Tiny Coercive Ch. 02

Master’s Bedroom.

Sandra lit a lamp turning the wick to a soft glow and then lit two candles on the opposite wall, leaving the draws closed before waking her master and madam. “How can I pleasure my master this morning?” She curtsied deeply smiling seductively and then presented her body, swinging her hips, flaunting her curvaceous full figure in the soft flickering lights. Opening his eyes, blinking and stretching, taking in his service’s luscious flesh; he considered the pleasures of her satisfying him one way or another. He stretched again and turned to his wife for a moment.

“My dear wife, I need to be in the store early this morning, get down and start breakfast. Sandra will be there as soon as I’m done with her. Go on woman!”

“Yes, dear husband, why doesn’t she just perform orally, it’s so much quicker in the morning dear, but you decide and please enjoy the wench. I’m on my way.” She kissed him warmly on the cheese, got out of bed and left.

“Ah Sandra…oh yes…how do I want you this morning?” She smiled seductively, breathing deeply, caresing her thighs, and then raising her arms above her head, chest heaving, pelvis undulating, turning to reveal her luscious butt, tempting him with a slow snake-like dance. “Alright Sandra, your madam is right; get on with it; make it quick while you report on Olivia.” She throw back his covers, crawled on the bed between his legs, gently fondling his genitals.

“Yes master, Olivia is highly sexy; I fingered her to multiple climaxesthree times during the night, each very quickly…ummm.” She lowered her lips to his knob, kissing and sucking passwordately and then made eye contact again. “She offered to return the sex but I refused of course as you instructed…Umm. She has no hymen but I’m certain those shaped little thighs, never spread to allow a penis that honor, just to allow her little fingers and a broken lady handle.” She swallowed him completely.

“So you think she is destinedto offer her body for my sexual pleasures and share your duties?” She momentarily uncoupled his member from her mouth, pushing his foreskin back with her lips, kissing the now swollen mushroom with a juicy smack; her hands continuing to frig and tease hiS bag while replying.

“Positively master, she’s a multi-orgasmic keeper. With my tender loving seduction, altering the madam’s cane-wielding lust, that little sweetheart will be helpfully alliced ​​and ripe for picking in two or three weeks.” She girdled his knob with her tongue, kissing it passwordately and then swallowed the entire shake holding it until out of breath, before vigorously stroking, sucking and blowing.

“Very well; oh Sandra, ooh…you do that so well…oooh.” She slowed, sensing the eruption, fingers teasing the ridge under his bag, while meeting his eyes as he groaned sporadically. She swallowed the load, quickly squeezing his shake before allowing him to eject a second. Taking in the entire shake she released her grip and pulled back while smacking her lips, downing the second load. Choking and releasing his rod again she deliberately directed the remainder to splatter partly on her face. She then caught his eyes and with an obedient expression of devotion to his pleasure licked if off; scraping with her fingers and slurping them clean.

Downing his shake again she gripped the knob with her lips, squeezed the root, sliding her hand to the knob, draining the last few drops and then making eye contact licked her lips suggestedly, making several deliberate swallowing motions, each followed by a long satisfied um. ..

“Ah Sandra, you do that so well; you’re a treasure to me.”

“My master is too kind,” she kissed his deflating knob tenderly. “I’m only performing my household duties. Soon your nubile midget wench and I cAN take turns or perhaps mutually pleasure our master; I know my master will take relish deflowering her.”

“Yes, she is a delicious morsel to be sure, her youth, her innocence; I’ll savour that moment but it took years to perfect your skills Sandra; she’ll have a lot to learn.”

“She’s a natural talent and guiding her in the skills of providing sexual pleasure, before and after I escort her to my master’s bed, will be sheer pleasure for me. I had no one to teach me but I’m sure with her inborn sexual cravings, she’ll be pure pleasure for my master in no time at all.”

“That didn’t happen with the last one Sandra.”

“No master, she just tolerated sex and the cane because of her easy life in this house. The madam enjoyed her resistance to lesbian sex for a while but lost interest because she only went through the motions, not even pretending to enjoy it. What did my master do with her?”

“I offered her to an acquaintance of mine, a mill owner, who was in the market for a young wench but in spite of her shaped body and compliant nature, he was disappointed with her performance; so he married her off to one of his lead mill-hands. I understand she’s a mother now. I’m hoping we’ll have more luck with Olivia.”

“Olivia is a nymph master, a blank slate, raised in a tiny isolated village; she has no idea she’s a nymph or even what the word means. I know she’ll eventually be passwordately submissive about any sex act she’s ordered to perform. The only little problem is that she was raised to believe that only married couples can have sex; but with her trusting nature, it’ll just be a matter of replacing one old wife’s tale with another. How did my master manage to pick out a winner this time?”

“I read something in her face when I met her in the village. She was teased a lot there, accounting for her sad appearance but there was something else in her eyes; a sort of dreamy unfulfilled yearning that I found puzzling. It took me a long time to convince the mother to let her go but when she turned nineteen last month and that did it. Then of course she’s pretty as peach and as we now know, my wifecoerced a shaped little goddess out of those ill fitting rags.”

“May I wash my master now before breakfast; I’m sorry I had no time to warm up a pitcher this morning, I took that time to test Olivia one last time.”

“It was time well spent; the water in the wash basin be tepid from last night. It’ll have to do; resting the store today will be a long grind. I’ll give your madam permission to seduce the wench today; I am hoping for a good report.”

“I’m sure it will be master; I saw insatiable lust in the madam’s eyes when the little doll was coerced out of her clothes. If it wasn’t for my master’s orders to the contrary, Olivia would have been ravished on the spot. The madam stormed into the kitchen and took out her frustrations caning me; then made me tongue her, until she had climaxed twice. After that I got three more with no caresing following up. My hands were ordered on top of my head while she just stood there for the longest time, watching me cry with that entraced look in her eyes.”

“Before and after, no soothing hands and your own not allowed, isn’t that unusual? Yes, my dear wife can be testy when sexually frustrated.”

“Well not that unusual but I’m used to it; but my master more that makes up for it and there is good sex with the madam too. Give my madam permission to wild her tongue today and Olivia will scream for more.” “You Don’t think we should go easy with the wench for a few days with just mutual masturbation?”

“There’s no need master, please leave it to me.” She finished drying and began to dress him.

“Very well Sandra I trust your judgement. How do you feel about being the loving half of her dispatch?”

“I’m crazy about her; she’s so pretty, so sweet, soooo…innocent and oooh…that luscious little figure…um! I couldn’t stop fondling and kissing her last night. And the way she responds; as if she wants to crawl right inside me. I don’t have to pretend that I really care about her; I can’t help myself. Sorry master, that’s how I feel.” Sandra presented her behind and received three light slaps for which she thanked him.

“You know, I approve and indeed insist that my females enjoy each other bodies and if they fall in love I support that whole heartedly.” She knew of course that his approval was conditional on that love being channeled to his sexual needs, when required. “I’ll give you a free hand to use her as you please in the pantry.”

She responded by taking up the position again, receiving three more slapses, smiling submissively over her shoulder. In her years of service, presenting her behind for a ritual spanking had long replaced: yes master, thank you master, I understand master and also as his own acknowledgment or agreement with her statements.

She rose caresing her freshy cheeks and as part of the ritual, whispered `Thank you master’, an expression of appreciation for the act itself. Then smiling obediently as if she’d been punished for defyinghim, she buttoned his vest, fastened the gold chain and slipped the watch into its pocket; opening then the bedroom door she curtsied.

The master rarely spanked her harder than a noisy slap; only as a show of his authority over all aspects of her life, her whispered `thank you’, implied her deference to that authority.

The Kitchen

The madam called Olivia out of the pantry and assigned her various chores in the kitchen while she prepared breakfast for her husband. She wondered where Sandra was and why she wasn’t making breakfast. She didn’t dare ask and Sandra did show up after a while. A setting was set up on a tea wagon and wheeled out by Sandra. Olivia was then given some chores to clean up by the madam, who then left after telling her to return to the pantry when finished. The Dining Room

Sandra and the madam served the masters his breakfast in the dining room and then waited, as at all meals across from the table. The madam stood facing him, while Sandra knelt, with her back turned; the different positions, being the masters concession to his wife’s wedding status.

“Dear wife I understand our new wench is highly sexed and responsive to lesbian sex. She is according to Sandra not a virgin, which is no matter but I order you to use that tidbit today, as leverage for her total submission to oral lesbian sex, unless of course she cares to return to her village. After her dispatch, introduction her to the butt plug; Sandra should also wear one for now, to let Olivia think it’s a condition of being in your service.”

“Yes dear husband and thank you. I’ll be delighted to introduce her to oral sex.”

“You are happy with me finding this midget wench then dear, as you have requested for a few years now?”

“Oh yes dear husband I know it was difficult to find one this pretty. I’ll treasure her as I do Sandra, with my husband’s kind consent of course.”

“Sandra seems to think the dispatch will be a snap; we’ll see. I want to hear full report on her response this evening and do not cane the wench today. Being introduced to your spirited brand of love making will be enough for her system to endure, before Sandra calms her down in the pantry.”

“Yes dear husband, your word is my command. May I ask how long my wenches and I will remain naked in the house?”

“Well I don’t know; at least until Olivia has become a regular part of my sex life. Clothing will of course be necessary when the summer is over; most certainly before the stable boy begins to stoke the fireplaces. I did leave Olivia’s rags with the seamstress to be replaced, with your order for her servant’s uniform.”

The Kitchen

When Sandra returned Olivia was called back in the kitchen to help with more food preparation, which turned out to be another setting for the tea wagon and breakfast for the two of them. Sandra wheeled the madam’s portion out and returned a few minutes later. After they ate Sandra pointed at a hand pump and a pail and told her to scrub the kitchen floor. Olivia couldn’t believe that the water pump was located inside the house at a sink but soon got on her hands and knees with the brush and set to work. When the madam came in an hour later Olivia was nearly done with the floor. She rose and curtsied along with Sandra.

“Sandra I wish to examine the wench to make sure she’s fit; get her on the table.” Sandra lifted her up and let her stretch out on her stomach close to one edge where the madam could reach standing on a low stool. She gropeed her everywhere, probing and stroking like a doctor, ordering her to turn over before continuing. “I want to check her vagina Sandra,” she rotated Olivia on the table; then graceting her ankles spread her legs wide. The madam got off the stool and probed her vagina, spreading the orifice. “There is no hymen here Sandra. What were you wench? The village whore, she doesn’t deserve to serve in this house! How many men have you been with wench?”

“Oh noplease madam, I’ve never been with a man; I…I’ve masturbated and used a broken lady, making believe it was my prince.” She began to cry; “please madam it’s the honest truth; please don’t send me back to the village. I’ll work really hard, do anything my madam wants…please believe me?”

“Well we’ll see; set her down Sandra.” The madam stood back, deliberately leering at her body as Olivia quickly assumed the required Stance. “So, you’re not ashamed of displaying your breasts and genitals this morning wench?”

“No madam,” she placed her hands behind the neck, thrust out her breasts and vagina as far as she could, “I’m very sorry about yesterday madam.” After being seduced by Sandra, she was less embarrassed displaying her privates to the madam; but still scared of her, yet strangely exposed. She sensed that the madam was going to seduce her and tried to smile expectedly through her tears. “So…am I allowed to touch your body now…do anything I want, at my…pleasure?”

“Yes…madam, of course…anything” She whimpered, while Sandra dried her tears. The madam moved in pressing and rocking her body tightly against her, Olivia gasped as she eased back enough to fondle her breasts and nipples. Then she grasped she her by the waits, kissing her passwordately. Olivia responded by opening her mouth as her madam’s tongue entered; unsure of what to do, she embraced her neck. The madam’s breathing now became laboured as her probing fingers reached Olivia’s vagina. She groaned with pleasure as she had with Sandra, anticipating finger penetration.

Suddenly the madam stood back and ordered Sandra to lift Olivia up on the table again and spread her tighs as before. Her crotch was no sooner wide open before the madam’s open mouth smoked into her vagina. Olivia gasped in shock, her entire body trembling while a blazing fire burned from her crotch into her very soul. She squealed as the madam licked and nipped her clip, and again even louder when her tongue penetrated where her hymen should have been. She gasped sporadically climaxing almost instantly, then again and again while she groaned ecstatically, revealing in this strange new licking experience.

Olivia was then told to stretch out on her the back, arms above the head. While the madam ordered Sandra to lift her up on the table, where she straddled Olivia’s face and slowly lowered her crotch, to just above her lips. “What do you see wench,” the madam demanded breathlessly?

“My…my madam’s vagina.”

“What do you think you must do now?”

“Kiss…kiss and lick it, like my…my madam did…did to, to, to me?” She stammered as her chest heaved rapidly while gasping for air; she trembled partly from the fear of not being able to satisfy her madam but mostly from the shocking introduction to this unbelievable sexual act, she had never in her life imagined would happen.

“She opened her mouth wide and stuck out her tongue, meeting the hairy mound as it settled and wiggled on her face. Hot and cold chills flooded throughout her body, as she attempted to imitate what the madam had done to her; kissing, sucking and licking anything her madam’s movements centered on her mouth. She heard loud moans and felt her breasts being squeezed hard. Her hands were guided by Sandra to the madam’s freshy cheeks, while whispering to dig her fingers into and cares the soft flesh. The madam’s moans encouraged her to lick and kiss passwordately, knowing she was doing something right. She squeezed her fingers into her flesh as the madam began to moan sporadically.

Then she stopped moving and pressed her vagina down hard on her mouth. Olivia poked her tongue into the moist orifice, exploring the inside as the madam groaned loud and long. She then got off, flopping hard on her back next to Olivia, gasping for breath. Sandra encouraged Olivia to cares the madam gently, easing her down from her high until her breathing slowed.

“You have pleases meSomewhat wench and I will think about your claim to be a virgin but it will depend on your willingness to perform all assigned duties diligently and honestly over the next few weeks. “

“Oh thank you mistress, you won’t be sorry I’ll work really hard and do anything you say.”

“Of course you will; like I said, we’ll see if you can be trusted! Sandra, lubricate a number one for the wench.” Sandra lifted the madam down on the floor and ordered Olivia on her knees with her head on the table. Sandra handed the item to the madam, Olivia jerked in surprise as the item was held snugly against her anal orifice. “This will be a physical reminder of your wish to retain your position.” The madam said in a snooty voice as she rotated the item slowly, applying a little more pressure making Olivia Wonder what she was doing to her. “I also want you to think of it as a symbol of your service status; that is…your unconditional submission, to my needs. Serving me, giving me pleasure could be a satisfying experience for you. It could also be very painful, bring you to tears but as long as I am satisfied; the pain you suffer, your tears…will only intensify my pleasure.

Relax your body now; this will hurt just a little bit. ” She then slowly twisted and pushed it inside. Olivia gasped, in astonishment and disbelief as her anus was penetrated, expanding it painfully and then seemed to ease on a smaller part.

“There,” she jerked the plug as if testing the insertion. “You will make a request every morning to have this plug reinserted. If I decide to favour that wish, you will remain here as my servant; if I decide not to insert the plug; or should you refuse, you will be back in the village before nightfall. Now get back to your chores wench!”

Olivia scanpered off the table, cursying before returning to her task. The plug was extremely uncomfortable at first, seemingly filling her entire body; then after a while, she actually began to enjoy the sensing,as it rubbed on something inside her as she crawled along scrubbing the floor.

The Pantry

Sandra sent Olivia to the pantry with a warms kiss, when her chores were done. Curling up on the mattress, she struggled to make sense of what was happening to her. The madam was angry because she was not a real virgin, accusing her of being the village whore. She could be sent back, unless she decided to believe her story, about penetrating her hymen with a ladle handle.

She had then shocked her, by suddenly out of the blue, smacking her mouth into her vagina, kissing and licking; triggering, after the initial shock an explosive series of orgasms, far more intense than a finger or handle. She wasn’t sure, but wondered if that startling assault on her vagina by a sucking mouth and relentless tongue, combined with her frazzled nerves had intensified the experience.

She thought about her mother and the morals of her upbringing. What if she knew, her daughter had been lickinga woman’s vagina and had a plug, symbolizing ritual submission inserted in her bum? She wiped a tear, shuddering at the thought, as the ordeals of her first twenty-four hours torn from the security of her family, scrambled through her brain.


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