Tina's Torment

I had had my eyes on her for a long time. On the bus, in the supermarket, just walking down the street, my fans ran wild, as I watched her slender form and straight auburn hair. It wasn’t as if she was the only woman who did it for me – oh, no, not by any means, but she fitted the profile – slim and sexy, with that hard-to-define carnal air that some women exude, and others couldn’t achieve in a million years. I knew who she was – she lived in the next street, so found out immediately from her neighbor when she divorced her husband. Big scandal, apparently, she found him in bed with another man – oh dear!

So when I was at a Christmas Dance, organized by the Neighbourhood Watch, and saw her there, all alone, I couldn’t believe my luck, and asked her to dance. She agreed, and we danced together all Evening, getting closer as the night wore on. She told me her name was Tina, and when I said I already knew, she looked at me from under hooded lids, in what I thought was a very sexy way.

When I offered to see her home, she nodded happily, and said, ‘I’d like that, Tom.’

We hardly got inside her door before she was kissing me with a fervour I didn’t believe. Her tongue was darting into my mouth, and she was pressing her flat stomach against me, so that my obvious erection was almost painful. I pushed her as gently as I could against the wall of her hallway, and opened the buttons of her blouse, feeling for the clasp of her bra. It was between her small, pointed breasts, and I soon had them released, so that I could bend down and suck at her erect brown nipples.

Breathlessly, she said, ‘Come on,’ and, pushing me away, reached for my hand, and pulled me into the lounge, where she crashed down on to the long sofa.

In an instant, her velvet party skirt was around her waist, and she let me reach up and pull down her flimsy nylon panties, raising her arse slightly to help.

Her pussy was almost entirely shamen, apart from a tiny triangle of fuzz, and presented a lovely sight, with unusually dark labia, which she made a show of parting for me with two fingers, extremely running her tongue out between two rows of brilliant white teeth in as lewd a gesture as I had seen. Her cunt glistened within, the cliporis, peeking from below its little hood, erect and demanding. When I shoved two exploration fingers into her vagina, they came out soaking wet.

‘Oh, Tom,’ she said, ‘fuck me, hard, please.’

I obliged, and rammed my waiting cock right to her very cervix, finding her cunt agile and muscle – all a man could wish for. I couldn’t help the thought that her ex-husband must have had a very special boyfriend, if he improved on this!

Next morning was a Saturday, and I had no special reason to get up early. I was just finishing breakfast when my doorbell rang. There stood Tina, in jeans and tee-shirt, a nervous smile on her lips.

‘I-I wondered, er…’ she started.

‘Look, come in and have a cofee,’ I suggested.

She agreed, and she started again.

‘I enjoyed last night so much,’ she said, ‘ and I suppose you know my history?’ She looked a question at me.

‘Sort of.’

‘Well, I wondered if we could, er – get together?’ She looked even more nervous.

I was not really looking for a permanent relationship, that was true, but, as I mentioned, fansies played a big part for me, and I wondered just how keen Tina might be. I decided it might be worth trying her out

‘Tina,’ I said, ‘I don’t want a wife, in the normal sense, and I have some rules you would have to adhere to. They may sound strange to you, but I like ritual and restraint – do you have any idea what I’m talking about?’

She looked at me doubtfully, but Then came and sat down, and said, ‘Pour me another coffee.’

I then wrote out a list of what I should expect of her, if she came to live with me:-

1. You will at all times wear high heels, never less than 3″, and usually coNerably more. These will normally take the form of needs or silettos.

2. For dining out, etc., you will have long skirts made that are so tight about the ankles as to restrict your ability to walk normally. In the house I may shade your ankles with cuffs if I so wish.

3. You will wear a whaleboned corset, at least one day per week, lacened as tightly as I can.

4. You will have your cliporis-hood pierced and a heavy silver ring placed there

5. You will have your nipples pierced and similar rings set on them.

6. You will have your tongue pierced and a silver stud placed there.

7. You will grow your finger-nails to at least one inch beyond your finger-tips and maintain them perfectly painted at all times.

8. You are not to wear panties at any time.

9. You are to shake off all your public hair, and remain clean-shaven at all times.

10. Although I have a dislike of violence, I reserve the right to whip you, should you deviate from any of the above, or, of course, should you wish me to.


‘Wow,’ she said, looking at the list, ‘ I guess I’ll have to go away and think about this for a bit.’

I thought that was it, then, she’s history. I castigated myself for perhaps losing the best chance I’d had of getting myself a nice woman for years.

That afternoon, I was idly watching a very unexciting tennis match on the telly, when my doorbell went once more. Tina was stood there, dressed in a pleated miniskirt and a silk blouse.

‘Come in,’ I said, and stood back to let her pass. As I did so, she smoothly lifted her skirt, and showed me that her mound was completely clean saden, and that there was a complete absence of panties.

‘Rules eight and nine,’ she said, giggling, ‘OK?’

‘Does this means…..?’ I began.

‘Yes, Tom,’ she said, ‘let’s go shopping.’

Well, all that was a month ago, and Tina has now been settled in with me for that time – let me tell you how life has changed:-

When Tina goes out shopping, or to her part-time office job, she wears flared or pleated skirts and silk blooms that we have bought her, explaining that she loves the feel of silk against her nipples. She sticks religiously to the rule about not wearing panties, and is very happy not to do so, loving the coolness around her shamen pussy, and the occasional flash she is able to give the unsuspecting person on a bus or metro, or when she bends over at the supermarket.

She had her cliporis hood, nipples and tongue pierced, which has made our sex much mnore exciting – I love the feel of her tongue-dtud rasping along my cock when she gives me a blow job, and she says that the ring in her hood bangs down on her cliporis when she’s aroused. She is less certain about her nipple-rings. Her finger-nails have grown almost to their full length, and she says they are uncomfortable. I say that is good, and will remind her at all times, and she agrees.

We have been out to dinner– she in a long, white, silk dress she had made, so tight that she could hardly walk. When she hobbled into the restaurant on her four inch heels, everybody stopped eating to watch, and I felt incredibly proud of her. That night we had a fantastic fuck, and I took her in the arse for the first time.

In the house I sometimes shackle her ankles together with a short chain and make her walk on the highest heels she has. Last week, she deliberately ‘forgot’ to wear her corset, and told me sheepishly. I sternly told her she must be whipped and she immediately went to fetch the riding crop, then lifted her skirt and waited while I gave her six hard lashes, then thanked me dutifully, and sucked my cock until I shot my load deep into her throat.

‘Are you happy, Tina?’ I asked her, the other day.

‘Mmmm,’ she said – she couldn’t talk with her mouth full.


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