Hello everyone,
Now, I know you are all probably expecting some huge drawn out chapter about Seth betraying Dee’s trust… Of course she’s hurt and angle but we all choose to handle those emotions differently. So I made this chapter a little shorter and focused on the physical encounter.
Once again thank you visioneer for editing this piece.
If you would like to get in touch with me please contact through profile.
Sin xoxo
I did the only thing I could that night. I ran as fast as possible through the city, my heels clicking in the night. My chest heaved with every single breath, each one a struggle. Every footstep was a step further into the night, further from Seth and my desperate need.
How do I move forward from this? Not a word has been on the news, not a single written word on the murder of my ex or the suspect. I waited for days. I babbled every last juicy detail to Mons and begged for time off. Mons by far is the most understandg friend I’ve ever had, and instead of judgment she offered a cabin in the mountains to hide away in. She offered me solitude, peace, and time. I will forever be grateful.
The cool fresh air brushes against my skin, sending a shiver down my spine, or maybe it’s the feeling of eyes on me still, of my mind playing tricks on me. Seth isn’t here. He’s far away from me, detailed in a jail cell Somewhere. He isn’t hiding in the darkness waiting to pounce. That thought makes me both catch a deep breath of relief and blink my eyes to stop more tears from falling. I’ve never felt so confused, not even with Nick. I know deep down Nick didn’t want me, that he never loved me and was really not attracted to me in the slightest. I was just a commodity to be used and thrown aside. I don’t even know why I’m upset over Seth probably killing him. I shouldn’t be. Nick physically and emotionally abused me day after day, destroying every little bit of self-confidence I ever had. He stolefrom me, used me, and left me broke and homeless. But no matter how much I hate him and should be OK with the facts, I’m not.
Questions plague my mind. How did Seth know him? Was it over me? Was there another motive? When did it happen? Was it before our first night? When did he find out he was my ex? I know I will never really understand, even if I do get the answers.
I thought I was getting to know Seth, that I could trust him. That is the worst part of it all. Another man has taken me for a fool and left me feeling batteryd and broken.
Sighing, I pick up my cell phone. It’s time to get some answers. I dial the only number I can think might help me in this situation… Sinful’s. I know this means I will have to speak to either Mikael or Loretta, but I just don’t see any way around it.
I hold my breath as the phone dials, my palms slick with sweat, my heart racing to the point of making me dizzy. I count slowly in my head, a trick I learnt from my marriage. It slows my mind, and my body usually follows. Today it isn’t working.
A sweet, bubble voice answers. “Hello, Sinful’s, how can I direct your call today?” I instantly know it’s Loretta.
“Hi, umm, it’s me, Dee.” I blur out. My hands shake and I pant. It feels like all my hard work to calm my anxiety over the last 6 months has been for nothing and I’m emotionally in a worse place than ever.
“Oh my god, Dee, where are you? What’s going on?” The combination of panic and stress in her voice has me shaking even more.
Before I can reply, there’s scuffling and an exchange of heated words on the other end. I know one of those voices is Seth’s. I should just hang up. He is obviously fine and still a free man.
“Sweetness? Baby, are you there? Hello?” Seth all but screams in the phone. I’ve never heard him raise his voice before and it’s both frightening and intense.
“I’m here,” I mutter, hoping he doesn’t hear me as much as I’m hoping he does.
“Oh, baby,thank God,” Seth lets out in relief. “You need to tell me where you are. Something bad is going down and I need you safe.”
“I can’t, Seth. I just can’t… You killed him.” My sobs start up again. My whole body shakes and jerks and I barely hear what comes next.
“Do you really believe that?” he demands. “After everything?” I can feel the anger rolling off him.
I pause, lost in my own thoughts. He never denied it, and he still isn’t. But then he’s free? No, he still knows my ex and never told me. That is a big enough betrayal to make me wonder if he really did do it.
“Yes, Seth. Yes, I do believe it. Goodbye.” Just as I hang up, I catch his last words.
“I will find you, Sweetness,” he growls. “You belong to me.”
I shudder and the hairs stand up on the back of my neck. I star at my phone long after the call ends, unsure of what to do, or even where to start. My life is now at an all-time low. I can’t ever go back.
Rage burns through my veins. At myself, at Dee, and most of all at the fucker trying to frame me for killing her ex. Trust me. If I had killed the fucker, I would be the first guy to admit it to her. When I walked away from Nick after our little improvement get-to-know-each-other meeting, Nick the fucking weasel was alive and kicking… So he may have been missing a few teeth, and have to text with his left hand and take a piss sitting down like a bitch for a while, but breathing is breathing.
I can’t say I’m shocked Dee doesn’t believe me. Look at her history with him. It makes me furious and, yeah, it stings. I thought we had built trust, that I had slowly started to prove what she means to me.
I was out a whole two hours after being arrested. Miki had seen me getting carted off, and a few markers owed by the Italians was all that was needed. We aren’t mob or mafia, but we are kings in our right, kings of the underground gambling syndicate. We run every single illegal booking venture in this city, and when markers are due people pay up or find someone like me waiting at the foot of their bed in the middle of the night, prepared to collect anyway needed.
“Gee, that went well.” The sarcastic comment from Loretta has me lifting my head to glare at her as she points her finger at me. “You need to find that girl, Seth. Or so help me God, you’re going to regret it. She’s put up with enough of your caveman attitude.”
Sighing, I scrub my face with the palm of my hand. “I already know where she is. I just wanted her to tell me herself. I’d never hurt her, Loretta.”
Loretta paces in front of me. I can almost see the wheels turning in her over in her mind. She often puts on a ditzy air, but she’s smart, smarter than most ever give her credit for. And loyal. Once you earn her friend, you never lose it. She will forever be in your corner, and it looks like my girl now has another firm supporter.
“Maybe you need to…” Loretta grins that wicked little smile and her eyes light up. “Maybe you need to hurt her.”
Together we sit and hash out a plan, going over and over it until Miki comes looking for his wife. I pack my shit to get my girl back for good. No more playing around. It’s time she sees the lengths I’ll go to keep her.
The drive up to the cabin is long and drawn out, maybe because I want all of this done with. I’m sick of the games, of always second-guessing myself, of never truly knowing if what I feel for Dee is one-sided. I’ve never been so frustrated in my life. It amazes me how one slip of a woman can turn my life upside down. I’ve faced off against men that would have the devil shaking in his boots, but this girl and how she makes me feel is the one time I’ve ever felt true fear. I can’t lose her Now. I’m too invested.
Parking my jeep around the bend from the cabin, I decided to leg it the rest of the way. I can’t have my Sweetness learning she has company before I’m ready. I slowly circle around thecabin, peering in each window as I go. The darkness covers my tracks and I’m confident my soft footfalls won’t be heard over the noise of the blaring TV.
I expect to find her in the living room, but it’s empty. Then I catch the noise of a muffled moan coming from the last room… Well, well, look at that. Spread out naked on the bed is my girl, stuffed full of her vibrator, back arched, one hand drifting between her nipples and the other gripping the vibrator, fucking herself hard and rough.
Fuck! Fuck the fucking sight of her spread open and waiting. The noises, those breathy little moans, teeth sinking into her lip, head thrown back, hips rising to meet every thrust… she’s going to be the death of me.
I’m rock fucking hard. I could fuck my way straight through the window. My cock is pulsing. Fuck me. White knuckled, I watch knowing I couldn’t turn away from this view of her if the heat was stomping its way up behind me. I commit every inch of her skin to memory, eVery bead of sweat, every whispered moan.
It takes every ounce of willpower I have not to smoke through the window when she starts to dirty talk. It’s nothing major. My girl isn’t the type to have a lot of experience acting the slut, but, catch up in the moment, it just comes naturally to her.
A breathless, “More, harder, oh please.”
And finally, when her control snaps and her orgasm slams into her, a screamed, “Oh God. Yes, Seth. Fuck me. Fuck me, please.”
That’s it. I’m done for. Gripping my dick in my jeans to stop myself from exploding like a teen at his first peep show, I slowly make my way around to the front of the house. Through the window, I see she’s thrown on a robe and grabbed a packet of cigarettes.
Bingo. Now is my chance. Making my way onto the dark porch, I wait in the shadows.
Well, that made me feel a little better. I needed to unwind and what better way than to come allover a fake dick thinking about the one man I shouldn’t. I giggle to myself, imagining what Seth would have thought if he had seen me.
I step out onto the dark porch and bring the smoke to my lips. After all I’ve been through, one packet isn’t going to kill me. It’s not like I’m dependent on them. Besides, there are worse things for my health and sanity I should be sorting out… but not tonight. I’ll deal with Seth, the death of my ex, and what I’m supposed to do with my life in the morning. For now, I’m going to bask in my post-orgasm glow and filtered nicotine.
Stepping forward, I prop one forearm against the railing and bring the cigarette to my mouth again. The darkness surroundings me, bringing a feeling of peace and quiet I’ve never really had the time to enjoy in the drag of day-to-day life. I once was scared of the dark, but now I can’t get enough of it.
Sighing, I flick my butt into the ashtray and straighten up to head inside to get some sleep when a hard force slams me from behind, knocking the wind straight out of me and bending me over the railing. In the blink of an eye, something rubber in feel and taste is forced into my mouth, stretching it wide. A hand in my hair yanks my head back and stiff fabric is brusquely drawn over my head, turning the dark of the night into pitch blackness. The hood muffles the sounds around me, even cutting off my sense of smell with its chemical manufactured stench.
Now I struggle, screaming around the gag, thrashing, trying to push away from the railing, trying to move his weight off my back. It’s no good. My arms are yanked behind and secured firmly.
I’m screwed.
Panting for breath, I can do nothing but stand and wait for what’s to come. Surely it’s Seth. It has to be, right? Well, then, why isn’t he talking? Why hasn’t he spoke a word to me? I can feel the body behind me heaving as though it’s going through its own internal hell. It has to be him. I refuse to believe that anyone elsecould catch me in this position. I’m strong now, the strongest I have ever felt in my life. I refuse to be used by anyone again. I deserve better.
One hard hand between my shoulder blades forces me to stay bent over. The other hand roughly yanks my robe open, pulling it off my shoulders, pipeling it above my wait. I’m naked to the cold air, goosebumps clmbering all over my sweaty skin. Heavy lips brush my neck, slipping down to suck and nip every inch of exposed skin. Sweet but forceful sucks that I know are leaving marks that brand me as his.
It’s him. Seth.
My body shakes in relief and excitement. I’d know the feel of those lips anywhere. Trying not to give away that I know, I spread my legs just a little. The chemical smell of the hood makes my eyes water and my jaw aches from the damn ball gag. Yet my pussy trickles with a fresh wave of excitement.
I know this is wrong on so many levels, but I just can’t give a shit about the wrongness. Truthfully, it’s making this all the more exciting. I have no free will with this man, and he’s proving that even more as he slides his hand up to cup me. Fingers part my drenched labia and slide across my clip to settle deep inside me. The rumble of a growl shakes my body from behind. Yes, he knows I know, and he’s stuck in the burning heat of torque as me.
On shaking spread legs, I ride those fingers for all I’m worth. I thrust my hips back and forward, my own mind-blowing orgasm of earlier long forgotten. The track to a new one firmly in place. My muffled moans drive me forward on the heat of the fingers sliding inside of me. The panting breath and sucking and licking lips at my neck push me higher towards a peak just out of my grapsp… just a little more.
Suddenly, the hand is gone, and before I can grunt my frustration, it’s replaced with a heavy weight, blunt and hard pushing between my labia. My wedding pussy coats it in my slickness. I push down, desperate to feel that heavy length inside of me, but hands wrap my wait, holding me still. Amidst the mounting frustration, the weight of the hood vanishes as it is lifted off my head.
In the darkness, like the very first time I ever heard his voice, Seth whispers to me and I shudder at his words. “I watched you, Sweetness. I watched you fuck this sweet little cunt of mine. I watched you fuck yourself to orgasm with my name on your lips, begging me to fuck you. Do you want my cock, baby? Want me to fill you with my cum?”
With his voice in my ear, his cock paused at my entrance, all the worries and what-ifs are forgetten, and I nod my head and moan around my gag. It’s the only thing I want in the world. In this moment, this man is my world.
“Good girl,” Seth whispers, pushing forward so just the head of his cock is inside of me, stretching my tight hole wide and causing delicious stings of pain the further in he sinks.
Panting, I look down through the slats of the railing. I can just see the outline of his length parting me, invading me, claiming my pussy as his own as it’s meant to be. He’s only halfway inside of me, yet I feel so full and stretched, stuffed to the point of near-orgasm. I don’t think I’ll even last to one stroke of his full length. Shutting my eyes to the sight, I try to steady my breathing.
A hard pinch to my clip has my eyes flying open.
“You will watch every second of me taking you, Sweetness,” Seth growls into my ear. Never has a voice gotten me so worked up as his does.
I grunt around my gag as he slams his full length into me. He pauses as my pussy grips him in little spasms trying to adjust to his invasion. My eyes widen at the sight of my opening stretched around the base of his cock.
My whole body shudders as his finger comes up to cares my clip, brushing it hard and firm as he starts to pound in and out of me. Faster and faster he plunges into my sucking wetness. With every sense tuned to him, every beat of my heart followingthe rhythm of his pulsing cock, every gasping breath matching his, stars form behind my eyes.
All it takes is Seth’s harsh grunted order in my ear to send me flying into orgasmic bliss.
“Come for me, Sweetness. Come all over my cock.”
I’m flying, shaking and shattering apart, soaring into the heavens with every inch of my body wrapped in the unbelievable bliss this man brings me. Soul deep and mind deep, I never want to lose this feeling. My body would starve without him.
A harsh jerk of his hips lifts me up on to my tiptoes. With a furious yell topped off with a hot flood warming my insides and the twitching of his cock, I know he’s found his release in me.
Well, this wasn’t meant to happen like that. I had planned to come here, gag Dee, tie her to a chair, and make her listen to everything I knew about her ex. I was going to open up and show her she could trust me.
Instead, I fucked both our brains out and my cock’s still hard and stuffed inside her hot, wet heat. I can’t find it in myself to care. My patience is only so strong, and I’ve been tested over and over by her. She deserves this. She deserves to be panting on my dick for the rest of her life, and fuck me if she isn’t going to get everything she deserves.
My hands brush down her back in a soothing movement, lapping up the calm after our joint release. For once in my life, I start to feel nervous. How is she going to take what we just did? For only the second time, I pray to the heavens please don’t let her hate me now after we have come so far.
Slowly, so I don’t startle her, I reach up and remove the gag. Watching her stretch her mouth and work her jaw has my cock, still buried to the hilt inside her deep wet heat, twitching. Is there anything this girl does that isn’t a turn on? I’ve spent countless hours watching her, and I haven’t seen it yet.
The words she says rock me to my core, tilting the balance of my world. “I love you, Seth.” They’re barely audible, whispered into the night, but I still catch them.
Sighing, I lean forward, wrap my arms around her and pull her tight against me. I whisper back the words I know she’s dying to hear. “I love you, too, Sweetness. I have for a long time.”
I don’t miss the little tremor that rocks her frame or the way she relaxes against me. This is heaven and I can’t stand to break the moment, but I need her trust. I need to get the air cleared for us to move past all the shit that still lingers between us.
“We need to talk,” I say as I slip my cock out of Dee and turn her around for a soft kiss.
It’s now or never…
To be continued
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