss its effect. I was already getting hard, now my lust is only growing further. That is – of course – exactly her intended effect.

“Have you masturbated this week?” The question has a directness that I have not been used to from her for a long time. “No,” I answer truly. “Good, all the more to work with… But you know that you will come immediately when I touch you. So that load has to Come out first.” Immediately afterwards she starts stimulating my penis. It is already stiff with excitement, but apparently not yet enough to her liking. She pulls my foreskin back even further to better work the glans. I feel scratching, biting and hard sucking. And to vary all the sensings she also lightly cares it and blows gently over it. Already I find it difficult to keep it all in, exactly as she intends.

She slowly slides her hands over the full length of my member and after jerking me off hard twice, it shows how well she knows my body: I ​​cum. A large supply of stored semen squirts out. I feel that it’s a lot.

However, the familiar feeling of warm semen on my stomach is missing. Where before my ejaculation ended on my stomach, I now feel nothing. Instead I hear chuckling and a sound I can’t identify. Something plastic?

I don’t have to guess for long. “Eat it” is the simple, but oh so difficult instruction. “That’s what you wanted, right?” Inwardly I have to agree with her. Indeed, the thought of having to eat my own cum is incredibly exciting. Probably a combination of taboo and horniness. However, once the seed has been discharged and the horniness has subsided, the fantasy is no longer attractive. But she won’t let me get away with that. There is no point in whining, backing down and saying no. On the contrary, it seems as if her determination is growing. “Yes, this time you will eat it. You choose to be used, so accept the consequences. This is just the beginning, so don’t make it difficult for me by forcing you… You know what, I’ll help you. I have a spoon and I’ll feed you. But you’ll eat it!”

She grabs my head and forces my mouth open with her thumb and index finger. I feel a warm liquid on my tongue, after which it runs further into my mouth. I expect to taste cum, but it turns out to be her saliva and I hear her spit in my mouth and empty her mouth above my head. I’m beginning to understand what it means to be used.

Then comes the spoon, with a general scoop of cum and then another. And another one. The salty liquid is definitely spooned into my mouth. It was indeed a large stash that I had saved up. IfOnly I had masturbated, flashes through my mind. But at the same time I also know that I want to be forced… Those paradoxical fragments of thoughts are maddening. I don’t get a chance to philosophize further, the here and now demands all my attention. I feel the jelly-like substance of cum on my tongue and she also rubs some of it on my face and into my nose. I really find that unfortunate and I try to turn my head away. But her hold is strong and Rose leaves me no choice but to surrender completely to her will. After the third spoonful of cum she lets go of my mouth and pinches my nose. An annoying but effective trick to force me to swallow. I am left with a salty taste in my mouth, but I am otherwise happy that this task is over. This will be it, I think with some relief.

“There you go. You’re a good boy, the first tension is gone, now I’m going to use you for my own pleasure.”

My penis has softened, but that doesn’t stop her. Her hands and mouth know what to do and it doesn’t take long before my member is ready again. I still can’t see anything, so I try to interpret every movement and sound, to prepare myself for what’s to come.

I feel her sitting on me and without any further words, she leads me inside and fucks me. Hard.

Another surprise: she’s very wet and cleanly hide. Did she use lube? That would mean that she also planned that in advance. Or is it her own juices that make it so delicious to slide in her? That would mean she still horny for me. Another bonus after a difficult sex life in the past years. But there is little mental space to think about those things. The physical stimuli are overwhelming and require all the attention of my head and body. It’s been a long time since we made love like this, but it still feels familiar. She listens to my breathing, and pays attention to my muscle tension, and I notice that she varies the pace of her movements. She tries to delay my climax as long as possible, she clearly wants to enjoythat cock for herself.

Despite my earlier orgasm, this ride doesn’t last that long either. I come faster than desired again, that is clear from her disappointed sights. I feel bad for her and feel inadequate. For the first time in ages, I cum inside her. I feel relieved and that gives me a warm buzz and a feeling of satisfaction.

I can tell from her voice that the feeling is not mutual: “Too fast again. You can’t do it, can you? But I also want to enjoy this and you are going to take care of that now.” She slowly moves backwards and I feel my penis, which has already become some flaccid, sliding out of her vagina.

I feel her shifting and before I know it, she is sitting on my face and pushing her moist, slippery vagina hard onto my mouth. “Make me cum!” is the simple command she gives. I have no choice and I also want to obey her. And for the second time I taste my cum, now running out of her vagina. I lick it up, slurp it up and stimulate her vagina, labia and clitoris with all my might. She also forces me to lick up the semen that had seen out from her vagina towards her anus. “Clean everything, including the back!” Our mixed juices make my horniness grow again. I become more enthusiastic and do my best to satisfy her. It sounds like it works and over time I feel the muscles around her pelvis tighten. I can hear from her breathing that the climax is near for her and with a big moan and a firm push of her vagina into my mouth, she comes. Panting, she remains sitting on me and we both catch our breath.

“That was better. At least you’re good for that. And you’ve already eaten your own cum twice. Must taste a bit salty, right? Would you like to rinse your mouth?” she asks sweetly. Happy that she realizes that she is putting me to the test, I nod enthusiastically that I would indeed like to have a sip of a drink.

Bu instead of feeling the expected cup of water on my lips, I hear a chuckle.

“I thought you might want to drink.t I don’t have any water for you. I have saved a lot and my bladder is now really full. So open your mouth… and swallow everything, don’t waste anything!” She hasn’t finished speaking yet and I already feel the warm stream in my mouth. It must have been years since I felt this and it is immediately familiar. She’s right, she’s had a lot to drink. And I’m drinking a lot now too. I swallow mouthfuls of her warm stream.

Not everything ends up in my mouth. When she pees on my neck, face and eyes, I get the distinct impression that she does it on purpose. To mark me as her property, to make me feel like she is literally pissing on me and to let me know that I am hers.

She slides away the soaked eye mask and for the first time I look into her eyes, which are wide with lust and pride. Who look at me defiantly as if to say “You didn’t think that about me, did you?” We look at each other as I drink her dry.

“Now you understand why I choose the attic with its vinyl floor covering to welcome you home, darling… We should do this more often, don’t you agree?” But I cannot answer that rhetorical question. Although she took off the eye mask, she stuffed my mouth with an old T-shirt instead. And for good measure, she also peed in my stuffed mouth. It feels like a sponge is holding my mouth wide open while preventing me from making any sounds. Apparently there’s more to come, I realize. Now I’m getting a bit more worried.

I follow her hands with my eyes and see her taking massage oil and liberally sprinkling my penis and balls. My penis is still sensitive from previous orgasms and my soft moans seem to encourage her rather than slow her down. At least for now she shifts her attention to my balls. She starts kneeing and massaging her. Not sweet, but firm and determined. “Let’s see if I can get more sperm out,” she says almost threateningly. While she pulls my scrotum forward with one hand to get better access, she uses her other hand to hit the two testicles that are clearly visible and stick out in all their vulnerability. First she hits with the flat of her hand with taps that increase in intensity. Then she forms a fist and lets the weight land on my balls. Over and over, each time a little harder. She pushes the boundaries between pleasure and pain and, I must admit, does it frustratingly well. The sensing is almost too overwhelming, but I also notice a certain joy within myself; that she dares to take me to task like that.

The sponge in my mouth effectively smoothers all verbal resistance. The cuffs she used to secure me at the beginning are still firmly attached, so there is no point in any physical struggle. There is no escape, her actions become more and more purposeful and make me hard again. Now that feeling is more painful than nice and my stifled protests have no effect. I try to accept what is happening. I have no influence on these lustful tortures and I must admit that I have chosen this unknown route myself. So Iconsciously choose to continue to surrender to her. This is the only way it will remain bearable. I try to see her pleasure and lust as my reward and as confirmation of the correctness of my answer to her app question.

Entthusiastic about the effect of her work, she starts to jerk me off vigorously. “Edge…” is heard regularly, “Remember, don’t cum!” I don’t know how many times I have to balance on that edge or how long it will take. An eternity that cannot last long enough, but where every second is also a sweet torture. All I know is that my penis feels like it’s on fire, wanting to exploit, wanting to be left alone. But that’s not possible.

Over time I notice that her movements become calmer, her needs also seem to be satisfied. But this ain’t over. She deliberately brings me to that edge again and now over it. With targeted grips she stimulates my penis, balls and anus until there is no stopping. And as soon as I pass that point of no return, she immediately stops all touching and all stimulation. And with that the pleasure disappears,.

The ejaculation that has inevitably been initiated comes through. While the little cum that was apparently still in my balls flows out, I feel an intense emptiness. An ejaculation, but not the pleasure that should accompany it. She ruined this orgasm masterfully.

I’m still panting and moaning, but this time she barely gives me time to Come to my senses. She quickly takes the t-shirt out of my mouth, forgets it above my face for effect and then says “Now clean that cum up too! I’ll put it on the spoon for you… Open your mouth… and swallow!”

What else can I do? I try to get rid of it as quickly as possible and quickly swallow this load of cum. Of course, she also sees that it is not going well. “No, even after the third time it still doesn’t look good. Fortunately, we will train more often, and you will see that you can do better and better!”

Now it’s really not fun anymore. I feel dirty, sticky, drained and apparently we’re going to do this more often.

She walks away laughing and looks at me pityingly. No words are needed to tell me that today I only exist for her pleasure. And that I still have a lot to learn, I want to meet her expectations. She releases my hands so that I can continue to free myself from the shadowles. After leaving me alone for a few minutes, she comes back, dressed and all, with a box in her hand. “So, do you regret your choice to be used yet?” “No, no regrets. It wasn’t always easy, but I’m happy with my choice.”

“Don’t be so fast with that joy, I’m not done yet!”

My heart sinks. What on earth now?

“Two simple rules, even you should be able to remember them. One: every time you squirt, you’ll swallow. Or to put it more simply, from now on you will swallow every ejaculation, down to the last drop. Clear?”

“Yes dear, that is clear…” I answer. That turns out not to be enthusiastic enough, judging by her look. “Don’t worry,I’ll train you until you really want to eat your sperm, even if I’m not there.” I can’t imagine this will ever become a reality, but for now I remain silent and secretly hope that she will indeed continue with that training.

“Two: from now on you will wear this collar when we’re at home. I want you to feel and show me that you are mine. Here, I have ordered a beautiful steel collar for you, try this on… And perhaps, someday, I even buy something special for your little dick as well!”

I offer my neck for her to lock the collar and I feel it snap shut. She didn’t tell me it has a lock, I realize after the loud CLICK.

She throws me a clean set of clothes and says nonchalantly “By the way honey, I’d like some Chinese take-out. Are you going to get some? Better fasten your coat up to the neck, dear, we don’t want others to see how submissive you are… Well, not yet anyway!’

I can still hear her laughing while I drive to get us some food.


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