Time with Emma Pt. 01

Tom lay there on the soft mattress, under the warm duvet. It was a cold night, but yet he felt warm. He had a slight headache, from whatever drug it was that she’d used on him, to send him to sleep. But maybe ‘unconscious’ was more accurate than ‘sleep’, as he had been totally oblivious to what she’d done next.

The duvet was pulled up around his neck, with only his face looking out into the small cold brick room. There was a small grilled window high up on the far wall. There was a single wooden door, which he assumed would be locked, although he hadn’t checked.

But then the layout of the small room was all somewhat irrelevant, given the rest of the heavy steel restrains that he had found locked to his body when he had finally hurt up. His wrists were locked in very thick steel restrains, each one locked tightly in place with high security padlocks. These padlocks also secured his wrists to each side of the heavy chain that was locked around his waist.

His ankles were locked with similar metal cuffs, but here his jailer had been economical by using a single padlock to lock both cuffs. Of course that means that the distance between his ankles was effectively zero. That must have amused her. The next chain secured his ankle cuffs to his wait chain. She had padlocked this chain in place cruelly, not leaving anywhere near enough length for him to stand. Having experimentalized, he He knew that shuffling on his knees was the only means of movement she had allowed him.

But then he didn’t have much use of movement, as the final length of her industrial chain, about four metres in length, wrapped around his neck on one end and was padlocked to the wall on the other. For all these reasons, the question as to whether or not the door was locked was really of no concern.

At least she hadn’t been vindictive, at least not yet. He may have been naked and completely helpless, but he was comfortable. The sheets had the smell of expensive perfume and theroom was peaceful with just a slight sound from the neary surf. Although he had been unconscious, he was in no doubt as to who had taken him prisoner, who had snapped those high security padlocks shut and who had the only keys to release him.

Emma had been a lifetime on a number of recent property deals where he had ultimately triumphed. Her attitude towards him had been increasingly hostile, but had he realized how hostile, he would never had visited her house alone. He hadn’t even told his business partner that he was visiting this crazy blonde.

Emma was self made, combining her looks and strong seductive body, with a ruthless business attitude. This hard exterior means that most people overlooked her amazing physical attributes, not daring to get close enough to find out. Emma was one of those people who no-one wanted to challenge.

Dispite her lack of success on recent deals, she was a very wealthy woman. Just turned forty and never married, no-one dared. He guessedthat he was still in her coastal mansion and he knew that it had no near neighbors. He had no idea what she wanted from him, but as escape wasn’t an option, he would have to lie there and wait for her to enhance him.

The sound of keys weke him from his thoughts, followed by the sight creak of a door opening. He struggled in to a sitting position just in time to watch Emma lock the door behind her. Her long blonde hair hung loose, framing her stunning, classical face. Her lips were pursued in a slight smile and her eyes had a teasing look that he’d never noticed during their recent business dealings. Without the cold steely hostility, Emma was a completely different woman. She walked over to him, wearing a long white silk bath robe and small white slippers.

She stood next to the mattress on the floor saying nothing, just looking down at Tom. Tom tried to cover himself with the duvet with little success. Without saying a word, Emma untied her robe and let it slip off her shouders and on to the stone floor. Underneath was a fit tanned body wearing nothing other than a tiny pair of white silk panties.

Tom took a quick intake of breath as she slide under the duvet and lay next to him. She then climbed up and lay on top of him, her lips only an inch from his. She shook her long hair so that it made a cocoon, enclosing their two faces. The air was a subtle mix of soap and perfume and in the dim light, Tom watched her lips part into a smile and her eyes glisten. She then opened and closed her mouth, pretending to bite him.

The anger, the arousal and the confusion were too much to deal with.

“Emma… what?”

“Hi,” she smiled back in an uncharacteristic playful voice.

“But what…”

Tom was known as a cool character, but right then he couldn’t have been more out of control. Everyone knew Emma was a hard bitch. Attractive, yes, but her ruthless attitude to almost everyone and her power dressing image made everyone cautious. Howcould her wardrobe of dark jackets and skirts mask such an incredible body.

“Good evening, Tom.”

Tom was still in shock and mesmerised by her eyes and the way her hands were exploring his body. She adjusted herself slightly as she rubbed herself against his erection.

“You look fantastic in these chains.”

She was now biting gently on his ear, her warm breathing on to his neck. She pulled the duvet over their head and switched to his other ear, as Tom fight to control his emotions.

“I’m glad you like the chains, but do you have the keys?”


Emma smiled and worked her way down his muscled chest, using her tongue on his nipples and then belly button. Fear and pleasure fight for supremacy in Tom’s mind as he reacted to the tickling sensing. He had to regain control and therefore first he had to regain the ability to think. OK, that had been a stupid question.

“I’m sure we can have much more fun if you unlock me.”

“You wantMore fun?”

Emma’s playful reply somehow managed to scar him. He lay helpfully as she turned around so that his head was between her legs and her lips were touching his cock. Tom was unable to do anything as she wrapped her long slim sinewy legs around his neck and pulled him in closer and positioned him so that his lips were pressed up against the skimpiest of silk underwear.

“I can’t really move my hands?” his voice distorted as his lips fought against the material.

“You can’t move them at all.” Emma corrected, “Didn’t you notice I chained you up.”

“Well, yes.”

“So use your mouth instead.”

While Emma slowly stimulated her prisoner, she demanded much more in return and kept tightening the already vice like grip of her thighs every time Tom’s lips and tongue slowed. His already dry mouth hurt by the time the blonde was ready and turned back around, still laying on top of him.

“You can say no, but I wouldn’t advise it,” she whispered into his ear and she let him enter her.

They were both exhausted when half an hour later Emma’s naked body cuddled up to Tom’s helpless body. Hoping that this was just some crazy sexual fetish, Tom had spent several minutes telling her how fantastic she’d been and then gently asked her to unlock him.

When she had just kissed him and cuddled in tighter, he asked more directly and then started to beg. When she had gone silent on him he stopped. Emma was known for her wild, unpredictable mood swings and so for now he settled for her playing the sex kitten, it could be worse.

Emma stood up, slide back into her white silk panties and picked up Tom’s phone. She then returned to the mattress, knelt with one knee either side of his body and sat down on his face. He managed to turn his head to the side Just before her butt came to rest. She lifted herself back up a little and gave him a gentle slap on the face. Tom immediately turned to look directly up at the blonde’s ass.

“Oh I love the power these chains bestow upon the keyholder, don’t you Tommy?” Tommy? Oh yes, of course.”

She had his features truly sealed beneath her. So with little prospect of conversation, she took Tom’s phone and texted Ania. Emma stood up, pulled on her robe and walked away, only looking back over her shoulder when Tom spoke.

“Hey Em, this has been fun, but I need to be Somewhere.”

“Oh Tommy.”

“What? Emma?”

“You are well and truly in my web and there is no way out.”

“What? What does that means. Let me go!”

“I know something about you.”

“What things?”

Tom tried to crawl over to her, but the neck chain pulled tight with her just out of reach. Emma looked down at him with goal and Shook her head.

“Here’s a present to keep you company down here.”

With that, Emma reached up under her robe and removed her panties and throw them to him. She then walked away without looking back, leaving Tom calling out behind her.

An hour later Emma was sitting in her home study looking out over the ocean. She had shown and was wearing a dark suit skirt, tailored to hug her slim figure. She smiled as the doorbell rang.

Ania, Tom’s business partner for the last three years, was standing on the doorstep. A lawyer by training, Ania managed all legal and compliance aspects of their property business. Ania was naturally reserved and fiddled nervously with her phone as she waited for the door to open. From what Tom had told her, Emma was not to be trusted and she didn’t know why he was at her house, or indeed why he wanted her to join him.

Ania, wearing a beige trouser suit and white shirt, followed Emma into her house. Her long blonde hair was held back in a rough ponytail and she wore her sunglasses as if they provided protection against her hostess. Her attractive round face was straight, trying not to hide her slight fear.

“I’m afraid Tom has just left.” Emma strode confidently across the large hallway.

“Oh, should I come back?” Ania clutched her pursuit to her chest.

“No, this particular deal’s for you.”

Emma smiled as Ania perched on the guest chair and read through the documents that Emma had spread out before her. Ania became more fidgety as she read and soon had one hand firmly pushed against her lips. The evidence was all there, not only had Tom bribed officials to win deals, he was also siphoning off funds from his and Ania’s business accounts.

Emma waited until Ania was fully up to speed before she spoke.

“Will you help me bring him down?”

Ania crossed her legs and pursued her lips, her look hardening. Emma smiled as she read the thought processes going on inside the woman’s mind.

“How dare he!”

Ania stood and started to pace. Emma smiled to herself, as she saw her anger and thirst for revenge build.

“Come with me.”

Emma spoke as she took the distressed blonde by the hand and led her into the hallway and down into the basement. She unlocked and pushed open a door and gestured for Ania enter.

The small brick room was empty other than for a mattress on which lay a naked, chained guy. Ania almost didn’t notice these facts as she walked up to him, arms out in front as if she wanted to hit someone.

“You fucking bastard.” Ania cried as she kicked the mattress with her shoes.

“Sssh, I can explain, Just please help me get out of here.”

“Help you?”

“Please, or else Emma…”

“Shut up.”

Tom was now desperate. Emma obviously knew what he’d been doing and now so did Ania. What would she do next?

Tom was lying on the mattress by Ania’s feet, looking up at his partner, a position he’d never experienced before. He knew she found him attractive, although he had never responded, partly because he preferred more gregory women and partly because it would have made things too complicated. Right then he needed all of his charms, but sweet talking her from this position, in both senses of the word, was going to be difficult.

“OK Emma, ​​let’s sort this out.” Ania turned and walked away without giving Tom another look.

“Ania, no!” She ignored him.

“Emma, ​​please.” Emma looked back with her characteristic smile that both teased and threatened.

The women left and the door closed. He looked again at the restraints, thick steel secured with high security padlocks. The design means that bolt cutters would be useless. Shit, how was he ever going to get the key? And even more worrying, was it physically possible to remove them without the key? He tried to keep his mind off the near hopelessness of the restraints and back to thinking his way out of Emma’s trap.

Upstairs, Ania sat in Emma’s office as Emma poured more two vodkas. The plan to retrieve the stolen cash was simple enough, as Ania was a signature to all of their accounts.

“But what do you want to do with him?” Ania asked.

Emma smiled and handed Ania a single silver key.

“No, what do you want to do with him?” Emma said as she sat on her desk.

“Is it my choice?”

“Well, all of those maximum security padlocks are keyed alike and you have the only key.”

A smile spread across Ania’s face as she placed the key in the front pocket of her trousers.

“What would happen if I took this key with me?” Ania asked with her glass to her lips.

“He’d stay where he is. If I forget to feed him he’ll be dead within a week.”

Ania wriggled, the words seemed to have an effect on her.

“Even if I wanted to help him, I’m not sure it’s physically possible to free him without the key.” Emma said slowly, watching Ania’s reaction.

“It’s as if he himself was in your pocket.”

As Emma spoke, she uncrossed her legs and slid slightly closer to Ania. The women looked at each other in silence.

“Well in that case.”

Ania finished her vodka and pulled the key from her pocket. She passed it from hand to hand and the pulled opened the front of her trousers and underwear and dropped the key inside.

“Nice.” Emma purred.

Ania felt the key warming against her clip, it felt nice. Seeing Tom chained up had turned her on, but sharing the power over him with Emma was even more intoxicating.

“I was just thinking… the key,” Emma purred.

“Oh yes?”

“What underwear are you wearing… I mean is it safe?”

Emma hitched her fitted skirt up slightly as she looked into Ania’s buzzing, brown eyes.

“Silk… tight enough.” Ania replied.

“That’s good.”

“Do you want to check?” Ania stood up and removed her jacket.

Emma hoped down from her desk, her hands started to unbutton Ania’s trousers, their lips remaining just an inch apart. The blonde’s trousers dropped to the floor. Emma knelt down, her own skirt tightening its grip around her as she did.

Emma ran her hands over Ania’s hips. Then down the outside of her legs and slowly back up the inside. Asshe reached her thighs, Ania let out an involuntary cry. The cry turned into a moan as Emma’s fingertips felt the key through the black silk material.

“I almost wish I was in those restraints.” Emma purred as she reached up and unbuttoned her guest’s blouse.

“I seem to have people queuing up to be my prisoner.” Ania purred, “and you know it can be arranged.”


In the basement directly beneath the increasingly undressed women, the door opened and the maid walked in. She was Eastern European, short, slim and wore a black skirt and white blouse. She walked over to where Tom sat, propped up again the bare wall.

“Where’s Emma?” he asked but got no response.

“Speak English?” She shook her head.

“You have the key to these?” The young woman gave a little smile and then tried to hide it with her hand.

The maid returned with a small chemical toilet, which she placed in the corner of the room. She then came back with a plate of food, knelt down and started to feed it to Tom. This was so humiliating, having to be fed by Emma’s hired help. He caught her eye and could tell from her eyes that she was enjoying her usual job. He was tempted to react, but without her help things would be even worse.

“Where’s Emma?” he asked. The maid’s eyes looked up to the ceiling.

“Is she coming back down tonight?”

She Shook Her head slowly as she stood up and collected the plates. She then bent down and gave Tom a quick kiss on the cheek. At least he had one friend, even if she couldn’t help him right then. His friend left the basement, locking the door as she left. The cold air flooded in through the grilled window and Tom pulled the duvet over him. A lone, helpless figure lying there, awaiting his fate. He held Emma’s underwear to his face, what would she do to him next?

Up above him in the main bedroom, Ania lay naked on her front on the bed. Emma sat astride her body, rubbing oils into her skin. Their clothes lay around the room, the silver key still tucked inside the crotch of Ania’s dirty, discarded underwear.


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