Randa rubbed Tito’s cock as it bobbed between his legs. “I’ve never seen anything like that before.”
There was a piercing, a little silver loop looping through the head of Tito’s penis, and then there was another little circle behind his scrotum, and the two hooks were conjoined by a tiny padlock.
Randa was quite amused by this. She took her hand away from Tito’s crotch but then she just rubbed her nail against his looped penis and it bounced.
“Wow. I can just touch it a little bit and it goes crazy.” Randa had a very curly imputed morass of strawberry curls, and she wore one of those cute shirts that sort of showed one shoulder.
Tito was naked. He had been dating Randa’s older sister Rosamunde, and Rosie had insisted that he show this to Randa.
He’d never met Randa, but Rosamunde had sent him over in an Uber, and he had been pleasantly surprised that Rosie’s sister was such a dish.
Randa flicked his trapped shake with a hot pink nail, and it bounced again.
“I think Rosamunde was freaked out when you guys got to the third date and she saw you naked, but she said you were really, you know, generous in bed.”
“Well, what’s the choice, Randa?” Tito said with a grin. “I mean, Rosie couldn’t you know, blow me, I’m trapped here, and I can’t fuck her, either. Of course the only thing that works is my mouth.”
Randa looked closely at Tito. “Don’t be upset, but I have to try this.” She bent down and put her long pink tongue out and licked the side of his bowed cock and it struggled, the glans and the scrotum, trying to separate…
Trying desperately to get hard.
Trying was in pain, but aroused at the same time. Sitting on his hands here, he’d felt a little ridiculous, getting naked in front of This stunning twenty something that he had just met.
“How long has this thing been on you, Teets?” Randa looked into her new friend’s eyes again. He was cute, in a wussy way. Good body though.
“I was seeing adominant woman, and she locked me in it about seven or eight years ago,” Tito began, “And then I got sick of it, and after we broke up, I took the padlock off, but, I have kind of weird urges.”
“That’s for sure.” Randa said, watching the little crotch thing bounce as she meantted it with her hot little pink tipped finger.
“So I got married to a girl I met who was also a BDSM freak, Very dominant, and she locked it back on me.” Tito continued.
“Eiken was sort of sadistic, so she’d play with my bent schlong like you are doing, and she’d also whack it with a short switch, and sometimes put clothespins on it, and knock them off.”
“Right. I guess you didn’t bring a stick or anything with you so I could hit–” Randa looked a little disappointed.
“No, of course Not. Rosie just told me to show it to you, because she thought you’d find it interesting. Aren’t you an anthropologist?”
“Oh yeah. This is certainly interesting.”
“Anyway, I mostly pleasuredEiken with my mouth, like I do Rosie, and then once a month she’d unlock my wiener and let me fuck her…and it was great, after all that tension.”
He paused, thinking about it. “I was lucky when it was once a month, though. Eiken would get pissed when I forget to clean the aquarium, or didn’t trim the hedges, and she’d give me an additional three to ten days for little mistakes.”
Tito thought about Eiken’s cruel laughter…
She’d sometimes walk through the house after he’d thoroughly cleaned it, and she’d drop a Kleenex on the floor and then call him in and order him to strip for a whipping, and add a fortnight to his sentence.
The whipping would hurt, considerably, but the extra two weeks would make him sob, and she got a kick out of that. In the end, of course it turned him on.
Eiken would sometimes give Tito a massage, and play with his locked loop and she’d say “Baby, tell me if you want, and I’ll take off the lock. These are rules that you made up.”
And he’d always reassure her that no, this was what he needed…
But Eiken had become bi-curious and was now shacked up with some pottery teacher…Tito had asked her to continue to hold on to the keys to the evil little padlock.
For three years after they were separated, he’d not dated much, once in a while he’d drive the thirty miles to visit the pleasant gay couple, they’d unlock him and he’d jerk off.
Sometimes he would clean their place, and do the landscaping, and the ladies would inspect and punish him for small errors, like missing a blade of grass when clipping around the edge of the lawn, after he’d mowed it…
Tito would give Eiken her alimony, which he insisted on, and usually buy one of her girlfriend’s pots (hideous things that he throw out the car window on the way home) and then he’d be re-locked.
But now he was dating again…Rosie was great, Randa was better…but of course Eiken had moved to Ontario some five months ago.
Again, she’d offered to leave the key with him.
“No, if I meet someone who I like, maybe you can send her the key, Eik.”
Tito had looked lovingly and sadly at his ex-wife, who had rubbed her feet against his empty penis one last time for a big mess…
And it had been five months since he’d seen her or the key…
“What kind of other stuff did Eiken make you do, you Know, to earn your orgasm?”
“Sometimes Eiken and her friends would get a couple of guys in and make a film of sex orgies, and she used me as kind of a fluffer, you know, I’d suck the guys till they got very excited, and then they’d go do the girls.”
“But you’re not gay?”
“Oh, no…but I was really horny, and I had to serve Eiken.”
He laughed. “And more than once she’d unlock me and play with me and not let me cum, make me get locked again and if I bitched, she’d put on these boots or high heels and she’d stomp me until I was crying and subservient, and then she’d attach the loops again.
This all fascinated Randa. She’d viewed all sorts of societies, homeless single moms in Watts, California and Samoan tribes, but this one was quite unusual.
She knew that men got desperate to release their “juice.”
Randa had been in a religion for a bit that forbade premarital sex, and she’d seen a series of guys who she could make out with, and get them so excited, and then they’ get all messed up in their heads.
Sometimes cumming in their pants, one dude ran and jumped in the shower to calm himself down. Randa found this really hilarian.
At the same time that she was seeing the religious, celibate guys, she was also dating a worthless married man who fucked every one of her holes.
Cavendish would never leave his wife, but he and Randa had been carrying on for years.
But of course Randa needed someone stable in her life. Now, she leaned over and kissed Tito’s neck as he sat next to her on the couch. She reached down and ticckled his asshole with her finger.
“And the punishment and all, that, you don’t mind it?”
“I mind it, but in a way it turns me on. And you know, I could unlock this thing, Eiken still holds the key, and she’ll send it to me, but I’m really hoping to meet someone who could kind of look after it, and let me serve her.”
He paused, thinking about it.
“I might even serve a man If I had to, but you know, I like hot girls.”
Wow. He’s looking at me, and he hasn’t even seen me naked, but he seems to like what he sees, Randa thought. She fumbled in her mop of curls and pulled out a hairpin.
She showed it to him, and almost imperceptibly, he nodded.
Randa fiddled with the little lock, and it sprung open. She took the lock off the conjoined loops, and Tito breathed more fully as his penis lengthened out into a full erection.
“I bet it feels good,” Randa said softly. “It’s been a long time, right?”
“Almost six months.” Tito said, staring down at his cock,which wasn’t a small one at all.
Briefly, Randa texted Rosamunde and told her to come to Tito’s and bring friends. There would be quite a tongue party…
Smiling slightly, Randa began rubbing his penis faster and faster, but then she stopped and removed her shirt. Then went the bra, and she waved her tits at him.
Watching her wiggling breasts, Tito thought about finally getting laid.
And Randa’s idea was, “I’ll get him to go down on me and the other girls for an hour, and then I’ll lock him up again. He doesn’t need to cum yet. No compromise here.”
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