Please note that this is chapter 8 of Running Down the Rabbit Hole. I recommend you start at the beginning with Three Girls Screwing Around.
This time Amy cooked us gado gado — apparently this one’s from Indonesia. How the hell she’d managed to acquire such a diverse repertoire I don’t fucking know, but it didn’t half taste good. Despite what she’d said yesterday, Amy had told me to keep my clothes on as ‘it’ll be fun to see you pull your knickers down when it’s time to spank you.’ I guess I saw what she means.
‘I hope you understand that this is all for your own good,’ Amy said as she took our empty bowls back to the kitchen. ‘I don’t want to hurt you, but on the other hand I am going to enjoy having you over my knee.’
‘I probably shouldn’t admit this, but I’m kind of looking forward to it too. It’s something else to be explored, isn’t it?’
‘I suspect you won’t be saying that after the first few slapses. I’m going to hit extra hard just to make sure.’
‘Oh, yes please.’ I didn’t really mean it, but I wasn’t going to let Amy know that.
‘I think before we start, I need to make sure you properly understand that you’re in disgrace.’ She took hold of my arm and led me over to the back corner of the room. ‘Hands on your head, face the wall. You’re going to stand there until I think you’re ready. Don’t you dare move, and not a word out of your mouth.’
I did as I was told, though I felt a bit stupid for doing it. Come on, I was a grown woman! What right had Amy to order me about?
I heard Amy washing up in the kitchen, then come and sit down on the sofa, but I didn’t look around. Amy seemed to make me wait for ages, but I don’t actually have any idea how long it really was. I guessed she must be on her phone as everything was silent.
Eventually I heard Amy say, ‘OK, Hannah, come over here and we’ll get started.’
I dutifully turned round and walked over to Hannah. ‘About bloody time,’ I said as I pushed downmy legs and knickers far enough to expose my bum. I then bent down over Amy, resting my crotch on her knees so my bum was face up on her lap. I felt her rest an arm on my back. God, it didn’t half feel weird.
I expected Amy to get started right away, but she didn’t. ‘I haven’t got all day, you know.’
‘Watch it — any more cheese and you’ll be paying with these two cheats here — I’ll add in extra slapses if I think you need them.’ I feel a slight pat on each side of my bum.
‘I hope you’re going to do better than that — I could hardly bloody feel a thing.’
I think I might finally have pushed Amy too far, because the next thing I knew I heard a loud thwack hit my ears, and a moment later it registered that my bum had just been smacked. I guess it hurt a bit, but not enough to really both me. A second or so later the next one came, and then the next and the next, a steady slow stream of slap after slap. This is going to be a breeze, I thought to myself, at first, but then, little by little, each whack began to hurt a bit more than the one before it. To start with, I’d been lying still and pretending I was totally unfazed, but it was getting harder and harder to act cool and nonchalant.
‘Ahh.’ It wasn’t much, but that little gasp gave the game away. And then I started kicking my legs back with every hit — I didn’t want to, it was just kind of instinctive.
‘Right, that’s us done.’
I stood up and grinned at Amy, but I couldn’t resist taking a look at my bum, what I could see of it anyway.
‘It’s nicely red, if that’s what you’re wondering.’
I pulled my knickers and leggings back up. ‘Thanks, Amy. I guess there’s a first for everything.’
I sat over her knees and gave her a hug.
‘Yes, that was interesting. Why not go to the bathroom and take a proper look in the mirror?’
I took Amy’s advice. Standing on her laundry box, I could see that my bum was much redder than my legs and back. Nothing that wouldn’t fade in an hour or two, I guessed.
‘Hannah, will you bring my hairbrush back with you when you come? Thanks!’
I thought that was a bit of an odd request — why did Amy want to brush her hair all of a sudden? I didn’t think she had plans to go out again that evening, but I picked it up anyway and brought it to Amy.
‘I expect you can guess what this is for.’
I gave Amy a puzzled look — then it clicked and I think I looked shocked.
‘I want you to understand that today was really just a warning. I might be using my hand again if there are any minor issues, but if you’re late again, like you were today, you’ll be getting this.’
‘Where did you learn to be such a bossy bitch, Amy?’
Amy smiled. ‘I have to give you the credit for that — every time you go along with one of these daft schemes it just tempts me to go further. Other than that, it just seems to come naturally.’
I made a kind of grimace at that. But then I said, ‘I kind of see where you’re coming from. If you’d told me last week where I’d be now, I’d have told you to go to hell. But when it came down to it, I just accepted everything. It wasn’t hard at all.’
‘Talking of hard, I’m concerned that maybe you don’t fully understand the significance of this.’ Amy held up the hairbrush. ‘If just the sight of this isn’t making you feel shit scared inside, something’s wrong. You need to run like the wind, all because you know if you’re not fast enough, this is waiting for you. You won’t be making any cheese remarks once you’ve tasted it for the first time.’
‘You are one fucking evil devil, Amy. Do you realize how fucking electrified you’re making me feel? I so want to know what it’ll feel like, just so I can scare myself with thoughts of getting it. Just thinking about it is bloody intotoxicating.’
‘Right, that settles it. It can’t be a proper deterrent until you’ve felt it for real. Knickers down, Hannah.’
‘Please, no, Amy. I only said I was enjoying thinking about it — that’s not the same as the real thing.’ I knelt down in front of Amy and looked up at her, almost as if I was a dog begging. Of course I could have just flat out refused, but that’s not what I wanted.
‘You’re so cute Hannah. Maybe I should spank you every day just for the fun of it.’
‘Anything, Amy. I’ll do anything, but not the hairbrush.’ I lean forward and kowtowed at her feet, touching my forehead to her toes. They didn’t half pong, but it was fun putting on an act and pleading with Amy.
‘Come here, Hannah.’ Amy opened her arms and I got up and sat astride her and we hugged each other.
‘The thing is,’ she said, gently pushing me away so she could look me in the eye. ‘Once I’ve decided I’m going to punish you, there’s no going back. No amount of pleading is going to get you out of one. Not once. Not ever. So unless you want me to stop being your coach, your bum’s got a date with my hairbrush.’
I tried not to grin. ‘Are you going to spank me very hard?’
Amy took my head in her hands. ‘Yes, very very hard.’ She then lean forward and planted a kiss on my lips. I responded vigorously, and we were at it for quite a while.
‘Afterwards can I lick you out to say thank you?’
‘Can I be naked, please? I think that would help remind me who’s in charge.’
Amy nodded again. I stood up and did yet another striptease in front of her, slowing undressing, item by item. Once I was naked, I lifted my arms up in the air, so my body was even more exposed and defenceless.
‘I’m ready.’
‘Ready for what?’
‘Ready for you to spank me really hard with your hairbrush please, Amy.’ I kept my arms high in the air.
Amy looked me up and down, very slowly and deliberately. I felt so vulnerable, not just the nudity, but knowing what was coming too.
‘And why am I going to spank you?’
‘So I know what will be coming if I ever break any of your rules, Amy. To put the fear of God into me to help me run faster. And cause you want to.’
‘Perfect answer, Hannah. Now get over my knee.’
I lay down, this time with my boobs dangling free. I feel Amy place her hand on my back.
‘Now, remember. I’m not doing this to hurt you. It’s not even a real punishment. It’s just so you know what it feels like.’ I feel the hairbrush tap against each chef in turn. ‘Are you ready?’
‘No! I’ll never be ready.’
‘Well, the sooner we start, the sooner it’ll be over. But first I need you to tell me how you’re feeling.’
‘Apprehensive. Humiliated. Excited.’
‘OK, here goes.’
I feel Amy move as she raised her arm then brought it down. Like last time, I heard the smack before I felt it — but this time it really fucking hurt.
‘Ahh, fuck.’ I kicked my legs back and I would have jumped up if Amy’s left hand wasn’t still pressing firmly on my back.
‘Did that hurt?’
‘Yes it fucking well hurt.’
‘OK, we’ll stop there. Now remember, this was just to give you a little taste of what’s waiting for you if you ever let me down.’
I got up and once again went to sit astride Amy. My bum hurt a bit where it made contact with her legs, but nothing I couldn’t handle. ‘Thank you, Amy.’ I lean forward and placed my lips on hers. It wasn’t long before Amy was as bare as I was, and I was kissing a different pair of lips.
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