Thanks to all those who have commented on my previous stories. I promise to try and continue the more popular ones, my mind sometimes struggles to stay in one world and not get sidetracked by different ideas so my appologies. Here is another such sidetrack, hope you enjoy…
Is anyone truly good? Or do you just have to hope that people choose to focus on the good you did rather than the bad? As someone who’s greatest and worst acts will likely go completely unknown, it makes me curious to think of what I might be remembered for, if at all.
I first discovered I could stop time when I was sixteen, hiding from a bully who had punched my friend before I started shouting insults at him. After fleeing and hiding as his attention turned to me, all the noise in the school fell silent. Thinking a teacher had arrived, I stepped out from the cupboard I had chosen to hide in and found my bully, his two mates and a couple of other students unmoving. At first, I thought they were playing a joke. Then I noticed one of the bully’s mates was literally floating in the air mid run.
My bully’s feet were slightly closer together and so I quickly tied his shoes together. I returned to the lunch hall where everyone else was frozen and my friend was being attended to by an inanimate teacher. I quickly realized that whenever time does unfreeze, my appearance would freak everyone out and I go hide Behind the door and wait. Almost instantly time had restarted, I came out from my new spot and went back to my friend.
I had taken him with the teacher to one of the first aid trained staff and found the bully there too, with a very bloody, very broken nose. While he was blabbering on about his laces somehow tying together mid run, I replayed what had just happened, trying to find a logical explanation. Over the next Two years, I slowly learned how to stop and release time. I also realized that as I get tired, I can’t hold it, and I tire as quickly as if time was flowing.
As time went on, I got better at stopping and starting quickly. The most challenging skill was remembering my starting position so that I could stop time in front of people without anyone noticing. By the time I was eighteen, I was getting top grades as I could read everyone else’s answers, take as much time to think as I need. On a couple of occasions, I even went out and read my notes or textbook to find the right answer. Certain things didn’t work such as the internet when time was frozen. I got really into playing poker as I could see everyone’s hands. A bit of tactical losing is required to make it work effectively.
Last night, while clubbing with some course mates at university, I had got too drunk though. I had started exploring the bodies of some of the women in the club with time frozen. Even pocketing a pretty lace bra from a particularly busty young woman. Before long, I was reposing different people as I wondered around the partying statuses. Sliding one person’shand into their own nether region in front of their friends. Or putting a hand of one woman down the trousers of a guy dancing with a second woman.
I had rejoined my friends before restarting time and all hell had broken loose. Three different fights broke out, and soon shouting and brawling swept across the entire dance floor. The main lights had come on, music stopped, and everyone was kicked out.
Now, lying hungover on my bed, the world spinning, I wondered if I might have been corrupted by this ability. I force myself to get up, have some water and a shower. The hot water feels amazing, as though it’s washing all the mess of last night from my mind. I need to change otherwise I will just leave a line of chaos in my wake.
I grab some food and go for a walk to get things straight in my head. And to get the hangover to pass. Eventually, I decided that aiming to be purely good is a delegation and impossible target. Instead, being predominantly good should be my target. I have ended up at the shops and decided to go grab a hot drink. After getting a tea, I am just passing the large food hall when an idea comes to me.
There are about eight tills open at the moment. I pause time and walk along them; I spy quite a few people who look far from wealthy and two who clearly have more than enough. Surely being a modern-day robin hood counts as good. So, for the next hour I use one of the wealthy people’s cards to pay for each less fortunate person’s monthly shop. Each time I do, I also add something to the foodbank box and collect my own bag of things for the numerous homeless on the high street. Numerous rich and poor have passed through before I decided to move on.
As I walk home, I hand out some of the items to my bag to each homeless person. I’m already Feeling like a better person than first thing this morning when I notice one of my house mates’ ex-girlfriend. I had never liked the woman. She is beautiful but clearly knows it and acts as though everyone should worship her because of it. I still have a couple of items in my bag, so I decided to have some fun.
I stop time, walk over to a convenience store, grabbing a pack of condoms and a chocolate bar and a Twix. I leave some cash on the counter as I leave, more than enough for the items I’m taking. I pocket the chocolate for later. Two things I have noticed when frozen are things, like chocolate, don’t melt when frozen and breaking frozen things is challenging. This is annoying as it stops me from being able to cook when time is frozen but is good right now because I can slide one of the Twix sticks up this pompous woman’s ass without fear of snapping it.
It takes a bit more effort to slide the second one into place, using her frilly underwear to hold them in place. I then grab on of the remaining two bananas from my bag, slide a condom over it, giving me flashbacks to sex ed at school. I don’t think this is what they were meaning for us to do though. I knee befor the frozen woman and slide the banana slowly up inside of her pussy. I get about three quarters of it in before I stop as I want to embarrass, not hurt the woman.
Satisfied with my work, I return to where I was stood before and release my hold on time. I force myself to keep walking as she lets out a squeal of surprise. I glance back as she babbles some excuse to her friends before anxious, her legs clamped together, back the way she came. Her change in directing means she is now heading towards me giving me a great view of her squirming ass as she rushes past.
I smile and eat the second stick of chocolate as I picture her face of pure shock. Oh, how sweet revenge is. I hand the rest of the bag to the last homeless person, barely regarding them as I contemplate if she will ever tell anyone what happened to her.
That night me and my mates go to a bar for a slightly more chill evening. The chaos of the night before comes up and the weird synchronicity of the different fights. Some amusing ideas are thrown about, none as out there as someone stopping time and causing havoc though.
As the night continues, between conversations about sport and university, we comment on the different women walking in and out. Just as we’re discussing a beautiful and petite young woman, a large, bulky man who would fit in on a rugby pitch walked up behind her, almost trapping her between the bar and the group of people standing chatting at the bar. As we watch, she clearly isn’t interested yet he rests a hand on her shoulder.
My mate suggestions we should do something. Him and I are on the edge of the booth, and probably combined would still weigh less than the man as he is very thin, and I am very short. As my friend stands up, I stop time, walk over to the man and tap the back of his knee. He doesn’t fall but I know he will once time restarts. I lift his hand from her shoulder, so she isn’t taken down with him. One final touch, I go behind the bar and get some ice and water. I pour both down his trousers before returning the glass and retaking my seat.
By the time my friend is standing, the big oaf’s body has hit the floor, shaking the entire bar and making enough noise for everyone to stop their conversations and look at him. The wet patch in his trousers is evident as he moans in pain and his hands go to his sodden crotch, clearly not enjoying the ice down there. Laughter spreads around the room as the man is picked up by two bouncers and escorted out of the building. I doubt anyone else than the people on my table and hers notice the woman using the distraction to retreat to her friends.
Despite the plan to have a chill evening, we are soon all quite drunk and dancing. This bar is like most, the toilets are grim, and the doors don’t lock. What makes it worse is that they’re also unisex. I walk in and Instinctively stop time, so I have privacy. There are four, two are locked, the next is filled to the brim with loo roll and as I open the final one, I see a woman sitting on the toilet. She’s a slim, Asian woman. Her dress is pulled up around her waist revealing her long legs and sealed pussy.
I was good this morning, torturing my mate’s rude ex is practically a service to the community and I just saves a woman from a creep. So, me being a creep now would still leave me in the positive. Happy with my maths, I remove my Trousers and underwear completely, hanging them over the door and straddle the woman’s lap. Holding her legs slightly apart, I take a piss. Leaving toilet paper in the bowl would give away my presence so I dry myself on her dress before redressing and leaving the cubical.
I restart time and wash my hands. No cries of alarm come from the woman’s cubical, and I am confident my use of her as a toilet seat will remain known only to me. I decided that it is a good tactic going forward, women are far more hygienic to sit on than the toilet seats. I am also starting to feel more than tipsy and don’t want a repeat of last night. I pause time every now and again to grab some water and stop drinking any more beer.
The image of the leggy Asian keeps flashing in my mind as the night goes on. Around midnight though, another woman catches my eye as she does a little spin. She has one of those cute faces, a little button nose, blue eyes and pink and puffy lips just begging to be kissed. She’s probably average height, but given her heals and my lack of height, she is a couple of inches taller than me. She has long and wavey light brown hair with blonde streaks through it.
My view just gets better as I continue down her body, a leather and gold broach holds her hair in a loose ponytail as it swings and bounces with her movement. Beneath the cinch in her waist, her big ass also bounces with the rhythm of the music. The elastic fabric squeezes her butt so much I reckon I could fit a pencil between her cheeks without pushing the fabric any further in.
A laugh almost drowned out by the music causes me to look up. Two of her friends are looking right at me, and their laughter is more than enough to tell me they caught my wondering eyes. I brace myself to be scolded by them, but one of them strictly calls me over with a finger. She is a slim and petite brunette in a figure-hugging little dress. My nervousness is only heightened as the second woman, a tall redhead whose tits and nipples stretched her white top, pretends that she is reeling me in like a fish. My heart skips a beat as I enter their little circle and the stunning woman’s eyes lock with mine. I can feel her hunger and power as we remain frozen. After almost a minute, I realize the room is silent and I unfreeze time.
“Like leading lamb to the slaughterhouse.” The brunette laughs.
“He has a cute ass, would make a nice rump steak.” The red head chimes in.
“That neck is becoming for a collar, there is barely any need to get him to crawl. He’s already the height of adog.”
“Imagine if Katie sat on him, she might not even notice him.”
“I doubt he’d mind, suffocating between those cheats.”
“He’d die with an erection!”
Katie and I are still locked in place, only swaying with the music as the other two play their humiliating game. I keep my eyes on Katie’s but can tell she has a lot of cleavage on show and a leather collar with a gold ring at the front. Katie leans in towards men, the evil glint in her eye making me go completely rigid.
“You look, I’ll fondle. Fair?” She whispers before leaning back again.
I don’t know what she wants to fondle, but I sure as hell want to look. Her dress has gold buttons running all the way down the front, the first couple already undone leaving a large portion of her breasts on display. I am Just about to pause time to see just how easy it is to remove her dress when her hand grabs my cock. There is no way I can return to the right position without giving the impression something iswrong. And thinking quickly becomes challenging with the combination of her hand and her beauty.
“Good boy, you’re mine now.” Katie smiles down at me as her other arm wraps around my waist and pulls me into her.
Taking her lead, I wrap my arms around her. My hands settle on her upper back and wait as we start to move together.
“What’s my pet’s name?”
“That’s an adorable little name. I’m Mistress Kate.”
We dance together for a bit, her two friends also dancing as a pair next to us. Kate’s hand remains on my cock the entire time, altering between fondling the head and stroking the shake through my trousers.
“Are you getting a bit damp in there?”
“Yes Kate.”
“Yes Mistress.”
“Yes Mistress.”
“Drop both your hands down a position…better.”
My hand on her back drops to where the lower one was wrapped around her waist. That one is now cupping her ass, moving with it as it bounces with each step.
“We’re tHinking of heading home, you two staying out?” One of the others say over my shoulder.
“Nope, I’m taking this one back with me.” Kate tells them before looking down at me. “Still.”
I stay still as she steps back. I am almost bursting with excitement as she unclips her collar and wraps it around my neck. Once buckled tightly around my neck, she interlocks her arm with mine and we wind our way through the crowd and out of the club. We head to the taxi rank and the other two climb in first. Kate pushes me in after them but to my surprise follow me into the back. The short brunette has climbed onto the redhead’s lap though leaving the middle seat free enough for me to squeeze in next to them.
Before I can even grab hold of the seatbelt though, Kate has grabbed me with both hands and hauled me backwards and onto her lap. The taxi driver turns around and somehow seems unphased by the sight before him as he asks for our destination. As one of the other women give him theiraddress, Kate undoes my collar slightly. My pleasure at being able to breathe properly again is soon crushed as she tightens it back up, only this time the ring is in my mouth, pulling at sides of my mouth as the metal settlements into place behind my teeth.
We arrive at their building and Kate leads me inside. The three women chat and laughing about different things, including Kate’s new pet the whole ride and as we climb the stairs to their flat.
“Want a little show to warm up?” The redhead giggles as they unlock the door.
“Always, Clare is in tonight though. So might want to keep the volume down a bit.” Kate smiles back.
Holding the leather around my neck as a handle as she leads me to an armchair. Their living room has a sofa on one wall, two armchairs facing it and a table between them. As I go to take a seat, Clare shoves me by the head to the floor.
“You knee and suck on your fingers.” Mistress orders me as she sits in the chair I had been about to take.
The other two move to the sofa, their bodies have remained entwined since the cab ride and I hear them fall on top of one another onto the sofa behind me. I quickly take a moment to pause time and turn around. I have never been happier for my gift. The redhead is almost crushing her smaller partner into the sofa. The pair are locked in a kiss, the brunette’s hands on the redhead’s breasts. I move closer and can see that the redhead’s firm nipples are pinched between her partner’s fingers.
One of the redhead’s hands is by her partner’s head to avoid completely crushing the smaller woman. The other though is buried between the brunette’s legs, her pussy completely exposed now her dress is pulled up around her waist. Sitting on the edge of the table, I undo my trouser and fish my cock out. I study the two women, locked together like an erotic sculpture of lesbian password.
Remembering my own Mistress, I turn around. I climb across the table and lean in over her. Unable to resist the temptation any longer, I plant a kiss or her luscious lips that are even softer than I had anticipated. The lack of response does slightly ruin the feeling though, so I shift my attention to her dress. I unbutton it slowly until it is completely open, exposing her full beauty to me. I drink in her form, her black lace and strappy lingerie suiting her perfectly. The slightly transparent bra cups reveal her pierced nipples. Although she is wearing a suspender holding her stockings up, she has no panties on leaving her bald pussy on show.
I can barely hold back anymore, so I force myself to stop wanking and go in search of the bathroom. The first door I find must be Clare’s room as a woman is sleep. My curiosity beats my desire to cum and I turn the light on and walk over to the woman. The first thing that hits me is the smell of pussy filling the air, the vibrator and dildo on her bedside table quickly explains that. Her face is a bit too chubby to be described aspretty, and it looks like she has been crying, although that might just be from the fun she was clearly having earlier. Her brown hair is tangled, sweaty and played out across her pillow.
From her face and the bulge of the duvet I can tell she is on the larger side even before I pull the cover back. She is in a baggy t-shirt, but I can tell she has large tits along with quite a bit of weight on her hips. Although her t-shirt is probably long enough to cover her pussy and most of her ass, it has slid up. Her top leg is in front of the back leg though, so her pussy is hidden. I correct that and reveal a very messy brown bush.
I look at the toys on her bedside table, the dildo is slim but reasonably long and has a little metal bit at the bottom with a switch. I grab it and the bottle of lube, getting it nice and wet, I slide it into her and switch it on. The sound of the viruses almost disappears as I pull her top leg back in front. Wiping the lube from my hands and the lid of the bottle on the woman’s t-shirt, I put it back on the nightstand.
Satisfied and now incredibly horny, I pull the cover back over the woman and head in search of the bathroom. I barely last three pumps before I unload into the toilet. I tidy myself up, flush the toilet and return to the living room. Engrossed in admiring Kate’s body, I almost forget to button up her dress. Satisfied she’s all sorted, I sink to my knees, go back to sucking on my fingers before letting time restart.
Almost immediately, Mistress grabs a handful of my hair and yanks me forward and between her legs. The bottom two buttons come undone as she spreads her legs, exposing her shaved pussy to me once more. She has an innie that opens slightly with her legs, revealing her already slick pink hole. Without needing instruction, I slide two fingers inside her and lap at her pussy and clip with my tongue.
The room fills with moans from the three women. I desperately want to pause time and have aNo other look at the lesbian couple behind me but Kate’s hands in my hair stop me from making such a move possible. I have to swap hands after a bit as my right hand starts cramping once I get a fourth finger in. With a fresh arm, I am able to increase my speed. Kate clearly enjoys the change as her nails dig into my skull and her cries grow in volume.
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