Tina sawhed with frustration as she hurried her way through the midway crowd in a vain effort to get back on time to the ticket booth where she and her husband Ned ran their carnival ride from. It truly was useless. The crowd was Saturday night thick, impervious to her futile jostling. When she had left for town Ned had warned her to go straight to the bank. They needed small bills and silver to make change. Ned had preferred to go himself but the truth was Tina had seen a blouse when they were window shopping the previous day. The way she had it figured she could worry to the store to leave a deposit to hold the blouse, then dash to the bank with just enough time to get back to the fair grounds.
Of course, it had hardly gone that way. To start with, when she reached the store she discovered the blouse had already been sold. It would have suited her so well too! On the way to the bank she had then lost her way just badly enough to only get there after closing. That in turn led to her having to scramble at several stores for the required currency, able to get only half of what they would need and making her still later to return. Ned would be furious with her. And she had only wanted that damn blouse, so little to ask, really, she thought.
Tina curried as best she could past the sounds and smells she loved so much. Of the fried breads and sausages, the syrupy consistions, side show Barkers building their crowds, metal machine of the rides clanging and grinding. Life with Ned and their carnival buddies was simple and satisfying. Especially with Ned. They had been married one year. His voracious carnal sex drive kept her well pleased in that regard. Ned’s manner was very assured, very masculine, which suited Tina fine.
She didn’t even mind that he believed in spanking his young wife when needed, as he surely would do tonight for her selfish behavior. Tina resigned herself to it, thinking even that he was right to spank her. The thing of it was, this way, when her punishment was over her misdeed would be in the past, not lingering and festering the way most couples let their disputes get.
When Tina was near enough to see their ride and the ticket booth, Ned was outside the little shade, the window closed and the great spider armed machine at rest. Arms folded, toes tapping, he was clearly furious at not being able to do business.
“So, now you believe me, eh Tina? When I say I should go it means I should go, yes?” Ned grabbed the money bag and stormed inside to open the window. Tina meekly followed, knowing it best not to avoid him.
“Ned, I am so sorry honey…It’s all my stupid fault. I’m so sorry honey” Tina pleased in her softest voice.
“Sorry I don’t need. Money, business, Saturday night? This we both need Tina, not sorry.” While they spoke the window opened, a line formed and the ride groaned into action. ” Tina, you work the line for a while. I’ll be right back.” Ned went off towards their caravan, quickly returning. Tina blanked when she saw what he had gone to fetch. From inside his jacket Ned produced a riding crop. Before their wedding he had shown it to Tina, explaining his thoughts on the matter of spanking. So far he had only whipped her with the crop once. Tina didn’t retire her second encounter with the serious implementation.
“Tina, for this nonsense you know I must punish you. If we have to wait all night til we close I think I’ll go crazy with anger. Better to get it over with now. So. Face front and take down your pants.” Tina was aghast with shocked disbelief. Surely he was joking? To whip her here? Now? While she sold tickets through the window!
“Ned, honey, you can’t mean this?!” Tina’s stomach was a horrified knot of nerves.
“Tina…I do not kid. Face front and take down your pants or I’ll do it for you- outside the booth”! Tina knew her husband had some mad gypsy blood. She knew he was just crazy enough to do what he threatened. So, as wild asThis all seemed she found herself unzipping her jeans, lowering her hips to pull the pants down to her ankles.
The thing was, the counter of the booth was elevated from the ground to about chin level for the average customer. Looking up at her as they would do it was only possible to see her from, say the nipples up. And Tina realized due to her excited state and her taut T-shirt, her nipples might just be showing should Anyone care to notice. Noise would not be a factor. The music of the various rides would surely drop out the swish of the crop and the crack of it against her bottom. All that remained of their secret was for her not to betray it by her facial expression. Ned was too much, she marveled. Tina wondered if this was something he had planned out for weeks.
Not that Ned left her much time to ponder. The great paw of His hand was inside her little panties, yanking them down past her knees. His hand lingered at the bottom of her bare ass. His fingers extended through her thighs, tapping her warming sex a few times before pulling away. Tina had to admit this scene was kind of hot. If only they could skip the next part!
Behind her and off to the side, Ned swung the crop back, bringing it forth with a snap of his wrist. The lash end snapped loudly on Tina’s poor backside, high on her left cheek. The breath rushed out of her in an audible gasp. Tina squealed her Discomfort, grimaced and fell forward against the counter.
“Oh, Ned…please Ned,” she complained,
“Deep breath Tina. I will go slow, don’t worry. Breathe.” Tina relaxed to hear him so reasonable sounding. Then…Swish and Whack! The crop landed a second time. This time Tina held her breath in, biting her lip until the sing eased. The ride would be over soon. Attention would return to her window. How could she make change like this? Standing naked from the waist down. A means whip stroking her poor butt.
Whaap! Whaap! Whaap! Oh, damn that lash end stung so much! It was all Tina could do to keep from crying out. Still, she knew Ned delighted in the sight of her long bare legs and reddening ass. Tina imagined how hard his prick must be, how it must strain against his tight pants. Her gaze looked out over the fair grounds, though her thoughts were exclusively on her prediction. The whipping a trial on her aching ass while the thought of her handsome husband aroused by it turned her on as well, all the while needing to mind the odd passing customer. Oh, it was too much to bear!
Ned fell into a pattern. When someone approached the window he allowed Tina to recover. For these moments Tina could dwell on how wet she was, how bad she wanted Ned inside her. He was keen enough to know this somehow and teased her with the crop at her lips or clip, or worse yet, nudging between her cheeks. As soon as they were alone again the crop would whip her several times quick and sharp. The hiss of the swishing rod, then the smack of it strking her tender vulnerable bottom sent firey shots of age through her every cell. Tina lost sight of which was worse, the whipping or the teasing!
Whether she sensed something was up or came by innocently Tina couldn’t tell. But she looked out to see Ned’s cousin Maya approaching.
“Ned! Ned”! She hushed. ” It’s Maya coming now. Please Ned leave off…you must honey, please”! Maya was Ned’s darkly beautiful flirtatious younger relationship. She was family, but somehow Tina felt the girl arival, felt her jealous of Tina. More than once she had found Maya and Ned alone in the caravan. Tina couldn’t acuse. Ned showed his faithful love too often. But still…
“Hey Tina, Ned here? I need him for George?” Maya asked. Then Ned let her have one hard on the sensitive underswell of her cheek. Tina grimaced and whimpered. ” Tina, you o.k. girlfriend?” Oh sure, I’m fine, Tina thought. If only Maya know!
“Some cramps Maya. ‘Get them sometimes.” Ned whipped her. Same spot, other cheese.
“Tina,jeeze. Want me to take over for you?” Now Ned had the whip prodding her lips open, entering her. Tina’s eyes widened. a sight escaped her tightly pursued mouth.
“Maya, no, no. It passes quickly always. Will be fine in a minute, but thanks.” Tina could only hope Maya believed her, or else somehow understand.
Instead Maya came around the side. She opened the door to the booth and marched in, planning earnestly to help Tina through. Nothing could hide Ned and Tina’s goings on. There he stood, crop in hand. Tina with her pants down, ass glowing. To Maya’s credit she took it all in with cool nonchalance. To Tina’s horror, Maya was a bit too quick on her feet.
“Cousin Ned” she mocked, shaking a finger at them. ” Whipping your sweet pretty wife, for shame. I will leave, don’t worry. As soon as you give her a few more for me. Go ahead Ned.” Tina was mortified! The impish little devil, urging him on! But Ned thought it best to satisfy his cousin. Maybe it turned him on even. Heraised the crop and gave Tina three of the hardest yet. Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Tina twisted like a hooked fish, yelped high and loud for anyone close to hear. Her bottom was so singing hot! And that damned cousin was right there giggling. Tina could only stand there pouting. Her face blushing as red as her poor as.
“Well Tina. I hope Ned is as good at something else as he is with that whip. See you around soon.” And she left as promised.
“Oh Ned! I know I was a bad girl, but in front of her? Ned, I could just die”!
In response her husband closed the ticket window. His eyes met Tina’s, a tear welling up in the corner of his pretty green globes spoke to his concern that he had gone too far. In truth, Tina’s ass was plenty sore but worse was her craving for him to make love to her. Never slow to that Ned took her wrist and urged her to join him on the floor. Ned slipped off her pants and panties. Lifted her shirt up over her breasts, past her face, leaving it like that to hold Tina’s arms prone.
Ned’s hungry mouth fell to her breast. His hands quickly undid his pants. With a sudden thrust Ned penetrated her. When Tina cried out he kissed her throat firm, then her mouth. Already he was riding Tina hard. His hands and mouth busy all over her. Tina pulled her t-shirt off and grabbed Ned’s tension flexing ass cheeses, pulling him to her, his chest rising and falling against hers.
She loved him for such a sexy spanking. For daring to do with her exactly as he wanted, and for wanting her so fiercely. Ned for his part was overcome with lust. It felt so good how Tina pulled tight on him as he withdraw, opened wide as he pumped deep into her. They were both panting heavily. Needing more and more air to stoke their energized password. Ned and Tina came loud and rough and wild in a frenzy of physical exstasy.
After a time Ned finally went soft and withdraw from Tina’s so satisfied loins. He rolled off and found a cigarette.
“Tina sweet, whoen you dress. You can go back to the caravan. I got a present for you today. That shirt you liked so much yesterday? I had them send it out to us while you were in town. What do you say, honey?”
“Ned. If I ever leave you have me committed because surely I have lost my right mind.”
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