It has been three weeks since the last time you let me have an orgasm. Three weeks of teasing, denial and serving you. When I’m lucky, you let me see your gorgeous naked body while I rub you all over, sometimes with mass oil, sometimes while you play with your vibrator. When you feel really generous, you might even allow me to penetrate you, to share some of the pleasure, Although my orgasms are strictly rationed, and only allowed with your explicit permission. And sometimes you are generous enough to let me play with myself. Today is such a day.
We wake up on a lazy Sunday, with plans for later in the day. Before we get ready for the day, you have another idea.
“I think we have some time to spare, so I’ll allow you to play with yourself for 10 minutes. I want you naked on your back. NOW.”
I am still half-asleep, but the promise of some play time does wonders to wake me fully, and I immediately comply with your order.
“I will allow you exactly 10 minutes of pleasure, but first I need to prepare you and go over the rules”.
You put my legs in cuffs, tied tightly together, and also put cuffs on my hands.
“Hands above your head. You are not allowed to touch me. Oh my, look how excited you already are, and we haven’t even done anything yet.”
You then put clamps on my nipples, before you fetch the vibrator with the cock sleepe attachment.
“Now, I will let you have 10 minutes on the lowest setting with a teasing pulse, but you are not allowed to come, and you are not allowed to move. If you get too close and need me to turn it off, I will turn it off. Are we clear?”
“Yes, ma’am, thank you for allowing me some stimulation. It’s been sooo long.”
“And it could have been much longer. It’s my decision when you get to play with your penis, and when you get to have an orgasm.”
Your words have their intended effect and my penis is scanning with anticipation and excitement. You put the sleepe over it, and letthe vibrator rest on my belly. You take a look at your phone to set a timer.
“Ok, your 10 minutes start now.”
You turn on the vibrator, and the stimulation almost immediately makes me leak.
“Yes, that’s so nice. Thank you.”
You just sit there, watching me with a look of amusement, while I enjoy the few crumbs of pleasure you allow me as if they were the greatest bliss, providing brief relief of the desperation and frustration you are feeding by keeping me denied.
“That’s right, enjoy it while it lasts. I am in control of your pleasure.”
You casually flick the clamps on my nipples, distracting my focus from the vibrations I had been craving for so long.
“If I wanted to, I could end it right now.”
You turn off the vibrator, and return to flicking the nipple clamps.
“Please, ma’am, you said 10 minutes. Can I please have some more?”
You deliberately draw our your ‘thinking’ while the timer ticks down. Every moment you hesitate you take away more precise seconds of stimulation, and you delight in it.
“Ok, then. But only because it will make you even more desperate, and be that much more frustrating when it’s over.”
You pause for another few seconds before you turn the vibrator on again.
“Aaaah, yes. Thank you. This is soooo good, and it’s making me so horny.”
“You can be horny all you want, but you only get to come when I allow it. And today. I. Don’t. Allow. It.”
With every word of the last sentence you give my thighs a hard smack with the riding crop.
“OW. Yes, I know, I know. Please let me enjoy my play time.”
“I’m in charge, and I wanted to see you in pain. Besides, don’t pretend you don’t like the pain.”
You pull on one of the nipple clamps, before slowly removing it. Then you proceed to rub the now-sore nipple between your fingers, making sure to twist and turn it in all directions.
“OW. Thank you for teasing my nipples. It feels so good.”
I am in heaven, experiencing the perfect combination of the most frustratingly teasy vibrations on my penis, with excisite pain on my nipple. You proceed to take the other clamp off as well and repeat the same procedure on the other side.
“This is so much fun. I really enjoy making you suffer this pain. I hope you don’t get too distracted from the little play time you get. Who knows when I might allow you another one of these sessions. Might be tomorrow, or maybe next week. Or it could be a month. I decided, and you will have to wait as long as I say.”
“Please not a month, ma’am. That’s too long.”
“It’s my decision, and we will see. In the meantime, I will have so many orgasms, while you aren’t even allowed to touch yourself. Maybe I’ll even let you watch one. Although I’m tempted to have you wear a blindfold most of the time. Being allowed to see me naked should be a special reward.”
Your voice is filled with delight at the idea of taking more pleasures away from me, and your excitement fuels my own in turn.
“Please, ma’am, turn it off for a bit. I’m getting too close.”
You immediately shut off the vibrator.
“Time for a break, hm? Well, your time’s running, so you’re wasting precious seconds.”
You lazily flick the crop on my thighs and balls a few times, just lightly, while you eye my erection.
“It’s really straining in that sleep. How long do you think I can make you go without an orgasm? A few more weeks? A month? More?”
“Please not more than a month, ma’am. That’s already a very long time.”
“Well, it is my decision, and I was thinking of maybe another two weeks, but I love how you negotiated yourself up to a month. I’ll reconsider it then.”
“Argh…. Ma’am, could you also please turn on the vibrator again?”
“Ah, ready for another round? Very well, then.”
Unlike before, you do not use the lowest vibration setting, but rather set it to a medium speed.
“Please turn it down. I can’t handle this for very long. I want the teaiesiest mode you can find, please.”
“Hahaha, that’s so funny. You want it to be as ageing as possible. My pleasure.”
You reduce the speed, and I breathe a sight of relief.
“Watching you like this is making me really horny, too. But as I explained, I’m not gonna get naked for you. I just want your mind to ponder how excited you are making me. Maybe I’ll play with myself later, and you’ll be lucky if you are allowed to help.”
“Yes, ma’am, that would be so nice. I want to make you come, please.”
“That will also be my decision. When we get home tonight, I could also just send you to the kitchen to make us dinner, while I give myself a few orgasms with this same vibrator that is only teasing you. You might be able to hear some moaning through the closed bedroom door while you prepare ingredients, cook, and clean up the kitchen. You only get to think about the 10 minutes of teasing you were allowed, as I come over and over. Wouldn’t that be hot?”
“Please, no, I want to make you come, and give you all the pleasure you deny me.”
“That’s right. I deny you your orgasms. I ration your teasing time. And I can also restrict how much you get to play with me. You can always fantasize how nice it might be to be allowed to see me, to suck on my boobs, to lick my pussy, maybe even to enter me and come inside me. But I get to take all of that away from you, and make you horny and desperate.”
“Mhm, yes, ma’am, you are in charge. You’re making me so horny, I wish I was allowed to come.”
“Nope, not today. And not for another month at least. Aaaaand your time’s up.”
You turn off the vibrator and immediately take it off despite my frustrated groans.
“You’ve had your 10 minutes of fun. And you’re not allowed to touch it until I say otherwise. I’m still not sure if I want to tease you every day this week, or not at all, and wait for next week. I’ll have to think aboutwhat’s more frustrating for you, and more exciting for me.”
You until my hands and feet.
“Now go and clean yourself up, we need to leave soon.”
As I walk towards the bathroom to do as instructed you add “Keep going. Don’t turn around!”
I seem to hear you turning on the vibrator and starting to moan softly, but you may also just be messing with me, and I would never know.
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