To be His… Ch. 02

Thank you everyone who has voted and commented on the first chapter.

Special thanks visioneer, for editing this chapter.

I have changed things up a little since the last chapter, the rest of the story will be in POV from both Dee and Seth.

I hope you enjoy.

Sin xoxo


Seth — Prologue (6 months before the main story.)

I sit slouched at the table cuffed to the little shithead detective’s desk. Looking around in disinterest, I let out a yawn. 5 hours I’ve been here sitting and waiting. It’s not like my fake life won’t check out. My boss Miki and his wife pay huge money to make sure I look normal. Wouldn’t pay for their assassin-cum-boogeyman to be detailed for drunk driving more than a night.

Shifting from side to side, I wait for the detective, who’s only legal reasons to pull me aside and run my files was simply to clean history. His invention is ringing all kinds of alarm bells… Smart man.

I’ve been in town one fucking day.I was given word this is the last known whereabouts of Nick Lane. That piece of shit rat-blooded bastard of an accountant milked Miki slowly out of thousands a week at a time and done a runner with 20 million total. It seems old Nick has quite a few punters after his sorry ass. I’ll get to him first. I found out about his secret wife. Not the bitch he left with, but the other one, the cute little green-eyed battered one fidgeting across the room. Imagine my shock when this thing stompings around the back demanding to put out a missing persons report on just the man I’m looking for, let alone the shock of her being his wife. That had me sitting up straighter.

Everyone who knows Nick knows his tastes run to big-titted blonde’s like the one he’s legally married to and left with. This girl isn’t his type.

Nick, being the suspicious bastard he is, probably decided living with his real wife wasn’t safe with all the people he burnt and used this little thing to hide in plain sight.Put all the bills in her name, attach to her already established bank account, play a loser, and never be found. I wonder why he stopped and ran?

Leaning back in the chair as far as I can, I study the girl. Cute hair cut, deep green eyes, perky nose, sweet heart-shaped lips. Altogether a too pretty chick to be sitting there crying her eyes out over that piece of shit.

“He took everything, Officer.” I hear through the sob she tries to hide.

That sob hits a dark place in my mind. I want to both lick her tears away and give her something to cry about, something worth it like a burning hot ass and an aching clip topped off with some cherry red nipples. Shifting again in my seat I try and talk my dick back down. Now is not the time to be getting hard over her waterworks.

“Ms. Carter, there isn’t really anything we can do. It’s not theft because it’s a joint account, and he left you a note so he isn’t really missing. I suggest you go to social services and apply for some assistance. I really can’t help you, have a nice day.” The officer’s tone is bored and borderline disrespectful.

I want to jump the table and wring his neck just for that alone. Who the fuck does he think he is talking to her like that? I can feel my body start to shake with rage. Well, that’s new. I haven’t felt this overprotective of anyone but Miki’s wife Loretta, and that was plain and simple because she earned my respect and dedication. This little thing I haven’t even spoken to and already I’m feeling all kinds of possessive.

I watch as she stands to grab her handbag, nearly tipping the chair over. With a lowered head and a brief nod she turns and walks away. I want to follow her, watch her, fix what damage Nick’s done, but I’m still cuffed to the table.

Looking at the detective in front of me, I sight. All a matter of time.


Two hours later, I jump in my Jeep and start the engine. Picking up my phone I dial Miki. He needs to know about thisnew development.

“M, bro… we got a problem.” The best part about my job is Miki and Loretta. They are family.

“A Ms. Dee Carter, I’m guessing,” M replies.

Ah, shit, I think, my mind racing as I try and put it together.

“Someone put out a hit on her,” M says. “Seems she was married in secret to Lane. She was his cover, so it goes to say she Must know something. Get on it, get on her, and don’t hurt her for fuck’s sake. Loretta will skin us both if this girl is innocent.” I can hear the grin in Miki’s voice when he mentions his wife.

“I’ve seen her, bro. She was in the cop shop trying to file a missing persons for Nick. Cops turned her away. Good for us, shitty for her. She’s innocent, but I’ll stick around and watch. Maybe Lane might make contact to warn her.”

And so the hunt began.


Seth — Today

Dee Carter. It’s been 6 months since I first laid eyes on her and ever since, I’ve been hooked.

I’ve stalked her in the flesh. I’ve watched her go about her day, waking up and dancing around drinking Pepsi instead of coffee, and the hour internal debate she has every morning about what clothes go with her shoes. I know that every day she eats the same chicken and mayo rice dish for lunch that looks as appealing as deep-fried horse shit, but that she inhales like she’s been staring every day of her life. I’ve watched the way she pouts when her hair frizzes in the rain.

I’ve stalked her online. I’ve watched her on Facebook, the sweet way she comments on her friend’s photos. I created a Literotica account just for the sake of interacting with her. I waited and waited until she eventually uploaded a story that I then pulled to pieces to get her to bite. And hook, line and sinker, she bit. My little sweetness has a backbone. Eventually, she confessed all kinds of secrets to me, like not owning a vibrator, never coming on a dick, only fingers. She confessed how she hates when her nipples are touched lightly, that she craves hard rough sex and that nobody ever understand it. She needs pain, my sweet girl, and I’m going to give it to her…

I stand outside in the darkness and watch my sweetness’s face as she reads my latest note. The rapid change in emotions: happy, excited, puzzlement, and, last of all, fear. Her head tilts up as she looks out the kitchen window wondering if I’m watching her right Now. She knows I am. I’m never far. A tiny hand reaches up to brush her too short hair back from her eyes, a faraway look on her face. I know she’s thinking about our short play session weeks ago. I know she’s thinking about it and it constantly plays on her mind. It’s why I’ve stayed away. I want all of her thoughts consumed by me. I need her ready to beg, but when she does I’m not going to fuck her. At least not yet. I still have to deal with that shit bag of a fake husband and get that bullseye off her back. I’ve had a few run-ins around town lately, and now that Miki has put the word out she has our protection hopefully nothing will happen. Fuck, who am I kidding? I’d love to kick some ass in the name of my girl.

Grinning to myself, I watch my girl stomp across her kitchen and throw the note in the rubbish. Spinning around she stomps off. 5, 4, 3, 2, I. I slowly count backwards, and like clockwork she stomps back in and rushes to the bin, pulling the note out of the bin, brushing it off, and sliding it in the memory box with the rest. Every time the same thing. She wants to love what I say to her but she doesn’t know how. Doesn’t realize how sexual she really is. That cunt of an ex did such a mind fuck with his abusive, manipulative crap, I’m surprised she has any kind of sexual urges. After some digging around and “concerned” calls to some of her neighbors and friends, I’m finally getting the full picture. She hates sexy because sexy brought her more than one beating. Slowly, day by day, note by note, that’s changing. I see it in the way she dresses, her makeup, her fresh hair colour. She wants to be sexy and it’s not just for me. It’s for herself, too.

I reckon a lot of people would have a problem with how I’m going about this, but I’m gonna woo my girl the way she needs it. She needs the fucked-up obsessive side of me to show her her own worth.

I smile. The note was simple.

Black dress.

Red bra and panties.

Sinful’s Club at 11.15 pm.

Don’t be late.


Now I get my girl on my turf. Tonight she finds out just how sexy she can be.


I look at the note in pure frustration. I should hate him right now. He’s been gone for weeks. He left me sitting here stewing in my own messed up thoughts. Does he want me? Did seeing me in the flesh put him off? Is there physically something wrong with me? Didn’t he like the way I begged? Did I taste bad? That was the worst of all, playing round and round on a loop. It feel so good to feel his mouth on my pussy, tongue sliding inside me, teeth nipping my clip, those full lips pumping while he sucked my juice off my lips and licked up every drop. That must be my mind playing tricks on me. I saw the lust in his eyes. I know he wants me. I’m just not important enough to make contact with.

Until today… why today? I should be depressed and broken today because it’s the anniversary of Nick leaving me. One whole year that I’ve made it on my own. I’m surprised. Maybe I should celebrate, take my mind off the year since my husband found me so inadequate he found a used up, white trash who better than me.

What better way to celebrate than with a man I confessed to having an online version of love with? In the flesh. That is what scares me. The Seth I knew online was harsh and rude, asked deep dark questions and demanded answers that I freely gave, thinking we would never meet each other. Wow, was I wrong. I’ve never been so wrong in my life. I flinch every time I remember telling him about not owning a vibrator and him getting the reason why out of me. I’m too shy, too shy to walk in the sex toy shops that line Kings Cross, dotted up and down amidst the strip clubs and “herbal chefs.” Not having a credit card doesn’t help, so no online purchases for me. I always wondered why, out of all the gifts he sent, why he didn’t include a vibrator. Who knows with Seth? The man I know online is very much the same scary, intriguing, intense man in the flesh. When I think about all the things he had me do with a few typed words, it makes me blush to the tips of my ears. I even told him about my stalker, asked him for advice. Now it’s pretty clear to see he was one and the same. The whole conversation turned into a role-play of him singing in my window, strapping me to the bed and fucking my “juicy little mouth” and making me beg for his cum. So the subject was avoided, but I remember, and since I found out it was him, I surprised myself every night by leaving my window open in the middle of winter.

I’m a sucker for him, flesh or online. I will never get enough of the way he makes me feel dirty, a little used, and all kinds of sexy. If only I could get over the nervous feeling of everything is too good to be true. Why did he pick me? Why am I so special? What made this handsome, twisted, dark man pick me? I need to ask him and the only way I can do that is to see him in the flesh. My heart jumps in my throat as I make my decision.

Time to get ready for some answers…


Later that night I pull up to Sinful’s and park my work van in the further car park from the door I can find. My hands tremble on the steering wheel, and beads of sweat ruin my make up. I shake my head. I can’t do this.

Staring out the windscreen, I watch a beautiful couple emerge from the car in front of me. A petite, dark haired, blue-eyed woman steps up to her man and wraps her tiny arms around his waist, leaning into him and laughing up at something he said. His features are finely chiselled, almost pretty, with light blue eyes, a blonde clipper cut so pale it’s almost white, broad shoulders, and narrow waist. The prettiest couple I’ve ever seen, they look so good together it makes my heartache. I want that, the beautiful all-consuming love. Just pure happiness.

Sighing to myself I lean forward to start my van. It’s hopeless, I think. I can’t do this. A knock on the window has me glancing up to see the pretty woman from before motion for me to roll down my window. Just as I do, she leans forward and sticks her hand out for me to shake.

“You must be Dee. I’ve heard so much about you. Oh gosh, I love your hair!” She all but yells with excitement. “M, come meet Seth’s girl! She’s so pretty. He’s done good this time. I can just tell.”

I look over to see the handsome man standing just behind his lover. Chuckling lightly at her energy and excitement, he leans forward and rumbles out in a deep pitched voice. “Good evening, Dee. My wife is very excited to meet you and sometimes she forgets her manners. My name is Mikael, but you can call me Miki, or M, if you prefer.” He motions towards his wife. “This ball of energy is Loretta. We will be your hosts and guides tonight, along with Seth, of course. He will meet us inside since he’s running just a little late.”

I look at both of them and their welcome faces. I can do this. They seems normal as far as I can tell. Besides, if I ever want to get my answers, I need to see Seth. I need to know why he wants me. I need to know if this is more than just an observation on my part. I need to know if he feels the same.

Pasting on my best smile that I’m sure is trembling around the edges, I pull the key out and step down out of the van. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” I murmur.

“Oh M, isn’t she just the sweetest!” Loretta’s excitement boils over into a squeal with hand-clapping included.

Chuckling to himself with pure humour and love flashing in his eyes, Mikael offers us both an arm with a cock of his head and a deep dragging look over my body. I feel undressed in front of another man, and his wife is standing right beside me.

“Oh, yes my love. I think she’s nearly as sweet as you.” He turns to wink at me, and my face must have lit up like a neon sign with embarrassment, causing him to chuckle harder and Loretta to grin at me with a sensitive, sexy look in her eye.

Well, this is awkward, I think to myself as I walk with them inside. I hardly know these people, and already I feel rattled and out of my depths.

We take a tour around the main bar, stopping so Loretta can chat and introduce me to other couples. Half dressed women with collars and cuffs on sit perched on men’s knees, or on soft cushions by men’s feet. Some are being lead around by leads like pets, or being hand-fed morsels off plates. This world is new and strange, but I find myself drawn to it, thriving on the sexual tension and heat in the room. My dress feels too tight, my pantibodies underneath too wet and too constricting. Pulse racing in my neck, my face must be the colour of a tomato by now.

Just when I think it may be all too much, Mikael ushers us into a private room. “Seth has asked us to entertain you in here while we wait for him,” Mikael states as he leads us over to a plus, overstuffed sofa setting. I take a seat on one side while he and Loretta take the faceting seat.

My hands are shaking so bad I clutch them in my lap, looking up as Loretta hands me a drink.

“Vodka on the rocks. You look like you need it.” She giggles nervously and wiggles her way into Mikael’s lap so she’s facing me. His strong hands wrap around her waist and adjust her so her legs fall open over his. The bottom of her thigh-high black dress pools on his knees.

I should feel uncomfortable around this couple with their sexual air. Every movement they make seem focused on seduction. Biting my bottom lip, I look at the glass and bring it to my lips. I down half the drink in a gulp.

“Can I ask you both some questions?” I ask hesitantly. I want information on Seth, but I’m not sure how much to ask or even if they will answer. Mostly, I don’t know if I want to know the answers to the questions.

Mikael nods his head in consent, and Loretta tilts her head, replying with, “Dee, I want you to feel comfortable around us. We will answer any questions you have about this lifestyle and how it works for us. I’m sure there are a lot of questions you have to ask about Seth as well. I’m going to leave that up to M to decide.” The last part of the sentence left no doubts in my mind. If I became too invasive, they wouldn’t answer.

I blur the one question that haunts me every day about the one thing I can’t help but think of. “Why does he watch me?” My face heats up when the words pop out of my mouth. I’m not sure how much they know about mine and Seth’s relationship, or how much he’s told them about me. I hope I haven’t just put my footin it.

I look up at Loretta’s giggle, my face heating even more. She winks at me as she turns to whisper in Mikael’s ear. A huge grin spreads across his face as he nods his head in agreement to whatever it is his wife has said. His fingers slowly trail a path up her exposed legs, pushing her skirt even higher. I now have the perfect view of Loretta’s pretty red lace panties. A little shocked, I look away again.

“There are just some women in the world worthy of watching,” Mikael says. “They deserve the extra attention, the motivating factor to let the sensitive side they hide away come out. Have you ever wanted to watch someone’s moment of pleasure, Dee? Watch what they do when they believe they are alone and all shields are down? To think that maybe you are the reason for that moment of pleasure?”

Mikael’s voice deepens with his own password as his hands draw light circles around her thighs, pushing them further apart, before trailing up between Loretta’s legs to cup her pussy. He drags a finger over her lace-covered clip. “Do you want to watch, Dee? Watch my wife come all over my fingers? Watch me fuck her hard and deep? Knowing that you helped her come with your eyes on her giving her pleasure? Can’t you see her lapping up all the attention. I think you two are very much the same. Attention whores.”

My eyes flash up to catch Loretta’s. She’s really loving this, loving every second of me watching them together. My face still flaming, I tilt my head down to watch Mikael’s fingers press harder against her clip. I watch her hips buck as she rubs herself harder against his fingers. A moan escapes her when I lick my lips. I feel awkward, shy and completely unsure of myself. I’ve never done this before. I’ve never watched anyone. I’ve never felt the desire to touch another woman. But, right now in this moment, I want to.

I open my mouth to answer, but I can’t. I don’t know how to. Sighing, I look at my own lap. My hands are shaking, my knees are knocking together, and I can feel my juices pooling in my panties. I want this. I just don’t know how to tell them.

Strong fingers grab my chin from behind, tilting my head back. “Answer him, Dee,” the deep, dark voice I’ve been dreaming of whispers in my ear. “Repeat after me. ‘Yes, Sir, I want to watch you make Loretta come. I want to watch her squirm all over your cock.’ Do it now, Dee.”

Gasping, my eyes widen as I stare into the eyes of the man who knows more about me than I do myself, who sees all of my secrets, every single one of my desires, who looks past all of my barriers into the depths of my soul. I feel completely stripped bare in front of Seth, even though I’m sitting here fully dressed still.

“I can’t do that,” I gasp.

“Yes, you can, and you will, Dee. And you know what? You’re going to do it while you come on my fingers.” That was all the warning Seth was going to give me. I feel his strong hands wrap around my waist, and the next thing I knowis I’m sitting spread open on Seth’s lap in a mirror image of Loretta’s position, dress hiked up, legs spread.

His rough fingers trail over my panties, brushing against my heat. “You are soaked, Sweetness. I can feel how drenched you are.” Seth groans in my ear. “Do it, Dee. Tell them, tell me, what you want.”


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