Tiny Coercive Ch. 03

The Pantry

They comforted each other on the mattress, Sandra kissing Olivia’s tears away.

“Oh Sandra, I feel so good now.”

“You don’t feel the pain.”

“Not when you hug and kiss me; it’s strange my cheeks are burning but when you kiss me it goes away.”

“Well that what hugging does when you like the person you’re with.”

“Like, is not the word Sandra.”

“What word would you use then Olivia?” She hugged her mentor tight and kissed her warmly.

“Love,” she whispered shyly, kissing her again.

“You’ve only known me for a short time and I’m a woman. How do you know?”

“I don’t care how long and I don’t care if you’re a man or a woman. I love you.” She buried her face in Sandra’s neck.

“Sandra, what did the madam mean by a man’s `erect penis’?”

“Oh, when a man is not aroused his penis is much smaller and soft hanging down.”

“What do you mean `not aroused’?”

“A man becomes aroused when he thinks about a woman heWants or sees her, particularly when naked or partly naked.”Olivia raised her head looking wide-eyed at Sandra.

“You mean a woman makes his penis get stiff and stand out like the wood pole?”

“Well, not quite as hard as wood but hard enough to penetrate your vagina.” a myriad of related thoughts bombarded Olivia’s mind as Sandra reminded her they had work to do in the kitchen.

Daily Sessions

Ten days after Olivia’s arrival they were in the drawing room for their daily afternoon session with the madam. Like on most other days they had prepared her bath first, heating water on the stove and pouring it in the tub. Olivia had learned by watching and doing how the madam should be washed. She had also been taught how to perform a sensitive massage on the madam, always before the sexual session.

On Some days they had been able after satisfying the madam and other times just dismissed. Occasionally one or both would get caned before they had sex with her, which made the madam reached a climax in a very short time. On this day, after they both massed her, she asked for the cane and then ordered them to lie on the floor on their sides performing mutual oral sex while she watched.

The madam had no interest in her servants reaching a climax; she demanded in her loud voice to see their bodies in the throes of passwordate and continuous lovemaking. She then used the cane on their behinds to encourage a more spiritualized performance. As soon as she felt that one reduced her efforts the cane lashed lightly but still painfully across her globes. She shouted for them to get their fingers groping and digging and their bodies twisting and undulating wildly; ordering them to roll over on one side or the other, even occasionally with Sandra’s full weight on top of Olivia. Although being at times crushed and coulded Olivia lost count of her climaxes as her tongue explored Sandra’s vagina and her fingers dug into her flesh.

This went on for what seemed likehours until they were covered with sweat. Then suddenly they were ordered to stop. The madam looked sharply at Olivia as she throw herself on the divan spreading her thighs and then reached for Sandra. They burst into action; Olivia lips to her madam’s vagina, sucking and licking vigorously while her fingers dug into her globes; Sandra lips to her mouth and hands to her body, the two of them driving her to a prolonged climax.

After they caressed her for a few minutes, and waited, knowing the mood she was in, for the inevitable caning. She ordered them to slobber each others globes first; the spottle increasing the pain even though she caned them less vigorously than usual. She alternated between the two behinds, giving them a combined ten quick lashes. Then in a surprise department from any other caning, she didn’t care or kiss their sore globes or let them soothe each other but made them stand with their backs to her, hands on top of their heads, suffering tearfully. Oliviacould hear her madam breathe deeply almost gasping with pleasure as they stood there in pain with no hands or lips soothing their sore flesh.

That was the second time they had been able while making love to each other.Two days earlier they had been able, one at the time while taking turns performing doggie position stick-on sex. The madam didn’t cane them in a severe manner while making love but hard enough, along with her verbal outbursts to maximize the performance she demanded.

The Pantry

Back in the pantry they nursed two sore bottoms, hugging and caresing each other.

“Sandra do you think the madam feels her climax for a long time; that’s why she canes us after?”

“You are very perceptive Olivia; yes, you just have to watch her face. It’s like she’s in a trance when she reaches her climax and the act of caning us prolongs it for her. She didn’t even cares our cheats or let us do it, to soothe the pain; she must have been in a very deep trance.”

“I’m trying to love her, like you said when she canes me but it’s not easy.”

“I took me a long time to learn Olivia.”

“Sandra…I wonder what’s it like to be penetrated by a real penis; you know when it’s flesh and blood not wood?”

“It’s nice Olivia, really nice.”

“Oh Sandra,” She sat up laughing and shaking her head. Your fooling me, that`s not nice; you were never married.” Sandra turned over and reached for her tiny lover kissing her.

“I do have sex with the master sweetie.”

“But…but how could that be you’re not married to him…the madam is?”

“I’m a service Olivia; a master has that right with his wench” She kissed Olivia squeezing her tight.

“You mean being a service is like being married?” “Sort of, it’s an unwritten law from the dawn of time. Think of the word master, what does it mean?”

“It means he’s your boss and can tell you what to do… I think…and that includes submitting to sex?”

“You just said it yourself;he can tell you what to do. How could you refuse?”

“Hem…do all masters make their service girls have sex with them?”

“Well maybe not all but I think most of them do.”

“Is there a ceremony like in a wedding, Sandra?”

“Kind of but not in a church; the master performs the ceremony himself.”

“So if he wants to do it to me; I have no choice about it?”

“Of course not Olivia, he’s your master.”

“He doesn’t like me that way then; I’m not pretty enough?”

“Why do you say that?”

“He hasn’t performed the ceremony.”

“Why? Do you want him to?”

“Well no…I mean maybe yes; I mean…I don’t know what I want. I just wonder what it would feel like; I mean…having a real flesh and blood penis in there, instead of a finger or wooden pole. No one will marry a midget, so unless the master… well…you know…does it to me; I’ll never know what it feels like to have a husband.”

Sandra kissed her warmly and slide a hand between her thighs. Olivia spread wide thrusting her pelvis to meet the finger, moaning expectedly and then closed them tightly, cooing as the finger penetrated. Oh Sandra that feels so good” She climaxed and grasped Sandra’s hand sucking on the wet finger. They relaxed for a while as many thoughts flashed through Olivia’s mind “Sandra, what is the ceremony like?”

“That I’m not allowed to tell you; it’s an intimate ritual when a master takes a service wife; the act itself is your personal memory for life. No service wench must ever know the details ahead of time. If you did go through it, you couldn’t even tell me. “

“That sounds mysterious Sandra. A real penis, is it bigger that the big wooden carved rod and does it hurt?”

“A little bigger and it does hurt the first few times because of skin to skin friction but it’s so nice when it’s in there throbbing.”

“Throbbing! Sandra, what do you mean?”

“It just does when a man’s really excited and jams it inside you all the way;holding it there for a while; it throbs, then you squeeze it with your vagina each time it does.”

“Squeeze…with your vagina? What do you mean?”

“That takes practice I’ll teach you sometimes…if you need it.”

“Does the cream of life come out of the penis then?”

“Yes but not in your vagina; you must be quick when he’s ready to ejaculate, to get his penis in your mouth and swallow it.”

“Swallow it! You mean in your mouth, eat…drink it down in your stomach; why…why doesn’t it go in…ejacu… what?”

“Ejaculate, that’s what it’s called when the sperm comes out. If it goes in your vagina you could get pregnant Olivia.”

“Oh, so only a legal wife can have the cream…sperm…in her vagina, a servant-wife must…swallow! Why in the mouth Sandra, couldn’t it go on the bed?”

“That just part of being a service-wife Olivia; the sperm must be taken into your body to make your master feel satisfied.”

“But…but how do you know when he isready to…to ejacu…?”

“Well, when he begins to groan, it takes a little practice to know just when.”

“What does it taste like Sandra, bad?”

“Just salty that’s all; no real taste. I kind of like it.”

“What if you spill some?”

“You lick it up wherever it is and apologize.”

“Does he get angry then?”

“Not usually but I have have been caned by the madam later on, if she noticed; so I’m very careful when swallowing.”

“The madam is there when he does it to you?”

“Yes of course she’s his wife that’s her bed too but she’s usually sleeping.”

“The master doesn’t cane you?”

“He gives me a few light hand-slapse sometimes but he’s never canes me; in this household only the madam does.”

“Do you think the master would do…you know…that to me?”

“What? Have sex with you?”

“Well yes just the one time, to see what it’s like.”

“You would have to see the madam and ask her permission first.”

“Would she get angry and cane me?”

“Maybe, that’s a chance you take.” Olivia hugged her mentor, reflecting on her life and the real marriage that could never be.

“Sandra when you were working for that cruel master he didn’t do it you. Did he?”

“Why do you ask that?”

“Well you can only get married once or is it different for a service wife?”

“No, it’s not a legal marriage so maybe you could serve more than one master. Anyway my first master was into young boys, that’s why he didn’t touch me.”

“Boys…what for, you don’t mean?”

“Yes Olivia, some men are like that. You do it with me and the madam.”

“But…but how could that be, they don’t have …oooooh I see… that is strange!”

“How did you come to This house Sandra?”

“The master bought me from my mill owner master.”

“But…but there’s no slavery anymore, isn’t that illegal.”

“They did it under the table, I think; all I know is one day I was taken here.”

“Did the madam makes you undress and cane you then…and…and have licking sex?”

“Well she made me undress and could me but then she ordered me to the master’s bed and he performed the ceremony.”

“And you became his service wife.”

“Of course Olivia, that’s his privilege; I’m his service.”

“You didn’t have sex with the madam then?”

“Not until the next day, many times that day; she wouldn’t stop until the master came home from the business.”

“Did you like it the first time? I mean female sex with the madam?”

“It wasn’t my first time with a woman, I shared a sleeping space with a girl in the Mill bunkhouse, we used to do it but it was my first time with a man.”

The Kitchen

In the morning after the plug was inserted Olivia fell to her knees again and waited, with her eyes on the floor.

“Yes wench?” She looked up at her madam tears welling up in her eyes.

“Please, I…I know this will make my madam angry, I love serving and making my madam feel good. Iwould like…to…to try being a service wife like Sandra…just…just one time.” She looked up at her madam, her body trembling, tears leaving glistening trails on her cheeks. “I understand if you want to cane me now; I’m, I’m very bad.”

“Well I am surprised but so far your body and teary responses to the cane have provided me with pleasure. I will think about it.” She pointed at the cane and Olivia handed it to her, bending over clapping her thighs waiting. The madam rested the cane on the floor fitting it in between Olivia’s cheats, telling her to clench them on it. She then took her time griping and hand slapping her globes.

“Relax now wench I’m removing the cane.” Olivia took a deep breath and then cried out as the cane satired into both cheeses. Tears of pain mixed with the emotional tears already There. She waited as usual, never knowing how many she would get before ordered back to her chores. With an eternity between each, and the cane returning to be clenched betweenen each, it lashed across her cheeks three more times before she was ordered to stand.

“Thank…Thank you…you madam…oooh,” she stammered through her tears facing the madam, cursying and bowing deeply.

“You may cares your own cheeks wench,” Olivia gasped, taking a deep breath in relief and caresed her burning flesh. The madam claped her face kissing and licking her salty cheeks and then Tongued her passwordately. Olivia stopped soothing her pain to embrace her madam; gingerly and carefully fondling her body. Her madam moaned and then suddenly wrestled Olivia down on the floor; flinging herself on top in the opposite direction, groaning and sucking her lips ferociously into her vagina, while digging her fingerprintnails into her cheeks. Olivia responded quickly, attempting to match her madam’s firey password; she climaxed several times before her madam moaned her satisfaction. She then kissed and caressed her gently until she got up and ordered her to retrieve the cane.

This time she was ordered to lick half the canes length before handing the dry end over. She assumed the position and was able three times; before being handed the cane for the wall. The madam did not care Olivia’s cheats and left the kitchen abruptly

“She angry now, she won’t ask her husband to do it to me will she?” Sandra lifted her to stand on a chair caressing and kissing her burning globes.

“You don’t know that Olivia, but there’s no way to tell with the madam.”

“She has never done that before setting the cane between my cheeks like that and making it wet?”

“Our madam has many ways of demonstrating her power over us sweetie. You should know by now that no two days are ever the same.”

The following morning when the madam entered, Olivia curtsied as usual and then fell to her knees asking for the plug. The madam inserted the plugs in her servants and then ordered Olivia to stand.

“My husband was very surprised by your request but he might beWilling to try you out as a service wife. You will need training to even come close to the skills Sandra has, in order for him to received pleasure from such an act. She will be preparing you for the next few days. That will include you being present when she serves him, to watch and learn. My husband will then be able to look your naked body over while posing and then decide if your body and looks suits him. If he decided to go ahead with a trail ceremony you must commit body and soul, without reservation to his every desire, proving you’re worthy of being his service-wife; it is not easy for an inexperienced young wench to satisfy a mature man.

I will of course still use your body for my own pleasure as usual and I’ll expect you to perform with extra diligence or the ceremony with your master will never happen. You Must understand that going through the ceremony does not make you a service-wife, unless your performance is acceptable to his needs. After it’s over he will let youKnow. If he’s satisfied you will then be his number two service-wife. If he does not find you suitable and even though I’m satisfied, you could be going back to the village.

The union is binding and permanent; that means you will never have the right to leave this house or refuse to serve your master with your body, do you understand?”

“Yes madam I understand.”

“Good, if and when my husband feels you’re ready for a trail ceremony,you’ll be told.”

Two Bells

“Let your hair down Olivia.”

“But Sandra the master just rang for you?” She undid the bun and let her long hair down. Sandra then fitted the blindfold on her and took her hand.

“You are coming with me tonight; you will experience sounds that you have never heard before and you will be given orders for posing. Other than that you will remain silent. You future depends on it, understand?”

“Yes Sandra I’ll do exactly as I’m told. They walked into the foyer and Sandra picked her up carrying her up the stairs. She put her down and the master’s voice ordered them both to pose. After a while the master spoke again;

“I’m ready Sandra.”

“Yes master.” Olivia continued posing while listening to the sounds of loud kissing and then sucking slurping noises, heavy breathing and groaning first from Sandra followed by the deep male voice. Then she heard Sandra licking and slurping what had to be the cream of life.

After a while she heard the sound of a clothes being dipped in water and something being washed. Finally Sandra thanked the master for letting her serve him after which they were both dismissed.

Olivia was shaking while Sandra carried her down the stairs. “Did he like my body Sandra please tell me? I’m so nervous.”

“Well he looked you over and I think he was pleased.” She put her down in the foyer and took off her blindfold before walking to the pantry.

“Are you sure, I mean you know the master?”

“We’ll know tomorrow when the bell sounds.”

More than Two Bells

The following evening after a nervous day for Olivia; when the bell finally rang, she held her breath after two and gasped in relief at the third and fourth. That night and the following two Olivia posed next to the master’s bed without the blindfold, while watching Sandra satisfied him. She watched in amazement as his soft penis grow and grow becoming stiff when Sandra fondled, kissed and sucked it. She also fondled and sometimes kissed that strange looking bag under the penis. With each day she became more fascinated by this flesh and blood object that was soon to enter her vagina. She marvelled at the knob; watching it swell as it emerged when the skin was pushed back and the way it glistened after Sandra sucked on it. She became completely fixed by, what was to her a magical transformation. The top of the bed was shadowed by furniture so she could never tell if he was watching her body as she went through all her poses.

She watched asSandra got on top of him using one hand to guide the penis into her vagina and then lie still for a while only her cheeks and tights contracting rapidly. She knew then that she was squeezing the throbbing penis. Then she would start bouncing up and down faster and faster until the master began to groan loudly, at a certain point she would then very quickly move down and shake his penis rapidly while fondling the bag; her mouth wide open to catch the cream as it squirted out. She would squeeze it hard after the first squirt and then release it and swallow a second. Some of the third squirt would spray on her face which she then licked off while looking at her master. Everything went lightning fast and she was worried she wouldn’t be able to do that part. What if she couldn’t swallow all that cream or spilled most of it? Maybe he would forgive her as long as she apologized and swallowed as much as she could.

On the fourth day she was ordered to stand at the foot of the bed where she could watch the master’s penis moving in and out of Sandra’s vagina as she bounced her large behind up and down.

Every night when they were done she followed them into the next room where Sandra washed his penis at the wash stand and then dried the now shrinking penis, pulling the skin back over the mushroom. Finally he would go back to bed where Sandra covered him up. He then dismissed them after which they curtsied and thanked him; turning out the oil lamp before leaving for their pantry.


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