Jason arrived at his neighbor Tim’s party a little late. He had gone to pick up a last minute gift for the host, but the liquor store was a lot busier than he’d anticipated. And it’s always so hard to choose – wine or spirits? Red or white? Varietal or blend? By the time he got there, the party was already in full swing. Thankfully, it wasn’t too crowded or loud. Jason had had enough more than enough boisterous parties in his college days. As he’d gotten older, his tolerance for such things had diminished. There was a nice spread of appetizers out – cheese, deli meats, chicken wings, fruits and vegetables on a table not far from Tim’s bar. Jason hung his jacket on a hook in the foyer, then walked over to the table that was already crowded with gifts for the host and deposited the bottle of sake that he’d finally settled on.
“Now, where’s the host?” Jason wondered to himself. It seemed like he should say “hello” before starting to mingle.
“Jason! Hey, neighbor!” Jason turned with a start to see Bruce and his wife, Linda, approaching. “How are you?” Bruce slapped Jason on the back – a little harder than he’d have liked. “How are things?”
“Oh, the new job seems to be working out pretty well. How’s it going with you? I love what you’ve done with your yard,” Jason replied.
“Oh, thanks, sweetie,” replied Linda. “It’s been a lot of work, but I think it’s worth it. And our garden is doing pretty well, too.”
“Well, thankfully, they’re doing a much better job with the yard than the previous owners of that house. It used to look just awful!” Tim put his arm around Jason’s shoulders and shook him a little.
“Oh, there you are! Thanks for inviting me. I brought a gift.”
“You didn’t need to do that, especially seeing as how you’ve started a new job recently. But I appreciate it.”
“Excuse me for a minute. I need to use the restroom.” Bruce turned and walked towards the basement staircase.
Linda muttered under her breath, “I told him not to drink so much….” Jason heard her remark, but he didn’t think much of it.
“Wait a minute, Tim. I thought you only had one bathroom.”
“Yeah, that’s right.”
“Then why is Bruce going down to the basement? I thought your bathroom was on the second floor.”
“Oh, I had a urinal and a sink installed in the basement for the party. It’s nothing special.”
“Really? You went to all that expensive? Do you plan on doing a lot more entertaining?”
“Yes, actually. I like having my neighbors over. I think we need to build a better sense of community around here.”
Linda chimed in, “Isn’t that thoughtful? You’re a good guy, Tim.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” replied Tim sheepishly. “Just doing my part…it takes a village and all that. And besides, this helps prevent lines from forming upstairs.”
“You’re not running for office, are you, Tim?” Jason enjoyed ribbing his neighbor.
“Oh, hell no! I’m all about community, but I also enjoyy my privacy. Y’know?”
Bruce returned with a plate of appetizers and a glass of beer. “I’m back. Did I miss anything?”
“Oh, not much,” replied Jason. “Tim was just telling us how he’s planning on running for mayor.”
Tim playedfully punched Jason in the arm. “Oh, shut up, you. No, Jason was asking about my new bathroom.”
“Oh, yeah? It’s really great. You should be proud. Linda and I kinda want one of our own now.” Linda smiled and nodded enhusiastically.
“So when do I get to see this new bathroom?” Jason asked.
Tim, Bruce, and Linda exchanged strange looks for a moment before Tim replied, “That depends. Are you a prude?”
“What does that have to do with bathrooms?”
Linda noted, “Oh, I don’t think we have to worry. Jason was just telling me and Bruce a dirty joke the other day. Remember, honey?”
Bruce smiled broadly. “Yeah, that’s right. It was a good one. I told the guys at work and they all got a real kick out of it. Don’t worry, Tim.I think Jason’ll be OK.”
“Well, OK, I’ll trust your judgment. Will you excuse us?” Bruce and Linda walked over to chat with a gay couple who lived down on the corner while Tim and Jason walked towards the basement steps. Jason was still puzzled at the strange behavior of his neighbors.
“The new bathroom is right through here, just on the other side of the game room. It’s also really handy when I have friends over to watch movies or play a round of pool.”
Tim and Jason stopped in front of a wooden door. “I hope you can handle this,” Tim stated, as he opened the door and they stepped inside.
The new bathroom was nothing like the game room. There was no carpeting here, nor the wood flooring like Tim had in his living room. There weren’t any paintings on the walls. In fact, there wasn’t any paint…it was just…granite? Concrete? Cinderblock? Whatever…Jason wasn’t in the home-building business. The only light came from a simple fixture on the ceiling. For some rEason, the ceiling also had a lot of eye hooks in it. There was a lot of stuff attached to the walls that Jason didn’t readily recognize…but his attention settled on the far side of the room. There was a simple stainless-steel sink on the right-side of the wall with a soap dispenser, a paper towel dispenser, a mirror, and a garbage can. But more striking was what was to its left…a naked woman. She was kneeing in an odd fixture…it looked rather like the mop sinks Jason used to use when he worked in the restaurant business. There was a spigot, and a sprayer was attached.
“What the fuck is going on here?!” Jason demanded.
“Oh, calm down, buddy. There’s nothing to worry about,” Tim replied.
The more Jason saw, the more flabbergasted he was. He was expecting some sort of porcelain fixture, not a naked woman. She was a brunette with a lovely set of breasts. Her knees were spread apart and her clean-shaven sex was on full display. There was a thick metal collar aroundher neck. The collar had a large metal ring welded to the front, to which a chain was attached using a padlock. The chain was connected to the wall behind her, just a couple feet above her head. Jason walked around the small, dark room, noting that she had matching metal cuffs on her wrists and ankles. Each had a large ring on it, too. The ankle cuffs were attached to a chain inside the mop sink. The wrist cuffs were attached via a short length of chain behind her back.
“OK, you need to explain this to me *right now.* Are you holding this woman against her will?”
Tim laughed. “Don’t be silly. This is veronica. That’s with a lower-case ‘v,’ by the way. She’s my sex slave. Say ‘hello’ to Jason, whore.”
veronica smiled broadly. “Good evening, Master Jason. It is a pleasure to finally meet you.” Jason’s jaw just about hit the floor. She was *smiling.* She really looked generally happy.
“OK, so this is kinky shit, right? OK, fine, to each their own. But what does this have to do with a bathroom?”
Before Tim could reply, there was a knock on the door. “Everyone decent?” It was Roger, the car mechanic that lived across the street.
“Come on in, Roger. Jason’s just meeting my new slave.” Tim said this loudly enough for Roger to hear through the door. The door opened and Roger stepped in.
“Oh, hey, Jason! I didn’t see you Come into the house. How’s it going? How do you like Tim’s new bathroom?”
Jason was so shocked that all he could do was blink and nod his head.
“Gee, Tim, looks like Jason’s never seen a sex slave before! D’you mind?”
“Don’t mind him…he’s just a little overwhelmed at the moment. Go right ahead – it’s what she’s here for.”
At this point, Jason looked on in consternation as Roger stepped towards veronica, unzipped the fly on his jeans, and pulled out his cock. veronica smiled broadly, then opened her mouth wide. Roger proceeded to piss in her mouth. Jason looked on in horror as the dark yellow liquid collected in veronica’s mouth and began dribbling down her chin and chest. Some of the urine flowed down between her breasts in a little river, going into her belly-button before dripping into the mop sink below. Jason noted that the sink’s drain was open, so at least the waste wouldn’t be collected. Otherwise, she’d be kneeing in it. Then Jason saw a stopper on the side of the sink…so maybe sometimes she was made to kneel in piss? Jason started to feel a little nauseated at the thought.
Tim interjected, “Y’know, Roger, I think you need to drink more water, buddy. Your urine’s a little too dark.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” Roger replied as he replaced his cock inside his pants and zipped them back up. Then he tapped veronica on the head, and she swallowed the waste water.
“Thank you for your delicious piss, Sir,” veronica stated. The gratitude in her voice was obvious, which left Jason feeling even more nonplussed.
“Oh, you’re very welcome, cunt.Tim, you’ve done a great job with her!” Roger exclaimed as he washed up.
“Thanks, man. Are you enjoying the party?”
“Yeah, you bet. This is a good networking opportunity for me, too. In fact, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ve just about convinced Mrs. Y to get her oil changed at my garage next week. She still takes her car to the dealership!”
“Are they overcharging her?” Tim asked.
“You’d better fuckin’ believe it. I don’t understand why people don’t shop around. I do just as good a job as those assholes, and I charge at least five dollars less. Anyway, see you later!” Roger finished drying his hands and left.
At this point, Jason had recovered somewhat. “So, you’re telling me that veronica is your sex slave.”
“And she’s a urinal.”
“When needed, yeah.”
“And she *enjoys* this?!”
“Well, why don’t you ask her? veronica, you may answer any question Jason has.”
“Yes, Master,” veronica replied.
Jason’s mouth wentdry, particularly after hearing the word “Master”…but he HAD to know more. “So, veronica…”
“Yes, Sir?”
“Um…you’re a sex slave.”
“Yes, Sir.” veronica smiled again, and her big brown eyes glistened.
“And you’re doing this of your own free will?”
“Yes, Sir, I am.”
“Are you happy?”
“Deliriously happy, Sir.”
“Do you…enjoy the taste of urine?”
“I didn’t always love the taste of piss, Sir, but now I can’t get enough.”
Jason was about to ask more questions when another knock came at the door. The door opened just a crack and Jason could see Linda peeking in. “Is the toilet available?”
“Oh, come on in, Linda. Jason’s just asking a lot of questions.”
Linda stepped inside and walked over to veronica, who smiled and opened her mouth widely again while Linda lifted her skirt, dropped her silky black panties around her ankles (where they settled on her shiny red high-heeled shoes) and straddled veronica’s mouth. Jasonlooked on, mouth agape, as Linda proceeded to pee in veronica’s mouth. As before, Linda tapped veronica on the head. She swallowed and – just like the last time – said, “Thank you for your delicious piss, Ma’am.”
“You’re very welcome, bitch. Now be a dear and clean up for me, would you?”
Jason had never seen a woman between another woman’s legs before – well, except for the occasional porn video, but that didn’t seem like it counted. Porn was fine and all, but how often was it authentic? This was the real deal. Jason watched, rarely blinking, as veronica licked Linda’s privates clean. Then Jason got another shock as Linda slapped veronica hard. The “crack!” echoed in the small room.
“You stupid whore! Who gave you permission to touch my clip?!”
Tim was apologetic. “Oh, she didn’t do it *again*, did she?”
“You’re damn right she did, Tim! I thought she would’ve learned after last time!”
“I’m so sorry, Linda. I don’t know what’s wrong with her.”
Jaton looked at veronica, whose eyes appeared to be welling up with tears. That didn’t seem very surprised, seeing as how she’d nearly been knocked over in her tub from Linda’s savage strike. What surprised him came next.
“Ma’am, I am so sorry. Your pussy is so delicious! I couldn’t help myself!”
“Well, I appreciate the compliment, but it doesn’t change anything. Tim, I’m going to wash up and go back to the party. I’m sure you’ll discuss her however you see fit.”
“Don’t worry, Linda, I will. You sure you don’t want to help?”
“Part of me wants to, but Bruce and I were just talking to the Randolphs about gardening. We’re exchanging little tips and tricks. Maybe some other time.” Linda pulled her panties back up into place, washed and dried her hands, and left.
Jason recovered his senses enough to ask, “How will you punish her?”
“That’s a good question. What do you think?”
“Me?! I don’t know! This is all new to me. And I’m not sure I want thatresponsibility.”
“Well, cunt? What do *you* think you deserve?”
“Master, I am sorry I failed you.”
“Apologies are all fine, well, and good, but that didn’t answer my question. Don’t make me ask again.”
“Yes, Master. Please, Master, will you beat me with your new paddle?”
“That sounds like a good idea. Jason, would you care to do the honors?”
“Oh, hell no. I’ve never hit a woman before in my life, and I’m not about to start now.”
“Oh, shit, Jason, don’t be a prude. This is discipline, not ‘hitting a woman.’ This isn’t anything like those assholes who beat the shit out of their spouses. Isn’t that right, slut?”
“Yes, Master. Master Jason, I am a sex slave. I am not like a normal woman. I need to be punished for my poor behavior.”
“Tim, I’m sorry. I guess there’s an awful lot I don’t know about sex.”
“You have nothing to apologize for, J. It’s not your fault that you’ve never been exposed to this before. For some odd reason, people still act like S&M is a dirty secret, even though so many people do it.”
“That many?”
“Oh, yeah. Lots of people…men, women, and other…gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual, transgender…it’s really not that uncommon. There are just too many morons in this country who think they know best and want to tell us all how to live…like they’re perfect or something. Now, then…we may as well get the punishment over with.”
Tim stroke over to the sink, took hold of the sprayer, squeezed to turn it on and began to blast veronica clean. Jason could tell the water was cold – veronica shrieked, her nipples stiffened, and goosebumps sprung up all over her body – particularly her breasts. (Or maybe, Jason reflected, he noticed those most because…well, he loves tits.)
“Jay, be a pal and grab a towel from the wall, would you?”
“Why are you rinsing her off?
“I don’t want piss on the floor, dumbass!” Tim teased.
“And you couldn’t use warmer water?”
“Why waste warm water on a slave?
Jason didn’t know quite how to respond to that, so he grabbed a plain white towel from a hook on the wall and brought it over, then watched as Tim lovingly dried veronica off. veronica was clearly anxious about her punishment, but – much to Jason’s surprise – she also was clearly relishing the attention.
“Hey, before I unlock her, give me your finger.” Jason hesitantly did as Tim had asked. Tim proceeded to direct Jason’s finger into veronica’s pussy. Jason was surprised once more – she was sopping wet.
“That isn’t from your cleaning, is it?”
“Nope. Smell your finger if you don’t believe me. veronica’s been on edge all day.”
Jason thought that he should just wash his hands, or just wipe his finger off on his khakis, but the temptation proved to be too much…he smelled his finger. It was definitely not water…it had the musky scent that only a woman can produce. And much to his astonishment, Jason realized that he was hornyNow, too. Was it pheromones, or was he a pervert? Jason looked down at his swelling crotch in amazement. Tim saw what was happening and laughed.
“What’s the matter, neighbor?” Tim teased.
“I…I…,” Jason stammered
“You’re getting hard for my slave. Maybe there’s hope for you yet.”
Jason watched while Tim unchained veronica from her tub. She came to a standing position and stepped out, her metal restrains playing tricks with the light on the walls. Jason was astonished at something he hadn’t noticed before – she was wearing kneepads. Jason pointed and stammered some more.
“Oh, the kneepads? Yeah, I think I’m a pretty kind Master. I don’t want her knees getting messed up too much from spending hours down here during my parties. They also come in handy for lots of other things. It makes it a lot easier for her to give me and my friends long, slow blowjobs, for example….or when Linda comes over to get her pussy eaten.” Jason blinked at the mention of hisgreen-thumbed neighbor. She came over just to get…serviced?!
“Bruce…?” Jason still was having trouble with complete sentences.
“What about him? Oh, you wonder if he minds. Of course not. Sometimes Bruce and Linda come over and veronica waits on both of them. They bring over a nice bottle of wine and pay for take-out, and in exchange I gladly let them play with my slave. It’s no big deal.” While Tim was chatting with Jason, he had dragged veronica over to a mostly-empty wall – the left wall in relation to the door, Jason thought – and chained her wrists and ankles to eye bolts in the concrete. veronica was facing the wall, her body forming a large ‘X.’ Her ass was on full display, and Jason noted there were already faded marks on her cheeses. Jason realized belatedly that he should have have been shocked by this…but he wasn’t.
“There we are,” Tim stated. “Are you ready for your punishment, veronica?”
“Yes, Master,” she replied quietly.
“This is what happenss when slaves do things without permission.”
“Yes, Master. I understand, Master.”
“Very well,” Tim intoled…and then he began spanking her. Jason looked on while Tim beat her ass with his right hand…gently at first. It was a crescendo of pain. veronica began to moan while Tim violently smacked her exposed bottom. Gradually, even in the poor lighting of the room, Jason could see her ass Begin to change color. After a while, Tim stopped.
“OK, I need to give my hand a rest. Jason, would you be so kind as to grab me that paddle on the other wall? Not the black one, the red one.”
Jason numbly, hesitantly walked over and retrieved the crisis tool, then walked back and handed it over. Tim wasted no time in recovering the hail of blows. Jason couldn’t look away. He noted how Tim not Only alternate cheats, but changed where he struck each time. veronica’s ass gradually went from light pink to salmon pink to red, and Jason was started when he heard veronica start to sob.
“veronica, are you able to continue?” Tim asked.
veronica sniffled and replied, “Yes, Master.”
Tim began to strike again. veronica’s eyes became puffy and her face red as tears began to stream down her face. Jason wondered to himself what was causing the tears. Was it pain, embarrassment, humiliation, or genuine regret at her actions? Maybe it was a mixture of all those. Jason continue to ponder the question until he was broken from his reverie by a scream.
“veronica, are you able to continue?” Tim asked again.
veronica took a long moment to compose herself before replying, “Yes, Master. May I please have my ball gag, Master?”
“I don’t see why not. Jason, I hate to keep bothering you like this, but it would be a big help if you got me that ball gag off the other wall. It’s on the left.”
Jason blinked. “Um…what’s a ball gag?”
“Really?! Damn, I thought everyone knew what those were. It’s that big red ball on a leather strap. You can’t miss it.”
Jason walked over and scanned the various intimidating implements before finding the ball gag. He removed it from its hook and handed it to Tim.
“Would you care to put it on?”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Jay. I know this is turning you on. I know you’re not a prude. I know you want to. Just do it. Put the ball in her mouth and then strap it tight around the back of her head.”
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